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  • Roxie - Heavens Tear
    Roxie - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    >_> you guys seem to be the worst pvpers I've ever seen. I asked you what I can do aside from stunning and you rant on stupid stuff. Stun spam does not win a fight you need to attack with it.
  • Shonindayo - Lost City
    Shonindayo - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You must be dense in the head. Let me put it very very very clearly:


    And, clearly, you aer not the only one in this thread, therefore I feel I can reply to more than just you. Not if you still dont get it, I feel sorry for you. The past few people have tried to tell you this, but for some reason its not processing. A Sword BM can't do anything besides stun. Period. Yeah you have dmg skills, some bleeds, but your JOB is STUNNING! No Damage dealing, no tanking, no magic, no healing...just STUNNING! Blademasters STUN! Therefore, your job as a BM is to STUN! Your skill at chaining STUNS is what will make you a great BM. No STUNS = FAIL. Parties dont want you for anything but STUNS and possibly holding off some additional aggro if the barb doesn't hold it well.

    STUN STUN STUN is your frickin JOB! Thats all you do is STUN.

    Did I reiterate that enough times for you to get it?

    EDIT: And if you haven't realized it, your stun skills simultaneously do damage as well.
  • Ithilmir - Sanctuary
    Ithilmir - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The statement is not incorrect. It is fundamentally correct. If you understand your class and know the function of every skill, but lose to someone autoattacking you, you fail at PvP.

    The more you understand the game, the better the player you will be. Players with more knowledge of the game may have much greater ability in a PvP scenario, but if they lose, their superior knowledge does not make up for the fact that they lost.

    Being a good player does not automatically mean you are good at PvP.

    Though I do concede that I'm assuming we're talking about evenly matched players. If we're talking about high levels PKing lower levels, most of what we're saying is largely irrelevant.
  • Shonindayo - Lost City
    Shonindayo - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    NO ithil you DONT! If I make use of all my skills, and still lose to someone who was auto attacking, that means I was unlucky or severely disadvantaged.

    If I am fighting someone 60+, and I am level 30...I could be fundamentally more skilled than him. However I will still lose because of level difference and Gear. At that point, skill has nothing to do with it. I was simply fighting a foe far beyond my character's capabilities.

    Not too much mention, in a closer competition, I could be severely outgeared. Sure, I know moer than person B, but if i lose than his gear is obviously far better than mine, or stats, or whatever the factor may be. His build could simply be my build's weakness...who knows.

    For you to make a blanket statement like that shows you dont know how pvp works. Now for an even closer example, say similar levels and similar builds: the person who is just auto attacking is almost guaranteed to lose. There is no way he'll win to a more skilled and knowledgeable player, unless luck is on his side. I could be more skilled and easily miss my critical skills and lose. Doesn't mean other person is better, it means it was his or her lucky day.
  • Ithilmir - Sanctuary
    Ithilmir - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    We're basically saying the same point, but from different angles; hence my edited comment prior to your post. The larger the level gap, the less there is to prove, and the more irrelevant these arguments become.

    But the extension to your argument that consistency is also part of determining who is the "better" player. A player who wins once might be "lucky", but the result of a single match is not necessarily an accurate represetation of one's abilities. It's somewhat frutiless to argue based off a single scenario and take the result for granted.
  • Shonindayo - Lost City
    Shonindayo - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ^ 100% Truth. Which then makes this argument pointless haha. Well that was fun for a while, but I suppose I should do Japanese homework now. So much for procrastinating.
  • Roxie - Heavens Tear
    Roxie - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ok then so when I fight someone 1 on 1 I just stun and sit there and do nothing. Make the fight last forever becuase I never try to damage them. I fail to see how that makes you win anything. When I'm supposed to grind I just stun the monster and do nothing. I don't use any other attacks because according to you I'm not supposed to. I just stun and sit there. If my stun fails I just let it attack me and die because you said I'm never supposed to attack.
  • Ithilmir - Sanctuary
    Ithilmir - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Of course you attack -- you have skills, so use them. What Shonindayo is saying is that stuns are what gives Blademasters the winning capacity over other players. BMs who rely on damage alone will find it hard to cope with opponents cycling through a range of skills. Stunning means the opponent is put out of action for several seconds, and the longer you can maintain stun, the less opportunity the opponent has to inflict anything against you.

    All BMs have two stuns -- Roar of the Pride and Aeolian Blade. Axe BMs have Drake's Bash, which gives them the longest stunlock capability. If you do not use stun, you are denying yourself the one tactical advantage you have, and are simply relying on raw damage to overpower your opponent. Do not expect that to work against players who know how to use their skills.
  • Shonindayo - Lost City
    Shonindayo - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Never mind, Ithil covered it for me. Anyway that is what I meant.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    EVERYONE! I LIKE ZOES LOGIC! since i have 1 50% stun... no heals or sleep or paralyze... and i almost never lose 1v1.... im like.... the best pvper out there huh?....

    p.s. that was SARCASM!
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Shonindayo - Lost City
    Shonindayo - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Rofl...that sarcasm was VERY VERY obvious, the Ps wasn't really needed.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    the p.s. was meant for zoe ^_^
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Dar_Malkier - Lost City
    Dar_Malkier - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ok then so when I fight someone 1 on 1 I just stun and sit there and do nothing. Make the fight last forever becuase I never try to damage them. I fail to see how that makes you win anything. When I'm supposed to grind I just stun the monster and do nothing. I don't use any other attacks because according to you I'm not supposed to. I just stun and sit there. If my stun fails I just let it attack me and die because you said I'm never supposed to attack.

    Roxie, that's taking things a bit to the extreme don't you think? As a sword BM, your stun will make or break you in PVP. However, having a maxed stun isn't a sword BM, you should also be working to max atmos strike and myriad sword stance as these will be your primary PVP attacks. Ideally, you want to build up 2 sparks prior to going into a PVP fight (unlikely if you get ganked I know). When you get within range (whether it be by chasing or using tiger leap), cast roar of the pride, immediately followed by atmos strike. As soon as you cast atmos strike...this will usually tick thier heiro (after which you have 10 seconds to kill them), launch myriad sword stance. If you have leveled these skills, it will kill almost any robed char around your level and will hurt the **** out of an EA and a WR....enough to give them pause anyway. As for a WB, just say no. b:laugh Granted, a WR can kill a WB but those meat tanks just do not want to die.
  • Lidell - Lost City
    Lidell - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No one can tell you how to PvP. People can guide you, as the people here are, but no one can tell you what you need to do and thinking that they can is asking to fail. PvP skill comes from experience fighting and knowledge of your skills effect. If you want to be good play the game, read your skills and learn through trail and error.

    However, I have to agree with them. Stunning through Aeolian Blade and Roar of the Pride are two of your biggest assets in PvP. But don't just sit there and spam those two skills. Even though that's not what they said to do it's what you took from it, apparently. Go in game, look at your skills, duel people and find what works for you. Everyone has their own individual style, that aside no one here is conceited enough to preach to you how to kill. Except Zoe, cause apparently she's pro?
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hm? What? Did I just hear someone saying they're not gonna stun me/ use their pets on me/ sleep & paralyze me? Lolz come duel me! I've always wanted to see how I'd do in a duel using a Bamboo Bow :D
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?