Olbaze - Sanctuary Arc User



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  • That would be 23 THOUSAND 763. As in 23763, not 23 POINT 763. Same for the marriages. So it's 23763 catshops a day and 39787 marriages total. Remember that a lot of people have at least two accounts. Also, they don't give any information about what they mean by "active". It could be any account that has been logged into in…
  • Since when did a full Nuema set or an Emperor tome give you any kind of significant advantage in PvP over the much, much cheaper options? It's not like Person A will ever beat Person B only because Person A had Emperor and B did not. To me, this rings just like the "OMG WARSOUL IS SO EXPENSIVE NO ONE WILL EVER REACH…
  • The problems I have with this assumption are quite simple. Firstly, only a subset of Supply Tokens are turned into SoWs. Secondly, only a subset of Supply Tokens are used as soon as they are generated. If you're going to estimate something like this, you should do both the minimum and maximum possible coin generated.…
  • Chest and boots only. You get a set bonus of -0.1 with 3 pieces. The standard setup for using r8r for -interval is to get -0.05 on the chest and boots and use the leggings. This gets you a total of -0.2 interval, which is the same as you'd get from an r8 chest, nirvana leggings and the tt99 set bonus. This will also allow…
  • I guess what he's saying is that this is a demand rather than a suggestion. Wonder what he's gonna do if his demand is not met.
  • It makes sense because of different health and MP regeneration rates in and out of combat. And of course there are certain skills which can only be used out of combat.
  • Holy hoofs, I never actually thought about that. I really like the idea of what you say. With Nirvana as the sole source for Uncannies and Raptures, people who want G16 will be forced to do those again, reviving the instance. However, you could indeed add in bosses with immunities or the anti-aps buff that was given to SoT…
  • If I am looking for something specific, I start from the shops whose title sells those specific items. However, I do not limit myself to those, I checked the general vicinity of those shops as well. As a seller, I prefer making thematic names that refer to my name. I've been using things like "Olba's Packs", "Olba's Orbs"…
  • You do realize that the entire token economy relies on it being a reliable profit for buy-and-sell merchants? If those merchants go away, the only place you're gonna get your tokens from is buying packs and you know that's not very cost effective. And what about the shops that monopolize high level Gems? Without them, the…
  • Because even at 3,999,900, I can use that gold to buy stuff that will make me a decent profit.
  • 1. So... people who do not have level of gear are going to get shafted again? 2. Or you could... make the bosses immune to HF and Subsea? Enchanted Ancestor worked pretty well and all he really did was have twice the HP and an immunity to HF and Subsea. 3. 4. But NW is a PvP activity. Why should I be forced to go into a…
  • 1. That's... not very helpful. Difficulty isn't a number, you can't just multiply it and expect it to make sense to anyone. What do you mean by that difficulty? 2. This I can agree on, but only if it's not all of them. Because let's be honest, at this point, if you made all of the bosses anti-APS, you'd see WCs require +10…
  • In a lot of cases, merchants are making their profits by selling goods to the casuals at prices that they cannot get elsewhere. This is because a merchant can, will and should buy the largest batch to get the best discount. That discount sometimes allows a merchant to sell the stuff cheaper than it would be to buy the…
  • Not just that, but there are other motivators behind high gold prices. Firstly, sales on packs put a minimum on gold via tokens. You'll never see gold go below a certain point due to the ability of directly converting tokens to coin. That minimum isn't very high, with the lowest pack being at 18 silver a piece and 15…
  • That's because you're putting your £5000 into the stupidest of places. If you knew where to put it, you would have walked away with £6000 worth of stuff. But hey, maybe you can throw more money at it and it'll fix itself? b:cute
  • That's the thing: If your stock is small (ergo you're poor), your profit comes from selling all of your stock multiple times during a sale. You'll eventually hit a point where your stock is too large to do that while maintaining a decent profit, at which point you either accept the slower turnover rate or you diversify…
  • Well, once I noticed that it was actually capped, I was looking at 469.4g that I had bought at 3.5m a piece plus 70 Big Notes. After looking at my respective market and doing some numbers (I have a calculator sheet for this stuff), I figured I could still come up with a decent amount of profit (~20-25%) even if I bought…
  • A few of the things you say aren't necessarily applicable. The demand does not need to increase if you're not able to meet it in the first place. And considering the competition, that is most likely true. And the competition is only relevant if they are willing to compete with you. My personal experience speaks to the…
  • Seeker was always my favorite. Even with mediocre gear, a seeker can pull and they bring some of the best aoe in the game. Both of these are areas that a sin is naturally lacking in. To me, that's really all that matters: the inherent balance of your choice of duo. Because let's be honest, if you're going to account for…
  • If you can't afford vita gems, Citrine Gem is the next best option down the line overall. Asterelle made this here fancy calculator for figuring out the best shards for yourself. If I was a tad bit more idealistic, I'd believe that the argument against vita gems amounts to "without them your zerk hits will deal enough…
  • And that is why you should have most of your funds as Gold. It kind of sucked for me when I took a ~1 year break after reading 1000m coins without turning them into Gold, only to find that Gold had jumped from 1.8m to like 2.5m.
  • Neither of those is going to add a significant amount of damage. The difference between the two is minimal, with the Dexterity coming slightly ahead in most cases. In an ideal case, Attack Lvl +2 will add 2% damage. But that's only if you have no other source of attack levels. With 50 Attack Levels, that's down to 1.3%. At…
  • The thing is, the rich people are buying all the gold. I'm a decently successful f2p merchant and I recently bought 470 Gold at around 3.5m a piece because I know I can turn around and turn that into instant profit. And I have been able to do that with Gold at any price for the past few years. The thing is, the people who…
  • I remember when Gold was 100,000. But I also remember no one having Rank 8 and TT99 being endgame. For me, that stopped with Nation Wars. NW killed off Nirvana, which was what I had been doing for quite a while. And believe it or not, I actually enjoyed grinding for DQ points during 2x drops to get Event Gold so I could…
  • Ok, this is going to be a bit long, but whatever. The first thing that I see is the colours. I think you really should use less colours. You really only need to use three colours: One for the naming, one for the input and one for the calculated output. There really is no need to give every single multiplier their own…
  • Well, I was simply suggesting it because unlike shards or +patk on gear such as rings, the fact that Character Level influences your Weapon Damage isn't obvious. It's something you would only know if you know the formulae. And of course, you can figure out your Base Weapon Damage as Base Physical Damage/Multiplier, since…
  • 1) You can drop the Attack Levels and Defense Levels if all you care about is comparing damage between varying skills. However, Character Level functions as an integer addition to your Base Weapon Damage, meaning that leaving it out results in inaccurate results, especially when comparing two skills that have different…
  • We already have a ton of these spreadsheets. I remember at least two in the past, one of them being Nowitsawn's PW Damage Calc V2.0. There's really no need for a third one. There's quite a few errors in your spreadsheet: 1. Your Weapon Attack value does not take into account Character Level. 2. Your unsparked "Multi"…
  • Assuming that you roll 2x -0.05 int on G15 and only 1x -0.05 int on g16 is unrealistic as heck. If anything, it should be backwards. Not only is 2x -0.05 int on G15 much rarer, but it's also going to cost you more than outright buying a G16 with 2x -0.05 int. It is kinda giggly that you're assuming that you'll roll a 1:861…
  • I just gonna leave this here.
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