PWI: State of Economy



  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    And players between 80 and 100 get their coins from what again...?

    NPCing gear drops and potions, of course! b:cute
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    NPCing gear drops and potions, of course! b:cute

    Also all quests, which give coins as rewards must not be repeatable.

    I mean Jolly Jones quests.

    And level 100+ bhs, must not give millions of coins as rewards every day.

    About bots ... they must be excluded from pwi anyway, if this is game and not work.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Stop blaming the sources of coins and how about looking at coin sinks? Do we have any? No. Cause all ******n end game items are bought with cash in one way or another.

    Make end game items like DOD/DOT/matchless wings/S avatar chest purchasable with COINS,
    e.g. 300m each.

    Problem solved.
  • Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    zhangwuj1 wrote: »
    Stop blaming the sources of coins and how about looking at coin sinks? Do we have any? No. Cause all ******n end game items are bought with cash in one way or another.

    Make end game items like DOD/DOT/matchless wings/S avatar chest purchasable with COINS,
    e.g. 300m each.

    Problem solved.
    no thanks. Would rather pay the current prices.
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Have Skill books been mentioned yet?

    I think all skill books should be available in boutique to buy when difficult to get in game.

    Yes they may cost more there and that is where arc games pwi have a change to make money from us the player customer.

    I hope this is not off topic.
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    zhangwuj1 wrote: »
    Stop blaming the sources of coins and how about looking at coin sinks? Do we have any? No. Cause all ******n end game items are bought with cash in one way or another.

    Make end game items like DOD/DOT/matchless wings/S avatar chest purchasable with COINS,
    e.g. 300m each.

    Problem solved.

    This won't work, because no matter what price they put the items for, even if considered outrageous now, in a year or less the items will be considered cheap at the current rate. Using tokens, sold at an npc still won't work either, people don't realize that endgame chars barely use any tokens at all, and they're the ones to most likely influence elite item and gold costs.

    For there to be enough coin sinks to keep up with the bots, pwi would virtually have to make every single item sold in the boutique available at an npc.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This won't work, because no matter what price they put the items for, even if considered outrageous now, in a year or less the items will be considered cheap at the current rate. Using tokens, sold at an npc still won't work either, people don't realize that endgame chars barely use any tokens at all, and they're the ones to most likely influence elite item and gold costs.

    For there to be enough coin sinks to keep up with the bots, pwi would virtually have to make every single item sold in the boutique available at an npc.

    Trust me, it certainly will.

    There are endless demands for endgame items and the example i've given 300m isnt a small amount. if each DOD cost 300m, 24 josd = 72 dod = 21.6b. How long will you need to bot to get that amount?

    Coins will be sinked and gold price will drop, bringing down prices of any and every necessity items.

    As well as give non-cashshopper a chance and something to work for, at least they know once they hit 300m, they will get a DOD for sure, instead of working their *** off for that 300m to buy some packs and end up with all tokens.

    While lazy cash shopper will start selling huge amount of golds, bringing down gold price to <1m, and they will need to charge a huge amount of zen before they sell enough gold to get the coins. PWI benefits.

    Win-win solution for all.

    To those saying that this will not work because in the long run, once everyone has gotten the end game gear, the coins will still continue to come in while they stop spending the coins.

    1) It will take decades to generate that amount of coins.

    2) Demands for end game items are endless, as mentioned previously. As long as there are new comers, or alternates, coins will be continuously sunk (unless you think there's a possibility of every single one in game to have fully maxed out gear)

    3) Even if the most impossible situation point 2 occurs where every single character in game botted 50 years to generate enough coins to max everyone's gear, by then new end game gears would have already been out, provided PWI haven't fallen apart, prompting the need to sink the coins for newer end game items)

    4) Whatever I have suggested is just for DOD alone, if S chest, and other end game gear are sold through coins, Each person will probably have to bot 1000b coins to finish their gears.

    Of cause, people who likes to take a gamble, can continue opening their packs and if they should get a DOD, they would probably sell it for 290m coins to other players and by then, 290m will be worth alot compared to what they are worth now.

    P.S Not trying to promote botting as a source of income here, This suggestion can and should be implemented too shall botting be removed, and perhaps lower to price of DOD to about 100m? Since there will be on less major coin source.
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And players between 80 and 100 get their coins from what again...?

    was thinking the same
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And players between 80 and 100 get their coins from what again...?

    Nation Wars
    Jolly Jones quests(I do not mind Jones since it requires effort and time)
    Farming TT solo mode or squad with other players.
    Dig Herbs/Mats

    Nation wars should earn you more than enough to buy full TT90 gear.
    Just avoid catch the flags that where you usually find the OP people at.

    If Lazy just buy Zen and sell gold.

    These days is sooo easy to make coins I remember It was so hard years before because I had to make coins to keep up my skills but now people have Jones so they can easily level their skills.

    These days is so easy with NW and Jolly....
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Nation Wars < not everyone can attend them
    Jolly Jones quests < end at 81
    Farming TT solo mode or squad with other players. < just nope for new players
    Dig Herbs/Mats < your only logical option, still taking away active progress time
    Merchanting < you're not going to do that as a new player

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And players between 80 and 100 get their coins from what again...?

    The coins you make at those lvls aren't very substantial anyways, and the gear at those lvls is now super cheap and pretty op, only at lvl 100 u rly start to need bulk coins anyways. There's a very small minority of people farming DQ between 80-100 non rb, not enough to even start to influence the economy.

    The only people who are between 80-100 and worried about mass amounts of coins are those who want shiney new 200m flyers and the newest pack fash.
  • Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Some gear/stuff from pack and NW forges also kinda responsible for the inflation:

    I'm not economy expert or stuff, but people are saving coins in term of hundred of millions to several billions for several reason, like buying R9, ultra rare gear or fash that is pack only.

    I think it just simple supply and demand kinda thing, lke how cube Cogs soared to like 3m- 3.5m recently due to people wanting to make s3 cube necklace and then upgrade it to NW version.

    Also the gap between the rich and the poor is very huge to the point someone is struggling to get 1miilion, and the other hand someone can make 5-10million perday and saying is not enough for his/her goals.

    Same as gold, gold price will stay high due to demand. Most people are buying gold in game so they can buy r9 items, refinement and other stuff.

    To make a worthy coin sink, make some item in boutique accessible for in game coins.
    For me, I sometime use mysterious chip merchant to get some rare tt/lunar gold mats since I dont have much time to farm.
    Heaven Tear

    Liveena 102/102/102 Demon Cleric
    Milfeena 103/102 Demon BM
    Silpheena 104/103/102 Sage R9S3 Seeker
    Cieleena 101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The coins you make at those lvls aren't very substantial anyways, and the gear at those lvls is now super cheap and pretty op, only at lvl 100 u rly start to need bulk coins anyways. There's a very small minority of people farming DQ between 80-100 non rb, not enough to even start to influence the economy.

    The only people who are between 80-100 and worried about mass amounts of coins are those who want shiney new 200m flyers and the newest pack fash.

    If you power level another your character, then you not need gear.

    If you play without high level characters (I even not mentioned FC, of course), then you need gear, which cost coins.

    Some level 89 skills cost dozens millions of coins, as I said already.

    Edit: being level 104+ you not need coins for levels 80-100.b:laugh
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If you power level another your character, then you not need gear.

    If you play without high level characters (I even not mentioned FC, of course), then you need gear, which cost coins.

    Some level 89 skills cost dozens millions of coins, as I said already.

    Edit: being level 104+ you not need coins for levels 80-100.b:laugh

    Full TT90 set cost like 20 millions to 40 millions MAX(4 slots full citrine shards).
    (You can usually find used TT90 in auctioneer with citrines and refines already.
    good Factions can even help you get TT mats for free from the faction TT mats bank.

    That is a month worth of Jones quests
    774,000 x 28 = 21,672,000

    I am sure a level 80 can make at-least 100 suply tokens in a week.
    They can get Raptures and sell them to catshop for 40k
    With the fee that = 3m to a week
    3m x 4 = 12m(NW)

    21,672,000(Jones) + 12m = 33,675,000 a month.

    you can also make a million a Day farming herbs. 28m a month
    28m + 12m(NW) = 40m a month that is over level 89 to be able to enter hell/heaven.

    You can also get now Free gear from intances...
    Also you can get morai weapon or instance weapon with slayer levels for free that out DD TT weapons.
    That is all you need till level 100.

    Low levels are so Rich these days...
    I remember when there were no Jones and no NW and yet I still got my full TT90 gear.
    Some gear/stuff from pack and NW forges also kinda responsible for the inflation:

    I'm not economy expert or stuff, but people are saving coins in term of hundred of millions to several billions for several reason, like buying R9, ultra rare gear or fash that is pack only.

    I think it just simple supply and demand kinda thing, lke how cube Cogs soared to like 3m- 3.5m recently due to people wanting to make s3 cube necklace and then upgrade it to NW version.

    Also the gap between the rich and the poor is very huge to the point someone is struggling to get 1miilion, and the other hand someone can make 5-10million perday and saying is not enough for his/her goals.

    Same as gold, gold price will stay high due to demand. Most people are buying gold in game so they can buy r9 items, refinement and other stuff.

    To make a worthy coin sink, make some item in boutique accessible for in game coins.
    For me, I sometime use mysterious chip merchant to get some rare tt/lunar gold mats since I dont have much time to farm.

    Making 10m a day is not enough to buy Full R9 gear set with inflation.
    with current prices
    full set cost 2,216,000,000 / 10m =221 days

    In a PVP server where there no auto culti problem
    Full set cost 1,745,000,000 =174 days
    But the thing is inflation is growing and not stable so by the time 120 days passed gold going to be even more expensive.So it would take a person that makes 10m a day a full year to afford full R9 set.

    A person that makes 10m a day is not considered rich anymore.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I quit for about a year and a half and just came back a week ago. I feel so lucky for farming my r9 gear(except for bow and belt) during when nirvana was a gold mine(If I hadn't had quit, I probably would have my whole set). I remember when Nation Wars first started, everyone started npcing their nirvana keys because it just wasn't worth it anymore. Making uncannies and raptures so cheap a reward from Nation Wars really took away a lucrative farming area and for the most part, everyone who had a sin level 100 could make good money in nirvana.

    If they took away the uncannies and raptures from Nation War rewards, nirvana could pick up again and people can make money again and at least get nirvana gear and farm for the upgrades in other instances.

    If I came back to pwi now without rank 9, I wouldn't even begin to know how to farm for the things I would need. Heck, I don't even know how to farm for my bow and belt or if I should be bothered.

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Full TT90 set cost like 20 millions to 40 millions MAX(4 slots full citrine shards).
    (You can usually find used TT90 in auctioneer with citrines and refines already.
    good Factions can even help you get TT mats for free from the faction TT mats bank.

    That is a month worth of Jones quests
    774,000 x 28 = 21,672,000

    I am sure a level 80 can make at-least 100 suply tokens in a week.
    They can get Raptures and sell them to catshop for 40k
    With the fee that = 3m to a week
    3m x 4 = 12m(NW)

    21,672,000(Jones) + 12m = 33,675,000 a month.

    you can also make a million a Day farming herbs. 28m a month
    28m + 12m(NW) = 40m a month that is over level 89 to be able to enter hell/heaven.

    You can also get now Free gear from intances...
    Also you can get morai weapon or instance weapon with slayer levels for free that out DD TT weapons.
    That is all you need till level 100.

    Low levels are so Rich these days...
    I remember when there were no Jones and no NW and yet I still got my full TT90 gear.


    1. My characters were level 85+, when "Jones quests" first had been introduced.
    2. TT90 - is for levels 90+ and it is not best armor in any case.
    3. Most of the mobs and bosses for these levels do physical damage, especially for tanks and Citrines can't save characters from physical damage. Garnets are better and more cheap (being in mix with Citrines).
    4. For arcane classes necessary ornaments with best physical defense, which sometimes not cheap.
    5. Wizards must have best -channeling bonus to survive, because their spells have maximum possible for arcan classes channeling time.
    6.I hate PvP, I had selected PvE server because of it and never been in NW.
    7. Only way for me is herb gathering, but I don't want to play in game "gather herbs".

    I am sure in (7), because my Wizard has 105k reputation points and best gear, available for his level, including ☆Sensoid Emptiness
    Can you propose me way to buy Demon Stone Barrier for at least 20 millions coins and place, where I can buy it ?
    Or Demon Divine Pyrogram for same price ?
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So, there's a new chip sale.

    As much as I need the chip sale for my r9, sadly, this is what happens when there is one...
  • Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So, there's a new chip sale.

    As much as I need the chip sale for my r9, sadly, this is what happens when there is one...

    And that is why you should have most of your funds as Gold. It kind of sucked for me when I took a ~1 year break after reading 1000m coins without turning them into Gold, only to find that Gold had jumped from 1.8m to like 2.5m.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    And that is why you should have most of your funds as Gold. It kind of sucked for me when I took a ~1 year break after reading 1000m coins without turning them into Gold, only to find that Gold had jumped from 1.8m to like 2.5m.

    Kinda hard to convert coins into gold when gold is stable around 3.8m and now it's gone from ah althogether.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    zhangwuj1 wrote: »

    While lazy cash shopper will start selling huge amount of golds, bringing down gold price to <1m, and they will need to charge a huge amount of zen before they sell enough gold to get the coins. PWI benefits.

    I was reading this and wondering, if instead of charging 106 gold (100 usd) one now needs to charge 300+ gold for the same value, will you ever charge again? I think this will alienate many cash shoppers and PWI will actually see a loss in gold charging. Its like this, ppl are lazy to cook and go to a fast food restaurant then suddenly the fast food restaurant starts charging 3 times as much counting on ppl lazy to cook. Well, ppl will start cooking then no? Good way to solve the laziness problem
  • Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Because cash shoppers are going to just quit and give up on their toons worth more than their car because gold price dropped and they're unable to farm with their broken (in pve) toons?
  • Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    anaovt1 wrote: »
    I believe the reason gold prices are up so much is the bot. By increasing the amount of coin in the game, they drove up gold prices by offering more for gold. It's simple. Take out the bot, it'll drop back down. Increasing gold drops is only going to make it worse.

    This.... And there is more bad sides for botting.ppl botting every where on pve servers bothering everyone who's doing quests .
    2nd and most important point remove botting asap from game cause it's causing inflation. Driving gold to crazy prices on pve servers causing tokens to be more costy, all merchants and ppl that farm other than botting are losing the coin value. PWE doesn't realize they added a new farming instance called botting . doesn't realize its turning ppl into the farming afk machine ignoring the game play dailies and questing or even being active .

    There is tons on money entering the game daily . Just 1 bot is able to farm 5-8 mil coins in 24 hrs ... Some ppl are using 2-3 5-10 bots .... Just if 300 ppl botting on a pve server thats over 1.5bil coins a day and 45 bil coins entering the game monthly . Pwi no joke u gotta fcken end botting now we have no other way or gold is gonna go higher to unlimited value making tokens -botique items unobtainable to the most of the game . Just imagine daily u need 50 teles u gotta pay 4.5m coins when token reachs 100k. And u will pay 50 mil for a hp charm when gold reach 5mil .... This is a big prblem everyone should be aware of.
    Up for any challenge .

    RT PvP Ruler .
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I was reading this and wondering, if instead of charging 106 gold (100 usd) one now needs to charge 300+ gold for the same value, will you ever charge again? I think this will alienate many cash shoppers and PWI will actually see a loss in gold charging. Its like this, ppl are lazy to cook and go to a fast food restaurant then suddenly the fast food restaurant starts charging 3 times as much counting on ppl lazy to cook. Well, ppl will start cooking then no? Good way to solve the laziness problem

    Nope, from now on everyone who wants Gold have to buy it with real money. Coins will become useless very soon and people will just stop selling their gold. PWI is the one who will gain the most and every f2p/merchant/bot player is kinda ***** up.
  • Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Last time I played this game, gold had sort of stabilized at the 1.3m mark for a while. It had been higher in the past. PWI adds legal botting. (by far one of the worst ideas I've seen in any MMO, ever) Next thing I browse past the forums and you guys have hit gold cap.

    There are reasons other MMO's ban bots. One of them is they wreck economies. Making botting legal is economy suicide. No economy can stand having billions of excess coin pumped into it daily. That really has to go, otherwise I'll be checking back in about 6 months and finding gold at 10m each. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It's not just "bot"'s bot and 2x...

    Right as I was saying "don't let gold reach max" they started 2x.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    so which all of you are posting but botting b:chuckle
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan


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