Fixing the Economy



  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    mntainr wrote: »
    2 important thing need to be considered. One is that 4m gold cap might be too low, but a cap at an ideal rate is better than no cap, because gold price can get too high, leading to undersirable consecuences. Two is that a 100m coin gained from botting is not simply a demand of 25 gold. A merchant who bot can invest that 25 gold, and in a time of surplus coins as large as this, will add more than just a 25 gold demand.

    This thread, why did i open it ? b:surrender Why do i reply again ? b:surrender
    Oh well.

    1) A gold cap in AH does nothing good, only harm. Gold price is the result of supply and demand only. It does not care about AH gold cap. The gold cap when it is not sufficient to meet the gold price will only make people trade it outside of AH. Thus eliminating both a lot of convenience for the players and ironically, also eliminating an important coinsink in the form of 2% AH fee.

    2) One major factor is the total amount of coins available on the server. This means coins that are generated out of nothing (botting, multi alt jolly jones, multi alt BH reward) or the prevention of coin destruction (farming TT resulting in people not spending their coins at the mysterious merchant). Coins made profit at the cost of other players do not cause inflation. It does not really matter who makes the coins.

    3) The other major factor is the amount of gold put into the economy by cash shoppers. The less this is, of course the more expensive gold becomes. With the game aging, and PWI support and management dwindling, dollars being spent can logically expected to go down.

    4) The third factor that does indeed play a role in inflation is the circulation speed. In real life for example this is why the FED can put so much money into the economy as they did since 2008 without causing inflation. It is because many people are trying to reduce their debts, increase their buffers and banks dont as easilly lend out money as they did. All reducing the circulation of money. In PWI terms it is only about how often the coins are bidding for gold, it does not really matter how fast it circulates between players selling non-boutique items. This seems to confirm your second point. However, you should note that this only goes for the very first transaction. After that it is in other hands anyway. So primary factors on this circulation speed are how fast the gold seller spends his coins, bringing them back into the economy and how much of their coins the population as a whole spends on boutique items vs non boutique items. This circulation speed is a complecated and non transparent matter though. Causing much misunderstanding also in real life even in people who really should know.

    What is important to notice however is that this circulation speed can be expected to enhance the inflation or deflation that is already there. If there is inflation, people can be expected to spend their coins faster. I for example try to never hold on to coins, instead i will hold all my assets in gold or boutique items. This increases the circulation because as soon as i get coins, i am going to spend them for gold. Thus increasing the inflation that is the very reason for this behaviour. If there were deflation, the opposite would happen. I would hold a minimum of my assets in gold/boutique items and try to hoard coins, thus increasing the deflation that caused me to do this. Therefore it is a precarious balance for PWI game designers to manage. It is similar in real life and the reason to try and aim for a small but manageble inflation and never to swich towards deflation.

    4) Greed does not drive up the price on anything. Merchants dont drive up the price with greed. Only supply and demand drive the price. If you want to take greed into the equation, it would be the merchants greed (supplying more and cheaper than their competetors) that pushes the price down and the consumers greed (demanding more products than the merchants can deliver) pushing the price up.

    I will now try to not visit this topic again and not get drawn into the pointless discussions with those who doubt my word and will as always keep on spamming this thread full of more of the same bull**** like has been done with the last 100 threads like this.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Having looked through all the replies in this thread I came to a conclusion that explains some things to me. I will share with you all and maybe you'll prove me wrong but I have a bad feeling that I as a new player will go nowhere in this game. b:sad
    If you look through the game news back to at least half a year you'll see they are mostly about charge rewards or zen spending rewards, discounts for cash shop items or other matters closely connected with zen. So they try to enlarge the amount of gold people buy and spend afterwards in game for cash shop items. That's also some kind of inflation because the zen people buy for real money are pumped into the game artificially. They also play with our mind offering the goodies most players want for lesser price at discounts, so people spend more zen which they either buy for real money of try to buy at AH in game for coins.
    As for the autoculti system, this is a kind of a tool to balance the increasing amount of gold in game and the amount of coins players have, otherwise buyers won't be able to get gold at AH for the price that sellers want to sell. In other words - the gold would be cheaper and those who sell it won't be interested in selling, as a result they won't charge much zen for real money and you see, they won't bring real money to the company. It's a vicious circle. b:surrender
    And what is more frustrating for me - the conclusion - I will never be able to get anything good in this game because I am new and I don't have any coin stacks that old players might have, neither have I end game (or just really good) gear or weapon to farm and bot like mad. First I thought I will get it all with time but I doubt it with the state of things as they are now. There will be either pleasure from the game but being poor or grinding like mad and almost no fun and still be poor. b:sad
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Jolly Jones is always a fair standby if you're not capable of autogrinding lvl80 and upward mobs (at level 80 and up, only high value dq items drop... tho they start as early as level 71 mobs). I've been where you are now - try to get a cheap TT 80/90 or if you can afford it, an FC weapon. Try to grind mobs some 5 levels below your character. It'll go slower, but the mobs do less damage that way.

    Once you hit level 100, try to tag along on a few easy BHs. SoT, Abbadon, EU and Delta W2/W3 are all very possible with less-then-optimal gear. Play defensively if you do that - use OMalleys and use your class to support the heavy damage dealers rather then to try and do much damage yourself. You'll soon luck out with an excitement card or two and then you'll have money for a good weapon.

    Try to get into a starter faction too, usually there'll be players there who can help you out.
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    do you guys remember the coin event? in which the GM want use to send ten million big notes? i read the TOS, and im planning to make that kind of raffle also. according to TOS it is not illegal. so do you think it will gonna be effective? because im planning to make a coin sink. so i can help the community? what you guys think?
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    do you guys remember the coin event? in which the GM want use to send ten million big notes? i read the TOS, and im planning to make that kind of raffle also. according to TOS it is not illegal. so do you think it will gonna be effective? because im planning to make a coin sink. so i can help the community? what you guys think?


    >Avatar: panda 105
    >Joined Aug 2014 (today)
    >1st post
    >talks about raffle
    >username: raffleman2014

    Wants people to mail him big notes for 'coin sink'.

    I normally blindly trust pandas but I'm getting a sinking (pun intended) feeling about this one.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited August 2014
    Broken default avatar is broken.

    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I opened a threat not knowing about this one. I'd like to mention what I said there.

    The balance of production and deletion of coins in game is messed, the amount of coins in the economy is increasing fast and so the value of coins is going down.
    Bot is a way of produce coins but the problem is mostly because those coins produced get stacked in the market and not deleted.
    We don't buy potions from NPC bc its free for low levels and everyone use crabs after 75.
    We don't buy gears from NPC bc the dungeons drop them with better stats.
    Not Even BH Lunar delete coins anymore, bc everyone in squad gets 500k each, annulling the 3m spent to open.

    The only moments ppl delete coins is when they exchange some things like NW Coins, FSP Coins or when craft G15/16 or repair gears.

    I Suggest:

    Reduce the rate of BH100 cards drop. (Excitement 5%, Ecstasy 20% to 4% and 10%)
    Reduce the coin drop from mobs and price of DQ drops (would also discourage the bot users)
    Add cost to exchange everything, tokens, insignias, emblems etc...

    (We don't need to remove the bot bc the heaviest bot users use the pirate bots. We better discourage them by making it not profitable [but not mess with the exp PLZ >.<])

    P.S. With all that in mind, seems like pwe deliberately changed those things with the specifically purpose of profit for them selfs.
    I mean, free pots and gears for low levels (fetch the new players)
    Remove the ways to delete coins so the gold price gets so high that many ppl decide to use real money.
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The only moments ppl delete coins is when they exchange some things like NW Coins, FSP Coins or when craft G15/16 or repair gears.

    While you are right mostly, it is not so dire. There are some very significant cion sinks:

    -I pay about 1m per day in repair costs.
    -2% AH fee on every gold trade. 5% on normal trades.
    -huge fees on all NW crafts. 100m for many items not even including the fee on creating SOWs.
    -R8r recrafting/honing is almost pure coin destruction. Most barbs/BMs/Sins do a bunch of that.
    -People buying lots of stuff from mysterious merchant. (not for the coming weeks since there was 2x..)

    I dont think we should be too negative about this aspect of PWI policy either. What they did is give a lot of free stuff to the new players as you said, and introduced the NW end game items where the rich pay 100m for every item they make. So they give to the poor and take from the rich. Che would be proud of pwi.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • edited August 2014

    >Avatar: panda 105
    >Joined Aug 2014 (today)
    >1st post
    >talks about raffle
    >username: raffleman2014

    Wants people to mail him big notes for 'coin sink'.

    I normally blindly trust pandas but I'm getting a sinking (pun intended) feeling about this one.
    Just FYI, "Join Date" on the forum, it just the first time you've posted. I've had my account since closed beta, and look at my join date.
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Just FYI, "Join Date" on the forum, it just the first time you've posted. I've had my account since closed beta, and look at my join date.

    Yes I'm fully aware; if you click on a name below the avatar it takes you to the arcgames profile which shows the actual date your account was created.

    Mine for example is 3rd Aug 2010, my 1st post on the forums was Jun 2013.

    Yours, as you pointed out, is 29th Oct 2008 and 1st post on the forums was Feb 2009.

    >raffleman2014's is 1st Aug 2014 and his 1st post on the forums was Aug 2014.

    Hence my original post stands.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • edited August 2014
    Yes I'm fully aware; if you click on a name below the avatar it takes you to the arcgames profile which shows the actual date your account was created.

    Mine for example is 3rd Aug 2010, my 1st post on the forums was Jun 2013.

    Yours, as you pointed out, is 29th Oct 2008 and 1st post on the forums was Feb 2009.

    >raffleman2014's is 1st Aug 2014 and his 1st post on the forums was Aug 2014.

    Hence my original post stands.

    So he got 105 in a day? I did not think that was possible.
    Edit: Less than a day. the day isn't even over yet.
  • Unknown
    edited August 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    >Avatar: panda 105
    >Joined Aug 2014 (today)
    >1st post
    >talks about raffle
    >username: raffleman2014

    Wants people to mail him big notes for 'coin sink'.

    I normally blindly trust pandas but I'm getting a sinking (pun intended) feeling about this one.

    You judge me too fast by the way. First of all i just want to help the community. I am not trying to make an argument i am just asking whether u guys are going to support my plan. I want to make a raffle draw that will make a coin sink and also to male my own profit. The question is, will the people in the community will entrust there raffle ticket to me right, well all i can say is that my plan is to make profit by giving legit rewards and deal. I am not going to ask ten million big note., instead i am planing to make a good strategy, a fair raffle draw for everyone., i want you all to acknowledge me. And you are questioning my account? I made this account for raffle draw. Please dnt judge me too fast. :)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Actually, the 105 avatar is a strange thing that happened on one of my alt accounts also. not sure why, but it sometimes pops up as a choice for avatar, the 105 panda.
    Camlyra-Raging Tides. Since the avatar is broken.

    Cleric 103/103/102
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    Wizard 101/101/101
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  • Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You judge me too fast by the way. First of all i just want to help the community. I am not trying to make an argument i am just asking whether u guys are going to support my plan. I want to make a raffle draw that will make a coin sink and also to male my own profit. The question is, will the people in the community will entrust there raffle ticket to me right, well all i can say is that my plan is to make profit by giving legit rewards and deal. I am not going to ask ten million big note., instead i am planing to make a good strategy, a fair raffle draw for everyone., i want you all to acknowledge me. And you are questioning my account? I made this account for raffle draw. Please dnt judge me too fast. :)

    Are you asking if you think people will trust you enough to mail you money in hopes of winning a reward? Easy answer = no. Official events are safe, but nobody with any fractional amount of common sense would mail money to a stranger, since said stranger could easily just walk off with millions in coin and make a false winner, thus giving out no prizes and scamming everyone.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Are you asking if you think people will trust you enough to mail you money in hopes of winning a reward? Easy answer = no. Official events are safe, but nobody with any fractional amount of common sense would mail money to a stranger, since said stranger could easily just walk off with millions in coin and make a false winner, thus giving out no prizes and scamming everyone.

    They wouldnt even do it to a non stranger.

    People who are relatively known on a server are usually trusted for things like craft service, refine service, TM runs and stuff like that. But i dont think even the most known players would get a big crowd to send them money for some lottery :)
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Jolly Jones is always a fair standby if you're not capable of autogrinding lvl80 and upward mobs (at level 80 and up, only high value dq items drop... tho they start as early as level 71 mobs). I've been where you are now - try to get a cheap TT 80/90 or if you can afford it, an FC weapon. Try to grind mobs some 5 levels below your character. It'll go slower, but the mobs do less damage that way.

    Once you hit level 100, try to tag along on a few easy BHs. SoT, Abbadon, EU and Delta W2/W3 are all very possible with less-then-optimal gear. Play defensively if you do that - use OMalleys and use your class to support the heavy damage dealers rather then to try and do much damage yourself. You'll soon luck out with an excitement card or two and then you'll have money for a good weapon.

    Try to get into a starter faction too, usually there'll be players there who can help you out.

    Thank you very much for the advice, Evryn - Morai! I understand all that, I do Jolly Jones with my two charcters and I know I can make more toons to make more money like others do. I noticed some people have like 30 toons for Jolly Jones quest and do them every day from morning till night b:shocked. If that's their pleasure, but I want to play the game not work in it like mad, maybe I should make one more toon to run Jolly Jones quests but not more.
    As for botting, you are right here again - 71 dq items cost good money compared to lower dq items and I hope they will cost something regardless of what people suggest in this thread, otherwise it's a dead end for people like me.
    The promise about lucking out with an excitement card sounds really appealing. b:pleased Do people often get them? The database says the chance is 5%, the question is how lucky am I? (usually not lucky but I always hope for the best) b:cute
    My greatest hope is that economy gets stable (though I don't see how it can be reached for now) and I will try to follow the advice, after all I have nothing to lose as I don't have anything.
  • Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I wonder if the Government will take advice from these forums b:laugh
    I am A True Tsundere
    More... I desire more. Can you not indulge me in an even more nightmarish hell?
    Retired 2009-2014 Was a Fun Time b:victory
    Demon Archer- 101 RB2
    Demon Assassin- 100 RB2
    Demon Venomancer- 99
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Are you asking if you think people will trust you enough to mail you money in hopes of winning a reward? Easy answer = no. Official events are safe, but nobody with any fractional amount of common sense would mail money to a stranger, since said stranger could easily just walk off with millions in coin and make a false winner, thus giving out no prizes and scamming everyone.
    And why would i walk away if my goal is to make a big name in the forum industry right? i wanna make myself trustworthy were in the community in the forum will accept me and give trust in me, i wanna make all people consider me as a big person in the community in terms of fairness and balanced person. You might be right, that's very hard to achieve but thats why i am going to take the chance to have all your trust :) i will make my best for every one to trust me :) i hope someday you will say "im proud of you hun, you made it" :) so who's with me? who wants a fair raffle draw? im planning to use this forum as my poster and detail. as soon as i see that many of you are interested, then i will start a raffle draw to help the community to get fix :)
  • Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You judge me too fast by the way. First of all i just want to help the community. I am not trying to make an argument i am just asking whether u guys are going to support my plan. I want to make a raffle draw that will make a coin sink and also to male my own profit. The question is, will the people in the community will entrust there raffle ticket to me right, well all i can say is that my plan is to make profit by giving legit rewards and deal. I am not going to ask ten million big note., instead i am planing to make a good strategy, a fair raffle draw for everyone., i want you all to acknowledge me. And you are questioning my account? I made this account for raffle draw. Please dnt judge me too fast. :)

    If you are making profit then it is not a proper coin sink.... It's a money grab. Why don't you just leave stuff like coin sinks to the game managers where it belongs. I can see no way people sending you all their coin sinks any coin at all. When it' sent to GM's then it has been captured and vanished from the server. b:shutup
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You do things wrong if what you say would be true.

    If you want to gain peoples trust, you do not make a new acc and ask for money to be send to you. You do the opposite, you play and post from the same account for years. Dont ask for nothing and first make a name before asking any cooperation.

    Of course im not telling you anything new. You are just trolling (or scamming) everyone.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hello raffleman2014, look at your post count, now look at mine, now back to your post count, now back to mine. Sadly your post count is not like mine, but if you started posting more like, maybe people would trust you more.

    Hmmmm, not that funny b:surrender
  • Unknown
    edited August 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I am studying your comments about my plan... well all i see is maybe i should just try it maybe? let's see who will support me or not. but please i hope you guys will am i right guys?

    let's the raffle draw begin:

    so here is my mechanic's, but before that i would like to try first in only one server: Archosaur and after we make a successful raffle draw i will implement it to all server as soon as possible.

    Server: Archosaur

    100,000.00 coins = 1 raffle ticket

    send it by email to: raffleman

    and the price would be the total accumulated coins less 3% divided by 10.

    10 persons will win.

    to summaries:

    Server: Archosaur

    100,000.00 coins = 1 raffle ticket

    send it by email to: raffleman

    raffle draw end date: August 10, 2014 12:00PM SERVER TIME

    GOODLUCK GUYS i hope you guys support this :)
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hahahaha 10 people are going to win even ! Oh so many people will participate.

    Of course that jezus stuff under your post makes it totally trustworthy. Thats gonna do the trick.

    Nigerian scammers are more refined than you.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Lower the price of zen, or increase the amount of gold you receive for the price.
    Cheaper zen = people who couldn't charge before, maybe they can now. And those that already did, will get more gold for their money. More gold in the server = gold price gets lower. Win-Win all around. Even for PWE, cos they'd still earn just as much money (if not more) and it could keep the game alive a bit longer.
    e.g. $50 is 50 gold, right? How about making $50 = 100 gold? Twice the gold. It wouldn't halve the price of gold in-game, cos there's just too much cash around. Maybe it could cut it by 25-30% though, which is better than nothing. Almost impossible to buy gold on Sanctuary atm, and I believe the other servers are catching up. Could be a good stop-gap solution while they try to work out something more permanent.

    Please feel free to critique my idea ;o
    Name: AsMyliuTave
    Race: Winged Elf
    Class: Archer
    Spiritual Cultivation: Celestial Sage
    Level: 104-103-101
    Faction: Vindicate (Executor)
    Server: Sanctuary
  • Unknown
    edited August 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • edited August 2014
    Lower the price of zen, or increase the amount of gold you receive for the price.
    Cheaper zen = people who couldn't charge before, maybe they can now. And those that already did, will get more gold for their money. More gold in the server = gold price gets lower. Win-Win all around. Even for PWE, cos they'd still earn just as much money (if not more) and it could keep the game alive a bit longer.
    e.g. $50 is 50 gold, right? How about making $50 = 100 gold? Twice the gold. It wouldn't halve the price of gold in-game, cos there's just too much cash around. Maybe it could cut it by 25-30% though, which is better than nothing. Almost impossible to buy gold on Sanctuary atm, and I believe the other servers are catching up. Could be a good stop-gap solution while they try to work out something more permanent.

    Please feel free to critique my idea ;o
    Aside from player greed, I think part of it may also be the sales that we get. You've got a point there and it made me think.....

    The gold prices / inflation really started skyrocketing when they stopped putting packs on sale practically every week, and having a charm sale every 3-4 weeks. People are less likely to spend when the sales suck. Sure R9 mat sales with bring in people that will spend large amounts to upgrade their gear, but I'm certain that a few people spending lots makes less than hordes of people spending a little.
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I think the real problem is the people who want to buy gold via AH. Why try to buy gold for 3,8 mil? This would set the selling price even higher. I can't decide for others how much they want to spend but it would be fun if everyone want to buy at 1 mil or lower.

    b:chuckle we should make it a server event lol!
  • Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I think the real problem is the people who want to buy gold via AH. Why try to buy gold for 3,8 mil? This would set the selling price even higher. I can't decide for others how much they want to spend but it would be fun if everyone want to buy at 1 mil or lower.

    b:chuckle we should make it a server event lol!

    Because even at 3,999,900, I can use that gold to buy stuff that will make me a decent profit.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.


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