How much coins can you generate in a Month?



  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    until my server hit the gold cap at 3,999,900. I am still making profits even with that, but it's "large".

    Do you buy gold from ah or players? I have been wondering on what to do with my investments as well, i have a similar amount of cash lying around, and don't have the heart to place gold orders at the cap price.
  • Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Do you buy gold from ah or players? I have been wondering on what to do with my investments as well, i have a similar amount of cash lying around, and don't have the heart to place gold orders at the cap price.

    Well, once I noticed that it was actually capped, I was looking at 469.4g that I had bought at 3.5m a piece plus 70 Big Notes. After looking at my respective market and doing some numbers (I have a calculator sheet for this stuff), I figured I could still come up with a decent amount of profit (~20-25%) even if I bought gold at 3,999,900 a piece. It's a bit slower than without the cap, but you can still get it. All in all, I've been able to buy 570m worth of gold within 24 hours at the cap price.

    However, it's not really something I would recommend doing, unless you're satisfied with 5-15% profit.

    I would never take the risk of buying gold from a player. Anyone who has enough Gold at their disposal to fulfill my needs (>600 Gold) is also someone who could easily compete with me. While I'm ok talking about my merchanting in general (and it's easy to find what I sell), I'm not about to do all the work and then risk that someone else chooses to take my profits instead. If it comes to that, I might as well stop. After all, it wouldn't be PWE that beat me, but a mechanic of the game. I can accept that.

    And honestly, I don't even look at my monthly profit. Since all of my assets are in the constant rotation of merchandise, gold and coin, there's really no meaningful way to keep an accurate track in the first place. The best way would be to look at the cost, but when you're dealing with Boutique merchandise, you end up with having to decide whether your "assets" should count at current price of Gold or the price you bought them at.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Thank you Olbaze, i don't compete in your market for now, only when my rotation of coin gold item and lucky roll dice comes out to your item b:chuckle.

    I don't mind 5~10% profit. As long as profit is coming in on a monthly basis, i usually do all my purchases for character upgrade in one go once or twice a year. Next gear upgrade for bm is in 8 months from now, if i can get assets to 4~5b mark, i can take out 1b for upgrades.

    Sadly 1b = 2 +12 orbs now b:cry. Not going to get very far but oh well.
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    . If you're not matching them in assets, they can ignore you and if you're their economic superior, they simply cannot compete properly. I have been on all sides of that fence.

    The way i look at it is this:

    If i have a small budget and i got say 50 GSTs at the end of the sale and i see other people stashing 200+, im gonna compete hard. I want to reinvest my small budget fast in the next sale, so im gonna make sure i have the best price now and be the first to sell my GSTs.

    If i have a large budget and i just bought 200GST and still got money to spare for the next sale, im not gonna compete with those guys desperate to sell their 50GST fast. Ill leave those 200 GSTs at a nice profitable price and sell them for max margin after the small guys sold out. (and now and then a few after mass server DCs removed all competition :p)

    Selling your stock is pretty much a choise. The moment you lower your price to be the best, the millions start rolling in, 100s a day. So competition doesnt need to be continuous, just compete on the moments where you need the cash again (or of course to make sure you got rid of your stuff before the next same sale) It is not smart to compete continuously anyway. Other merchants are gonna have to sell their stuff at some point too. Give them their space to do so or else you will be competing eachother to almost zero margins.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If i have a small budget and i got say 50 GSTs at the end of the sale and i see other people stashing 200+, im gonna compete hard. I want to reinvest my small budget fast in the next sale, so im gonna make sure i have the best price now and be the first to sell my GSTs.

    That's the thing: If your stock is small (ergo you're poor), your profit comes from selling all of your stock multiple times during a sale. You'll eventually hit a point where your stock is too large to do that while maintaining a decent profit, at which point you either accept the slower turnover rate or you diversify your merchandise.
    If i have a large budget and i just bought 200GST and still got money to spare for the next sale, im not gonna compete with those guys desperate to sell their 50GST so they have money again. Ill leave those 200 GSTs stashed and sell them for max margin after the small guys sold out.

    It's been a long time since I was in a highly competitive market, but even in those you can survive without being the cheapest. In my case, I was able to make my profits based on my reputation: I had people coming straight to my shop and buying a huge chunk of my stock because they knew that I priced my stuff in a fair manner. I used to spend a lot of money on advertising myself back when I was starting, but I stopped doing that a long time ago. If I happen to be selling something that someone I know might want, I'll give them a shout, but that's it. And I've literally had people PMing my main asking me when I'm going to restock something because they want to buy it. That's a pretty wonderful feeling and not because it makes you money. Because you're making money based on who you are.
    Selling your stock is pretty much a choise. The moment you lower your price to be the best, the millions start rolling in, 100s a day. So competition doesnt need to be continuous, just compete on the moments where you need the cash again (or of course to make sure you got rid of your stuff before the next same sale) It is not smart to compete continuously anyway. Other merchants are gonna have to sell their stuff at some point too. Give them their space to do so or else you will be competing eachother to almost zero margins.

    I stopped "competing" a long time ago. My practice is to look at the prices of the merchandise I see and undercut everyone that I see by a decent bit. But then again I will only enter that market in the first place if I can do that while maintaining a comfortable margin. I'm not gonna pour 1000m worth of merchandise to a market where I have to constantly adjust my prices to get 3% profit.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm not gonna pour 1000m worth of merchandise to a market where I have to constantly adjust my prices to get 3% profit.

    People who are not used to merchanting, do not seem to understand the above sadly b:cry.
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    People who are not used to merchanting, do not seem to understand the above sadly b:cry.

    When there are ******* who do not seem to understand, i will purposely lose the competition, but i will make them sell their stuff to 1% margin if i can push them so far. Not usefull for me, but if they dont want to learn and think competing like that is gonna help them, ill help teach em a bit :)
    Or better said maybe, dont give up, even if you lose because the margins get so small you dont want to go lower. Giving up is what they want, dont give em that.

    Was so nice when i was in the token market. Push em one direction (buy or sell) and then buy em out yourself lol.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Purely depens on your effort.

    1) Do some day-day merchanting. Meaning buy and selling in a day for micro margins. like tokens or the current sale. Depending on the sales you got that month id say expect between 500m and 1b per month although it very much depends on the time you invest and how many shops you want to set in different places. (illegal ofc to have more than 2, but some do, maybe they can make much more than what i just wrote) You dont really need a huge investment for this. Takes lots of time though, need to constantly keep an eye on your competetors and addept.

    2) Do some long term investing when you have the capital for it. I made some 20% per month on my 5bil capital. I think you can double that if you have the investment capital to 20% from 10bil. For 2 bil a month. I think its hard to go much higher though since the market is limited in size.

    3) A good farming toon can easilly make 10m per hour without 2x. So do that 100 hours per month as well and there you got another bil.

    Thanks you give me the answer I was looking for b:laugh. Maybe i should just pm you instead of making threads you usually give the best answers.

    I currently have 2.8 billion in merchandise.
    I was thinking of making atleast 2 billion to 3 billion a month.
    So that I could get fully end gear character(not covering S cards)

    But with current economy I do not see a f2p player been able to reach end gear anymore in a year unless they make 3 billion a month. If they earn 1 billion per month it would take them 4 years lol by that time the economy would be so ****ed up and maybe the game may be dead..... 4 years instead 3 because with the inflation you gonna need even more money to archive your goal.

    DoD are 170 m each in my server and scroll of tome is over 2 billion coins if you lucky to find someone selling them.
    This game have become so ridiculous DoT used to be 65m and Scroll of Tome was 750m just
    6 months ago.
    I think this game is dying now for real I know people been saying this for years but things looking really bad on my server. A lot of people I know quit the game even successful people that were making a lot.
    PWI needs to do something or else pwi going to get worse than it is right now...

    I've been making a steady 750 - 1500m per month for the last year or 2 from my cat shop. Sometimes I farm a little bit but it is mostly for my alts' gear or for faction members. It doesn't take very much effort (just keeping an eye on people selling stuff and buying stuff from boutique to resell).

    Any more than that isn't really worth the effort. I hardly play the game anymore. I log in and talk to people mostly. I could probably make twice as much coin if I really cared to, but I don't even know what to do with the 8 billion or so capital I have right now. DoD and DoT are so rare on the server it is next to impossible to fully shard 1 toon even if you have the money. I figure I will hold onto it and hope they add a real coin sink to the game...

    I know you went there but I think my idea would fix both problems :).
    I would be a great coin sink and it would make items that have become so hard to get in the game available.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I would be a great coin sink and it would make items that have become so hard to get in the game available.

    Guys we found a coin sink. Everyone give your money to jwillson123 b:victory.
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ...Most competitors are only willing to compete if you're their equal. If you're not matching them in assets, they can ignore you and if you're their economic superior, they simply cannot compete properly. I have been on all sides of that fence.

    Also, while I said "exponential profits", I meant "exponential in relation to your original investment", not "exponential over time". The profits of a merchant will always be exponential ([profit%^cycles]*originalInvestment=assetsNow))...

    hey its someone who speaks my language O.o,

    anyhow its very true that you can easy make over a billion coins profit per month. Ever since about 2 years ago i've been circulating over 15 billions coins per month on the Harshlands server in various markets from pots&herbs to tokens to rank stuff to p stones to orbs. Most of this coin goes in and out and around the markets that I have firm control over but in the end between long term and short term investments I net profit between 1-2 billion coins a month. Certain markets like pots&herbs and p stones generate massive profits anywhere from 50%-250% per item sold however they are low numerical profit because the circulation is slow EX: selling 10000 p stones will only net you about 20m profit. However bigger scale and long term investments like 10*s can cost you over 80m a pop to buy but each 1 you sell you can make about 10-20% profit, which is a lot of coin in bulk.
    All this coin that i make is without ever doing or factoring in any farming except a bit of card boss farming primarily on 2x.
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I net profit between 1-2 billion coins a month..

    This dude is lying. He has the same worn-out ten billion note for 2 years that he always links and brags about.

    Boomz, you seen my video about your pro farming skills? Your pots and herbs come from there and not merchanting. Speak trust atleast once in ur lifetime lol

    PS: A billion has 9 zeros - 1,000,000,000, now go back and re-evaluate the profit you make per month, maybe it's 15 mil and not 15 bil
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    go back to your troll hole and get banned from the forums again haters gonna hate and just cause you can't make the coin i make doesn't mean your allowed to rage and QQ on the forums.
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Guys we found a coin sink. Everyone give your money to jwillson123 b:victory.

    b:laugh yes send to my mailbox 10m big notes the more you send the b:chuckle the higher chance you got to win.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    All this coin that i make is without ever doing or factoring in any farming except a bit of card boss farming primarily on 2x.

    what card boss farming? is that what they call it now when bankai tucks tail and runs? b:chuckle
  • Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I honestly make between 500m and 1b a month profits.

    I have a 24/7 shop everyone knows

    I bot and farm 3-3`s for gold mats

    if i wanted to rush to +12 full armor or diety stones...its just really not that hard anymore

    In the last two months HappySock has made 172 peices of G16 armor..of which about 90% is equiped and 10% sold i can chip other gold mats and continue the cycle

    Dream big people..yes there are problems..and Gear on one person doesnt really solve much...Gear on 200+..yeah thats doing something...

    Gl to all Earners out there..
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    what card boss farming? is that what they call it now when bankai tucks tail and runs? b:chuckle

    How are you going to tryto disrespect my guild when you don't even know what card bosses are LMAO.
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.
  • Posts: 793 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    what card boss farming? is that what they call it now when bankai tucks tail and runs? b:chuckle

    Lol say that **** out of safezone when I'm online and we'll see what you're truly made of b:chuckle Once I de-fur you.
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