Myerna - Raging Tide Arc User



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  • Here it is! Hope you like it--I did my best! b:pleased Character: Myerna Server: Raging Tide
  • I would add the Hands of Terrandes for the lols of being able to spawn hands on people to see how many run.b:laugh Should make Moietu Lang a special ultra rare spawn. b:dirty Because who doesn't want to summon a DRAGON, even if it is in water? There are hundreds more we all want to add--just scroll through the veno forum!…
  • Actually, you can, Kossy. b:victory SweetieBot herself presides over the forum +1 function! I answered the poll as Raging Tide, the only server I really know--reason being, is there is no pk with the exception of a few r9rrs with vendettas; almost no one else pks…
  • So I was talking with a fellow veno friend, and had some ideas for more enjoyable levelling. Why? Because, simply put, running Frostcovered City 9000000 times from lvl 80 to 100 and then all over again at rebirth is simply grueling! Tedious! I have spoken to hundreds of players, and even the most patient are tired of Frost…
  • ^ This. Granted, I (and probably several others) at one point wanted to see venos throwing around warsoul axes with melee mastery, but sadly it isn't all it is cracked up to be without venturing into the illegal. =/ But that hardly nullifies the attack power of magic weapons in foxform, so even if it looks slightly less…
  • Will do! Thanks for the note. :)
  • Post 28: Since you wrote a few things about each skill, it's probably a good idea to include the lvl79 skills despite not being actual Sage/Demon skills. I can't say the lvl79 skills have any significant differences among play styles of the two but you might as well mention them. It might be worth mentioning details such…
  • Posts 23, 25, and 27: Wow Mauntille! First of all, those are some awesome and extremely helpful builds/calculations! Second, would you mind if I added them('them' being your calculations on gear for level, as well as the damage calculations on post #27) into the main guide, so they would be more accessible to people? I…
  • Post 22: Great answer, ty. :) Hit the points I wanted to mention, lol. Also to note: we have 6 different ornaments we can use for added stats, if needed (2 rings, belt, neck, robe, and helm). None of them except for the helm require stats to wear, making them optimal for extra stats.
  • Wow! Everyone comments the weeks I'm not on the forums. >.< I do love it, though. :) Especially all you awesome people sharing wisdom/knowledge. Now to go through the posts systematically: Post 20-21: The only HA/AA veno I know who makes videos is Smurf Jeregen. Sadly I don't know of any others...but perhaps one of them…
  • Put that in! Thanks for the note, that is a great point! It always annoyed me that most toons needed autopot/charms for autoculti; this is rather nice to consider. =)
  • Ditto to Desdi. Assuming you don't want to look at other threads, consider what you want to do and what your playstyle is. In general, pure magic is a good build for pve. 1 str, 4 mag per level, cap str at 60. You can do pretty much whatever you want, just let your pet tank bosses and mobs; might want a herc or a walker…
  • Hehe. I always appreciate the advice of my veno 'elders'--though I don't think you are as outdated as you make yourself out to be, lol. Still tweaking! Let me know if anything else needs to be changed in particular. =) And yeah, I hear you on the old guides. Pretty much the only reason I started this one was because…
  • Thanks for clarifying! No worries--I figured older players already had an idea of the pros/cons, so I wrote it mainly for those that didn't know. =) I do appreciate your experience, though. My postcount is more due to lurking, lol. Been playing for years on end, but didn't often to post in the forums, since there were many…
  • To finally respond in more detail to your original reply: my replies are in blue. =) Most of the other things I implemented and/or made a note for. =)
  • On a side note, have I done anything useful in this guide? Or anything that has helped anyone? I honestly appreciate the constructive criticism. I really do. It's really been helpful, and I think it's helped improve my writing. b:pleased But so far, no one has said anything that's actually good about what I have written or…
  • Ah, I see. Well that makes sense to me; however to me the benefits outweigh the costs. 1) Many sins already have an aps set, as you mentioned. They can already switch to it if they want. Making it 3 fewer button presses would mean little if they intended to use it. 2) As someone able to use HA, aps bothers me a lot less…
  • Mauntille:Thanks for the feedback! I'm still working on some of the changes, but I implemented several of the ones you mentioned. I will reply to your post in detail, but in a bit. Desdi: Ah, good point! In my next edit, I'll work on a more detailed Sage/Demon section (since that's the main thing people seem to have issues…
  • Thanks so much for the feedback! Sorry there were so many issues b:surrender I don't have much experience with demon, and someone told me they had increased chan, so I guess I just believed that, lol. Well I was aware of some of the skill combos and other points, such as ironwood+arcane antimony, I did not mention those…
  • These are definitely some good thoughts; I love how you thought out in detail some ideas. It would assuredly by awesome to have some easier farming and so forth. I think the main issue is that adding farming dungeons has limited effectiveness, as those with better gear can clearly farm faster and easier. This would affect…
  • Maxster had some amazing responses for the mystic side. =) To be perfectly honest, it really depends on your playstyle. I hate to say it comes down to that, but any class vs. class choice kinda comes down to that. =) Because I have limited mystic experience, I would refer back to Maxter's post. Only things I would add to…
  • Well it's not all obsolete. Though a mentor would certainly be a great idea. What server are you on? Besides that, it is still possible to get up to level 80ish by just questing and doing instance runs. However, questing has been made much easier. Some things to keep in mind, specifically regarding questing: Tideborn…
  • The skill also describes that "causes catapults to stop following target in territory war". I'm curious if anyone has used this on an enemy cata puller in TW....and if so, how did it work for you? =)
  • How would that happen, pray tell? I don't recall mentioning anything that meant it would be "high gear" exclusive, or anything of the like....I even mentioned that a good idea would be to have instances for each group of levels, akin to Phoenix Valley, so this would not favor cash shoppers or "casual players". Do you have…
  • I think this idea is great! I would definitely love a water expansion....perhaps even taking this a step further and delving east beyond Misfortune and the Nameless Island would be lovely....b:victory But as for an underwater instance, we should probably come up with a more concrete idea for the designers. =) So how about…
  • First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to look through these threads and being willing to listen to suggestions! I love Perfect World! It is my first MMO, and I have met so many friends over the years, making this game full of many wonderful memories. Having played for a while, though, and seeing the world…
  • I'm 89, and I typically get around 7-9k contri average per NW. Though I cannot say what gives the most contri....I certainly tend to get more points in a battle the more I bramble people. Also, I purge repeatedly, use lucky and nova a lot, and amp when needed. It also seems as though I get more contri for using control…
  • Ditto Ilyania on the tabby evolution! =D I also think some of the mobs down near Tellus would be wonderful to have as pets--like the antelopes and the butterflies...b:pleased Maybe also those tunneldiggers down in the TB realm? Or that one tank pets, they would be cute and awesome (if revamped so they actually…
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