NEW Suggestion Thread



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hello again,

    I don't know if anyone came to this already, but sometimes people are forced to spend some extra savings on teles just to get a squad. It may seem little, but for those who are making the squads all day every day it can be really expensive. Due to this and similar situations, I believe that PWI should have an intelligent instance matchmaking system.

    My sugestion is to make a simple window where players can choose a battle/instance that they would like to join, and then the game would be responsible of getting a Tank, a Support, DDs, Brawlers and Debuffers (A brawler could be Blademaster, for example, and Debuffers would be mainly Mystic and Venomancers). Addicionaly, some players could choose only a specific type of gear to join their squad, as G16 or R9rr, bringing some kind of time cost for that choice.
    If the player that is waiting for the matchmaking is in a squad, all squad members are also registered in the matchmaking system, making it easier for the system to get new players to that squad. Once completed the matchmaking system, some members can leave squad due to afk, or other reasons, providing a free spot for any other user waiting in the matchmaking system. In this case, if an instance has started already, the system would warn the new player, giving him the chance to choose to join the squad.

    Small example:
    I'm playing as a Seeker, therefore I fit in the Tank / Puller / Brawler types. I choose to go to a Warsong, so the system is now searching for a squad for me. While I wait I'm able to do everything I want, except joining a squad! If I join a squad, I'm pulled out of the matchmaking system automatically, and If I want my new squad to go to Warsong (and there's spots left) I need to perform the request of Matchmaking again. If I do not join any squad, the system will pick a Cleric, a Tank and DDs, for example, and when it finds everyone, the system would invite everyone to a squad and make someone randomly the leader.

    Now, why not expand this idea? As everyone knows, there's a lot of trouble getting help to kill some bosses that are not inside instances! Get an option for Open World Bosses aswell, not only for instances (even tho instances are the most important).

    This last idea is not important, for reasons I'll speak further in this paragraph. For instances like Lunar, where someone needs to pay an entrance fee, the player might would want to point out he wants to pay the fee, giving him priority over the drops. Why is it not important? Because every player is able to talk through and get to a consent about who pays the fee and how the items get distributed.

    In my opinion this is something extremly easy to implement and it would greatly improve the matchmaking speed for everyone (also the rookies out there having trouble getting help for bosses and such)! Note that this system would not stop the people interested in sending some world chat messages to get people in their squad (as we do right now).

    Hope you do something like this, thanks in advance ;)
    Notice: Any game is better than PWI atm, so give PWI a break and go try other MMOs! Do it...
    PM me if you want more information about the best MMOs (Warning: biased opinion upon trial)
  • Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It would be great if there was a "Like" button and a "Inappropriate" button in the forums. Many times i agree with someone but unless I reply with a post, no one will ever know. If someone has a great suggestion or thought, it would be nice to see how many others agree. Likewise for posts that do nothing but clutter up the thread. I bet it would make it much easier for moderators to track posts as well!

    Seriously, please PLEASE either provide new archers with enough arrows (like 50K max will fit) or put a blacksmith in the starter area -- so archers can farm their wings and anything else in primal before they leave. There is NO blacksmith or any source of arrows beyond the first 10K that you are given. I can tell you now that you cannot even come close to getting wings (let alone anything in addition) with the arrows unless there is a 2x event on. Considering all the other classes can stay as long as they want to get as many bonus packs before entering perfect world, archers need assistance here. After all, the primal elf wings are awesome -- my fav out of all of them.

    sage cleric 102-102-101 / sage BM 102-102-102 / sage sin 102-102-103 / demon cleric 102-102-102 / demon veno 102-101-100 / demon archer 102 / sage barb 101-100-100 / sage seeker 101
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    - Add a couple more pixels to the older characters so they do not look as pasty and unrealistic...non-like the newer ones.
    - Take out the DQ items. They serve no purpose anymore or at least make them worth something. There's nothing worse than not being able to pick something up because your inventory is full of items worth 1 coin.
    - Please take out the advice bags for the treasure check-ins. They serve no purpose. We can all get the blessings from the codes. They take up much needed space in the inventory are aggravating.
    - Make female barbs and male venos. Every other class has the opposite sex of each.
    - If you are a wolf barb...why not turn into a wolf....same with venos. Only tigers or foxes.
    - Update the auction block. Little things like flyers....there are multiple flyers of the same type to click on. Skill books should be categorized by class.
    - Genie skill...Frenzy is named Enrage on the Description, when you scroll over it.
    - A new genie skill to regenerate mana would be nice. Arcane chars really get the shaft a lot.
    - In the boutique, there should be a sale tab so we could automatically check to see everything on sale.
    - On the char description screen, there should be a channeling total. There is one for APS. Why not channeling?
    - The PWI boutique agent should be modified with newer items.
    - It would be nice if we could combine lower lvl potions to create higher lvl potions.
    - Have gear exchange that works like the fashion exchange on a char. That way a char can swap gear depending on the type of pull or boss he is fighting.
    - The archer barrage should be continuous until mana drains out or the player stops it.
    - Flyers for 500mil are ridiculous. Some flyers are sealed. So to buy the flyer you can spend up to 60mil in some cases for a sealed flyer. Then, you spend up to 500mil for the item to unseal it.
  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So I was talking with a fellow veno friend, and had some ideas for more enjoyable levelling.

    Because, simply put, running Frostcovered City 9000000 times from lvl 80 to 100 and then all over again at rebirth is simply grueling! Tedious! I have spoken to hundreds of players, and even the most patient are tired of Frost by the time they hit 100 for the first time.
    I have even done almost all the quests in a fervent attempt to get away from the doldrums of Frost.

    So what do we do to make it better?
    I have a bunch of suggestions here--feel free to take all or some of them! b:pleased

    1. Kitties in Archosaur! This event would run from 17:00 to 19:30 server time daily, to avoid conflicting with other events that often start after 20:00 server time.
    Players can speak with the KatMeister NPC, located in every major city next to the Adventure Assistant, to be teleported to an instanced version of Archosaur, where all the NPCs are replaced by cats of varying sizes and colors.
    From here, the game can take two paths.
    First, one could search for all the hidden kitties (about the same size as the venomancer cat pet), which are each hiding scattered around the nooks and crannies of Archosaur.
    Second, one could engage in a talking chain quest among the cat NPCs to discover a hidden villain among them! Players can use their wit and logic to narrow down the list of possibilities from the clues that NPC cats give. But beware the liars!
    The devs can decide whether to make this game a pubic-type quest, where all the players compete for contribution given by the cats, or whether it is a solo/team instance where all the players, or one player, work together for a shared prize.
    For example, if you chose a public quest-type, you would have prizes from 1st-10th place, ranging from 15 mil exp and 5 mil spirit, to 2 mil exp and 400k spirit. Everyone who got above contribution ~1000 for example might get a participation prize of 1 mil exp and 200k spirit.
    Just some sample numbers for consideration!
    All players lvl 75-100 would be encouraged to participate. Since there is no gear advantage in this game, all could have a fair chance!

    2. Bunny gathering!
    A sudden storm of wraiths came down upon the Swiftwind plains, smashing the cages for all the rabbits that the Swiftwind tribe had as pets! The bunnies ran far and wide, starting to devastate the countryside by eating all the shrubbery in their newfound wild freedom. Help the Swiftwind Tribe recapture their bunny pets and restore peace to the plains!
    This game is split up into melee-types and ranged types. :) This game is held once every two hours starting at 00:00 server time. It runs for 10 minutes.
    Players can speak to the Swiftwind Elder for instructions on how this game works.
    Upon entering the event, each participant is given a capturing weapon, to do no harm to the bunnies while you bring them to submission. E.G., a barb will get a large plastic hammer with which to gracefully knock the bunnies out, while the Archers will get tiny tranquilizer darts. Each class can use their starting skill only to knock out the bunnies.
    The object of the game is to knock out and return as many bunnies to their cages before the time runs out! The Swiftwind only want certain bunnies, though, so don't go bringing those wraith-tainted bunnies back! You'll lose points for the extra cleanup needed. Melee-types will collect the bunnies on the ground, while ranged-types will need to knock out the flying bunnies in the air. Once you have knocked out a bunny, you can collect a maximum of two bunnies before you need to run them back to their cages! Don't leave them too long, though, or they'll wake up enraged, and be unable to capture for a while!
    Every bunny returned safely to the cages is 50k exp and 10k spirit! (sample number)
    This is highly encouraged to be a team game, though it can also be calibrated to be a competitive game. For example, Blademasters can run out to knock out bunnies, while Barbs can collect them and run back, since they have higher landbound speed. As a more competitive game, you could add in the option to stun the bunny carriers and steal their bunnies!

    3. Faction Pride Day!
    This is an event to rally the spirits of factions-- big, small, young, old, anyone!
    This event is to see how much of your faction you can get to do any one thing! Every Saturday at 10:00 server time, speak to the faction base master to begin this event!
    Once the event is started, the guild leader(or if the guild leader is absent, a guild officer) will decide on one thing to do; e.g. kill nivastok braves. Once they kill a nivastok brave, a counter will pop up, and any faction members killing nivastoks will add to the counter! This event runs for 30 minutes, so however much you can add the counter increases the rewards your faction will get!
    Based upon the counter, you will get 100k exp and 20k spirit for every 50 on the counter! (sample number and dependent upon task) The faction also receives 10 mirages and 100 faction materials for every member that participated.
    There are hundreds of possibilities, only limited by faction officer imagination! However, some actions are weighted according to difficulty and how much time they take.
    For example, if you can get your entire fac to be using the "dance" emoticon at about the same time, that's great! And if you can do it all in similar fashion sets, you get even more numbers on the counter! But each time you do the dance emoticon will only add one to the counter per multiplied by the number of guild members clicking it around the same time.
    On the other hand, if you choose something highly difficult and time consuming, like a faction world-boss takedown, each world-boss would add 1000 to the counter!
    You could also do fac mount races, with the amount of distance traveled on mounts is multiplied by the amount of fac members on mounts and then divided by 100 to add to the counter.
    Or fac pvp can be arranged bewteen the really competitive guilds, where the number of kills of non-faction players adds 50 to the counter for each kill!
    Whatever you choose, there are plenty of options for everyone!

    * All numbers are sample numbers and are given for the sake of reference, and may be changed to make the games more fair/reasonable
    *All ideas are to give a general framework and possibilities, not to either limit or expand too far upon possibilities! GMs taking any of these ideas should use discretion

    Hope you consider these ideas!
    If you have any questions or want further ideas, which I can come up with dozens, let me know! Either comment or PM me. Thanks!
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Sage clerics should be able to give mp to other people just like demon clerics can give mp with their skill lvl 11 ironheart.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited August 2014
    Sage clerics should be able to give mp to other people just like demon clerics can give mp with their skill lvl 11 ironheart.

    Why? Demons get the MP sharing, sages get a stronger heal. It's a trade-off to make both skills useful yet unique.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Personally I would love to see a new set of smileys . Some coffee ones would be nice or dog maybe . And I would like to see the exp room gone or reduce the exp given in it . Maybe turn one of the bosses into a BH boss?
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I am amazed that PWE developers are allowing botting. There are so many people I have talked to that hate the fact that others are leveling while they are away from the desk...having autos, "botting", grind for them to level. I see this as a direct sister to the FCC nightmare. Look at your quests people, do them!! You will level, trust me but oh I know "it takes so long", it used to take allot longer!!!! So, pull up your big person pants and work your character, use the skills, get to know HOW to use them, become a better character not just a class title.
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This is going to be a long post so I will try my best to organize it and structure it so that it is easy to follow.

    Across servers the effects of the economic problems can be seen. There have been many attempts by pwe staffs to fix this and a few failed attempts at coin sinks. First I want to list a few of the things they have done in attempt to fix this issue and the reasons I believe they thought it would work and the reasons it did not.

    I will suggest a few things that may help. I believe something has to be done because many veterans players have left and are still leaving and we are having no better luck with keeping new players as they are having such a hard time competing with the vets and massive cs'ers that we already have.

    DQ points removal-

    The issue with botting and by this i mean the bannable way of botting, caused us to lose out DQ points this is because many many bots were selling the dq for large amounts of money and then selling the coins in game and being paid cash on things like paypal for this service. That being said it took some cash out of pwi and into players pockets but only a handful of players per server.

    The Issue- DQ gave many players a way to farm what they could not cash shop such as random dye, do it all cards, dice tickets and perfect stones it was also a way for a player of any level to make some coins. This kept AH gold prices in check because it was simple if you tried to over charge players simply didn't buy because they could go grind and get exp and dq items. This also brought out huge crowds for events such as attack on arch as a way to squad up and make some extra money.

    The Fix- I firmly believe that this should be brought back but also I think the ingame bots (auto culti) should be taken out to do so. The bots are killing an already broken economy 70% of ppl online are just botting now. And more then ever the DQ items are still being sold and players can by the coin threw paypal instead of in game at lower then ever prices taking more and money out of pwi.

    The Issue- NW- nation wars was and is an amazing addition to the game however it made farming your G16 basically a cake walk though it did make r9 much more reasonable you still have to cs for the r9 but obtaining the rest much easier. However it made nirvy a dead instance and many many players rage quit after having to farm their gear "the hard way" and feeling like it was just handed to the next group of ppl .there is nothing wrong with working for what you want it makes you better at your class and appreciate the things more.

    The Fix- Nw is way to fun too get rid of and it helped bridge the gear gap in old and new players
    I suggest making the Bosses in Nirvy drop other valuables that are harder to get at the same drop chance as the cannies and raps as b4 thus forcing the squad to split and work together again. I suggest Gold mats TT and Lunar or badges and molds like lunar and WS maybe ancient emblems or summer wind tokens. or Best idea yet Make this a new EXP instance hyperable for high lvl players only. so they must be lets say 90+ or RB to get inside 100? with lots of exp as we still get the nirvy keys needed it would be an easy add.

    The Issue- Jolly Jones quest. Intended to help lower levels make a little bit of coin. Problem high level players making accounts full of alts to do this quest all day causing server lag, false active players and mass amounts of coins thus making yet another economy issue.

    The Fix- either remove it (yes i know people are going to QQ like crazy they will like always suck it up, if you give them fair warning) or make this a Per account per day thing so they can not make 7 toons to all go do this on 10 different accounts all day.

    Free Codes all the time- Now far be it from me to complain about free gifts but the gifts should be chosen more wisely and spaced out more then a week dreamchasers fine every week go for it its great for the game makes ppl play a lot but the event gold is becoming so easy to get that ppl are not working nor paying for many things that we would normally charge for such as fashion, random dyes, charms, smilies and so on this is a big issue if there is too much event gold given out. Same with the charms once a month maybe every week eliminates the need for many players to ever bother buying them making charm sales a waste. would be more money for pwe if you thought this threw a little bit.

    The Fix- if your going to give out free fashion. stick to the celestial set that use to be given out or fashion that can't be obtained threw charging such as maybe giving out the 2011 Carnival set or an old pack set. Thus not losing vital zen that would other wise be charged to get things via boutique or wedding and such. Keep Event gold Codes for big events and holidays players can always take a chance at them via tiger event and so on. Also on the fashion note if you give out super old unavailable fashion like i stated or the fash that has to be farmed via events then that would lower the insane prices on them since they can't be bought with gold they are being farmed and exchanged via coins putting more coins into play for no really good reason. Boutique fashion or wedding fashion in which players often spend gold to obtain should not be given out.

    The Issue- Pack prices, now I know pwi thinks well they sell well so we raised the prices blah blah blah but let me tell you that you made waaay more money when they were like the old just plain tiger or biker packs that had a set price then every once in a while got slashed in half because we all got pack fever and bought tons and tons at a time keeping token prices reasonable and thus making us idiots who buy to many(myself included) have to lower our prices to just to come close to making about 50% of our money back

    The fix- Return to reasonable amount of gold for packs only 1 or 2 types at a time and randomly slash those prices like b4. nothing pisses a cs'er off more then spending all our gold only to see a massive pack sale 2 days later we feel like morons but we go charge again every time more money for you when this happens. also most of us pack crazy ppl are dumb and we spend that coin to buy more packs and thus the cycle continues.

    And the very last thing I have to add is the much talked about FC hypering argument that has been going on there is many arguing either side so let me start by saying what really happened

    Yes FC for many players who haven't been around forever is broken( as far as they are concerned) However for those who like to run their mouths and be like oh no its just fixed blah blah your also wrong. so shut up.

    FC was not Hyperable at 1st but a broken patch let players hyper (this happened a long long long time ago and i was there for it) The mistake was fixed and it returned to its non hypered state, However so many people loved the idea from the mistake that we begged and begged to keep it and gave them amazing feedback so much that they sent comments and suggestion to china asking for a patch to allow us to keep it. The decision was made a long long time ago to allow US and now ofc Euro servers to beable to hyper FC.

    so since that choice was made to keep hypers in fc that would mean yes it was "broken" which has happened many times with large updates in the past as we get new developers and so on they don't always know the notes and so on saying hey write this patch a little different for the crazy US servers.

    If FC is Hyperable again 1 it should be for a long list of reasons.

    The people saying get over it i didn't level with fc my 1st time or so on 1 shut up. I was there no we didnt need it we also didnt have r9 yet and we got it, it was rare we also didn't have RB or lack of nirvy or nw or an issue with our vets leaving and our inabliity to keep new players. Times change the lack of an instance to level quickly is making more and more bots show up grind mobs its also pushed the gap between vets and newbies not to mention did you consider um a year when your bored of your toon and want a new one it was a great way to sell and spend coins

    HOWEVER- any1 under level 70 or maybe 80 unless RB should not be allowed to enter this instance ever. There use to be instances *coughs nirvy* that you couldn't walk threw the port if you were not the proper level this should be done to FC.

    Gold trading across the servers has been an issue for well read above basically since those things happened. I believe if they are solved things will stable on their own.

    Many many players who have left the game still pop back in time to time they also check forums and FB i believe if some steps were done to fix these issues- the reasons many left- then you could get a decent amount back also word of mouth spreads fast online. Giving more and more new things and new updates can not fix the issues only make the burden larger as people have been saying for many years if you solve the issues at hand you will be better off then giving new things or even free things. All the great pwi is doing is being over shadowed by the things gone unfixed just some things to think about.
  • Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Just a few ideas for the game that will probably get discarded anyway but here goes nothing....

    Why not put a Mega Socket stone in packs? This item would be used to give any item 1 more socket to a max of 2/4 depending on the item

    MAKE NATION WARS TWICE DAILY!! Gives other people from different time zones a chance to actually go in there, but only allowed to enter once per day ( perhaps that might slow down the price hikes with Rapture crystals & Cannies )
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    It works seamlessly and efficiently in star trek online. Instantaneous squadding for pve group events. Why not here? You already started doing it. Take out the need for a cleric and allow for a seeker. Do something. This is such a great concept that is so flawed.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Arc popup notification when GMs reply to a support ticket.
  • Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    A manner to undo primal skill merges. b:avoid
    > A demon is driven by desire, pure desire, that cannot be stopped by reason or logic. - Mo Zun
    > Believing in demons doesn't mean believing in evil. Demons are not necessarily an evil thing. - Chin Wuming
  • Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This belongs here.
    i would create an AH NPC for buying without needing to have a copy of that item in your inventory like shops.

    So you search the item you want (just like now in AH) and you put an enquiry and a max price you would offer, also the coins / big notes for the max price + fee. Everyone then puts a bid: their item and the price that needs to be lower than the max price of the buyer or equal.

    Ex: i want to buy Sky Cover for 200m tops
    player 1: offers a Sky Cover +5 for 200m
    player 2: offers a Sky Cover +7 for 190m
    player 3: offers a Sky Cover +8 for 200m.

    At each "bid" i get an in game mail with the offer. Auctioning time would 24 / 48 / 72 hours. At each point i can choose to buy one item, at the end of the auction if i didn't choose an item, the AH would buy for me the lowest priced one.

    For all this put a 1% fee on the final purchase for each of the buyer and seller.

    > A demon is driven by desire, pure desire, that cannot be stopped by reason or logic. - Mo Zun
    > Believing in demons doesn't mean believing in evil. Demons are not necessarily an evil thing. - Chin Wuming
  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If the above (very awesome) suggestion is not feasible, I would like to see something along the lines of the the Commission Shop where buyers could post wanted items and sellers could fulfill these requests instantly.

    Buyers would have to deposit coins to cover their purchases. Sellers can access the interface anytime, anywhere rather than visiting the auction house. The just need to be at the npc to make the transaction. Although, said buyer postings could be integrated there. The auction house hasn't changed much all these years and could use an overhaul.

    The Commission Shop is SUCH an under-utilized feature and could be so much more. It's clean and fresh and visually pleasing. Perhaps due to the inhibitive price of using it for sellers or people just don't know its there, its really a shame.
    102/102/102 demon cleric

    started playing April 2009.. took a few years break.. PWI is truly the Hotel California of MMORPGs b:surrender
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It's my first time ever entering into a PWI forum but here goes nothing* *Deep breath* Aaaannndd GO!

    >I think that the event You, the GMs, had introduced two/three months aback in which you could obtain a rare aerogear beginning at 0.50 speed should be re-introduced for December since Christmas only comes once a year and at the ending as well.

    >GMs should dress up as Santas and elves in different areas to give out random gifts on certain days and times in the different beginner Cities - Lost City, Etherblade, Plume City, Raging Tide and Tellus City. Also only the different races for each area should be in their respective cities during those events. (Items should be rare and not something you can obtain so easily).

    > Instances should have certain random mini Christams-based mini bosses that also drop rare goodies as well.

    The main reasons I stress on 'rare' so much is to compensate for players who are unable to use real money to buy from the Boutique and also because it's the holiday season, which especially comes at the END of the year.

    Also by getting the GMs directly involved, it encourages the players to stick around and make them realize that the staff does care about the player community. Interaction IS important afterall. You can also try and get player-feedback to see if it was successful or not so you would know if you could do it again or try another method. It's worth a shot.

    >Also a reccomendation for NW, although it has a level cap it should be changed into different level ranges instead. i.e; 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90-99, 100-max. The reason I say this is because when from observation, being it from level 60-max level ones dominating are those with r9 gear which gives lower levels literally ZERO chance of getting any prizes at the end of the event far less even suriving for a second since they get one-shotted. It's even best that it was a level 100-105 or a R9 only event since lower levels don't benefit at all whatsoever. Just something to reconsider.

    >Another reccomendation, still referring to NW, is that different times, for the two days that the event is being held, should be set in order to compensate for people of different Time Zones to benefit. This applies to all the servers.

    >A Price Control Officer(most preferably a GM) should visit the Vendors at least once or twice a month to ensure that the items are not over-priced and not going beyond the values they should be.

    >Whilst I know PWI is unique in it's own way compared to Ether Saga and Jade Dynasty, I think it would maybe be cool that players could still use certain attacks whilst on their mounts. As for the mounts having their own skills, well, still pending on that idea. So yeah, they could almost be on equal standing as aerogears, the difference being that on aerogears ALL skills can be used. But was just tossing this out across the table so it could be given a glance or not.

    And now, I take my leave *bows and vanishes in a black wisp*
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well, I'm pretty much enjoying the game (about a week now). Because of my lifestyle though, I prefer to play the game solo. Thus far it seems doable with the classes with pets (at the low levels anyway).

    I did notice that one could play using two accounts. I've done that with other games in the past with a buffer and a DD character. But have to admit it's a pain in the butt. (I've not tried it in your game yet though).

    Since your pet system seems to work pretty nicely for the venomancer, I was wondering why we couldn't just use another character in our existing account as a 'character pet'? Would be great for us solo types (and I could play more different characters with a buffer/healer tagging along).

    Don't know if this has been discussed before. But I'd give this one my vote. Maybe make a solo server for people like me. I'd still join in a clan for group events if the times were right. It'd make for a different play style for pve or pvp as well I think. Or character pets could be disabled in competitive events.

    Anyway, its a nice game for the present playing the venomancer.
  • Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    rainymike wrote: »
    Well, I'm pretty much enjoying the game (about a week now). Because of my lifestyle though, I prefer to play the game solo. Thus far it seems doable with the classes with pets (at the low levels anyway).

    I did notice that one could play using two accounts. I've done that with other games in the past with a buffer and a DD character. But have to admit it's a pain in the butt. (I've not tried it in your game yet though).

    Since your pet system seems to work pretty nicely for the venomancer, I was wondering why we couldn't just use another character in our existing account as a 'character pet'? Would be great for us solo types (and I could play more different characters with a buffer/healer tagging along).

    Don't know if this has been discussed before. But I'd give this one my vote. Maybe make a solo server for people like me. I'd still join in a clan for group events if the times were right. It'd make for a different play style for pve or pvp as well I think. Or character pets could be disabled in competitive events.

    Anyway, its a nice game for the present playing the venomancer.

    Because it defies the entire term MMO.
    This is an MMO.
    You're supposed to play with people.

    But yeah ok, let's give R9rr +12 venos access to summoning their R9rr +12 sins.
    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited December 2014
    Ill have a look at this a little later along with all other threads.


    UPDATE: Sorry due to workload im gonna have to pass this to anouther night.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    As A veno this sucks . . Fix the damn thing . . . U created a new instance to help us lvl our pets and it has been bugged since it's inception. . . .
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited December 2014
    As A veno this sucks . . Fix the damn thing . . . U created a new instance to help us lvl our pets and it has been bugged since it's inception. . . .

    sadly this is a pwcn thing as they only have pvp servers. With this its unlikley to be fixed. Ill double check the logs and get back on this, but I think its already in the logs

  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    How about creating a PVP Europe server? US west and east have one, so why dont we? Morai server is the only one europe server and has high population compared to US (medium). I'd be really nice to have at least two european servers.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'd like to see more universal clothing. Like T'shirts and Jeans and boots WITHOUT heals. I may be a girl but I don't get why everything has to be so sex half naked style, some of the fashion for girls is rather degrading.. I'd like to have my toon reflect more who I am!! I've seen some things that the guys get that I'd totally put on my toon.. such as a duster.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited December 2014
    About the heel thing, the female character models are designed for heels. So every kind of footwear for females is going to either have heels or a giant buffer area at the back when you realize where to look.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So it is clear that Wanmei are trying to make the levelling experience easier with all the new quests and gears, but something that's bugged me over all the years is that lower levels still wont refine gears.

    I mean, why would you, my new dusky is 72 and got the partial maze set. Its nice, but why would I add all those shards (I could fit in 16 atm if I wanted to) when I will need the 80 set soon enough.

    Why would I refine my weapon to say +5 for the same reason, and also considering that the power isn't supported by my def/hp so I couldn't take advantage of the power to do big aoe's for example.

    Anyway, this all leads me to consider the free orbs we get in the chest. I for one, am saving them all to refine my g16 or other lvl 100+ gears. I wouldn't waste them on my lvl 70 maze gears.

    However I would really like to upgrade my lvl 70 stuff, and I would even spend a few in game coins, but not to the point of buying orbs to +5 etc.

    This is where PWI could have a massive coin sink I believe. What if there was a simple way to pay for upgrade to gears/weapons under a certain level - say level 10, but only to +5 it. I haven't thought too much about all the levels, but you know what Im saying.

    If I could plus 1 every piece of gear of my level with say 30k coins, then +2 for 50 and +3 for 100 up to say 500k for plus 5, I would do it. I would love to try out my dusky if everything was +5 but I would still be npc'ing it all for the next tier of gears when the time came.

    Or alternatively an orb system with a timer. So you could choose to use regular orbs which are permanent but which cost vast sums of money, or a timed orb which is much cheaper that you have to redo after a week.

    Anyway just a couple of thoughts. I think people would take advantage of it and it would be a good coin sink. I know I would upgrade my gears if it was worth it.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    I know at least some of the chest orbs are only usable on low level gear (like the old 5* ones, for example).

    Looking back on it, though, I don't think anyone really ever refined low level gear even when it was a grindfest and we always would wait until we had gear that could let us compete in PvP or high-end PvE to refine and shard it. The level up chests and Dreamchasers alleviate this some with free orbs/shards but the mentality really hasn't changed overall.. just that high-end stuff and endgame are further away now.

    It would be nice to have more incentive to refine lower level stuff, though. As is, half the time I don't bother with higher than maybe +3 and sharding anything above average til I get to stuff that I know can last a while like warsoul helms, cube gear, -some- lunar equipment, and so on.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    its hard to make money now a days dq worth nothing Armour drops been nurtured for selling price how are low levels supose to make coin to buy skills an bhs
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    deathsigh wrote: »
    its hard to make money now a days dq worth nothing Armour drops been nurtured for selling price how are low levels supose to make coin to buy skills an bhs

    Doing their quests since the new expansion gave a major boost to EXP/coin/spirit from quests and also lowered costs of skills.

    Failing that, low levels still have Jolly Jones they can do daily for free coin.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Doing their quests since the new expansion gave a major boost to EXP/coin/spirit from quests and also lowered costs of skills.

    Failing that, low levels still have Jolly Jones they can do daily for free coin.

    Seriously, this is still a complaint? I'm sitting at 400k on a brand-new character at level 35. Granted, this is during 2x/3x, but still, an idea for people: When you're on the starter island, make use of your genie's experience soaking ability. I actually farmed a lot of the bank mats in the starter area by feeding my genie experience. Then, upon exiting the starter island, I sold what DQ mats I didn't need after doing my bank quests on the AH, and made 14k per stack of 5 items for the first bank quest.

    That adds up super-fast.

    I also was able to farm up quite a few of the manufacturing mats, which allowed me to get my level 2 Blacksmithing without buying a single item except Jades (suckers cost me 5k b:surrender)
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    can we give venos bp.
    i dont understand why it had to be class specific.
    in the first place, it's not spell vamp and while you can argue that other casters are not melee why bother maybe so but venos at the very least have an entire melee skill tree so why not let us make more use out of it, I for one love playing my veno HA/AA and would love to actually see some bp action going and there is no lore or real reason not to let us have it, it should be as simple as a few lines of code or hell set bp to trigger true instead of false on veno or however they coded it.

    This has also been a complaint for years since it came out should really be an easy thing to do.


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