Lucifeara - Lost City Arc User


  • Hiya, After waiting for a fix for 3 days to this problem, I assumed none was forthcoming from PWI, so I decided to fix it myself. I tried to obtain a blessing with 3 different browsers, using 3 brand new facebook accounts, and all had the same problem. A guildie then said something about having to like PWI if hadn't done…
  • Hiya, After waiting for a fix for 3 days to this problem, I assumed none was forthcoming from PWI, so I decided to fix it myself. I tried to obtain a blessing with 3 different browsers, using 3 brand new facebook accounts, and all had the same problem. A guildie then said something about having to like PWI if hadn't done…
  • I have same problem as everyone else here, tried to get blessing using both IE9 and Firefox and no success. Why are they always having to **** about with stuff which results in annoying their customers. Next time some little sales twerp comes up with a bright idea at PWI, don't listen to the fool, just sack his ***! Leave…
  • The even better one to watch for is the cat shop that says "G6Citrine120k", and when you look he has 60 average citrines for sale at 120k each. Unlike the previous example who may have had a stock that has sold, this one is a total deliberate scam, as the incorrect shards have been priced with the correct value for the…
  • Me too, it seems the most sensible yet, just not sure how much work would be required, examining the datatables at the point before the shop introduction of the DQ mounts. I dont own a DQ mount, as personally I dont like the appearance, and so far not a single in game mount is downright evil and nasty enough for me to…
  • Its funny how all the servers show green on the numb nuts server indicator lol, even though there's obviously a major problem.b:chuckle
  • lawl this alone told me it wasn't my computer. Your server status shows green on the perfect world web page. About time you included a script that actually worked and showed when the server was having problems, like the above one does. Patch…
  • Not just a west archo lag issue anymore, something on your server is seriously wrong, I know it sure as hell aint my equipment, as it never lags on anything lol. I have been in IT longer than most people, around 20 years, also been a GM on mmo's, and my system is a streamlined powerhouse with minimum processes running,…
  • Hiya It's not your hardware. i have the exact same problem at times, especially yeerday was getting lag spikes out of the blue, almost like a ddos attack. Everything running smooth on max settings, then 20 seconds of solid lag from nowhere. died in pvp 3 times because of it. I checked network, modem settings, processes,…
  • Easy to say when your not on the pvp server. Talking here from the point of view of being on the pk server and expected class balance. Which at the moment doesn't exist.
  • Bump. Totally agree. Even wearing heiro, and popping event hp pots its the same. I can escape only just, but if I try and take the veno out I die.any other class of my level struggles to kill me and rarely succeeds. And main point being that lost city is a 1v1 pvp based server, it should be 1v1 balanced. TW is a non factor…
  • Why half? To be totally fair they need to apply the same 75% damage reduction that everyone else has. All this qqing boils down to the simple fact that all skills in pvp have 75% damage reduction. If venos are gonna be able to sidestep this with flesh ream, then remove everyone elses 75% reduction, or fix flesh ream on…
  • lawl. Both of those are relatively weak to other skills. But if fighting an 80+ barb and just not quite able to finish him because of heiro, banging those 2 on can be the difference ebtween killing him or not. Some skills are knocked by people who dont do the pure maths of damage v heiro tick and cooldown. They aint 2…
  • Hiya You raise a few fair points Daerys, I beg to differ on only 1, intended market. A lot of games that launch these days are USA server based, but they are big titles that are well know world wide. When I googled for perfect world, after it was recommended, it took me straight here, as the USA speaks english so a…
  • Gotta agree! Stun, thundershock, lightning strike, aim low. if they aint dead ie not quite beating heiro tick, repeat and kite them and bang serrated arrow and poison in there to beat the heiro tick.
  • "We realize that users not located in the US have a demand for this mount" Translation- Yes we realise we are taking the total bloody p!ss having prizes for USA players only, when some of the bigger cash shop spenders are based elsewhere? In any form of business, or walk of public life, catering to 1 nationality only out…
  • Lol To prove a point are we the same lvl now, 1 month later almost?
  • To be fair with Lost City server there may be a few idiots, but most seem to be fair on FBs. Besides its easy to just go on World chat and alert people what nubs they are if they behave unfairly.
  • tbh used to better customer service than this. The updates as and when the servers are down are ****. Give us a timescale for resolution, of this problem, or are your customer service kept outside the loop and dont have a clue?
  • Rofl From a coders perspective its a bit bit sad taking so long. However have to consider the cash shop nubs that already bought the new gear so makes the job harder.TBH theres some sad people only in this game to make money or any one else with common sense wopuld think no way gonna make a profit outta new fashion (9 dyes…
  • Rofl Still not fixed, still can't charge zen, and still no timescale for when it will be resolved. Says temporarily unavailable which is 44 hours so far it has been out of action. According to email, they didn't find out there was a prob until 5am their time yesterday, god knows why as I knew at 4pm UK time the day before…
  • Ty for response, and they are aware and trying to fix problem. wasn't PWI's fault apparently was a Ukash system migration thing, causing IP to change which cut them off from merchants. Ty again and now I know timescales for response etc, didn't before you posted it. Was just getting a bit frustrated and was maybe a bit ott…
  • To be honest anyone spending a grand on a virtual game, needs a medal, an uber free item, and then to be packed off straight to a psychiatrist, to get their head examined. Step outside your door and experience real life lol, far better things to spend a grand on.
  • Lol My apologies for posting in wrong spot. I find it hilarious however that someone could take the time to move my post to here, and yet still no response to my query, which in any other business would be filed under complaints, rather than hidden in a general cash shop section. Zen charging using Ukash still isn't…
  • Lmao! I'm on lost city, and yep its a pvp server. Tbh its a bit nub for lvl 50+ to pk lvl 30s, but it happens, all games have idiots, it's the way of the world. my only concern is losing valuable items, fashion etc, as the documentation contradicts itself. On the same page it says can only lose items if pink or red, then…
  • Lol I used to be same wih RF Online. It's bad having the same withdrawal symptoms now on PWI lolb:sad