Latentkarma - Lost City Arc User


  • rofl. I know what the word troll means. I apply it where I feel it fits. So you are yet another person that actually doesn't know what the word actually means but thinks they are smart and attempts to try and tell others how to think. Much like you are doing in this thread. And that my friend makes you a troll. So you can…
  • Ross Perot / losstarot Successful Businessman / Successful Troll Nuff said.
  • No there will not be a new PVP server until the current PVP servers actually have a population.
  • I think you would do better to spend your time learning proper English.
  • If you don't play your class as I tell you to play it, because I have played every class there is to 150 and know how to play them all so well that God asks me for advice on how to play his toons so you all suck and need to listen to me and play as I tell you to play because I have played every class like I said before and…
  • PWE is the company the runs the game. PWI is the game.
  • Come to the Light Sith, the dark side holds no pleasures for one such as you.
  • It is a known myth that girls play MMO's. You sir are fibbing.
  • never tried to say anything of the sort. Go back, read my responses to the OP and follow the conversation a bit better. I'm discussing with him what I'M seeing. And trying to figure out where the difference is (aside from level). LK
  • WTF you talking about? I'm no Ren fanboi. I'm nobodies fanboi. If you look carefully, while I agree with "some" of whats been said by Ren, I don't agree with all of it. A "fanboi" would. I have my own opinions, do my own checking, and if someone says something I agree with, I back them up, if they say something I disagree…
  • it's also not appropriate for blades and barbs to come along 20 levels lower than me and 1-2 shot me either, but they do. My Phoenix now makes that a bit harder to do IF I see them coming first. If not, they can still toast me in short order. Realistically. the flesh ream skill is overpowered. As much as I hate to admit…
  • Personal opinion here: While I can't comment on Flesh ream at lvl 5, I can comment on it at lvl 4. My Phoenix Laughter, as he sits now can kill "most" heavies at or below my level w/o using flesh ream, and one or two debuffs and nukes from me, and IF he gets stun off before they can, can kill most heavies anywhere from 1-3…
  • I'm far from "new" to the internet. Again someone who hasn't bothered to read the thread. I've been playing MMO's since Everquest was closed Beta (yes I was a beta tester). I had forgotten how much I despise the e-peenery on PVE servers. As I said (once again) I came to PWI to take a break from the PVP in EVE Online. If I…
  • I don't gloat. I respond with my opinion. And if you had bothered to actually read more than one line you would have read that my response about only being PK'd once, was to deadbrain because he was bound and determined to try and say I'd been "owned" and thats why I made this thread. Yet only one person on Sanctuary can…
  • Saitada's Grief's Breath (TT70 weapon) has 2 Flawless shards (Sapphire +25 Mag atk.) and the only change in glow that I noticed after adding them was the addition of the two sparkly spirals around her wrist. LK - Saitada's Lost City Alt.
  • I usually observer visually and watch for damage. I've seen the Bleed tick out. Barb on Sanc my level, phoenix hit for a bit over 260 and bleed ticked for 800+ (I remember this number because it appears to be a constant rather than a variable). Phoenix hit 3-4 times per bleed tick (780 - 1040 damage between ticks). so at…
  • I have and do "step into PK mode" to back up my ****. Only been killed once. So far. I expect that number won't last long b:laugh. I have no issues with going PK and fighting and or dieing. I don't whine or boast about being killed or how many people I've killed. THAT is the issue I have though, the ones who do and then…
  • Didn't write it, quoted it for the enjoyment of what it says. Yes I spent three years in prison. Got an issue about that? Or were you just flapping your yap because your an idiot?... Always had problems with contractions and a few words in the english language.. But word Na.Zi's always try to use that as a basis to pretend…
  • lol you should read the thread a bit more.. I stated that while I thought the move was smart... it was still kinda chicken ****. I didn't squad the guy, I was invited into the squad with the guy.. and no, I don't have any sad feelings about the guy getting killed.. as I have stated.. over and over again in these threads,…
  • You have your facts wrong, I expect this from LC server as they ain't on Sanctuary and haven't seen whats there (under most circumstances) I handle PVP quite well. I don't complain when I get killed, and I don't brag when I kill someone. But then, seeing as only one person on Sanctuary has actually killed me in PK mode...…
  • I never claimed it was mine, I got that from the actual original forums it was first written on years and years ago. I've used it on a few occasion when I thought the humor it injects is needed, as well as when I think it's just fitting period. lol.. ya gotta admit... that IS some funny **** though! LK
  • Actually deadbrain your totally wrong. There is only one person on Sanctuary that can say they have PK'd me and not be lieing. only ONE. And he PK'd me because I told him "lets go waste a Guardian Angel, I want to see that wicked Barb skill" And we did. People can say they have been killed by me, but only one person can…
  • While I don't agree with the complete accuracy of your math because of the various mitigating factors of each players armor and defenses etc. I agree with this. The skills in PVP should be fixed like any others to be fair to everyone. Not quite so sure about the second part, near as I can tell (and I admit to NOT having…
  • I can only speak from what I have experienced at my level. At higher levels, well. I'll see if I ever bother to get Saitada up that high. I will readily admit I have no experience with or against a phoenix at those levels. I'm only commenting about what i've experienced at my level. :-) LK
  • I'm going by what I have experienced, and from what I have seen from others. Phoenix flesh ream does NOT increase in power after it has reached lvl 5, it stays at that intensity. period. The only thing that does change is the phoenix's base attack. lvl 5 flesh ream is pretty strong, but your not going to bleed out from it…
  • Only skill the herc had on was pounce. Which I realized shortly after was agro gaining and turned it off... just a few seconds too late. The second, and third times this happened, I had gotten distracted with stuff going on here at home and forgot to turn off the skills as well. The fourth time it happened my pets skills…
  • I just have this to say to you deadbrain.... You befouled, vitiated poltroon. You blighted, malodorous, mephitic recreant. You are a festering boil on the **** of all humanity. You have all the backbone of a jellyfish. You moribific, feculent simpleton. Would that I could change my species, just so that I might not be…
  • Nope not in a TT... in FB49 and 59.... And this is just a Hercules, in world boss fights my phoenix has to be recalled frequently or he completely takes agro from the tank because he is out damaging the tank so fast (w/o using flesh ream at all) that the tank can't keep the agro regardless of what he does, and this is WITH…
  • Phoenix's stun has a 60 second recast time. Last I looked, our stun, dependant on level.. doesn't last very long. 1.1 seconds for lucky scarab (at mines current level.. but then I haven't leveld it either) and all of 4.0 seconds (if it hits for a lvl 2 skill) for parasitic nova (again I haven't got either skill leveled up…