Kiszmet - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Ive tanked for several squads, WS, BH, TT, only thing I haven't tanked is Lunar. No I can't hold agro against a 5aps BM or sin or R9 archer or wizzy, but then no non rank or non APS can, not even barbs. Fox venos are usually the off-tank, the squad saver, the "OMFG sin just got itself killed squad going to wipe now!"…
  • Save for the first two waves, the hoards usually give more points than you need to activate the next guard. In fact, I sometimes have two or three slip by because I can't change the guards over fast enough. Are you killing the foxes and other mobs that come through? Those effect your scores as well and if you don't kill…
  • Reading this gave me a headache. This should be put on a poster and hung up to encourage kids to stay in school. All I'm seeing here is the classic boost me nerf them argument, followed by QQ R9 weapons are OP. Seriously, that's your entire post in one sentence. First of all, there is nothing wrong with psychics and…
  • Her stats aren't that bad. You need some STR to equip arcane and some venos like to have a little VIT. The low dex is proof that she is AA, not LA. Just because someone didn't stat 100% MAG doesn't mean their build is off. Also, at this point I don't see how knowing this players EXACT build is going to enable anyone to…
  • Defending what? Fire? Metal? Wood? Earth? They all require slightly different strategies. Since you say you use - Chan ornaments I'll assume you are AA build. Couple of different strategies you can use. -Kiting : already enough explanation on for this on this thread -Tanking the head : probably need a charm or genie with…
  • The pet attack is based off magic attack, but honestly, the difference isn't so huge that you should throw your phys rings in the garbage. When I switch around rings with my dino who has a 51 attack inheritance, the difference is about 120 attack. Out of 5400, the choice remains yours on how important it is to you. Since…
  • Because R93/TT S3 +10/+12 with Emperor and JoSD's/Deitys just isn't good enough b:surrender **** it, just bring out R10 already. Make the caster weapon proc invincibility for 10, no that's too low, 20 sec, and give all melees GoF with 50% chance to proc and 100% Crit chance on hit. Evasion ornies might not seem so useless…
  • Was the upgrade of SoT and Abba poorly handled? Yes Did they spit on everyone who needed to get their Culti's done? Yes Did they give the playerbase what they wanted by increasing the challenge of end game dungeons? Yes This is the ultimate result of ridiculous gear discrepancy, but its also the result of lazy leveling and…
  • I support the idea of a time change on one of them, preferably the Sunday one. I don't mind the map as big as it is, and I like not getting crowded out of fights when I arrive at a battle. My issues are with multi clienting in there. You have two types of multiclienters, those who actually play both characters, whom I…
  • Yes to all questions. Sparked Nova, followed by noxious gas is an extremely deadly AOE combo, just be ready to deal with all the agro you receive by whatever survives. b:chuckle As for the myriads, both are extremely useful and yes you should get both, but I would recommend getting one and playing around with it first…
  • I never said I was having mana or chi problems. I never said I was having debuff problems. Where are all these assumptions coming from? If your trolling, and I'm looking at you Eoria, please go elsewhere. I have level 5 pierce, I use it all the time. Its certainly more reliable than rainbow. I also carry plenty of mana…
  • 100% serious, I never try to troll. The cost would be totally worth it if the debuff was 100% of the time, but its not, its like 25% for EITHER phys debuff or mag def debuff, yes they can go off together but its really only a 10-15% chance to get the debuff you want in the form your in. The poison/bleed damage is…
  • Correct on all accounts, though I was referring primarily to PvE since this is about APS. In PvP all but mist are too expensive to cast with too little a result. You could hope for that -100% defense curse with rainbow... but at 800 mana and 20 chi a cast.... eh. They do benefit from STR but APS is about attacking with as…
  • I understand what your trying to say, but you don't seem to understand what I'm trying to say. I am not attacking Zanryu here. I am trying to respond neutrally while stating that these two extremes exist and "your" is used in a more all encompassing context. However... I do not consider this tolerant or a proposal that all…
  • Oh dear, I think what I said is being taken the wrong way. I simply stated some facts about the state of the game and peoples reaction to it. I did find it interesting that this happened but not too surprising. I told the OP that if they didn't want to worry about getting kicked they should start their own squad, you know,…
  • Yah, sadly this is typical greed from players thinking they can take advantage of a new situation. I see the same thing with Love up and Downs, Cloud Stirs and Sky Covers, and numerous other upgradeable items that weren't upgradeable before the NW expansion. Are they worth more? Not really, they aren't any harder to get…
  • Uhm, I want to say troll post, but I'll give it a proper response anyway. Some players/groups have their own methods for running instances such as BH and don't like it when OP players come in and mess up their system. In a way, I kind of understand where they are coming from. PWE killed squad dynamics with APS and R9 in…
  • Actually foxes have excellent AOE, most players just don't know about it because fox animations suck in general and most venos that use aoe attacks don't use the fox form ones. None of the fox AOE skills benefit from APS however... and only the fox rainbow's 25% chance phys debuff would help APS in any way.
  • My personal take is that A. You screwed with the time line so things are already going to be messed up as far as old story and new story. B. Given its an MMO, NPCs and other entities have to remain in place even if your character's story shouldn't be able to interact with them yet. I hope MMO's in the future fix this, but…
  • The Chi is not with you.
  • In short, PK needs to be worth it, especially with the high cost attached. Right now it's basically bully mode where more money/time to play = more power, with skill having almost no factor whatsoever. Add a level limiter, rebalance PK gear, rebalance the PK system to account for current PK gear, add an open PK reward…
  • Well I wouldn't put it past PWE to add pointless things in pointless places, but given the NPCs aboard the ship and the other new NPCs in archo, I have a strong suspicion it will be used for something later, probably to do with a revamp of Dragon Temple. It would be REALLY nice to have a meaningful full water instance…
  • uhm.....hmmm. Are you using a magic weapon? Your magic attack is very low for even a basic magic weapon, not to mention it has no variance, and your resistances are very low pertaining to your magic stat. Also, blocking out your stat point distribution makes one feel your build is dubious. If you are using a mirage sword…
  • I agree. I wasn't trying to turn this into an argument, but a good guide needs to focus on all aspects available to the class, not just magic and cash shop. I can forgive poor representation of melee foxes but I don't think its appropriate to leave out non cash pets. Of course one can question the usefulness of a guide…
  • I feel this guide is a good effort... but also a bit misleading. It's obviously written from the point of view of an AA venomancer with legendary pets, which is fine, but I feel some things need to be mentioned and others clarified in order to better represent all aspects and options of the class.
  • They do exactly what they're supposed to do, they seal up to four enemy players (or how many archers there are) that enter the spawn area. They're not meant to prevent being overwhelmed at spawn point. If you've been pushed back that far and can't break out, you've lost the map.
  • Well... putting Vit in points is good for certain builds, but I agree many of the class forums are filled with stickied threads that are ancient. Many of the builds discussed are no longer relevant, and most receive little to no poster activity anymore. Best to let them die and let new posters create new guides to take…
  • The DQ reward system definitely needs an update, but don't focus just on gems, that's likely to get this thread ignored as they just added an instance where you can get "free" lev 11 gems. Instead also add things like mystical pills, crushed tokens, OHT mats, etc... things that are useful but tend to require a lot of…
  • I'm guessing you want only a yes or no to this question, since it had been brought up countless times before that discussing other games, even those related to PWE, are against the TOS of this forum. Will a mod please close this thread b:chuckle. P.S. I sleep during maint.
  • Oh dear, another HA venomancer lured by the potential for APS. I've seen more of them popping up recently and though I fully support alternate builds, venos just don't lend themselves well to APS. As I've said before HA venomancers should concentrate on defense, that is their greatest assest. No matter how you twink…