EvAxx - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Mm well you need around 50k corals to almost guarantee a Tome and PWI could be on another on of it's crappy "fail" randomization streaks. Well I guess it could actually not drop which might explain the crazy 300m prices.. -.-
  • You can but chances are .002% from Coral and might even be lower for Tiger Packs. Anni Packs had a .01% chance. -.-
  • I think Rank VI > Nirvana unless you recast it with at least -.1 atk/speed which are the ultimate DPS sin daggers afaik.
  • I'm a guy and I think these winners are not the best.. There must be something wrong with the judges eyes.. I chose D because it has potential with the appropriate fixes that makes it more feminine and tasteful (assuming they see that..) because right now it looks like someone just gave a girl a *****'s armor.
  • The mods should have picked up on this and brought this topic back on track or just closed the topic after the update. But I dislike opinions that cannot are presented in a manner that, apparently to the presenter, cannot be challenged. According to FoxRunning, teenagers make up a majority of the game. Perhaps she incited…
  • You have to be 13+ playing this game. Is there a standardized rating system for this game? Nope. Does that need to be fix? Subjective and saying so will only result in debate. You are bringing up matters that are debatable which is why you are receiving disagreements and vocal opinions. Perhaps some of their tones could be…
  • What you consider normal is what increasingly more people consider old fashioned. I think that many would agree that some of the fashion that are seen in the transition screens would be considered skimpy if worn in real life out of context. However, I believe that gamers should also suspend their beliefs in order to enjoy…
  • So they ARE DOING something right. Just make the horns a colored trumpet and I'm sure 99% of the PWI population would be satisfied; the remaining 1% are just sad because they can't annoying the **** out of the rest. IMO having a chat filter would be the best possible thing to do but it's too much work huh..
  • This is pathetic -.-.. I wasn't following the original entry thread but the entries that made it as "winners" are moronic. Only B is decent (though I don't like the pirate concept) and A looks way to similar to another fashion that's coming out, the rest, whether or not stolen, look like crude. I saw other entries that did…
  • Yes I posted what you said before as a hypothetical, but let's be reasonable. I don't see how most sins will be able to afford reaching 4 aps without using skill. Even without demon spark, slipstream strike could be an alternative depending on it's duration.. but obviously it'll never be good as an IAS demon spark. For…
  • Sage assassin does not need the 25% less damage to beat demon assassin. However, you are wrong that 25% less damage > 25% attack rate. It would be true if 25% attack rate simply meant 25% extra damage but that's wrong. If a sin has 2.22 atk/s and casts demon spark, it's atk/s is 5. Which means double the damage. In almost…
  • "Also, the CN server has recently nerfed demon spark to no attack speed gained" That's certain indication that demon's spark was overpowered. The only class that it would not have helped as much against is another assassin that went sage but every other class would have been decimated by the incredibly high dps and dph.…
  • Tomayto, tomahto. I played another MMO where an archer can live 5 times as long as a tank because of it's high ability to block and evade with passive skills. Are you really going to tell me that the archer is still squishy; it just has survival skills which allows to live longer? It's the same difference. Living longer…
  • I don't really grind anymore but when I was at 6x I could kill many without meditating with just a few pots for when I mess up or fight against a buffed mob. I'll have to agree with archers/venos being the most efficient at soloing.
  • Aggro time in instances is a lot higher. You'll get chased out of the instance before you lose them by running. Assassins aren't tanks, given. But they are slightly less squishy than archers which allows them to take on instance mobs 1v1 relatively easily. If you can't then just play like any other DD by not stealing aggro…
  • Yes but the sin will have to keep running away from the squad, far enough so that the mobs won't be in aggro range of the squad and far enough for them to start that yellow glow. If you go invisible at your squad, the mobs will attack your squad.
  • I'd have to disagree with you and agree with Mizuoni. A demon assassin's selling point is it's ability to get to 5 APS relatively easily. A sage doesn't have to use CoD. Even without CoD, it's normal hit damage is in no way lacking from a demon's. In fact it's better in terms of DPH. A sage has better control skills, a…
  • Once again DOT doesn't help to break a charm anymore than pure damage. Against charmed arcanes, you should be able to finish them before all your skills are in CD hell. If not, just give up skill spamming and spark + normal attack. Against charmed LA or HA, that 4.2k will experience a 75% pk damage reduction, and an…
  • " I chose Sin cause it's debuff capabilities are far better than all the other classes."... "The Damage over Time effect is exactly the reason you use it, it's like a constant ~1k hit without any channelling and no after-delay. Stacked with stuns and other attacks, it creates higher DPS." Kid grow up. Those lines are…
  • Finally some truth. Truthfully, I shouldn't argue about skills because normal attacks are higher in DPS and only an idiot would argue that they won't don't have the DPH to break charms. DPH is **** when it doesn't have the attack speed to back it up. But for the sake of argument I am here. Also I'm not arguing that you…
  • At level 59 you have two sparks and 99 chi and you get a spark burst+ which raises your damage by 300% of weapon value for 12 secs and heals you 10% of of your max life at the cost of 2 sparks. This damage increase is huge combined with an assassin's fast attack speed. You have skills that'll gives you enough chi to…
  • Early on there's not much tips we can give you. Combos should be self explanatory. Use skills that do the most damage. Though I believe there is a trick you can do with tackling slash to prevent getting hit. Maybe someone can explain that to you. But otherwise just spam your skills and try your best. Use life powders,…
  • That would mean garnets are always better than Diamond of Tiger -.-
  • I think you are missing the fact that you have to cast the bleed from a skill called Puncture Wound. It is not like that 4.2k damage isn't coming at the expense of anything; if that were the case then it would increase your DPS by several hundred points. It's coming at the expense of another skill. Almost all assassin…
  • The bleed is nice and beats other skills in terms of damage on paper, but the thing is that the bleed itself doesn't crit or at least not to my knowledge. Does the bleed even experience a bonus from CoD? Also, bleed maybe have nice damage but it deals it overtime. Unless you time it right and don't use it 9 seconds before…
  • Puncture wound is only good in PvE until ~50+. After that you remove it from your shortcuts and never use it again unless you are skill spamming and need a filler skill but generally you have much better choices. Knife Throw I haven't found much use yet. Maybe if I'm trying to pull a mob from a group of monsters. It's…
  • I'm not sure why you consider nerfs to be a reason to go demon. Though after thinking about it, a 30 second tackling slash is insanely helpful even if its 50%. I would just stall until it goes off then start your combo.
  • Well to get a decent sin that is better than a skill spamming sage sin isn't that hard; you don't need godly equip. If a sage sin wants to reach the damage output of a demon sin with 5 aps(with demon spark), it would have to have equipment that gives it 5 aps without using skills. In that case, demons lost their edge and…
  • Sage is better if you spend 30,000 USD getting the best equipment. Demon is probably better otherwise.
  • Rate. The description is incorrect.