DrowsEdge - Heavens Tear Arc User



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  • Can't wait for that new game. This one has been crusty for so long. tc Ducky, come back when that new one comes out and post your IGN. :p
  • Later guy Hi Trolls! b:chuckle
  • I personally have a few skills maxed out I could live without, BUT, I definitely don't want to. They're cheap! I have every skill maxed out actually. Stay on whatever path you choose and max what you can, claws being a very distant last in weapon skills to get to 10. I highly suggest if you want to know what a move does or…
  • I'll be yo friend again knownase b:bye
  • Where would I look to read up on the skills we're getting or the ones getting re vamped? :D
  • 5 strength and 5 dex every 2 levels is fine. You'll have more than enough stats to use all weapons. Now for what YOU want is a pure fist build. Currently you're closer to the all weapon build at 5 and 5. Why do you ask? 3 strength and 2 dex will put you at an average of 300 strength and 200 dex without gear add-ons (gear…
  • I have enough dex for Deicides and str for 99 axes. Sitting at 100+ vit. Gear matters a lot too.
  • I'm also looking for a friendly faction to meet new people, I don't play too much these days. But like having things to do when I'm on, or helping others. 4.0 bowel movement (bm). WHAT UP KNOWN! =o
  • I find it mother ****ing hilarious that GM's can respond in useless stupid ****ing pointless threads. But when there are 10-20 page threads addressing game issues and things that need to be changed they NEVER post. (nirvana chests/scams people are doing.) Yes you may say this game is important, SHOW IT! This really chaps…
  • For one thing, 5 str and 5 dex is a multipath build. I've never followed a set amount for my points. Just made sure I had enough for axes, and now claws at lvl 100. I'm at around 300 str, 200 dex, 125 vit. Notice all that Vit? I can still use every weapon and I spent a good bit on vit for HP/ defenses. I never read any of…
  • Seriously? Same person b1tching and saying you were reporting people for having different hairstyles than there race should have? You really need to stop caring about other people and worry about yourself. I doubt you have many friends acting like a paranoid narc all the time.
  • Bump. Why in the hell is this 6 pages long and not one from the PWI staff has acknowledged these topics or responded. Show us that you guys GIVE A DAMN. Cause it's pissing me off and I'm ready to leave this ****ing game. You guys get MORE than monthly games, ****ing fix this ****!!!
  • In my opinion the auction house should remain the way it is, it's easy to spot a rip off in there. The way catshops are made with item icons being identical needs to change. Why don't they make new icons for these few items? It shows a sort of cheap laziness to use the same icons for completely different items.
  • These topics NEED to be addressed by the PWI staff and development. Please respond to one of the 3-4 topics now in general discussion. I know ultimately you care about making your players (customers) happy. We spend hundreds if not thousands in gold per player who has income as an adult. We should be able to have issues…
  • This is a big problem and pretty much sums it up. Maybe if they add Gold Stars or some kind of small icon attachment on items that are very Rare and very valuable. So item shops cannot scam people into paying hundreds if not thousands of times more than what their Common item is worth.
  • I'm sorry, not all of us are little kids or teenagers. Our minds have been wrecked from years of stress, work, medication, age, or sickness. Scumbags that think it's "OK" to rip people off because the buyer may not be as coherent as the next shouldn't be enabled by bad design. Selling a lemon and false advertising is…
  • Yea, Edited, 450 times. Have you ever done Nirvana? The chests randomly go to people in the group. There is always a banker in Nirvana because there is usually always multiple runs. Read how Nirvana chest drops work or run for yourself and see what I'm talking about.
  • I'm curious how you say you can glitch DBB and CH while running, don't you need to have a target in range to use them?
  • TT99 LA Neck - 10m TT99 LA Bracer - 10m TT99 HA Legs - 20m TT99 HA Boots - 20m Lunar Cape - 60m Deicides - 60m ________________ 4.0 aps Demon Sparked. It's not "easy" making millions and millions for all the -.int gear. Idk what that ret@rd is talking about by 100 you should be able to afford it farming herbs. lol really?…
  • As a newbie bm you want to level all your basic skills you can, focus mainly on Cloud Sprint, Diamond Sutra, Roar of Pride, Aura of the Golden Bell, Aeolian Blade, Drakes Sweep, and Fan of Flames. Fist skills are rather useless starting out, cyclone heel would be the only one worth getting for it's AoE potential and speed…
  • I've noticed toe to toe if you can stun lock you can kill a seeker. But straight damage wise, seekers are pretty powerful. A lot of the moves are also range with physical and magical damage. Although, I like my BM for all his diversity and 4.0 aps with claws; I'm going to try a seeker because I always liked swords and feel…
  • Striking Dragon Fist requires 4 TT99 fist souledge's and a heart of nature. Heart of Nature is a **** rare drop. OH WAIT! You can spend 30 perfect luck tokens worth 5million each to get one. That put's the heart of nature at 150mil or so. Everyone can get these awesome fists now!! By spending azz tons of real $$$ on packs!…
  • You are speak engrish good. b:victory
  • I love how most the advice comes from people who haven't played a bm to 100. Str 3, dex 2? I don't know who came up with that. I don't ever remember using it. All you have to do is make sure you have enough str to equip heavy armor and axes. Also, enough dex to equip fists if you're going down that path. I HIGHLY suggest…
  • You'll notice the higher level you get the worse it gets. AoE grinding with axes > all. Fist DPS on bosses > all. This is from a BM with a TT90 Gold sword +6 and all his sword demon skills. Swords really need a re-vamp imo. BUT! Atmos Strike seems to be my hardest hitting skill out of everything, even beating out Highland…
  • Are you **** or something? They added -.25 interval with only 3 pieces of gear for an archer, PEWPEW! The weapons are much stronger now too, like rank 8 fists, 808-893 dmg base. Deicides 498-673 base dmg. There are no Rank 9 weapons for BM's besides the axe, which is ****ing moronic imo. Ever played a BM? Bought and…
  • OH REALLY?!?! b:surrender /poke Enrage
  • Ok, that's nice and all, but really makes no damn sense. If they wanted to do that, why the heck would they give archers a total of .25 - interval with only 3 pieces of gear. Or! put -10 channeling and 2% crit on the wizards weapon, hell, even the barbs get -.15 interval with 2 pieces. Seems BM's and Sins just got the ****…
  • Registration Date: 02/07/2009 I registered at the forums quite a while after starting to play. Thank you for the info, I'm going to send a ticket now. Has this happened to a lot of people? How long do you think it would take to get a response and this resolved? Also, they may want to check the link on the page to claim the…
  • 50 coral packs 5 tiger packs (5 tigers were left over zen) Out of the 50 corals I received, 1 Wing Trophy: Lunar Glade, 1 Wing Trophy, 1 Perfect Token of Best Luck. The rest were regular tokens, all the tigers were regular tokes also.
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