Cordent - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Something I had suggested before was having the icon start to flash when there's less than 30s left. (This could be in addition to getting the actual time on mouse-over). Then you don't have to keep checking it, you get a visual reminder just before it's about to expire.
  • I agree with an option to disable - I'm on a laptop, and mouse controls are not terribly convenient. However ... there needs to one other change made first: an option to move automatically. The only time I use click to move is when flying long distances ... is we just had a way to say 'keep moving forward' then I wouldn't…
  • I don't think moving the window would help ... it's a large window, it's going to block your view no matter where you put it. The real problem is that they center the character on the screen. They need to allow for the fact that the right half of the screen is covered by the window, and just center the character on the…
  • already does this ... for example Cotton It also has a partial list of mine sites, but personally I don't believe that's the problem. If you're serious about getting your own mats, it's not that hard to find a few sites and start hitting them regularly. However, that takes time, and isn't much fun ... so…
  • That's your problem right there - the only skills you learn from the elder are for crafting. For Blademaster skills, you have to talk to the Blademaster trainer. You can find him (or at least one) at the north end of Etherblade, beside the Waterfall.
  • I agree it's misleading, but 'Safe Zone' actually has nothing to do with mobs ... What it means is you can't be attacked by another player ... which is meaningless for most PvE players, but still relevant for some, so it still needs to be stated. Possibly they could change the name to 'PK Safe Zone' though.
  • Yes - refresh is a good point too ... I don't know why it doesn't auto-refresh when you open it ... Another thought is they could be in Squad chat - then Faction messages don't show up
  • Are you sure they're actually offline? Anyone AFK will still appear online ... including anyone running a store.
  • Personally, I think that highlights the real problem ... there's just no way to take a look at what guilds are available to join. I come from more of a online strategy background ... but there, we had a list of all alliances, ranked by strength (use sum of level for all members). Open up the alliance, and you got a list of…
  • Tab isn't implemented because it enables bots ... However, you can use shift-click to ignore players, so doesn't matter if someone (or someone's pet) is in front of a mob - you can still select it.
  • Yes, it's completely random what kind of quality you get. You can even make a 3* item if you're really lucky! I've never heard of any way to increase your chances of making a better item though ...
  • Yah, if you just keep an eye out, you'll soon find them ... it's not really that hard. What's really a pain is getting enough to level up your skill. And then once you hit about lvl 19, you can start harvesting the low level mats (as opposed to 'lowest' like Pig Iron) - then you run into real issues with Inventory space…
  • That's correct - first off, around 20th level you'll start having more skills available then SP (Skill points) to spend. So you'll have to pick and choose between them. Some become obsolete at higher levels (replaced by better versions) Some are better for PvE, some for PvP And some just aren't worth much ;) Go to the…
  • Every class gets somewhere around 30 'skills', all of which can be leveled up to make them stronger. Some of which are passive (i.e: you never 'cast' them - they're always in affect). I don't think mages get any more or less than anyone else, but are they are much more reliant on them then most other classes.
  • When you hit certain levels, you'll get a message pop up which tells you to go talk to someone (and it'll show up in your quest list as 'Spiritual Cultivation'). Go talk to that person, and take the quest they offer - follow it through to the end - then you'll get the next culivation level.
  • I have the same problem, and yes - a lot of the time 'Safe Log' works. There are times though when it simply won't connect - if I take a look at the servers, there's no ping for Sanctuary. I'm guessing there must be a limit to how many players can connect at once? In any case, it is quite annoying ... especially when you…
  • If you're an elf, it should be on your shortcut bar by default (F5? can't remember ... I moved mine ;)). If you removed if for some reason, you can get to it from the actions menu (press E) and drag it back on. If you're not an elf, you can't fly until completing a quest at level 30
  • Thanks for the list - great to have this available outside of the game! One correction though - you say 'to make just one you will need' ... that's not true. Or at least it's misleading ;) To make 1 'batch' you need what's listed ... but each batch is actually 5 pots. (At least for level 1 and 2 - haven't made any level 3…