I'm female, I'm going to be 38 in December, and I tend to act silly pretty much all the time in faction chat. Hubby plays and he's 35. He always comes across as a stuffy old **** in game, quiet and gruff, but in reality he's a bigger goofball than I am.
it's a level 10 fruit. I don't know if Sanctuary is like Heaven's Tear in that West Archosaur is the place for player sellers to gather, but go where people set up catshops and look around. HT averages 150k to 200k per fruit.
Why why WHY do they make these pills for humans and elves, but unuseable by Untamed??? Why?? There's no point to it, unless it's supposed to be that Untamed are too instinctually clever to go swallowing weird pills they find in random places. I've also sold various pills for about 1k each in my catshop. Just depends on the…
Depends on what you need the chi for. If you're feeding your genie, there's a table somewhere that shows the higher the quality the stone, the -lower- the average chi points it has. (I'll try to find the link and post it). Basically the smaller stones have more bang for your buck as far as genie food. Otherwise the other…
... That would suck worse than an industrial vacuum cleaner in overdrive. I know there's lore hounds out there, I've seen hints of them in some of the searches I've done. I actually DO read the verbiage in the quests I get. It's interesting to me. It would just be cool if in addition to whatever thuper deals go on in Cash…
I play weeknights and weekends as the spirit moves me. Can be anywhere from 2-10+ hours depending on RL commitments, and may be in a stretch or off and on with random afk's. My cleric is brought out only for playing with RL Hubby, levels slower but we roleplay (hush, y'all. We MET online, we still game even 4 feet from…
It took me a little while to realise what people call "events" here are just big Cash shop sales. I'd love to see an event pertaining to the story, or a seasonal substory. Any story. The wraith attacks are cool and I've gone on one, but frankly the hoarde of high levels coming around to one shot the lvl 20 mobs was both…
Er... *cough* I got scarlet fruit as a part of my complete newbish breakfast in order to get lvl 30, in order to get my ugly quest flying manta, in order to stop running the freakish laggy rat's maze that is Archosaur. I am Ciara Sable, and I was a Scarlet Fruit addict. Not touching those Oracles, man... that's the devil's…
If I raise my hand as being one of the newbs who got Uber lvl help on fb19, will I be pummelled? Now, granted, it wasn't so much that I or RL Hubby -asked- for it, so much as the higher lvl BM was so -excited- to help. "Your boss is a lvl 20 with the HP of a lvl 100 and the defense of a 80 and we'll get a percentage scaled…
37, will be 38 in December. Have a five year old daughter, a man who's 4 years younger than me and who just went back to College to be some Network Admin muckity-muck. I work for a major US freight & logistics company and it's amazing some of the products businesses ship. (I mean, 8 lbs of frozen hampster ****. ... I don't…
It took me forever to figure it out. It wasn't til I decomposed something that it gave me chi stones. Bear in mind in order to decompose something you have to have that level in that skill (As in, to decompose lvl 2 arcane robes, you need lvl 2 tailoring). Once all that is done, and you've got chi stones... now to feed…
Heh, you know... I do inwardly cringe whenever I see a solid wall of "lolz u suk n00b" ... stuff. I've kind of gotten to a point I can tell the difference between laziness in typing and someone who doesn't have English as a first language. The second sort of player typing doesn't bother me, often they have better grasp of…
I'd agree with Lenyel on veno vs cleric for farming. I've got both, and while the cleric can fly (always a bonus), the veno is far more efficient in farming and keeping mobs off. I'm often in newbie zones with the crystaline magmite to harvest. You can set the pet to follow and be in defense mode, take the nodes and not…
Macros. I love my macro'd "Panic button". Ironheart, Ironheart, wellspring, Ironheart. At 20 that's a good mix and will pretty much take care of whatever's going on with the tank (Assuming she's generally hunting with you). I can't imagine it will ever grow obsolete even as levels are gained. As is said, Purehearted is…
1. Coming up on someone (or a group of several) who are hunting, asking them politely "Are you also killing the X mob here?" and being totally ignored. Note- I'm not asking to join, not just waltzing up and KS'ing, I'm asking. Sometimes I wish I WAS an obnoxious wench. 2. People who put their cat/cow shops on top of…
- is pretty good for a lot of things, and the search feature is ok. I've noticed some things aren't listed in it yet, but tradeskilling stuff seems to be entered in. for cotton thread specifically. In game you'll want to become familiar with your search window on your…
Also, in addition to having had to make your character prior to September 2008, the highest char in your list had to be 5 or more. The last I knew the staff was backed up with request tickets to move mounts from the char they were assigned to originally to a different character.
- As a note- Ciara is gaelic for "Dark haired, Dark eyed" and is pronounced "Kyr-ah". In the words of my hubby, "She's also no twigbean scrawny girl" lol. He is amused by short curvy girls who can kick butt.
It would be nice if the Barbs could have tails, yes. Also if they could change their fur color, not just eye color. A slider to affect the "fluffiness" of the fur, too. They get a bit shafted in the appearance alteration department.
"Waffle" is one of my favorite words to say. You can't chant it without cracking at least a smirk. Wafflewafflewafflewaffle. To -eat-, they are very nice with fruit and whipped cream. It's also slang in the US to say you are waffling if you are indecisive. I have no idea where the correlation came from though, lol.…
Maybe it was "axed" to? (don't hurt me, lol)
Isala. For some reason, salsa as in the dance, not the condiment.
I'm ... Old Enough to know better and still too young to worry about senility. b:avoid
^ Banned for requesting "be nice to people" in their sig. Silly person, don't you know that being nice is rewarded with flogging?!
What you level first depends on what you want to be. At lvl 21, I'm personally going with a mix talent cleric, heavy on MAG at levelups. The following are the skills I've been bumping up (in order): Vanguard - Defense buff. The better protected someone is, the less they get hurt (in theory.) Shoot, at lvl 21 I've had lvl…
I try to thank people who buff me. As my cleric rises in levels I'll try to buff others as well. Even now if I'm out farming harvest nodes with my veno I'll drop a bramble shield on other non-venos if they're hunting in the same area, and try to avoid killing anything. And since when is KS'ing frowned on? It happens…
Please. If it went by UPS then half the mounts would arrive with broken legs and things like potions and herbs would disappear into terminal breakrooms. (Seriously... doesn't Golden Herb look a bit... questionable? b:mischievous
Half my current coin has come from abandoned coin and loot drops from areas where I've gone to just harvest craft nodes. It is absolutely amazing to me to see "newbies" my own level or lower (currently 20) leave everything that drops. I have to wonder how many start crying for coin or wander around begging. I'll pick up…
God but I would love to have the choice to shunt World chat off to the 2nd window, but if I recall it is "locked" into the main one. Bleh. You can go in to the system under ... I want to say UI, and sort out your chats. I put all combat, world, server messages and such into the main window (since I can't move World Chat)…
Hubby and I had a similar problem with his inventory extention stones. Check your quest journal to see if you might've taken a related pet bag extension quest by mistake. He found out he'd taken the SUPER inventory quest from the inventory master and it prevented him from talking to the banker about the normal 8-slot…