Brylla - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I know a ton of people have already asked but I'm itching to know whether squads will be made up to 8 people? And are you actually going to answer our questions before the expansion comes out or are you just trying to torture us with anticipation? o.o; Please and thank you in advance! b:victory
  • Clerics definitely rock! And I was there! That was insanely fun! We had the best squad ever! b:victory
  • Ah, right right!b:thanks I was actually thinking of the Cloudmelding Vipions! I used to go by Battlemark Village during my 40s and grind those even though they were lower lvl because they were easy to kill and had reasonably decent exp. Evolved and Native are harder to kill (of course since they're higher lvls lol) but…
  • Meh... A girl can dream, can't she?b:chuckle
  • I think it would be good to maybe have one of your ideas actually be used.. Otherwise, like the others said, we'd be able to kick everyone's **** and they would be jealous. ;P You read my mind!! That way we would be able to pretty much heal our MP! If I could wish for just ONE more cleric skill or have to trade a skill for…
  • Agreed with Terraa - Petalli Hexkiss. I've been grinding on those and they're easy peasy plus decent exp. I would also recommend air/water mobs because they give more exp than ground mobs. Foxwing Supremes are fairly easy to kill with good exp and are close to the Petalli Hexkisses near Tusk Town so if you get bored with…
  • I agree with Lenyel, the Evolved Vipions are great for grinding. Flying and water pets give a higher percentage of exp than ground mobs so it's always best to grind on those. Evolved Vipions were (and are still, lol) really easy to kill way back when... I think they're only level 40 and I know I was killing them easily as…
  • Enrage isn't on there... O.o; That's weird considering they're so "popular" with everyone...b:chuckle
  • Wow, thanks so much for making this guide! And thanks to everybody for contributing! I only needed to know if I would need 2 wines for FB69 and I ended up finding a ton of info about it that I think will help a lot when I get to those levels so thanks! b:victory Oh and, Naohusa, I think making an FB79 guide (even if it's…
  • *faints* How can a skill cost that much?? Tempest is my coolest looking skill but to spend that much money on it is INSANE! b:shocked And I haven't reached a high enough level to AoE yet, sorry I can't be of help! b:surrender
  • Whoa people, put away the claws. O_O; Ummm, I don't know if anyone mentioned this but I personally perfer to use Yuanxiao Sesame (or something like that... I can't spell o.o) instead of charms since they cost a TON less nowadays and are great for BB too b:victory. I would definitely recommend Focus Powders (like other…
  • Oh, and... I just lost it too... Thanks... >___<
  • I read this story for my English class last year... It's called The Most Dangerous Game and it's by Richard Connell... Plagiarism isn't a very nice thing HatsuHina b:surrender I think this is a great idea! :D I'm going to put on my thinking cap and see what I can come up with! I'm not going to lie, the money would be a…
  • Too bad that's what's ruining the economy in the first place. b:surrender
  • Clerics are the coolest! b:victory I prefer the tiger barbs too! XD Panda is actually my nickname in real life but the tigers are cooler! The white tigers are sooo cute too!!b:chuckle Anyways, I don't know you but welcome back! :D I took a break like that before too but it wasn't on purpose, haha, I just didn't have any…
  • I remember someone posting a comment on world chat a couple days ago that would be a great idea if there was some rich person willing to buy a ton of gold (like 500) and sell it for 100k... That way everyone would buy that gold and anyone with the 180k prices wouldn't be able to sell their gold and would eventually lower…
  • The skill tree shows you the skills that you can have as you level. If you hover over the pictures, it'll show you what level you learn it at, what it does, what weapon you need to use it, etc. Like Mosz said, visit the Barbarian Trainer in City of the Lost to get new skills and upgrade your old ones. It would also be wise…
  • Press "E" and you should see a window pop up that says "Actions". At the top under "Basic" you should see a green person with wings. I think it's the fifth picture from the left. Click that and you'll be able to fly.b:victory You might also want to drag it onto your bar with your skills for quick escapes.b:victory
  • Yeah, Aeode pretty much got everything. One Man Armys are really good to do too because you're grinding and getting rep for it so I highly recommend doing those whenever you have a chance! b:victory
  • I like to use the search bar because I find that it's the easiest way for me to find items or monsters that I need to kill. Also if you're using Prefect World International, make sure to click on the American flag at the top right where it says Server or else the names will be different. :)
  • Someone from Enrage lured Chin to Angler's for fun one day and I just happened to be there. I died 3 times! THREE. TIMES. I was pissed >_>, I hope that person got banned. >_< Anyways! Kun Kun is really easy! And it might have immunity to elemental attacks or something but I'm a cleric and I killed it with Plume Shot so it…
  • Helloes from all of StarCry! We would very much appreciate it if you would add us. :D StarCry Moonhigh (N/A)
  • Just turned level 60 and this is my first time actually learning about TTs so this guide helped me a lot!! I can't wait to do my TT now that I know more about what I'm doing, thanks! :D
  • This guide is great! :D I use to spend a ton of money teleporting but now I've saved up a lot of money by just flying around! And I think that even though some people believe that paying for the teleport is worth it, I don't think so. Maybe that's just me though because I play the game to have fun not to level like a…