Annondae - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Thanks to everyone for your input. :) I suppose that means standing at max distance in the future and getting ready to run like heck if someone again draws aggro off of the blob.
  • I was told this glitch also exists on Kimsa. Frankly, sometimes you don't really have another choice than to use air pets + flying mount on land mobs. Swamp of the Wraiths, anyone? This area can be a real pain in the rear without using abovementioned method.
  • To each their own. Herc or no Herc, if you attack along with your pet, the mob dies faster, you can move on to the next mob faster, which means you kill faster and get through quests quicker, gain more coin/drops, and level faster. Also, with our HP/MP restorative boost and Soul Transfusion - if you have a relatively safe…
  • Sounds like someone with one heck of an ego problem. Chances are, two or more people killing at the same spot will be around the same level. Meaning? Same quests, after a certain level. Meaning? You hand those quests in and move on to the next killing spot, as will the other person, if they just happen to go the same…
  • The same way you find all other mats - you run around and keep your eyes on the ground. Logs are gathered from tree stumps/roots that are fairly easy to identify. Perhaps you're not finding any because someone else already 'looted' them? Check the image on this site to see the spawning coordinates of logs.
  • Well, go make a petition in the Suggestions forum. I'm not against the idea - at the very least, people would whine about another class being overpowered, instead of just the venos. XD
  • Click on the website link in my post, and scroll down. The round, orange thing with the big mouth, that's a Baby Fire Fairy. Unless you have a veno friend who's high enough in level to make one for you, try catshops or, better, the Auction House. If memory serves right, you'll find them under Pets/Eggs --> Baby Pets. Buy…
  • Eh, then they'd be a veno with wings, just with arrows instead of magic attacks. O.o
  • Killing mobs too many levels above you = taking longer to kill mob = less XP gained in the time played. I'd suggest air mobs around your level, maybe 3-5 levels higher, because of the XP multiplier ( 1.5x XP / mob ). Ideally, Vipions of some sort, as they drop all kinds of goodies ( DQ and Fruit ). Also, taking some time…
  • Sounds like Mantavip said hello. XD Last night some guildmates and I went looking for Dragon of the Depths to kill it for a quest, and while we swim around there, I suddenly see this tip of something right behind me. It was the tip of Mantavip's spear/poker/weapon. Fastest swim to the surface EVER, I tell you.
  • Ahaha... I'm so suicidal in this game, sometimes. - decided to ride my panther to 1k Streams to level it up, jumped off a cliff, ended up in a group of mobs 20 levels above me. - followed a vipion allllll the way into Jewelscalen. - tried clicking on the World Boss near Heaven's Tear because it looks like that shop thing…
  • Take a name you really like and spell it differently. Alternatively, good sources are also: fantasy book names ( Lord of the Rings comes to mind; did anyone ever LOOK at the appendixes? ), or book/movie characters you really like. Also: Fantasy Name Generator. Seriously, just google "fantasy name generator" or "book name…
  • Necessary - no. Benefits - not counting the "hide under/in pet" factor, none. Buffs/Healing - no. Actual Benefit: you don't have to feed All Class Pets. They hatch with a full HP/Loyalty bar, and even if you're being chewed on by a gazillion mobs, nothing will happen to your pet. As far as I know, and have experienced, it…
  • - the teleport system. It makes little to no sense to me how teleporting from one little random town on the edge of the map to another little random town on the same side and edge of the map, which are no further apart than maybe an inch map-wise, costs more than teleporting from Plume to Etherblade. I'm not saying…
  • Do people actually run into that much aggression just because they play a veno? Seriously, the only 'tude toward venos I see is here on the forums, and the merits of that are debatable [ the epic flesh realm debate ]. Granted, I'm not even lvl 60, and I'm on a PVE server, but I've yet to run into anyone, in-game, who…
  • In order to fight something, you actually need to double-click it. Just clicking a mob once just targets it. If you hover your cursors over the targeted mob again, the cursor should turn into a sword. ( O.o How did you level to get the quest if you didn't kill stuff? )
  • Okay. The weirdness has ended. Thanks to everyone who replied - especially Daerys, I appreciate your patience. I have no idea what was wrong. After doing the FB19s for both my Cleric and my BM ( squad did get XP/Rep ), and not getting the weapons for either, I logged back in today to find my Cleric's weapon to magically…
  • There is. O.o You get the Call to Duty: Xenobeast ( tabs ) quest from the Elder of your respective home town, as well as the quest to go into the FB to kill mobs ( no tabs ). And I did get both quests - it's just that both in the case of my Cleric and my BM, the "Call to Duty: Xenobeast" entered my quest log and then…
  • You DON'T have to have your inventory open to shop in the boutique.
  • Go to a merchant, select the last tab in their Trade list. That's where you can buy ammo.
  • Nice bit of stereotyping there.
  • Undine Queens are quite good. Don't worry about water pets too much - that's the one kind of pet where most Venos I know just grab whatever is closest to their level, because water quests are few and between. That said: Undine Queen, lvl 37. 344 383(21); 348 370(21); 346 376(21); 361 371(20); 361 377(21); Bonus points:…
  • All Class Pet, maybe? My Veno doesn't have the little cat icon, but my cleric, who has a Baby Fire Fairy, does.
  • My BM is still a baby at lvl 17, but I find Lazer's recommendation works just fine: open inventory, drag weapon to quickbar. Set up macro with the skills you want to use according to each weapon and put it in the quickbar slot next to the weapon. Tada~ desired weapon + desired skill macro for that weapon, accessible in two…
  • For the sheer "Awwwww!" factor. At least in my case. A guildmate of mine has a Baby Fire Fairy and as soon as I saw that thing, I had to have one. HAD to. Like, my life depended on it. It's orange! And it purrs! I gave it to my cleric for the sheer joy of having something follow that toon around that purrs at me all day…
  • Blacksmiths sell ammo. It's under the "Shot" tab in their trade list.
  • I can't help you with damage calculations, but I can tell you this: I half-restatted from LA build to Full Mag build today ( "Half" because I left my 50 Dex in for the crits - may or may not restat those, too, but the crits I hit are yummy, it's a little experiment for a few levels ) and I'm now "forced" to upgrade my…
  • There is an easier way to get to the chest with the winebottle. When you stand facing the airway, jump onto the roof of the house to your right, facing north. Walk to the end of the roof and you'll see a wood structure - kind of like two poles with a t-bar at the top. Jump onto that, turn around, walk to its end, and from…