Allynna_ - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Still a Fan of the 2 Piece LA, with HA Top + Belt and packing the Swindler's Necklace. You get the same HP, and loose maybe 1% Pdef for noticeably more Mdef. Also, only Jading two pieces of gear won't get you too far for a BM. Probably better off with full vit stones. Also, you should get a tome. Voidlands is a nice Level…
  • Bit more reasonable of a build. Accounted for obtainable shards, sockets and refines. This gear with current gold prices would cost probably about 250-300 dollars atm. You'd have at least 100+ left over to improve it further (the shards would be at most 35, and each 6+ refine plus is a…
  • Depends really. At lower levels Cloud Eruption is much better. Cheaper to learn and use, costs less affinity points, and doesn't need a target to be used. Chi Syhpon generally generates more Chi at higher levels, it's not a bad end game Dex genie skill. Basically Cloud Eruption is always better until around level ~5 of Chi…
  • If that was Dex instead of Str, it wouldn't be that bad. Though problem with R8 Recast is the odds of getting better adds then the Base R8 (damage doesn't seem much higher than base R8 either).
  • If there is no Cleric, the Mystic will be expected to heal and Rez buff everyone. It's just the way it is. While for some BHs (some 51s & 59s, 69, Warsong) you absolutely need a cleric, other decent squads can get away with a Mystic. Sounds more like a generic rant about being a healer in a squad, and that on it's own is…
  • IMO for a LA (Archer or Sin) the extra damage, attack level and Pdef is more useful than the Mdef. If you where using it for multiple characters (some HA), or had some kind of budget, the Lunar is fine. Your really trading 1% Mdef buffed, for 1% Pdef buffed, some extra Attack and attack level.
  • Cutting sounds cool, right up until DoTs. Either they're become 720mil+ a piece, or any garnet below Drakeflame will become (relatively) worthless. 1 DoT would = 36 Garnet Gems. Good luck getting Defense level Gems anymore . . .
  • Might Actually Suggest having Dex. IIRC all those skills benefit from a decent Dex score, especially EP. Problem is with that build the Genie skills will be more spam than power. Perhaps a 50-60 Mag, 50-60 Vit and rest Dex might work well.
  • Incorrect. Books are on the "Additional Items" drop table in FB 99. In FB 89 they are just like normal drops though. Essentially you have a 10% chance of a Book being considered dropped. Then the next drop table has a 1% chance to drop any book on it. Basically if you're farming a boss for a specific book, there's a 0.01%…
  • It's rather close really. Considering you can Max TA before you can learn DS for the same cost as 2-3 level of DS. Not to mention TA with TT60+ can (borderline) one shot many at level mobs as is. Why invest in a skill that will ultimately be obsolete, just because is does a bit more damage, when that extra damage is really…
  • Getting A book drop is about a 10% chance. So after 10 runs not getting one is slightly unlucky. There are some TT Gold mats iirc that have a better chance of dropping that you getting A book from one of those bosses.
  • Take Aim is a great opener. Rather cheap and with a good weapon (TT60+) hit rather hard. Deadly Shot is it's weaker cousin. Inferior in EVERY way. Unless you have a +0 Dragon Bow and the Demon version, but at that point you're doing something wrong . . . Aim Low/Stunning are nice to casually level as they make for powerful…
  • If you have the Gear to be either, it really comes down to which set of skills you prefer. A 5APS Demon would be able to Perma-spark with more flexible gear, but when you get 5 APS base Sage spark is better. Though a Demon Archer could get better base survivability with better Ornaments and/or cape, does this off set the…
  • Pragmatic Warfare As almost anything goes in war (especially pwi) and I've been told I'm somewhat pragmatic.
  • Yes almost certain it does. 50% of +4 GV damage is around 350, however when they proc for me the Physical attack raises a lot more than that, close to 500 iirc. That would account for the 50% of the 225 patk from the rings.
  • 430 Dex is a bit more than okay. Not to mention that there's still some room for optimization (better Tome and Ring Engraving). Not to mention aside from the LG Cape (which is dropping in price) all that gear (relatively) attainable. Tomes and ring engraving seem to be ignored in a lot of…
  • GV's are probably fine, especially if your Archer is Demon. Unless it's for farming, exact fist refine on an archer isn't critical. Heck, if you had the Gear for 5 APS with GVs I'd say get them over Decides/Striking Dragons.
  • Just submit a ticket and they should give you a no time limit Banquet reservation. Did that last year when all the slots where full. Though why they don't just add the non-time limited reservation to packs to start with is beyond comprehension. Would stop any of this from being an issue pre-emptivly.
  • Some time ago when my cleric was 8x in an FC had a real nasty seeker that seemed to know everything, or thought they did. Kicked people for not 'performing' the way he thought they should. Got the worst where on Bishopboss there somehow was 3-4 Bishops and got my cleric killed. Then after towning to come back (and iirc rez…
  • Besides getting the R8 top and Ring (which is better than most tops and rings) it has 4% crit instead of purge, and has at least 700 more WEAPON damage (averages around 20-40% more DPH depending on refine and shards). Heck, the Broad Land can easily give the HS a run for it's money if your thinking pure DPH (Much Higher…
  • Broad Land is great. While people might save skip it and save up for a HS, you could just save for R8 anyway (way better than Lunar unless you really want the purge). For 10mil the BL would practically be a steal. Helm wise an Aqua Viciousness isn't bad until you can save up for a Warsoul. The 2nd stage Nirvana hat is for…
  • Fists are only better if your forced into melee (And have at least 2+ APS) or have a rather high APS (around ~3.33). Bishop boss and what's his face in Nirvana (Guy who spawns white and black adds) are two bosses in which you actually want to be close. Also, the earth path in Warsong you're kinda forced to melee there.…
  • Pfft, more like + 500 Evasion on each piece of arcane gear.
  • Crazy idea, expel the Sin. Not sure how effective it would be, but randomly sealing the Sin (and considering how few anti-seal genie skills there are) might do something. Might even cause them to WTF for a few while you pummel them. Was thinking of it as a crazy attack against HA classes, but might work on a Sin to.…
  • Very low. Not only did they just implement R9 recast, (correct me if I'm wrong) isn't getting R9 rather difficult on the Chinese servers? 1 MoG a week, plus what ever chips they can scrounge up? I don't think there is physically enough MoGs or chips on any given Chinese server for multiple R9s to be running around. With…
  • 2x drops doesn't actually double the amount of drops. Primary drop rate is how many times the server calculates drops (10 in the Case of Hellfire) and then goes to the second table (0% chance for 0 Items [...] 100% for 3 Items in the Case of Hellfire). Essentially 'double drops' merely doubles the number of times the…
  • Not sure why people keep saying bramble reflects damage taken back. Unless the Devs have done some Ninja nerf, bramble reflects damage DEALT not TAKEN. I've gotten bramble on my BM and seen mobs get reflected more damage than they dealt (and that's a non-crit reflect). Some guildies who use to TW mentioned popping AD when…
  • Making Storm range an AoE and increasing the DoT Damage (Maybe 330-500% weapon damage over 30 seconds) would probably help it a lot. Plus, make out squad buff have a separate icon for the speed buff so it stacks and/or isn't dispelled by Holy path/Alacrity. Was thinking of two sort of exclusive buffs, that kinda work like…
  • Pure Dex all the way. End game refines and shards give more HP than vit ever would, you can wear Decides or GVs with base str with a few pieces of (relatively) common endgame gear, and/or ring engravings. Dex is the base of all your damage so. . . BTW Vindis, where did you get those extra 15 stat points from?
  • Level 98 3 star boots. About a 10% craft chance, and with a few free Tears a day would be real cheap to make. Would probably make a dozen+ before something good shows up, but when it does. . . Also, the two star versions are nice on their own. -Req seems to be the 2nd most popular…