Force Stealth Nerf



  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    How is it possible a level 100 Wizard can take down 9001 level 100 barbarians in just one skill?
    It isn't, you just speak bull****. I'm just wondering though why are sins always considered "good" (and fare well) with tt90+2 stuff including weapon, while wizzies need like +7 minimum to be even remotely taken into consideration. Makes you wonder.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    keep it on topic people.
    I understand the assassin is extremley hard hitting, and some of you would like to argue they need a nerf in general, but that's not he point here.

    The point is that if with those extremley hard hitting daggers that rip all classes to shreds (ESPECIALLY squishies) that they shouldnt have force stealth, because if you're so fail that you cant kill something with the strongest weapons in game (daggers are easier/cheaper to get to 5aps and hit harder than claws) then the would be victim deserves a fair chance to finish the sin after surviving the initial attack.
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It isn't, you just speak bull****. I'm just wondering though why are sins always considered "good" (and fare well) with tt90+2 stuff including weapon, while wizzies need like +7 minimum to be even remotely taken into consideration. Makes you wonder.

    You speak complete bull****, I've been hit well over 20k even all the way up to 30k easily by wizards that only have +3/4 weapons... bids hits hard as hell
    keep it on topic people.
    I understand the assassin is extremley hard hitting, and some of you would like to argue they need a nerf in general, but that's not he point here.

    The point is that if with those extremley hard hitting daggers that rip all classes to shreds (ESPECIALLY squishies) that they shouldnt have force stealth, because if you're so fail that you cant kill something with the strongest weapons in game(daggers are easier/cheaper to get to 5aps and hit harder than claws) then the would be victim deserves a fair chance to finish the sin after surviving the initial attack.
    Utter bull****, they hit harder then claws because guess what? they attack SLOWER

    What were sins meant to kill? Arcane people, Light people aren't always an easy kill in equal gear and neither is heavy, and you bull****ting and saying they can drop a 100 barb in 7 seconds, WHO CAN'T WITH TRIPLE SPARK?

    You are just complaining because sins do what they were meant to do very, very good and you just don't like that.
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    You speak complete bull****, I've been hit well over 20k even all the way up to 30k easily by wizards that only have +3/4 weapons... bids hits hard as hell
    Your gear must fail horribly because I hit 11k tangled mire'd, undined and frenzied sins with blade tempest which does a lot more damage on LA and I have +7 tt99 w/ saph gem. Either that or you were amped or it was a crit. BIDS does not hit hard as heck, it's clueless people like you who have no idea how many setups we need (amps, debuffs, crits) to get those numbers. But hey, clueless targets are clueless, I can confirm that 90% of the time. When I hit someone high, I have to literally tell them my combo, they think it was a normal hit, a single press of a button. b:chuckle

    Wish it was as easy as roflpwning auto-attacking 1 click like with melee classes.

    And really, 20k BIDS hit on you... that's at least 80k non-crit on mobs. I want to see a +4 weapon do that without any external amps or debuffs. Record your best normal-shot ever (you know, 1-click BIDS and that's it) before opening your mouth.
    What were sins meant to kill? Arcane people, Light people aren't always an easy kill in equal gear and neither is heavy, and you bull****ting and saying they can drop a 100 barb in 7 seconds, WHO CAN'T WITH TRIPLE SPARK?
    Roll a wiz and try take down a 30k HP barb in 7 secs with triple spark while having the elemental advantage compared to sins. Good luck.
  • Pot_Head - Harshlands
    Pot_Head - Harshlands Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    If sins get nerf then wizards deserve to have their damage out put reduced, take out con stones, take away psy attack level skill, take away all of clerics healing skills except one, reduce barbs Hp to a max of only 15k or less, put attack speed limit on Bm of only 3.33, make venos more squishy and put job limits on all armors. nerf archers damage. b:cute
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Your gear must fail horribly because I hit 11k tangled mire'd, undined and frenzied sins with blade tempest which does a lot more damage on LA and I have +7 tt99 w/ saph gem. Either that or you were amped or it was a crit. BIDS does not hit hard as heck, it's clueless people like you who have no idea how many setups we need (amps, debuffs, crits) to get those numbers. But hey, clueless targets are clueless, I can confirm that 90% of the time. When I hit someone high, I have to literally tell them my combo, they think it was a normal hit, a single press of a button. b:chuckle

    Wish it was as easy as roflpwning auto-attacking 1 click like with melee classes.

    And really, 20k BIDS hit on you... that's at least 80k non-crit on mobs. I want to see a +4 weapon do that without any external amps or debuffs. Record your best normal-shot ever (you know, 1-click BIDS and that's it) before opening your mouth.

    Roll a wiz and try take down a 30k HP barb in 7 secs with triple spark while having the elemental advantage compared to sins. Good luck.

    My old main was a wiz so I can speak first hand you are full of **** when you say wiz's can't hit hard

    It was a 20k non crit by a +3 hh99 gold mag sword with sage bids, it was a wiz friend I know and they just learned sage version and wanted to test it...

    I also have full hh90 armor so it isn't fail... learn what you are talking about before you prove how much you are an idiot again

    Also, level 100 barb was specified, not uber cs whoar level 100 30k hp barb, most average gear barbs only have 20k hp in tiger at 100, and about 15k in human, that is relatively easy to take out for a wiz... so b:bye
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    You're talking out of your *** and you know it. What a ****ing embarrassment, coming on here and claiming such nonsense. That or you fail to mention that your friend triple sparked and you took off all your armor.

    Let's see...

    (level + weapon)*(1 + magic/100 + cleric buff)

    Let's just assume you have a really good magic sword, what is that? about 3000 weapon damage fully sharded and refined to +12? Maybe you got 2 +100 mattack adds on your wep too, who knows.

    Let's also assume you're a pure build with about 500 magic

    (100 + 3000 + 200) * (1 + 5 + 0.7)

    That's a base damage of about 22k, pretty decent.

    Now for BIDS calculation:

    500% weapon damage + base damage + about 14k addon

    (5*3300 + 22000 + 14000)*1.25 <-- don't forget about Mastery

    That comes to about 65k raw damage, which is NOT 20k PvP damage if no crit, no amp, no frenzy, no spark, no debuffs.

    Let's assume the wizard did triple spark, frenzy, extreme poison:

    (100 + 3000 + 200) * (1 + 12 + 0.7)

    = about 45k base damage

    BIDS is then about 34k non-crit

    In short, wizards with +3 weapons do not typically score 20k-30k with BIDS unless you really wait around
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It was a 100 veno with a 100 nix...

    Don't know what kind of mutant nix is attacking you
    You speak complete bull****, I've been hit well over 20k even all the way up to 30k easily by wizards that only have +3/4 weapons... bids hits hard as hell

    I'm sorry, but no one can take anything you say seriosly.
    First you state that nix's cant do **** to you and that you can take them down easily

    then you say BIDS can smack 30k on you with a +3/4 wep.

    I'm sorry, but that simply doesnt make sense. If a BIDS is hitting that hard on you, chances are you were tt70 or 80 armor. But ofc that cant be true since nix's bleed only tickles you.

    Get your storys straight, your exageration of facts is blatantly obvious. Borsuc and others have mathematically proven you a liar, and all you do is throw more blatanly false statements back at them.
  • DrunkWizard - Lost City
    DrunkWizard - Lost City Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    only used frenzy and sage bids .-. didnt had time to poison or undine since was multiple targets.
    nvm after reviewing my SS i still not sure if i used frenzy coz of the AD cooldown o.o so lets just said i used it even tho im not completely sure.

    also dont remember if used jones bless or anniv one o-o

    most likely the one who took 18k was a lowbie caugh in the middle but i dont remember either b:surrender

    +5 h99 ravager with sapp gem so yah i dont see how u could make a 20-30k hit with +3-+4 on a non lowbie with just bids unless target stood there like 1minute while he undined+frenzy+poison+atk charm o.o
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Those people took more damage than the lvl1 mob if you take into account 1/4 PvP reduction. I'm guessing it was w/o any resistance on, or it was a crit. :P
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    The best thing about this SS?

    There's a fail no-armor sin taking damage. And dying as well; he has like... 2k HP at 85. b:chuckle

    No, he was not the target of the BIDS, there's no way a sin with no armor takes 4k from BIDS from a level 100 wiz.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Lanyiara - Harshlands
    Lanyiara - Harshlands Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Lol @ all this.

    Wizards hit hard, proven already. And if your wearing any good armor / know how to defend yourself, they wont hit so hard in PvP.

    I have known a lot of sins carry around 2 sets of amulets, Elemental and Physical and this stops them being owned quite so easily.

    Any sin complaining of getting ***** by a Wizard is not using their skills. Wizard 2 Spark skills take 4.4 - 4.8 Seconds to hit, assuming no channel bonus. IF you have any clue whats going on, you know if theyre going to hit you.

    Knife Throw (Longer range than ANY Wizard spell) - TeleStun (Agan, overange) - Stealth.

    You shouldnt get hurt so long as your aware whats happening.

    And of course, the way it is, that Wizard is now goingto be ***** by the sin that can now 99% of the time have a full Demon/Sage Spark ready for deployment on aforementioned wiz. Within about 2.5 seconds of that Wizard attempting to kill them.

    Alls kool you might say. Well no, not really. Other classes can intterupt and silence the wizard just fine. Clerics can purify Undine and will likely not get hit for a number worth mentioning, Venos can use pet / Stun skill, PSychics can either Will off the Physical damage (they are almost gaurenteed to get hit with Blade Tempest, not the other 2 skills) or use the intterupt spell they have..... Great. But then they have to get out of there of finish the wiz in short order. The wiz has a decent chance of suceeding or failing.

    Vs a sin with a half decent wep thats aware whats going on, the wiz doesnt stand a ******n chance because the sin WILL have enough chi to insta-**** the second they drop stealth.


    Chi loss in Stealth either on cast or over time is still, imo the best solution. Still lets you **** said Wizzy, you just need to be a lot better prepared and not be cheap about it ^_^
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    love how the sins try to move this topic to "Wizards are OP"

    first of all we're not, takes alot of skill to set up a 1 hit.

    and if you really felt that away, at least tell us what's OP and how to fairly nerf it...
    oh and some actual facts as opposed to stupid statements would be nice too
  • DrunkWizard - Lost City
    DrunkWizard - Lost City Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    /in before they say barbs are oped coz sins cant one shot barbs without bm dragons o.o
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    /in before they say barbs are oped coz sins cant one shot barbs without bm dragons o.o

    /inb4 a nub makes a long list explaining why all classes are OP and what needs to be nerfed because they think they're so smart for pointing out what the rest of us normal humans (and magichamsta) already know
  • RaGEnGirl - Sanctuary
    RaGEnGirl - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Tekril - Dreamweaver
    Perfect World User
    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Posts: 30
    #4 10-08-2010, 04:20 PM
    Where's the option for those of us that aren't 'sins that don't want it changed?

    Says a fishy! xD
  • Bankor - Lost City
    Bankor - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    /inb4 a nub makes a long list explaining why all classes are OP and what needs to be nerfed because they think they're so smart for pointing out what the rest of us normal humans (and magichamsta) already know

    Says the person that made this thread.

    Every class has a skill that against another specific class (or classes, not all) is considered OP against no matter what. That is just the balance of the game.

    Now consider this, what if, from the start of the game there was a Human Assassin instead of a Human Blademaster. What do you think people would be saying when they released Tideborn Blademaster (assuming no skills are changed)? Of course people like you would complain about it seeing as you see the Tideborn just as a feature that was added on and can be removed. Well guess what, the Tideborn were originally /supposed/ to be there from Day 1, but because of rushed development and the fact that it was the first game the company was ever releasing more then likely they were being pushed for time/running out of money. How do I know this? Go digging in old clients or go back and time and do digging, its all there, all the evidence you need. Hell, if you look at the "leaked" server files almost all private servers run on and are basically just an older version of what they are running at PWE and PW-Beijing, you'd see class template for the Assassins and Psychics, you can even login as them. Granted being able to login does not mean /that/ much, but it does show that they truly are there and were meant to be there from day 1 but never truly made it.

    Seeing as how you want to play that card following that logic why don't we remove everything but the ability to melee attack people at a maximum rate of .5 attacks per second, how would you like that? That technically would make everything balanced as then everyone has the same **** speed and **** attack and just plain old ****. I challenge you and everyone else that is complaining about this game to go and look at every single other F2P MMO out there, find me one that is even anywhere near and nicely done as PW. Oh right, you can't.

    Complain about it as much as you want but there is nothing in the F2P world that is anywhere as good as it, and as bug free as it is (yes look at the scale of the entire game and then look at how many bugs it has, very small considering its size). Next time you feel like bashing something simply because you don't like how it works, get all your facts straight for an unbiased opinion so you look at least halfway decent. The fact you are even complaining about it shows that you still care for the game, which in turn shows that you are still playing it as much as you supposedly "hate" it.

    --An Anonymous Poster.
  • Dorset - Heavens Tear
    Dorset - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i dont think stealth shoudl b e nerfed. every class has its advantage. look at venos, they have pets AND long range attack and i dont see peopel bitchign in this thread botu how that shoudl be changed. if you dont like assasins dont play assasin.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <sig by me

    yup guys imma back!

    I LOVE making sigs. go to Fanatics section "Dorset's Thread of Interesting Things". u request ill create!
    b:shyI LOVE MY HUBBY my best friend HeartandSoulb:heart
  • DrunkWizard - Lost City
    DrunkWizard - Lost City Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i dont think stealth shoudl b e nerfed. every class has its advantage. look at venos, they have pets AND long range attack and i dont see peopel bitchign in this thread botu how that shoudl be changed. if you dont like assasins dont play assasin.

    we dont play sins , at least not me .

    and we complaining about pk vs sins.

    wiz psy archer venos has long range attacks but sins overange them all with telestun n others.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Says the person that made this thread.

    Every class has a skill that against another specific class (or classes, not all) is considered OP against no matter what. That is just the balance of the game.

    Now consider this, what if, from the start of the game there was a Human Assassin instead of a Human Blademaster. What do you think people would be saying when they released Tideborn Blademaster (assuming no skills are changed)? Of course people like you would complain about it seeing as you see the Tideborn just as a feature that was added on and can be removed. Well guess what, the Tideborn were originally /supposed/ to be there from Day 1, but because of rushed development and the fact that it was the first game the company was ever releasing more then likely they were being pushed for time/running out of money. How do I know this? Go digging in old clients or go back and time and do digging, its all there, all the evidence you need. Hell, if you look at the "leaked" server files almost all private servers run on and are basically just an older version of what they are running at PWE and PW-Beijing, you'd see class template for the Assassins and Psychics, you can even login as them. Granted being able to login does not mean /that/ much, but it does show that they truly are there and were meant to be there from day 1 but never truly made it.

    Seeing as how you want to play that card following that logic why don't we remove everything but the ability to melee attack people at a maximum rate of .5 attacks per second, how would you like that? That technically would make everything balanced as then everyone has the same **** speed and **** attack and just plain old ****. I challenge you and everyone else that is complaining about this game to go and look at every single other F2P MMO out there, find me one that is even anywhere near and nicely done as PW. Oh right, you can't.

    Complain about it as much as you want but there is nothing in the F2P world that is anywhere as good as it, and as bug free as it is (yes look at the scale of the entire game and then look at how many bugs it has, very small considering its size). Next time you feel like bashing something simply because you don't like how it works, get all your facts straight for an unbiased opinion so you look at least halfway decent. The fact you are even complaining about it shows that you still care for the game, which in turn shows that you are still playing it as much as you supposedly "hate" it.

    --An Anonymous Poster.

    Pretty sure the you were seeing class template of a whip user and some sort of monk class. Everyone knows about the mystery whip weapon already.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Oneji - Heavens Tear
    Oneji - Heavens Tear Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I have a solution to this mass QQ threadb:laugh, just charge 2.5k dollars worth of ZEN and you will not have to worry about assassins anymore b:thanks. Oh wait never mind, what if the assassin charges that much to b:surrender.
  • Ninjaaaa - Lost City
    Ninjaaaa - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    this thread is so annoying and disturbing 2 since my main is a Sin i dont want it 2 be nerfed or even touched by any Dev so 4 safery of future sins i would recommand Close this thread by GM and move it 2 GraveYard those kind of thread just make ppl fight and argue and make some ppl pissed off and you forgot this is just a game and if you talk about GMs or Devs they work the way 2 gain Money in any way possable so if you dont like Force Steath You Quit playing its better than the more than 10 or lets say 20 Sin quit so whats better 4 PWI company a cash shoper sin quit or you quit .? if you own PWI company you go ahead nerf what ever you like or i would say make a private server and nerf any class you like but since this is a public pvp server you dont have any right 2 make a threat 2 nerf any of skill (yes you have right 2 talk but not ASKING) and after iam gona post this Watch who ever gona QQ about my post, '' i hope any Mod come and close this threat Please ''
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Says the person that made this thread.

    Every class has a skill that against another specific class (or classes, not all) is considered OP against no matter what. That is just the balance of the game.

    Now consider this, what if, from the start of the game there was a Human Assassin instead of a Human Blademaster. What do you think people would be saying when they released Tideborn Blademaster (assuming no skills are changed)? Of course people like you would complain about it seeing as you see the Tideborn just as a feature that was added on and can be removed. Well guess what, the Tideborn were originally /supposed/ to be there from Day 1, but because of rushed development and the fact that it was the first game the company was ever releasing more then likely they were being pushed for time/running out of money. How do I know this? Go digging in old clients or go back and time and do digging, its all there, all the evidence you need. Hell, if you look at the "leaked" server files almost all private servers run on and are basically just an older version of what they are running at PWE and PW-Beijing, you'd see class template for the Assassins and Psychics, you can even login as them. Granted being able to login does not mean /that/ much, but it does show that they truly are there and were meant to be there from day 1 but never truly made it.

    Seeing as how you want to play that card following that logic why don't we remove everything but the ability to melee attack people at a maximum rate of .5 attacks per second, how would you like that? That technically would make everything balanced as then everyone has the same **** speed and **** attack and just plain old ****. I challenge you and everyone else that is complaining about this game to go and look at every single other F2P MMO out there, find me one that is even anywhere near and nicely done as PW. Oh right, you can't.

    Complain about it as much as you want but there is nothing in the F2P world that is anywhere as good as it, and as bug free as it is (yes look at the scale of the entire game and then look at how many bugs it has, very small considering its size). Next time you feel like bashing something simply because you don't like how it works, get all your facts straight for an unbiased opinion so you look at least halfway decent. The fact you are even complaining about it shows that you still care for the game, which in turn shows that you are still playing it as much as you supposedly "hate" it.

    --An Anonymous Poster.

    First you argue without supporting it that all classes are balanced (apparently devs accomplished this while lacking the skills to fix basic bugs like rubber banding and magic shell). Then you are argue by extension that the tideborns are balanced because of a hypothetical situation in which they were released with the original classes. Signed some anonymous coward.

    The rest of everyone is talking about something that occurred in actual reality in which the tideborn were haphazardly added without giving other classes skills with which to defend against them. I guess you posted on this alt because you realized how silly an argument is when it is based on events that didn't occur.

    If you still need to convince yourself the tideborn weren't in the game originally press "M" and look for a section that looks like it was randomly added.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • Noskrad - Heavens Tear
    Noskrad - Heavens Tear Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    ...The rest of everyone is talking about something that occurred in actual reality in which the tideborn were haphazardly added without giving other classes skills with which to defend against them. I guess you posted on this alt because you realized how silly an argument is when it is based on events that didn't occur...

    It's true that, at high lvls, assassins are hardly defeated by anyone in PK/1 vs 1 battle. But don't the class name "assassin" tells you anything?. Assassins are suposd to be able to kill others in a more effective way than other classes, like barbs are suposed to tank better than anyone, wizzards able to 1 hit, etc... That's the class identity, it just wouldn't be logic that an assassin has the same possibilities to kill his target as any other non-assassin class do, so stop complaining there.

    No one asks developers to nerf barbarian's HP so that they has the same possibility to tank as other classes, for example. That doesn't mean that assassins are the best class in game, we're good at 1 vs 1 combat only, but it becomes a lot hard when we're in a territory war, we die easily there where probably barbs, archers and any other class would survive better and kill more ppl in less time, and in dungeons too, we're not tankers, that's clear, we couldn't tank the strongest bosses in game, only barbs would be able to do so, but I don't see any assassin asking devs for more HP or merf HP for barbs, it's just barb's mastery!.

    I don't know if you ppl get me right, the fact that assassins can kill others easily (no matter what skills it takes) is what makes us assassins, otherwise we would be just fists BMs, so no need of a different name nor class. So stop complaining about assassin's skills, we're assassins for a reason, just like other classes are barbs,archers, BMs, venos, etc. for a reason too.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. X3
  • Ninjaaaa - Lost City
    Ninjaaaa - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It's true that, at high lvls, assassins are hardly defeated by anyone in PK/1 vs 1 battle. But don't the class name "assassin" tells you anything?. Assassins are suposd to be able to kill others in a more effective way than other classes, like barbs are suposed to tank better than anyone, wizzards able to 1 hit, etc... That's the class identity, it just wouldn't be logic that an assassin has the same possibilities to kill his atrget as any other non-assassin class, so stop complaining there.

    No one asks developers to nerf barbarian's HP so that they has the same possibility to tank as other classes, for example. That doesn't mean that assassins are the best class in game, we're good at 1 vs 1 combat only, but it becomes a lot hard when we're in a territory war, we die easily there where probably barbs, archers and any other class would survive better and kill more ppl in less time, and in dungeons too, we're not tankers, that's clear, we couldn't tank the strongest bosses in game, only barbs would be able to do so, but I don't see any assassin asking devs for more HP or merf HP for barbs, it's just barb's mastery!.

    I don't know if you ppl get me right, the fact that assassins can kill others easily (no matter what skills it takes) is what makes us assassins, otherwise we would be just fists BMs, so no need of a different name nor class. So stop complaining about assassin's skills, we're assassins for a reason, just like other classes are barbs,archers, BMs, venos, etc. for a reason too.

    i agree with Noskrad he have a point each class have advantage and disadvantage 4 us sins we suckz at TW but the rest of class play a major part in TW assassins are only good 4 pvp and specialy 1 v 1 plus at end game all kind of classz are strong and they gona be hard 2 beat not just assassins its all depends how you play and you notice there isnt any tideborn genie skillz yat what yall gona do if there is a tideborn genie skillz gona put more QQ threat .? tideborn didnt finish developing yat there is stuff missing too who knows maby they gona add a detection genie skill .? i just say play what you got and enjoy if you being harrashed by sin report you maby keep get pked or something over same sin that annoying you and you wana ruin the game 4 all of the sins we all not same i know there is a Sins that really **** off camping and stuff but like i said not all of us do that i just want everybody understand Without Force steath we are Eazy target becuz we are LA force steath count as a servive skill 4 us we are melee if they skill get changed or take away you gona see alot of Sins gona Reroll and switch 4 another Classz i like being a Sin so dont ruin the game 4 me this is pvp i own and get owned so i move on its just a game i kill and get killed iam not saying that Sins cant be killed each time i go up 4 pvp i die sometimes sometimes i quit the battle you know Ganging we have no chance just 2 force steath thats all what i have 2 say that Dev not that stupid 2 make sins and the game this much unbalanced thats why they took all this time 2 release them '' if you love being a sin help not post in this threat so it go away at the last of forum list ''
  • Brishi - Dreamweaver
    Brishi - Dreamweaver Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This problem is really easy to fix. Just do so a assains stealth lvl is same as the assains lvl.

    Now a 60 assain can have a stealth lvl from 70-80, but if they do so the stealth lvl is same as the assains lvl a 60 assain get a stealth lvl of 60. Then they only can sneak up on targets thats have the same or lower lvl. And at high lvl its only people at the same lvl as the assain that can see them.

    Problem solvedb:victory
  • DrunkWizard - Lost City
    DrunkWizard - Lost City Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This problem is really easy to fix. Just do so a assains stealth lvl is same as the assains lvl.

    Now a 60 assain can have a stealth lvl from 70-80, but if they do so the stealth lvl is same as the assains lvl a 60 assain get a stealth lvl of 60. Then they only can sneak up on targets thats have the same or lower lvl. And at high lvl its only people at the same lvl as the assain that can see them.

    Problem solvedb:victory

    stealth lv already is same lv as user lv , but they has stealth masterie skill , like our wood fire earth water and weapons masteries.
  • Ninjaaaa - Lost City
    Ninjaaaa - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This problem is really easy to fix. Just do so a assains stealth lvl is same as the assains lvl.

    Now a 60 assain can have a stealth lvl from 70-80, but if they do so the stealth lvl is same as the assains lvl a 60 assain get a stealth lvl of 60. Then they only can sneak up on targets thats have the same or lower lvl. And at high lvl its only people at the same lvl as the assain that can see them.

    Problem solvedb:victory

    Why dont you make private server and do it then .?
    (disagree your idea) becuz i dont want anything 2 be fixed or change becuz nothign is WRONG its just the Players Hate on Assassinz when they steath and they cant traget them
    i actually Want something Better Not Nerf!!! i wana be More OP More Damage More servive stuff ok nobody want 2 be nerfed everybody want more power so dont be so selfish what you want power 4 your own class i also want power 4 my own class
    Problem will be solved when this Thread is Closed !
  • Oneji - Heavens Tear
    Oneji - Heavens Tear Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It's true that, at high lvls, assassins are hardly defeated by anyone in PK/1 vs 1 battle. But don't the class name "assassin" tells you anything?. Assassins are suposd to be able to kill others in a more effective way than other classes, like barbs are suposed to tank better than anyone, wizzards able to 1 hit, etc... That's the class identity, it just wouldn't be logic that an assassin has the same possibilities to kill his target as any other non-assassin class do, so stop complaining there.

    No one asks developers to nerf barbarian's HP so that they has the same possibility to tank as other classes, for example. That doesn't mean that assassins are the best class in game, we're good at 1 vs 1 combat only, but it becomes a lot hard when we're in a territory war, we die easily there where probably barbs, archers and any other class would survive better and kill more ppl in less time, and in dungeons too, we're not tankers, that's clear, we couldn't tank the strongest bosses in game, only barbs would be able to do so, but I don't see any assassin asking devs for more HP or merf HP for barbs, it's just barb's mastery!.

    I don't know if you ppl get me right, the fact that assassins can kill others easily (no matter what skills it takes) is what makes us assassins, otherwise we would be just fists BMs, so no need of a different name nor class. So stop complaining about assassin's skills, we're assassins for a reason, just like other classes are barbs,archers, BMs, venos, etc. for a reason too.

    +1 *sigh* I wish more people had this same logic in their headsb:thanks.
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    hmm asking for one skill changed to sins thinking people are asking for every one of there skills to be nerfed lolz funny thread funny thread

    now i like some of the earlier ideas of making force strealth cost 1 spark or a certian amount of chi over how many seconds but not kicking them out of stealth when all the chi is gone

    and i have a sin of my own you dont need force stealth to be good if you do your a noob if you cant kill someone idc about how sins were like irl take the heat & get your beating & take it like a man there are plenty of genie skills to get away so changing force stealth or completely geting rid of it isnt gonna hurtb:bye
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle