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  • For me, i have to say it really wasn't. While the game does have a lot of really fun aspects going for it, i find that even though it's "free to play", it's very heavily telling me to spend money or hours upon hours grinding; all of which can be a huge buzzkill. There is a point where yes, they need to make money, but…
  • "So i'm sittin' dere Tellin' David Bowie, I's tellin' him...."
  • well at the same time though, $30 for a mount is ridiculous, especially when the quality level isn't even that great on them, and the animations are terrible. There's a point where you're trying to make a profit, and then there's a point when you're just asking too much for how little you're putting into it. If anything…
  • I really have to agree with that last bit, I don't know if it's PWE or Cryptic in this case, but monetization has become the clear point of all cryptic games. The players are frequently ignored, even when giving ideas that would be better or add more value to the game, and everything cryptic is doing points you to either…
  • For me personally i base a lot of what i see here on Cryptics other games. while every thing seems great here at the moment, Cryptic only plans things on a short term basis and has a bad habit of releasing content and being done with it after the initial bug and nerf. Champions is in a terrible state at the moment due to…
  • To be honest, i was really disappointed that Drow weren't there during launch, I really enjoyed playing them in beta, and the Underdark origin is there which really doesn't make sense unless you're drow. Hopefully they're added in for free before too long.
  • i kind of like the idea of consequences to certain mounts. It makes a lot of sense that in the city you would get a lot of stares on a giant spider, or in the under you would get some stares on a horse. It would add an interesting game feature if people respondd a certain way. Remember in the fable games people reacted to…
  • i think they're missing out on some really creative opportunities here by not having deity choices. A great example of this is with powers and abilities. Maybe hitting a land mark rank would give you a bonus or a passive based on that ability. STO right now has a system in place right now called the reputation system. The…
  • It would really be a nice game mechanic that would add a lot of fun to the game as well as be relatively easy to implement. if i'm plugging some one with arrows in a fight it kind of breaks immersion when they don't stick or at least have a few in there some where, granted too many can also be ridiculous, bu adding the…
  • true, but it could also add more strategy by allowing benefits to better aiming or timing of shots. and if they go with method two, then it's just a really cool visual instead of just an icon by the health bar
  • Not going to lie here, i want a giant spider as a mount. Even if mounts are strictly non combat travel, it would still fit as a good match for any drow or servant of Lolth to be a spider rider. As for mounts in general is there any news on if they'll be combat mounts like CO's vehicles, or if they'll just be to get from…
  • I agree that in terms of nudity they shouldn't shy away when it's needed but at the same time they shouldn't flaunt it. Over in the secret world they do so with great effect. There are some demons and Succubi that show some nudity but it's not all over the game and in your face. There's a fine line there that i can…
  • That's actually WHY the devs aren't communicating with the forums, they're IN the car Andre is lifting. But yes, a little feed back would be nice from the other side of the game, even if it's just general discussion and not anything spoilerific or making promises (like the STO debacle). It would be nice if our community…
  • I'm a little bothered by the specific names as well. Over on Champions they have Archetypes, which are basically premade builds that you have to buy to use (unless you're gold) and to be honest i get that bad feeling that's what's going to be going on here. Cryptic used to be known for the freedom of customization but…
  • It's not that i think they're vital, but if they're not in at the start, it might be off putting for some, and offputting to others simply because they might be put in as a Pay to Play item later on based on how cryptic's done it so far.
  • That's one of the biggest mistakes made by SWTOR. All the races were humans, humans with head tails, humans with odd colors, humans with stuff on their faces which in a Star Wars game is unacceptable given the huge variety of awesome non human races. In STO they have caitians (way better than SWTOR's Cat people which are…
  • Going off of the other games, there are going to be a lot of different currencies, one of which possibly as a way to grind for Zen (like dilithium or Questionite). I'm not really sure though how many different types of it they had in D&D though so who knows what we might be getting stuck with. Sto just introduced two new…