Not to mention the Grym PVP gear is only 6 tokens(6 daily wins) for 4 pieces of gear and item level 130 with superior stats to the 120 even with tenacity subbing it. There's in fact no reason to spend 40 days to acquire both sets of gear, because you can get the 135 PVP Burning set in 27 days. I don't know what they were…
Some of the Heroic Encounters in Icewind Dale need tweaking still, Remoraz, Prospector Attack/Captured Prospector, Black Ice Beholder. Mostly all around, there was damage resistance designed when Icewind Dale first came out that was removed from the black ice gear entirely so people are getting hit like a freight train…
You can grind experience to 70 --- at 70 you get the offhand automatically. After that you'd only need to do the tyranny of dragons campaign for the artifact weapon, it gives the level 70 main hand. I should note currently, that I did all of the vigilance quests with my main character. But given that this method appears…
A side note to this, not only is the grind to black ice unrealistic when it comes to the gear it provides. A person can get a full 137 item level PVP set for significantly less black ice with much stronger stats then the new blue set. Additionally black ice armor sets used to offer a damage resistance to the NPC's in the…
Many of the companions which were lifesteal based like the Acolyte of Kelemvor were nerfed significantly in Module 6. Is there any chance to examine said companions and modify the way in which they operate so that they are still useful? I abandoned mine for a Lillend for example, and would still like to use the Acolyte…
I think it's closer to the fact that much of the architecture was built and designed by other who are no longer working here. Its sort of like the Foundry, the tools to make the game still exists so someone can still make new stuff for it. But the actual base assets which made the creator and what not are no longer able to…
Except wait for it... item level. PVP gear can be instantly purchased at the highest rank, which I believe is item level 135. Gateway is messed up now so I can't check accurately without logging in. 135 has a lot of stats more then entry level raid/dungeon gear, which is blue and lousy. So rather then farming the hundreds…
You get raw black ice it needs to be converted. The stop gap isn't the actual raw black ice you farm/gather/quest. It's the profession slots required to maintain and convert it that's the problem.
No heroic encounters give unified elements. These are available from the dailies in all of the adventure zones that reward an elemental <earth/fire/water/air>. Sometimes on quest completion it will be subbed for a unified or an elemental asset which can be combined into a unified with alchemy. Current time to conversion is…
Do the math then, I'm not even factoring the cost of the new set bonuses, unlocking the black ice forge, or making the black ice gear. This is *just* the cloak and belt. If you want to cite that I'm complaining for the sake of it where's your evidence to back up your claim about how this isn't a worthless endeavor? Gear in…
Linu's exchange rate is still 15 favors, which can essentially be gotten in a single day with the right amount of effort. A week at maximum. Plus it's hardly best in slot, considering the Lostmauth set has the potential for craziness with that crit based proc.
This. I found I managed about 6 per cycle. So you're looking at a minimum of 3 cycles to clear each section. Thats 3 hours per section, a total of 9 hours of questing continuously to clear the map. The alternative is you do both this and the Sky zone after it simultaneously to compensate for the hour long wait. Sadly there…
Drop rate on the mithral ingots is too small, recommendation adding it to the NPC's in the area to drop. Currently I killed over 100 NPC's searching for them to get 5. Not worth the effort.
I'd add a mechanic to the tab based on what you're specced into executioner, etc. If you're going to be nerfing stealth then additional mechanics need to be added similar to how a 'tab' power works for the Control Wizards. For example a deft strike stealth mechanic would be slightly useful for mobility.
Aug 12 2014 Perfect World Entertainment Refund Perfect World Entertainment Payment Aug 06 2014 Perfect World Entertainment Payment -negative $74.99 I think I found the problem, I bought the pack on the 06th and they refunded it on the 12th? What the hell PWE? Does this mean I'm going to have to pay the full 100$ now?
I think the flaw here is thinking, "I'm going to buy a game and only buy one expansion. EVER. In an entire year, I'm not going to contribute to that game ever again." So I bought the Feywild, and I have the purple mount and the purple minion you're all complaining isn't in this pack when it first came out. It was an…