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  • None of the items in my pictures are 'transmutation'. My grim sentinel set is dyed. I only place I know of to get the instigator grim/profound gear is in The Trade Of Blades building in Protector's Enclave.
  • The picture your talking about isn't a realistic representation of stats you can get in a domination arena and includes things like an augment companion turned on. All of the 4 pictures I include at the bottom on the guide are with all potions/exilers/augments turned off and are stats that are realistic in a domination…
  • I've used him in PVE before. In general compared to a GWF specced/geared specifically for PVE, you will get around 30%~ less damage. Although you will still be doing far more damage than a Sentinel GWF
  • My guide is aimed at the Great Weapon Fighter for PVP.
  • The displayed recharge speed comes from the Destroyer path Feat "Relentless Battle Fury". The displayed recharge speed isn't the actual recharge speed for all abilities. It only applies to the ones listed in the Feat: Roar, Takedown, and Battle fury. So for other abilities, just subtract 50% from what you see.
  • Roar currently has a small root and silence effect to it. Ordinarily I wouldn't say it's better than frontline surge even with the root, but because we pick up the feat Relentless Battle Fury, which reduces Roar's cooldown by 50% and increases damage by 25%, it ends up being better for destroyer. Raor's cooldown ends up…
  • Thanks for noticing akotohkaide, I did miss that and have updated the guide.
  • It's a hard choice to make. 300 Power 300 Critical 400 Control Resist or 300 Defense 300 Regeneration 400 Healing Bonus The healing bonus applies to regeneration. And Regeneration is a higher valued stat that power or crit. However between Defense, Power, and Crit, I'm not sure which one is more valuable. Control Resist is…
  • Profound Sentinel 4/4 Grim Sentinel 4/4 Grim Sentinel/Instigator 2/4 + 2/4 Heroic Duelist's 4/4 Tried them all, they all have their advantages and disadvantages, personally I like the Grim Sentinel/Instigator combo, sacrificing deflect for +HPs means more unstoppable for about the same amount of survivability. You can…
  • The difference in the situation the OP discribes is that meatball was interrupted while takedown completely missed. If takedown completely misses, it will go on shorter CD, but in a 1v1 it will uncommonly completely miss. The only way a decent player will completely miss it is if they misjudge distance. It will either be…
  • Your just pointing out how someone played poorly in a single game. It doesn't illustrate anything except that it's happened before. The thing people are overlooking here is that the reason CWs will be killed often, isn't because of how much easier is it to kill them, but because of how much more important it is to kill the…
  • To expand on what I said before, it also depends on your weapon enchants. Things like Vorpal, Terror, and Plague will change how arpen weighs against crit. Something to consider is, unless you have over 100% critical severity, arpen will always provide more average dps than crit until all their 'damage resistance' is…
  • thanks for your responses. It could have been bravery as I was slotting/unslotting today before I checked values. It still doesn't explain why my damage resistance went down so much but it probably explains the deflect. edit: slotted in bravery and it brought it back up to 40% and with companion def is at 46.1% unbuffed.…
  • Neverwinter has done something right with an MMO that I haven't seen in a long time, which is not requiring certain classes to play the content of the game. A party shouldn't be required to bring any one class to be able to play through the content. It seems though the problem they made was designing the GF class as tank…
  • The way they did it works out well because a lvl 25 blue will be better than a lvl 28 green. In this case, up until lvl 32 greens the lvl 25 blue will be better. This means you would probably want to purchase a lvl 32 green off AH when you hit lvl 32, which will usually cost 1-20 AD. They took a middle road approach. If…
  • For PVP it kind of depends what classes you would like to do better against. Cleric, GWF, and GF typically have armor(40%), so stacking arPen will do better against those classes. However, every point your over cap for the lesser armored classes is a point your behind in crit or power. Classes like CW, HR, and TR will have…
  • If there was no rewards for PvP then I suppose I could understand how someone could ask this question, unless of course they have never PvPed themselves. In this game though, a lot of people PvP for glory. If a player is certain they are going to lose, they can get more glory/hour if they afk at campfire and let the…
  • I have another question for tenacity. Does ignore resistance work against tenacity? For example, if someone has 20% defense and 10% tenacity, would -30% ignore resist bring it to 0% or to 10%?
  • Someone in another thread made a suggestion to buff a certain class because his PvE spec performed badly in PvP matches and he thought he shouldn't have to spec specifically for PvP to do good in PvP matches. It's ridiculous that people think a class warrants buffs in PvP because PvE spec characters perform badly. What's…
  • Forest Ghost, at least in PvP, is very situational and for a few reasons. It has a long cast time, meaning if someone is chasing you and you cast Forest Ghost, they are right on top of you by the time you cast it. What this means is, if their encounters are on CD and they have no more stamina bar, you should be able to…
  • The first response in the thread was the right answer. I often play a GWF in PvP and very often I notice other GWFs can hit me when I'm 5-7 ft away as well, yet when I try to takedown them, sometimes I'm out of range even if their right in front of me. So why is MY takedown have such a short range yet other GWFs hit me…
  • ya I noticed something similar