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  • +10000 well said bro vincent,...its not we against you icy,...but what the things he(vincent) suggested its a good thing.. just try one day....just one day..no premade...hopefully..all the big pvp guild listen this... change for all of us.... nice....two thumbs up
  • wow,... i see...thanks man,... now im cleared about the devo and prot,...million thanks...
  • yes its not about BiS players,....as drkbodhi said.... its about premade BiS pvp guild..dominating.. ..pvp in NW become so dull...its fun for them...not for us,... the pvp its always and only one sided...it is for them,...until the dev kindly hear us,...fix and change the pvp system. im not talking about class…
  • hi kodiak, but i read in the tool tip ...the T.lightning do 7% weap dmg? is the tool tip wrong? because pure one is stronger....do you wear T.lightning? thanks
  • @angrysprite , hi..im new to OP,...why you said prot OP less dps than devo? i wonder,...im actually see other ppl in other thread said that,..did i missed something lol,....can you kindly explained to me please,.....i need to hear this,.. because all prot aura more dps than devo,..atwill too ithink,..shielding strike "You…
  • well.....matthiasthehun76 i feel you man,... i think..im scared to pvp when im 70...(currently my char still 65)..hahaha luckily i got 4 elem chest from NCL..xfingers..not get doubled hahha... anyway....yes im agreed,...pvp need to fixed...matchmaking...solovs solo,..group(premade) 5 person vs premade... even if im fully…
  • @kodiak0961 thanks ,..i ll put lightning encht for my consideration,..thanks mate @casteth thanks cas,..for the input and tips,..i think dot arent really helpfull :neutral: maybe i choosed vorpal,..crit build for solo dps and crit healing...still thinking haha...vorpal soo expensive lol...
  • Best!!!.... this is what i called.... a Superb and an amazing sentence of the day...niceee
  • hahaha....+10000 i cant agreed more...i forgot about the PVE things...lolz... hopefully DeVs looked into this matter...make pvp all levels fun again...
  • LOLz...unfair yea.... this NW pvp its all about gears....ive read in other thread..some1 said its not all about gear..skills are main factor.. well ofc vet players more skilled thn the newplayers...but imagine if Lewis Hamilton (very skilled racer) ride with pick-up truck...rofl And all of this matters because of all…
  • LOL..it is a rage post... OP need more love...more dps please dev ...OP stuck atm...cant kill...huhuhu (T_T) give back our DJ .... :sunglasses: and today i learned OP prot can 1 shot OP devo ..lolz....
  • hi guys, thanks ...for all the input and tips,.. the weap enchant..the favorite one..its so expensive..... plague fire is the only fav enchnt tahts not so expensive...i ownder why....?
  • i see... thanks for the input champ +1000
  • yea agree,... shift shield its just tooo slow reaction.. please dev fixing this,...its uncomfortable and annoying,....
  • hahha..yes yes i know...xsayajinx1... SE still overpower actually,...yes i think its a finisher...like in mortal kombat...FINISH HIM!.... :smiley: i think TR is hammered with alot of nerfs from previous2 version..but they still maintain the superiority in pvp.. because TR feats its all good...except scoundrel..maybe .mmm…
  • -o-....yea...*clap* thanks thefabricant
  • "If TR will loose permastealth, fix ITC and fix piercing i agree that damage should be increased." See, we are finally in agreement. All you need now is a lesson in manners but you won't find it in the forums.[/quote] i think ,..just fix perma stealth...sorry MI/sabo, perma is broken. im a TR also...please Don'T fixing ITC…
  • thats it!...facts from j1nn1 i think DEV should see and fix this... IF..elven nerfed...what happen next? they(CCheavy class) will UNSTOPPABLE....currently right now combo of them ...can locked down+kill any enemies whos not wearing elven and which is majority of players..(because is expensive)....and IF elven nerfed…
  • hmmmm....... rescue hostage? and bom? lol .... could be fun hahahaha
  • Thefabricant and I have been doing some silly tests with the Paladin. We both run a Devotion Paladin with a Justice/Prism build and Burning Guidance. Get two of those builds together and funky stuff happens. I recorded a fight with Syndrith in Epic Temple of the Spider. hi there, jae i know prism...but what is burning…
  • i dont think its fair 50% dmg...we need more...give back pallies DJ...yes he is TANK...tank need 1 devastating daily power....like the real Tank...M1A1 Abrams - WW2 King Tiger ...have daily power..BOOOOOMMMMMM :love: .... but please make DJ at level 65 daily skill..not lvl 4 lol..at lvl 10 1 shot ppl..and hell yea nerfed…
  • i see...thanks for explanation pando abt deflection...i only see what is the tooltip described.. well good to know...and abt elven/negation...i let the dev decided,...hopefully balanced and fair for CC and nonCC class.... yea i think elven nerfed already,...hehe you put it nicely ..good answer... this is from other…
  • in that case,...great thanks for the tips... :smile:
  • yes agreee....good reward, fashion, cool dyes,..transmute weapons armors..what ever it is to boost pvp again...as samothrace22 said..will bring alot players step into pvp...alot players means shorter queueing...yay about broken things in pvp ..class balance,enchantments,Tenacity ...etc that really concerned pvp communities…
  • naah... and theres no information in the tool tip..about reducing cc... only : Deflect =Increases the chance that you will ignore a large amount of incoming damage. sorry nox ... i dnt think deflection reduce cc.
  • yes we got alot already..its called enchantment..dude... deflect..defense.... "NEGATION"....its there any enchantment reduce CC??....dOooh.... i know...i knowww..... oh yea....ELVEN BATTLE,,,,its the ONE taht you always crying about...
  • yea,...nice one..fast pace combat good... CC need to look into again....give us immunity after CC landed... and elven can be toned down :smile:
  • yea...nice event...please bring back again :smile: pvp boosted because of this event....many2 players no event....some pvping...errrrrr... lets see the upcomig stronghold
  • LoL..ofc Burkaanc defending his class....and all OP ofc... for example = how about take out stealth ability from TR ....theres a timer cd for 30s until you can stealth again? or....reduce all dmg from GWF, GF....reduce CC ability from Control wiz? will they defended his/her class? ....zzzzzzzz from casteth Anyway, another…