I came back to see the new and improved Neverwinter. I must agree, I stopped spending my money here too. I can only assume they get the gullible new player's milk money now and then? I play a lot more on consoles these days, returned my PC to more office equipment and less gaming. I was thinking about the fun we had before…
The cash I spent here wasn't an illusion. I have read players saying this module is nothing but theft, but I would say it is closer to homicide since they continue to kill player's interest in playing this game. I have played many online games in my lifetime and fully understand they all say they can take it away in the…
After playing for some time, a player told me in chat, you can buy enchants at the sage shop in PE. Yes she has lowbies at 100,000 AD each. The ones she sells is 300 IL. 300 x 11 = 3300 and 100,000 x 11 = 1.1 million AD. Next you need these stones ranked up to beyond legendary. Not only do you need glyphs of potency and…
They shouldn't place OS and GPU block up until they know they will work. Try to run the game in "safe mode" in the launcher options, it will clear the GPU settings. Run dxdiag and on the first tab it should read directx 12 and on the display tab it should give you the information on your GPU. I wouldn't mess around here on…
I got on as my main. I see new content is locked at 45K item level. I look at my character and see 38,752 item level. Enchants are temps for 1 week. I don't play a solid week at a time. This means next week she loses 11 temps at 1200 each 38,752 - 13,200 = 25,552 by next week. To play end game content, I need +19,448 to…
I am back just to see what changes occurred and this blew my mind. I haven't been active for a long time now. I came here to look at the forums. I am patching and reading as I patch. This is what I have found changed just reading these forums. 1. GearBox bought up the PW game division. Why? $103 is way too much for this,…
Yes. I think steam will retain users after you log out? If you are not using steam there is a "safe mode" in options for the Cryptic launcher. Be aware the "safe mode" just deletes the game settings on your client and drops you into a windowed version, it is simple matter to set up your graphics again.
The launchers have nothing to do with this, the client pulls that information from the Direct X. Make sure the drivers are installed by running dxdiag.exe . On the "Display" tab there is a window box on the right hand side. It should say Direct3D and a version number. For mine it says version 12. If you don't have the…
It was my understanding that we are only weeks away from everyone online now being capped at 20. The way I read the blog, we are going to be level 20 regardless our current level in the game. Experience is gone in the new game, better make the most of the XP now assuming you still gain anything from it. Last I knew, the…
This has been on the Neverwinter wiki for a few years now https://neverwinter.fandom.com/wiki/Lag,_Network,_and_Server_Issues Basically once you have ruled out your equipment, then you have to rule out any Mickey Mouse server between you and Cryptic, then it is all Cryptic's fault. There are ways to fix this, unfortunately…
Let me attempt to understand this logic. Years ago I pay $20 buyout for a campaign, I obviously didn't want to run. Then somewhere in mid August of this year, I have to either finish the campaign or pay another $20 to not play it... again. Makes perfect sense in some alternate universe maybe. @mestrahd I have spent…
Old topic but I will add this, you can not only copy your character to preview, but you can do it multiple times. If your character is Bob Smith, he arrives on preview with everything in his inventory. Do that again and his clone arrives as Bob Smith 1, with cloned inventory. Not that you need twenty or thirty clones…
I got the memo. My cell died while I was in Europe and when I say it died, it got depressed and hung itself by its own USB dongle. Europe was very depressing. I sent you and Wendy my new number by email, if you changed your email, let me know. Keep in touch.
I checked this out. I thought maybe @doompriest70 had a wallet active in the web browser. That is not the case, I navigated to Billing - Arc, viewed my last purchase; Date - Transaction ID - Gateway - Game / Server - Status / Detail - Amount - In-game Currency 07/17/2020 - ####0296 - Direct Credit Card - Neverwinter /…
Well for those of you been asking about the "charge$ within game" on this one. You could spend hundreds on this game and it really don't matter if you spend anything at all. @sandukutupu no offense, your husband is REAL CHEAP $10?? He could afford $50 on this and you could really buy something other than the sexy undies.…
Yes my malware is up to date, thanks for asking. My advice about this, I just use the anitviralcrap that Windows 10 has on it. I keep my disk handy for system repairs. I only surf the pornsites in Incognito mode, learn it or keep your GFs off the PC. Don't facebook but if you must don't click on the bait. Always be…
This is suppose to last all season until August? So I am guessing 2 months per part. February 16th was release I would estimate part 2 for mid to late April, July or early August for part 3. Mod 21 is suppose to start up around late August and offer us a new class to play.
The model change for the quickling is just the artwork, 4th edition artwork made the quickling more privative looking and this is closer to 5th edition artwork.
To bad it will not happen. The YouTubers who made A.I. have extreme pull with Wizards of the Coast through PAX. The voice actor Jerry Holkins, is writer of the Penny Arcade webcomic, and works with Wizards of the Coast. He is a nice guy but I just can't stand their idea of entertainment. I don't know the background on all…
Never going to happen. The same reason Carpets, Griffions, even the $40 angel wings from the zen store DO NOT fly. Every mount either hovers or floats, a meter at best, above the ground. A real quick way to see the "issues" of flight in almost any zone can be done by one and all. Choose the zone you want to fly around and…
Yes we did the same, yesterday in the same leveling dungeon. I have a tank that I am leveling. He was 1 level too low for the quests in Whispering Caverns. I joined a PUG and we got stomped by the adds. The wizard changed her build to CC the adds while we took down the boss. It was a good crew, I got lucky they were on top…
Most of my toons are level 80. I have 2 toons at level 55, but today I was having issues with doing simple tasks on Hotenow. I gave Wendy Black a call and she came in with her level 80 wizards to assist me. After I completed the mountain, she had to leave, I continued to the shops and grabbed gears to upgrade. I wasn't…
@greywynd it is my opinion Champions is a very different "mindset" from Neverwinter. They have a very diverse crowd on there. Characters can be more unique looking with the custom tailor shop, due to the fact that your armors never change the outward appearance. The RP community is more present on there, so I would…
Fey trinket vouchers still drop within the SH. However I bet dollars to bitcoins, sellers are raising the prices in the AH as I type! I own a small RP guild, while I have spent cash for some items, I sure will not be buying Fey Trinkets!!
A lot has happened in 2 years, you have to expect change. Mounts not in your stable "hide out" in the void. I guess the best word for it. Swap any of the 5 mounts out of your stable and you will see the rest of them. The inactive mounts are there just not doing much for you. You should be able to switch to any mount you…
I know you are working for the classification of MMO and not all game genres. I always felt this game never fit the MMO classification. For the rank of MMO, I thought the number was much higher than top 20, more like top 50. @dread4moor I am still here.
I said, longer not harder. The definition of "scaling" is to alter your stats to match an area or other players, @"noworries#8859" has not changed your stats to match a given zone. His team has lowered the ocean. They have changed ALL the stats. The fights were a lot longer last weekend. This weekend they are much closer…
Force me, I dare you! How can anyone force you to take on any stat in your build? My kid brother played another mmo, he built a toon without weapons. He then used the npcs hero sidekicks to fight for him... the entire game. His toon did nothing but give commands. He still does weird compost* like that to this day. I know,…
@"noworries#8859" here is my take on what you have so far from the freemium player perspective; 1. Radiant Health Pot costs 70 silver in game. 2. Radiant Health Pot costs 120 AD in the auction house. 3. In random low end zones modules 1-14 I am drinking about 4 to 5 just to keep from dying. 4. Do I make 2 or 3 gold in…
Besides what @"eladonwarps#6040" told you above... You can clone AD with your character you move to preview and bank it. Delete the preview character, copy to preview, bank AD and repeat. This process depending on how much AD you can place on your character will make you AD rich but only on preview.