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  • Hey coino, I've finally finished your quest and left an in-game review. I thought it was enjoyable, but was quite difficult/challenging. Now that I'm done, allow me to give you my full impressions: General impressions: - dialogue was actually quite humorous. Things did get particularly bonkers during this quest, but it was…
  • It keeps coming back again... and again... and again... Can someone kill it and burn it with fire? Please?
  • Sorry, I've been having terrible connection issues as of late so I haven't finished my testing or been able to give a review yet. Just a few general thoughts on playing through so far: - You need to go and do a sweep of grammar and spelling. Lots of missing apostrophes and proper nouns are not being written in capital. - I…
  • Whoops, sorry, I accidentally used the barrel in the first room on the Terrorsquay to exit your quest. Unless your quest is broken, you shouldn't need to have it. Either get it removed or put a disclaimer before it. Unfortunately I have to leave to go out soon. I'll try your quest again in a couple of hours.
  • Hey coino, I'll play your quest. If you'd like to play my quest, that'd make me happy. Search "The Orb of Avalon", short code: NW-DPIJSYAI7 under the 'New' tab. It doesn't need any more reviews, but I am happy to accept any feedback or suggestions you have. My just became eligible for daily so you can run it for that if…
  • Hi lightbringer, I have played through your quest. Let me give you a few thoughts: General: - Story was fine. Clearly this is a tribute to Diablo, but saying that, I thought you did well. - I felt as though you could have done with clearer quest objectives. Vellosk is a big map, so the quest probably took a lot longer than…
  • No worries, I was glad to have played it :) Ah, right. Cool! I look forward to the next installment then :) To me, that's not the first thing that goes into my head and it's a weird mentality to have. If you happened to stumble upon a dead body while you're out bushwalking, what would you do? Call the police, I hope. Not…
  • Hi Saiyaku, I've finished your quest. There was lots of exciting things happening in this quest! Just checking, is this quest meant to be the start of a campaign? The story seems unfinished. Here's some of my thoughts and suggestions: General thoughts and impressions: - Good and above-average quest overall. The story was…
  • Thanks lightbringer. I'll put Belial on my to-play list too!
  • Alright, I've implemented a few of your suggestions now. I've found the source of the flies! For some reason, I made that an ambient noise (lol?). They're gone now. I had no idea why I did that in the first place :S I'll reply to your thread my thoughts on your quest soon.
  • Hi saiyaku! Thank you for playing my quest and taking the time to look at it. I will certainly look into the suggestions you have made but allow me to address them with some detail: - I will go ahead and fix up the NPC dialogue. It was one of the first dialogues I have written and the one I have checked the least. - I was…
  • Alright, I finished it and it was indeed a satisfying ending :) Just thoughts on the last chapter: The Chosen of the Planes: -Those trees that are surrounding the village border.... oh boy. I hate to say it again, but they're not a good look. You should try to find some variety with the trees instead of just copy-pasting…
  • Alright, about to start the last quest of the campaign. Here's my thoughts on the Shadowfell Fortress and The Temple of the Planes. The Shadowfell Fortress: Overall, better than part 2. The encounters on the whole were good. - Long corridors were a bit sparse in my opinion. The grassy ground seemed a bit weird too. Do you…
  • Hey orangefiree I'm midway through your campaign. The story is shaping up nicely. I just finished Shadowfell Disciples and Demonweb. Overall, its shaping up nicely so far. Let me share some thoughts with you so far: Some General Thoughts: - Using [MissionInfo] colours in your dialogue would do a bit of wonders I think.…
  • Hi orangefiree! Thank you for playing my quest! I'm putting your quest on my to-play list now. 1.) The ogre was intended to be the commander of the orc guardians he is fighting with. I'll adjust his name perhaps to make that a little clearer. 2.) There are 7 Guardian battles, Sheng says so himself at the start. I'll grant…
  • Hi again, I went through the quest again, left a review this time and you're right! It is indeed a much better quest :) I thought the story was much more interesting this time around and things made a lot more sense. Just some quick remarks though: - When you end the level, you exit through a weird side door that's not…
  • I'm doubtful about the tips being a problem. If they were, I think all Foundry quests would be subject to that same legal problem. Your second point, on the other hand, is much more of a concern. I thought NWN fell under PW's copyrights as, you know, this game is called Neverwinter. If that's the case... yeah, it's a bit…
  • Try looking at the Terms of Service? From what I see, there don't... appear... to be any problems? Just as long as you're not making any money out of it of course. You'd be using wholly Cryptic-supplied objects/environments/materials, so you're not bringing anything in from outside of what Cryptic has given. I'd suggest…
  • I just want to say, I've never been the sort of high-gear, epic-raids sort of player and what drew me to start playing an MMORPG like Neverwinter the most was the Foundry. I just really enjoy playing other people's creations and seeing the stories they are telling. But, as most of you have said already, it is truly…
  • Hi jonzillas! I gave your quest a go, but I didn't leave a review since I think that there are quite a few things you should probably think about touching up first before I leave a review and I didn't want to give a final review on something that is bound to improve. So, a few general things: -The encounters seemed…
  • Haha, I get the joke now. :) Looking up JCVD gave me a bit more inspiration actually if I wanted to do either a sequel (or prequel) quest or another quest using the same sort of lore.
  • Hi guitarzan698! I've been enjoying your campaign so far! Just some bugs and things you should probably fix: - The ghosts in the tower have a spelling typo as they keep saying "wnn't" instead of "won't" - In the storytellers dialogue after the dream, "fued" should be spelled "feud" - You need to fix this: I fell off the…
  • Hi melinden! Thank you for playing the quest :) I tried to implement as many of your suggestions and tips as I could because I thought they were helpful, but I could not implement all of them. I'm not sure what you mean by JCVD, but if JCVD means improvement, then I'm totally willing to do that. - Someone else has said the…
  • I found the additional help accidentally when I started fleeing backwards because I forgot to buy more potions after my botched first attempt, lol. I thought it was a good idea you placed the help where they were though. Even though I didn't die, I was as good as dead really. It makes sense to offer help once you die and…
  • Alrighty, I went through the quest again, finished it and given a review. Thank you for the difficulty slider option! I really appreciated that. You should probably tag it with #Epic too :) In case you were wondering, the difficulty with additional help was fine for a non-epic player like me.
  • Hi anton! I liked your quest and I really liked the environments and all the polish you've added to this map. Unfortunately, I didn't get to finish it because its way too difficult for me. For my Lvl 40 GF, I just couldn't deal enough DPS to match the crazy amount of healing that was going on with all those clerics. It was…
  • Thanks for playing! I'll look into making the changes you suggested with the dialogue and the map. As for other things: -About Ferook, the names were originally switched to begin with, but when I played it, it didn't seem right when I saw how massive the forge master was compared to the flame demon. Perhaps I'll just give…
  • I just did this quest. Really nice job! Nice reference to Harry Potter in the Chancellor's room? In any case, really good quest on the whole. The only thing I noticed was some grammar in the first NPC conversation with the study abroads person: "I see you've worked in academics before" should be either "worked with…
  • Hi Tertius, I'm doing your quest. I'll send you a e-mail of what I think. Could I ask you to play my quest too? The short-code is NW-DPIJSYAI7 and its name is "The Orb of Avalon". It's a balanced quest, so story and quite combat-intensive. It can be played solo. You should be able to finish it in about 15 - 20 minutes.