out of curiosity can u understand this facts still stand: 1.it was 2nd most expencive before the nerf 2.it was nerfed 3.its the worst enchant in the game not viable in any build,any class ,pve or pvp not a single fotm uses it 4.its the cheapest perfect enchant by far conclusion : its broken
today anyone can play tr with decent gear u dont need to df just run around the cap hide and daily here and there. no need for such specialised pro item in the game
not as much u had fun using wr in pvp and writing build around it how does that go again Give him a wicked, wicked reminder that he's not as invincible as he thinks.
whats it up to u u play legit channel and have np what so ever tr is support class we dont need another cw,gwf,sw in the group just a bit help on the side
leaderboard is a joke but i agree its still better than nothing i never nothiced crippled walking animation must be something that only pro rp nothice.
its just funny how name of the thread is Compare TR to other classes abilities and still there trs here to come on top with dazing and smoke so in their mind trs have better abilities nice gg
yeah lol they will fight to the death to explain how dazing, is awsome. while other classes have 2,3 times the dmg and 2,3 times the stun with 20 times easyer to land encounter
smoke bomb is so easy to counter that 90% of the time i dont even get caught and if i do then itc or i just walk out of it.i have yet to see a tr who deals dmg on me while im caught in smoke bomb. its only somewhat usefull on ranged whisperknife but not against other mi tr dazing is even worst. so easy to dodge and dmg is…
before people didnt know how to play had 20k hp and didnt understand that glass canon tr has 4 sec stealth and after hes dead if they didnt nerf tr perma would be way stronger then glass canon ever was infact perma was always the strongest build even before the nerf no one ever played glass canon tr in premades on top lvl…
dmg is not optimal for tr u can play tr only good with a min maxing pvp builds u cant balance the stats as u want and chose which encounters u like tr without full pvp min max stats is not even a suport like gf. its just a class which hides around pillar u can all go mad but its the truth
gap is huge and its getting bigger by the minute.it would be fine except u cant choose if u want to play against low gs people u have to play against bis players like it or not
u realy have some nerv writing that it means hes good with the knives and speaks to them so they do as he wants not put them to sleep. go google stuff and eat some soup
this is mostly pve game so without huge dmg buff its not going to work. cw can cc,gwf aoe,sw aoe ,hr aoe, tr needs huge single target and i mean insane like BAAAAAAAAAAAAM 70K CRIT LB IN PVP. infact that should be like common thing to hear in the pvp chat like bammmmmmmmm 100k BOOOOOOYA U DEAD KWEASSA u have just been one…