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manathayria Bounty Hunter


  • It'd be nice to see a change to this. Something that doesnt make it impossible to move/control a character when anyone wants to vote kick someone else for any and all reasons they can come up with.
  • Speaking to this idea - I much rather the promos be announced. Sometimes I miss the announced ones - RL > Games, and I do want to know when they're going to come back around. Other times, unless there's a reason for me to transfer and buy the zen, usually because of a promotion now, I won't. My main character has all the…
  • I like the event to a point, it's nice to have another that's not making leveling zones unplayable for lower levels like the waukeen and tymora's events did, but I have an odd request, and one that might not be liked by some of those profiting off these events. Give us either a slightly more expensive unlock of the…
  • This is why I think it should be extended to everyone - not just the people during that tiny window. I also believe they should have made it so the promo lasted until the sale would have ended. Not just till 3 pm. It was really clear, and even linked to the wallet, with the comment that it had to be from that specific…
  • I'd suggest posting in the thread we know they're watching - maybe if they see enough of a push for 'hey, reward everyone' they'll do it. It's not like they you know... have the dates and everything on when zen was transferred and bought posted up on the billing page or anything....
  • I agree, which is why I am asking them, and think EVERYONE that bought zen and transferred it to NW OR transferred existing zen SHOULD get the reward since they did add it. The promo should have stayed - it would have meant I'd get one of the wild hunt companions for my ranger (thought it looks really cool and would fit…
  • http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?568741-Update-Companion-Bundle-and-60-off-sale-ending-early/page8 I've already been complaining on that thread (which they are already posting) I think the 'apology' pet was meant for late buyers that MISSED the sale.... My issue with it not applying for everyone that bought…
  • As someone else stated... I would like to see the time period for the transfer extended given that that is a VERY small window and people outside the US, or that work are most likely going to miss this if they have a 9-5 job. Or at the minimum, change this so it retroactively works for anyone that bought zen starting when…
  • The other option Kaiser would be to use it on a second account and move the stuff over. Greater Stone of Health - BoE Fey Panther - BoE 5 Scrolls of Mass Life - BoE The issue I have is... I don't want to have to have another steam account and alt army to get the Fey Panther on the characters I want it with. I think having…
  • http://www.gog.com/promo/fallout_series_giveaway_winter_promo_2013 >_> So yea.. its free, and thats one of the other games I play.
  • It should have been account wide if you decided to make it so only ONE character can claim the cat. I can understand making the other goodies only claimable once - but the pet should become an account flag if you will not allow us to get multiple copies of the DLC, much less applying through the site. I already got the…
  • Wins what? ~Flees before the firing squad, or executioners can get to her~
  • It was the Sabino mount with the armor (essentially) for the guardian one. I love the mount, but its more of a subdued mount than the others. I do use it a lot less than my others.
  • Right now the players have taken their own action to avoid the exploiters; NW_Legit_Community
  • Thank you! I had tried it prior to module 2, and it had not worked (Mind you, I was trying to mail it right after the caturday event) I had no realized that the items could be mailed as of mod 2. Would still love to see a shared bank account (Have it in sto) but being able to mail it as well is awesome. I think the primary…
  • I have one Stormraider horse I upgraded fully to 110%, and a few other mounts I upgraded to the 80% speed. I won't be upgrading another beyond 80% until they drop the price. As someone that has paid or the full upgrade - I would LOVE to see the upgrade costs drop. I see no reason to get more mounts until the price drops...…
  • All my friends on steam play, or are not willing to trade the code. Was hopeing for another way to get the thing, but it might just be that I need to create a **** fleet of alt steam accounts or something to get the other codes and apply them to my account. (Not impressed...)
  • Yes... but we BLAME you. Just like the military will blame the lower enlisted (even when we know **** well it was the MSG's fault)! XD
  • This is actually why the zen store needs enabled on test server, with a claims agent that grants Zen - which is individually flagged for preview server only - all account locks on preview server if done on preview server are specific to that server. I know that DDO does something similar, and if we continue with the packs…
  • http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?532641-Cryptic-OFFICIAL-Feedback-Thread-The-Coffers-of-Wondrous-Augmentation
  • The darks, azures etc are on the same xp model as those are. You won't be risking a R6, or R7 without pres or coal wards, same as higher, where as now you can gamble a little on R7 to R8 without a coal if you're lucky enough on drops. That is also assuming the introduction of coal wards only coming off of the store and not…
  • Are you looking at what it's costing to feed those enchants to level them as well? My point is, you will want to use wards (c wards and pres wards) earlier than you currently do on live because of how much you're feeding into each enchant. It is much more costly to fail once this new system goes live than it currently is.…
  • I disagree with that comment Josiahiyon. I've seen how much each enchant takes to feed to level them and the cost to refine each enchant on its own will keep the prices up. Changes in the coal wards will drive that even farther up. That having been said, I think I agree with the idea of a weekly quest for coals/pres wards…
  • Exactly this. I think a lot of us want the game to succeed and its a large part of why we're up at arms now, rather than waiting. They changed the cost for refines already, now hopefully they'll see a good reason to keep the current coffer and not give us only this new green one. That said, to give a little of my opinion…
  • I'm just snipping a little of this to respond to because it's an interesting view, and I think false. I actually wonder how it is you think perfect enchants are bad for 'everyone' to have. Its a good thing to gear the casual crowd that have some skill but aren't yet 'there' with their gear. A bad player will still be a bad…
  • As a player that has sunk a fair amount of money into the game, removing coal wards would be a deal breaker for me as well. I think there are quite a few others like me in that position that have spent money on the game. Some of us that have spent a fair amount of money on the game (over what I would have on a sub based…
  • Wow... yea, the changes they were making before this made me really happy with the direction runes were taking. The coffer... making that a once a week sparks thing makes me very very unhappy. I will not buy anything else from this game until I know for certain that a way to get coal wards for free still exists.
  • Blizzard said they would not dismiss going F2P, however, it would not be any time in the near future. So you're sayin there might be a chance for nwo to get a lifetime! ;p
  • Dusk unicorns (pulling from memory on one of the editions right now) had an ability to teleport all friendly allies 40meters in any direction to a safe location within the unicorn's sight. Forget the other abilities but it's the one that stuck out in my mind when you mentioned them being more of a CW. I'd say…
  • Being a veteran is not about politics. It's not about which political party is right, or even why we're over there. It's about being willing to fight for the right thing, and being willing to fight for the freedom of your people. It's about being willing to be the guy that steps up when no one else does, being the person…