What about those of us that did NOT wait until last minute to buy a pet, and transferred a good chunk of $$ into ZEN into game? I kind of feel like I am being punished for not waiting until the last minute...... I mean I understand what you are trying to do, but basically you are rewarding procrastinators and not rewarding the bulk of your payer base.... ?????
My solution is that EVERYONE that transferred ZEN into game from real cash (or UP points or whatever, NOT exchange ZEN) gets the free account wide companion... not just those that waited until the last minute and then "female dogged" that the promo ended to soon and now are getting a free account wide companion if they transferred ZEN before 3pm EST (12/30/13) ....
Like I said, I realize you are trying to pacify, but what about those of us that did it "more right" ... (meaning NOT waiting until the last moment)
When I said "My solution is that EVERYONE that transferred ZEN into game from real cash (or UP points or whatever, NOT exchange ZEN) gets the free account wide companion..."..... I meant it to mean, Everyone who did so, WHILE the promo was going on.
I've already been complaining on that thread (which they are already posting) I think the 'apology' pet was meant for late buyers that MISSED the sale....
My issue with it not applying for everyone that bought zen and transferred it right away is that some transferred, but did not buy right off because they wanted to think about the sale before getting it. I think everyone since the start of the sale that transferred the minimum ammount of zen (not those that used AD exchange) should be getting the pet.
If you bought the pet(s) on sale already - you are not one of the ones they're trying to 'make it up to'. You got the sale, you got what you were suppose to get. Those that transferred it, but did not get the pets yet are the ones that are kinda screwed.
I did the transfer like... 15 min before deadline because I had been thinking about it, but wasn't sure. Sale ended early and they added the companion in a tiny window and I tried to spring for it. Hopefully I get the drow companion since well... it was one from CD Action that I had been trying to find for sale before anyway.
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community to run Dungeons without the exploits
You are missing the point though, there should be NO reward... you SHOULD be allowed to buy the promo, but no reward.... and if there IS a reward, everyone that purchased pets during the run of the promo should get it... because honestly, those of you who did not buy anything are not out anything, and have some ZEN waiting for you.
I agree, which is why I am asking them, and think EVERYONE that bought zen and transferred it to NW OR transferred existing zen SHOULD get the reward since they did add it.
The promo should have stayed - it would have meant I'd get one of the wild hunt companions for my ranger (thought it looks really cool and would fit for RP purposes).... but it ended, so I quickly bought and transferred zen in the hopes of getting the Merc companion.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying 'tough ****' I'm saying if there's a reward, everyone that transferred for the duration of the sale - not just those of us that lucked out and were online during the 10amPST-3PM PST time frame should have gotten a chance at that promo pet....
.... not even sure that I got home and transferred it in time since I was during the last 15min, and won't know until they award the pets next week.
None of this is the player's faults - it is on the shoulders of PWE.
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community to run Dungeons without the exploits
Oh nice, I've just missed companions sale and a good opportunity to finally get that drow companion. HAMSTER, my time zone, the contry I live in and the holidays.
EVERYONE who bought and transferred Zen during the sale window should get this Drow Merc pet. People chose to leave it until last minute and they missed out. Not saying what happened was just but we all deserve the free pet.
It wasn't publicly advertised upon log-in and it was shutdown very rapidly on all threads. So how were we to know to take advantage of the free pet? The window was so small. TBH I would gage that most of these people wouldnt have bought pets and supported PWI anyhows. They are jumping on the bandwagon for a free exclusive pet.
We all want it. We all deserve it.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2013
Hey guys, just to keep this more on track I moved these to their own thread.
That being said, I definitely said the same thing verdonix. I bought the $120 companion pack this weekend and I sort of felt punished for being supportive and purchasing it early. I don't disagree with the freebie by any means but at the very least it should have been retroactively applied to people who purchased the in-game companion pack if not a single companion over the weekend.
I understand it is a freebie. And heck, what a value!? I threw down another $10 Bucks because it was an account wide companion for $10. But Still. It would have been nice to say sorry for the mistake, here, everybody who supported us can have this.
It just seems a bit counteractive to discourage people from buying things early. Those who purchased it right away shouldn't be left out because they weren't directly effected by an issue which could have effected them had they waited. The next time I buy something now I might not be as quick to take out my credit card because what if a similar issue happens? It's not about being better or worse than anybody, it's about the equality between every person who spent money on the companion sale this weekend.
However, with my opinion voiced, I beseech you, keep the feedback respectful and on topic.
I can easily see this topic getting destructive and that wouldn't be good for anybody.
I understand it is a freebie. And heck, what a value!? I threw down another $10 Bucks because it was an account wide companion for $10. But Still. It would have been nice to say sorry for the mistake, here, everybody who supported us can have this.
Agreed. Account wide companions are great and I would have picked it up if I could. I seriously considered it though. If it was a day longer I might have got it. Anyway, my point was that I agree that an account wide companion you get for just buying zen is a good deal.
It just seems a bit counteractive to discourage people from buying things early. Those who purchased it right away shouldn't be left out because they weren't directly effected by an issue which could have effected them had they waited. The next time I buy something now I might not be as quick to take out my credit card because what if a similar issue happens? It's not about being better or worse than anybody, it's about the equality between every person who spent money on the companion sale this weekend.
This part I kind of agree with, but its more complicated. Any time a company has a sale like this they run the risk of alienating the players who buy stuff not on sale. But they do so anyway to snag the players who won't buy stuff at full price. The odd thing about this 'fix' is that its the players who participated in the sale that feel slighted this time.
Me, I wasn't affected directly so I'm just watching how they handle it. At this point I'm just glad they were willing to admit they goofed and tried to make it right. It looks like they just pulled a planned promotion and worked it in early. But that's more than you would get from some companies. Hopefully they'll take everyone's feedback and come up with something better next time.
As for the 'fix' itself. I will sadly admit it just seems to be confusing people. Many people didn't seem to understand what is required and others don't understand when. I was listening to someone earlier telling people they needed to transfer Zen today to get the pet. But it was long after the hours listed on the post had passed. I'm afraid this sort of confusion will cause the fix to generate complaints for quite a while. On top of the original complaints over the sale ending.
Halgarth's Legacy-NWS-DSTGFZHFR
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2013
Oh without a doubt it's more complicated.
My point is simply that it doesn't make sense to penalize people who rushed to spend the money. Quicker doesn't necessarily mean better but it certainly doesn't mean worse. It's just the other side of the coin that I am pointing out.
It sucks for those who wanted to grab a few companions on sale. It does. I appreciate the freebie for those people. But by giving them the freebie to compensate them for the money they spent but then weren't able to cash in on it alienates the players who were willing to support the game earlier on.
And the explanation of 'well it's to benefit those who were unfortunate' only goes so far.
I bought my companions for the weekend. I spent $10 more to get the freebie but I have no intention of spending that towards companions and had no intentions of doing so yesterday at all.
That money was spent purely because a $10 account wide companion is worth it.
I was not one of the unfortunate...so why did I get the freebie?
It's a double standard.
I do agree with the confusion though. Even people in my guild were extremely confused. Extremely.
A lot of them got hung up just on the idea of having to "transfer" the Zen and had to be explained that it meant you had to actually purchase the Zen outside the game. It's not that they aren't intelligent or knowledgable people but the terminology and specifics definitely had to be explained several times during the ordeal.
But that's one of those things where I am not sure how much clearer it could be worded. I don't really want to say it's the player's problem but I'm not entirely sure how to blame the company for confusing players when the details were written in as clear and non-interpretable means as possible. The biggest issue was, in truth, that players didn't understand the time conversions or the terminology and both of those things should (and do) make things easier to understand.
My point is simply that it doesn't make sense to penalize people who rushed to spend the money. Quicker doesn't necessarily mean better but it certainly doesn't mean worse. It's just the other side of the coin that I am pointing out.
This is why I think it should be extended to everyone - not just the people during that tiny window. I also believe they should have made it so the promo lasted until the sale would have ended. Not just till 3 pm.
But that's one of those things where I am not sure how much clearer it could be worded. I don't really want to say it's the player's problem but I'm not entirely sure how to blame the company for confusing players when the details were written in as clear and non-interpretable means as possible. The biggest issue was, in truth, that players didn't understand the time conversions or the terminology and both of those things should (and do) make things easier to understand.
It was really clear, and even linked to the wallet, with the comment that it had to be from that specific location, not from the AD exchange. Just like every recharge reward has only been from the wallet - not from the AD exchange (from what I've seen).
Time conversion is a big issue, giving a link to one of the sites that gives a 'you have x amount of time until this event ends' would have maybe been a good idea. Fairly sure those are free, and worth directing the players to (or developing your own internal one). Even I had a bit of hesitation after getting home in making sure I did the conversion right - given how close I think I cut it, I believe I made it in time.... but I'm honestly not 100% certain.
In all.. I think it should have been set so that anyone that transferred for the duration of what the sale -would have been- gets the promo...
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community to run Dungeons without the exploits
My solution is that EVERYONE that transferred ZEN into game from real cash (or UP points or whatever, NOT exchange ZEN) gets the free account wide companion... not just those that waited until the last minute and then "female dogged" that the promo ended to soon and now are getting a free account wide companion if they transferred ZEN before 3pm EST (12/30/13) ....
when the community managers saw the reports that the companion sale had ended, they began their investigations and about 30-45 minutes later, the resolution was posted prior to the complaints, so i don't think complaints were the reason they made the offer they did.
i think that because it's still the holiday season, there wasn't anyone in the offices that could either reinstate the promo or make any promises to continue the promo for a limited time on another day so they put forth an offer they could fulfill. of course, i have no proof that is what happened, but it's a rational possibility. certainly more rational than some of the more colorful accusations i saw.
that said, to provide what could be considered as a "consolation prize" to everyone that transferred zen into the game during the entire promo period instead of the limited window kind of defeats the purpose of making such an offer. other people that were able to take advantage of the companion promo benefited from the sale, but others that could not because the sale ended prematurely could not and can not. so to offer those people the elusive drow merc promo at that time would be a benefit to them. and that's if they chose to take part in the offer. it was clear that some people were not going to bother.
Yeah this is a messy solution to a messy situation. I purchased Zen yesterday but the transfer from my account wallet to the Neverwinter servers failed and I never received my Zen until after the deadline, some 14 hours after purchase. In fact, my Zen only showed up in-game when the servers came back up after the crash just after the deadline. I only bought the Zen so I could get the pack. I submitted a ticket but I still don't even know - will I get the companion pack I bought Zen for? I should have had the Zen and the pack well before this and none of it would have affected me. Instead I'm in the middle of customer service nightmare.
Yeah this is a messy solution to a messy situation. I purchased Zen yesterday but the transfer from my account wallet to the Neverwinter servers failed and I never received my Zen until after the deadline, some 14 hours after purchase. In fact, my Zen only showed up in-game when the servers came back up after the crash just after the deadline. I only bought the Zen so I could get the pack. I submitted a ticket but I still don't even know - will I get the companion pack I bought Zen for? I should have had the Zen and the pack well before this and none of it would have affected me. Instead I'm in the middle of customer service nightmare.
if your zen purchase was within the time frame, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. as long as you have submitted your ticket and the zen has been transferred to neverwinter, then you will likely receive your pack. since today and tomorrow are holidays, it may take longer than usual for support to respond but please remain patient.
if you have a support ticket open for the companion pack, there is nothing we can do at the forum level to resolve this issue and we do not know the time frame of when you will receive your pack or get a response. since today and tomorrow are holidays and we do not know if support is working through these days, you may experience delays in your responses.
to alleviate unproductive discussions, we will be closing this thread. thank you.
Also, pending further direction from PWE staff, going forward, all such threads regarding this topic will be closed until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
I've already been complaining on that thread (which they are already posting) I think the 'apology' pet was meant for late buyers that MISSED the sale....
My issue with it not applying for everyone that bought zen and transferred it right away is that some transferred, but did not buy right off because they wanted to think about the sale before getting it. I think everyone since the start of the sale that transferred the minimum ammount of zen (not those that used AD exchange) should be getting the pet.
If you bought the pet(s) on sale already - you are not one of the ones they're trying to 'make it up to'. You got the sale, you got what you were suppose to get. Those that transferred it, but did not get the pets yet are the ones that are kinda screwed.
I did the transfer like... 15 min before deadline because I had been thinking about it, but wasn't sure. Sale ended early and they added the companion in a tiny window and I tried to spring for it. Hopefully I get the drow companion since well... it was one from CD Action that I had been trying to find for sale before anyway.
I agree, which is why I am asking them, and think EVERYONE that bought zen and transferred it to NW OR transferred existing zen SHOULD get the reward since they did add it.
The promo should have stayed - it would have meant I'd get one of the wild hunt companions for my ranger (thought it looks really cool and would fit for RP purposes).... but it ended, so I quickly bought and transferred zen in the hopes of getting the Merc companion.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying 'tough ****' I'm saying if there's a reward, everyone that transferred for the duration of the sale - not just those of us that lucked out and were online during the 10amPST-3PM PST time frame should have gotten a chance at that promo pet....
.... not even sure that I got home and transferred it in time since I was during the last 15min, and won't know until they award the pets next week.
None of this is the player's faults - it is on the shoulders of PWE.
It's not like they you know... have the dates and everything on when zen was transferred and bought posted up on the billing page or anything....
WTB Class Reroll please
It wasn't publicly advertised upon log-in and it was shutdown very rapidly on all threads. So how were we to know to take advantage of the free pet? The window was so small. TBH I would gage that most of these people wouldnt have bought pets and supported PWI anyhows. They are jumping on the bandwagon for a free exclusive pet.
We all want it. We all deserve it.
That being said, I definitely said the same thing verdonix. I bought the $120 companion pack this weekend and I sort of felt punished for being supportive and purchasing it early. I don't disagree with the freebie by any means but at the very least it should have been retroactively applied to people who purchased the in-game companion pack if not a single companion over the weekend.
I understand it is a freebie. And heck, what a value!? I threw down another $10 Bucks because it was an account wide companion for $10. But Still. It would have been nice to say sorry for the mistake, here, everybody who supported us can have this.
It just seems a bit counteractive to discourage people from buying things early. Those who purchased it right away shouldn't be left out because they weren't directly effected by an issue which could have effected them had they waited. The next time I buy something now I might not be as quick to take out my credit card because what if a similar issue happens? It's not about being better or worse than anybody, it's about the equality between every person who spent money on the companion sale this weekend.
However, with my opinion voiced, I beseech you, keep the feedback respectful and on topic.
I can easily see this topic getting destructive and that wouldn't be good for anybody.
Agreed. Account wide companions are great and I would have picked it up if I could. I seriously considered it though. If it was a day longer I might have got it. Anyway, my point was that I agree that an account wide companion you get for just buying zen is a good deal.
This part I kind of agree with, but its more complicated. Any time a company has a sale like this they run the risk of alienating the players who buy stuff not on sale. But they do so anyway to snag the players who won't buy stuff at full price. The odd thing about this 'fix' is that its the players who participated in the sale that feel slighted this time.
Me, I wasn't affected directly so I'm just watching how they handle it. At this point I'm just glad they were willing to admit they goofed and tried to make it right. It looks like they just pulled a planned promotion and worked it in early. But that's more than you would get from some companies. Hopefully they'll take everyone's feedback and come up with something better next time.
As for the 'fix' itself. I will sadly admit it just seems to be confusing people. Many people didn't seem to understand what is required and others don't understand when. I was listening to someone earlier telling people they needed to transfer Zen today to get the pet. But it was long after the hours listed on the post had passed. I'm afraid this sort of confusion will cause the fix to generate complaints for quite a while. On top of the original complaints over the sale ending.
My point is simply that it doesn't make sense to penalize people who rushed to spend the money. Quicker doesn't necessarily mean better but it certainly doesn't mean worse. It's just the other side of the coin that I am pointing out.
It sucks for those who wanted to grab a few companions on sale. It does. I appreciate the freebie for those people. But by giving them the freebie to compensate them for the money they spent but then weren't able to cash in on it alienates the players who were willing to support the game earlier on.
And the explanation of 'well it's to benefit those who were unfortunate' only goes so far.
I bought my companions for the weekend. I spent $10 more to get the freebie but I have no intention of spending that towards companions and had no intentions of doing so yesterday at all.
That money was spent purely because a $10 account wide companion is worth it.
I was not one of the unfortunate...so why did I get the freebie?
It's a double standard.
I do agree with the confusion though. Even people in my guild were extremely confused. Extremely.
A lot of them got hung up just on the idea of having to "transfer" the Zen and had to be explained that it meant you had to actually purchase the Zen outside the game. It's not that they aren't intelligent or knowledgable people but the terminology and specifics definitely had to be explained several times during the ordeal.
But that's one of those things where I am not sure how much clearer it could be worded. I don't really want to say it's the player's problem but I'm not entirely sure how to blame the company for confusing players when the details were written in as clear and non-interpretable means as possible. The biggest issue was, in truth, that players didn't understand the time conversions or the terminology and both of those things should (and do) make things easier to understand.
It was really clear, and even linked to the wallet, with the comment that it had to be from that specific location, not from the AD exchange. Just like every recharge reward has only been from the wallet - not from the AD exchange (from what I've seen).
Time conversion is a big issue, giving a link to one of the sites that gives a 'you have x amount of time until this event ends' would have maybe been a good idea. Fairly sure those are free, and worth directing the players to (or developing your own internal one). Even I had a bit of hesitation after getting home in making sure I did the conversion right - given how close I think I cut it, I believe I made it in time.... but I'm honestly not 100% certain.
In all.. I think it should have been set so that anyone that transferred for the duration of what the sale -would have been- gets the promo...
when the community managers saw the reports that the companion sale had ended, they began their investigations and about 30-45 minutes later, the resolution was posted prior to the complaints, so i don't think complaints were the reason they made the offer they did.
i think that because it's still the holiday season, there wasn't anyone in the offices that could either reinstate the promo or make any promises to continue the promo for a limited time on another day so they put forth an offer they could fulfill. of course, i have no proof that is what happened, but it's a rational possibility. certainly more rational than some of the more colorful accusations i saw.
that said, to provide what could be considered as a "consolation prize" to everyone that transferred zen into the game during the entire promo period instead of the limited window kind of defeats the purpose of making such an offer. other people that were able to take advantage of the companion promo benefited from the sale, but others that could not because the sale ended prematurely could not and can not. so to offer those people the elusive drow merc promo at that time would be a benefit to them. and that's if they chose to take part in the offer. it was clear that some people were not going to bother.
if your zen purchase was within the time frame, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. as long as you have submitted your ticket and the zen has been transferred to neverwinter, then you will likely receive your pack. since today and tomorrow are holidays, it may take longer than usual for support to respond but please remain patient.
to alleviate unproductive discussions, we will be closing this thread. thank you.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com