keep on the lookout in your journal, it has a propensity to magically appear again. Also try to talk to the street urchin that gave the quest, even though it isn't prompted in your quest journal sometimes it works and allows you to complete it.
When you left Rockjaw's Sewer, did the quest just disappear? People have had some problems with it vanishing from their quest journal after re-entering Protector's Enclave, and then reappearing like a half hour later. I might take the actual PE part out and have you meet up with the urchin in an orphanage or something…
Is anybody a D&D loremaster who can describe the monsters and explain the different attacks the solo mobs + maybe their included entourage has? I'd love to do it but my description would be like: "Thoon Hulks have some pretty crazy special attacks like this cone thing where he shoots squigglies from his head and it locks…
Unholy Matrimony @DocBach NW-DPYM52476 Solo if you have a decent amount of potions/a healer companion. 40 minutes long, mostly story but some difficult boss fights with some sidequests / easter eggs.
I set the guard that was suppose to follow you on a patrol around the route where the player will most likely take, and I'm now having him warp to aggro'd mobs like instantaneously. Pretty annoying.
Unholy Matrimony @DocBach NW-DPYM52476 ~40 minutes, story heavy. Intended for a solo player as some difficulty can arise from other players picking up side-quest sensitive items in regards to completing the side quest. Adequate potions and/or a healing companion recommended as the quest is long and combat can be difficult…
I haven't been able to get it to work, either. Guard spawn just sits at spawn despite being set to follow. Someone said I had to set the parameters to a dialogue prompt or marker trigger, but I have no option to add any parameters to the follow order.
My boss fight is phased like that; the first portion is a solo boss with his entourage. When you kill him you get an interaction segment to move the story along then he respawns as a hard mob with a couple spawns. The solo + hard spawn is a pretty tough combo, if I was going to put three back to back, I'd probably keep the…
I like the scenery, and I loved your use of effects like the earthquakes. Would like to see you expand your Atlantis with an actual story driven quest.
I liked the ability to avoid a lot of combat by finding items throughout the level, or just by not being a jerk and choosing the dialogue that made them aggro. A couple of things I noticed though: the treasure chest at the top of the jumpy rock deal had a closed chest inside an open chest. Neither was interactable, my pet…
Unholy Matrimony NW-DPYM52476 @docbach Investigate a kidnapping and uncover a much deeper and darker conspiracy... recommended solo, some side quests won't work right if party members pick up items and talk to NPC's. Last boss encounter can be pretty tough without a couple potions.
Unholy Matrimony NW-DPYM52476 @docbach Average Time: 40 minutes Story mission with additional sidequests, recommended for solo players due to side quest items HAMSTER up if different players grab them or talk to NPC's without them. Two different endings depending on how you played the sidequests.
I've tried to make an NPC switch out for a Guard encounter with the follow player parameter, but it just stayed at its spawn and would not follow the player.
I'd be honored if you'd have a go at my quest, which I've finally completed and am lusting for some feedback on it. Unholy Matrimony @DocBach NW-DPYM52476
From what I observed, I couldn't get an NPC to despawn unless both despawn conditions were met if I put two of them. Its not a one of the other deal, its both.
i watched game of thrones last night and the word they used to describe the HAMSTER knight was "sword swallower, through and through" or you can use less innuendo and have the classic "confirmed bachelor"
use a solo level mob ie ogre, thoon hulk, ect then use detail mode to change what it looks like. make a regular NPC that looks the same with the objective to talk to the npc. when the objective is complete set the npc to disappear and the encounter you made to appear at the same location.
have the first condition be to talk to the npc. then you can have a condition to talk to each of the npcs you want freed, if you want them guarded you can do something like have an encounter that appears near them, but place an invisible wall between the bad guys, player and npc that disappears after you kill the…
Tilt can you expand on the list of solo MOBs ie what kind of attacks/animations they have? I want to add bosses but I don't want say a pirate captain to start shooting fireballs from his head.