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  • HB is more for the party buff than anything too. It really comes down to how you want to play because SB is more self contained buffs that rely on the warlock where HB can get nearly as strong but pillars makes it party friendly however it requires players in the group to actually stand on the buff or its pointless. That…
  • Or just run content period... its very very boring but you can hit 70 easy in less than 2 weeks if you try or 3-4 weeks if you just mosey along. Its not as fast as WoW but leveling is only slow if you try to grind it out on mobs. Even using Queue for dungeons can land you a lot of xp very quickly.
  • Good luck getting most of those in a random. Worst thing you can do for your group is ask a question like you did with what will top the dps boards. That is because those boards are trash anyhow and all that matters is successfully completing the dungeon. All dps(meaning most classes in some form) can top boards in one way…
  • the only yellow tag response(official person) is that they where caught off guard by this and are currently working on researching issue along with trying to resolve it asap. Soooo... yeah time to play something else for a bit I guess :)
  • Its not an owlbear cub... thats a companion we cant get on PS4. Its an adult version mount. If that pack gave the cub companion I would buy it just for that but I do not think the value is as great as what many believe. This is just a way to make alternate character grinding expensive in real world money or incredibly…
  • Well that upcoming key update makes them all worthless anyhow unless RNG favors you. Given that out of 40 or so keys I would have used, I found 1 +4 ring and rest are +1. Enchanted keys are worse with RNG since you could never preview those chests anyhow.
  • Big negative on that. I can tell you in years of playing on PC that these guys do care about stuff like this and in this case its Sony engineers who have to fix the network issue not so much the developer who's software got the greenlight after passing QA over at Sony. Also its not a regional issue as I(US) can not log in,…
  • Thats what it was called. Huzzah to earning costumes and other things to clutter up my bank slots :)
  • I hate to say this but on PC every major mod had bugs like this and in this case it appears to be an issue with PSN log in server communicating with the game. Even more fun for us ps plus users to know our extra 10 US dollars will be spent wisely ensuring compatibility issues like this do not rise... sigh. A gamer can…
  • Id would love to see Goliath since ogres and half ogres where mainly 2nd edition things. Plus anyone that plays healers should know the fun of healing small races. I do not want to see gnome tanks running around crying they are not being healed while sitting between the legs of a boss with hits boxes 100x their's.
  • Right there is my vote for monk. Sure many other classes could be given H2H weapons or skills along with Bo Staff but nothing would feel quite as right as the monk. Im sure the animations alone will make it expensive but I want to iron palm Orcus in the face(or his ankle for that matter) along with roundhouse kicking a…
  • They should, nwn has a special for major international holidays or times of year. Like seasons each have a festival, DnD anniversary has one... etc... Its one thing that made playing this enjoyable on PC and why I continued onto console.
  • Whenever you get the can not load on a game like this, it generally means the log in servers are shutdown. In NwN that is pretty much 100 percent of the time when you get that error unless your ps4 corrupted and no games load.
  • Simply they cant as it would copy DDO which is still alive and running. Amazingly so but regardless they seem intent on doing Kit classes instead of a base class then trying to balance a crazy pvp system for wide variety of skill combo's by having base and advanced classes on 1 character. Far as why we need a Paladin…
  • List them on auction house for 1 crystal for a whole stack. I guarentee they will sell. There is always someone that wants them so its no where near the issue that you think it is now if they made it untradeable then yes... that would be a mistake.
  • 3 servers was done on a realistic expectation that 60 percent of the player base will be the only ones remaining after the first month or 2 when fickle Free MMO players tend to wander off to the next upcoming MMO. Basically its trying to invest as little in hardware as possible to gain profit faster however I dont think…
  • Forbes is a magezine based around business in general including all areas. They give investment advice and started off as being directed most toward business and corporate professionals as informational source of news. Apparently like the economy in the real world, they have diversified to all aspects of modern day…
  • I went with dwarf that had high str and con with average dex then as I leveled up I put points in str and con. I found it worked well for sentinel build but then again this is pretty hard to test with being beta and no good way to average out the mechanics for same exact build, race, etc... to see if 4 dex points makes a…
  • I just really want Great Axe.... I was severely disappointed when after 40 levels I still was wielding a giant ******* sword instead of some sweet 2 headed battle axe. Im hoping they will be added in the future and it was for testing reason they limited it to only great swords for now.
  • Actually I went the tank line and loved it. I found myself to be more of an evasion style tank where the defense boost helped offset lack of block. So basically the regular hits by bosses that I did not catch on deflection did minimal damage but big hits i just double tap my sprint to exit the red area then use leap or…