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  • As unfortunate as the loss of zen and diamonds is, PWE is well within their legal rights to refuse to refund that zen and astral diamonds, as it is within the TOS that you have to agree to in order to play the game. Is it fair? Of course not, but think about the opposite side. Guy has account. Friend "hacks" account. Sells…
  • They've said a few times that class balance, especially where aggro is concerned, is on their list of issues that they need to address. They have not, however, said when said issue will be placed upon the dev's platter of issues to fix.
  • I haven't yet arrived at Hotenow, but I'm glad that you are able to turn off the glowy trail in this game. I hate when games patronize me by trying to hold my hand. Hell, if there was an option for me to turn off maps / quest targets all together and have everything given to me in details and then cryptic told me to get a…
  • Disallowing anonymous reviews would open a can of worms. Not everyone who uses the foundry is amazing. There are people who are going to churn out <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Some of those people will give you flowers and cake and hugs for every word of constructive criticism you give them. Others will light you…
  • As far as I know, there is no official word yet, and yes it is still broken.
  • I'm sure cryptic knows that threat is currently broken, and are looking into a fix. I agree that threat is borked right now.
  • While a great idea, I don't know if it's possible where the foundry is concerned, because of the simplicity within the foundry. Compare this to NWN 1&2 where you very much needed a good knowledge of nwnscript to create good persistent worlds. However, I don't think you can both introduce the ability to create persistent…
  • Regardless of how some TOS have been held up in court, contracts cannot violate the law, and that includes copyright law. If PWE or Cryptic tried to sue someone because they used non-cryptic assets from their foundry quests in another work, the worst that could happen would be PWE and Cryptic burying them in litigation…
  • incorrect. That's not how copyright works, even if some people would like it to work that way. Quite simply, your work is your work. No court in the world would allow Cryptic to steal your work with a little bit of nicely worded jargon in the TOS. What cryptic CAN lay claim to is their own assets that you are using. Aside…
  • If I see someone doing this, and I'm party leader, I just kick them from the group.
  • Yes, if the quest is genuinely good and I believe that the person either hit the nail or the mark or came close to it.
  • i agree that heal aggro seriously need to be addressed. Heal aggro should still be there. After all, the healer is the most important member of the party in many dungeons, and as such it makes sense that they cause aggro. What needs to be done, is the threat generation abilities of the GF needs to be increased, the utility…
  • I assume he means foundry quests that have no meat to them. i.e. "Go into room. Fight bunch of ogres. Done." Ehehehee. I insulted somebody on the internet. I feel so proud of myself. I am such an intelligent, witty person. Everyone is going to see my post and like me for my undeniable and peerless wit.
  • There seriously needs to be better loot in this game, and it needs to be instanced. That way, bosses are more worth the time and you get rid of the loot ninjas in one fell swoop. Everybody has fun, prices in the AD marketplace drop to a decent level for people who got items that they can't use. The current loot system is…
  • It would an interesting aspect, but you have to remember that Neverwinter doesn't utilize any of those stereotypical DnD skills. As such, it may be better to simply list them as is. i.e.: (lie) Hey friend, I think I saw.... (bribe) So... what will it take to... etc. All you will get from listing them as the typical skills…
  • The word is 12pm PDT.
  • Right. Cause locking their website would go over so well. They wouldn't lose a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ton of players over something like that or anything.
  • This is unfortunately one of the downsides of an electronic computer-run system. I hope you get this straightened out. If all else fails, call your credit card company / bank, and have them reverse the charge.
  • Saying, "You are charging more than I would like to pay, good sir. Lower your prices and I shall patronize thee!" is not complaining. It's how the economy works. Additionally, forums are used for complaining more often than praising. Why? Because the developers want to hear your praise. It's easy to get that to them. Few…
  • You must be new to the Internet. Here's your complimentary cookie.
  • I apologize. I didn't realize he was holding a gun to your head and forcing you to not buy anything. My mistake. It's quite simple: If you don't want to stop buying things from the cash shop... THEN DON'T. OH GOD THAT WAS SO EASY HOW COME NOBODY TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT SOONER?!
  • wait. How are you being inconvenienced because some people are choosing not to buy something? Are you inconvenienced because I don't eat at Arby's?
  • To be honest, I'm not too broken up about it, since the only facet that is pay-to-win is PvP, and PvP currently sucks in this game. Vote with your wallet, and hopefully PWE will come around. Better prices are conductive to a better community, which will be conductive to a better game, which in turn will make PWE more money…
  • Firstly, the prices being detrimental is not an non-issue. The most important facet of an MMO is the community. If the community gets worse either by worse players, a large drop in players, etc, the game itself will suffer. Secondly, I was not saying that prices were unfair. Merely citing that people have the right to…
  • i agree with you 50%. While someone shouldn't buy an item if they disagree with the pricing, they are by no means not allowed to complain about something that they view as either unfair, or detrimental to the game as a whole. Personally, I don't like the pricing on the zen store because I think it will negatively impact…
  • It wouldn't work well with the way that neverwinter is set up, since all 3 shards will be merged into one server at official launch. There are ways to do it well, but it would require a rework of a lot of core mechanics.
  • I'm sorry, but anybody who is paying $40 for a virtual horse needs to seriously rethink their life. I don't care how much money you have, $40 for a virtual horse, virtual giant dog, flying magical butterfly, magical rainbow dustin hoffman, or whatever the heck else PWE dreams up is not an intelligent purchase.
  • As fun as NW is, I have to agree. It does not feel like DnD. Then again, it based upon the 4e rules, which really only resemble DnD in name. There's a reason that Wizards started on 5e so **** quickly. >.>
  • This. PWE is not going to listen if all you do is just complain. If, however, you cite your arguments well and vote with your wallet, then they will listen. It's how companies work. The prices for mounts are ridiculous and unjustified, but nobody is forcing you to buy them. NW is perfectly fun without spending a dime. Not…
  • To be fair, there is a very way to fix the exploitative possibilities of allowing authors to place their own loot: A placed loot budget. There is no way to control the overall loot budget of the level, because the author could just make a room filled with 50 ogres, but a placed loot budget would allow for authors to place…