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  • Welcome to the club! Enjoy your stay! Cause its gonna take long.. I'm waiting over a week for a fix. There are about 30 threads for this and i'm stalking every patch notes and news i can find, I also submitted a GM ticket and reported that at in-game bugs section but no response just an automated message. A red have…
  • Hehe i think there are about 20+ all over the forum. Its being more than a week i've being posting about this and bumping i just stoped since a red responded in one of them Bug exists since 06-13-2013 I'm taking a break from the game till it gets fixed :D Free bump
  • That's funny because the people posting those "problems" are the ones that care for this game, and when there are problems people "argue and complain". You see that irl every day don't you? You know how many players saw the exploits and bugs and bailed the game in matter of hours? How many hit level 60 and left the next…
  • I don't even know why people like him are allowed to post. Are you serious? you honestly believe its ok to have a guild restriction to join pve content? NOT guild vs guild, NOT pvp, NOT siege wars or whatever JUST dungeons and/or quest-explore areas And its mandatory that you have to pvp to get through on bigger dungeons?…
  • You my friend just went full <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. NEVER go full <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
  • Ok still no fix for GF bugged Armor sets? Or at least some info? Dude i don't know if serious or trolling.. How can they release new content without at least fixing the major/gamebreaking bugs? And we are talking about bugs that exist a long time Just take a look at this, just an example i'm sure there are a lot more and…
  • ^ This. Especially in pvp its annoying as hell. When you lunge strike/threatening rush on someone, right when the dash connects if he use a dash/escape like CW or DC shift it doesn't do any damage and you end up in your starting point. It also happens if they just take 1-2 steps backwards.. Sometimes Lunging strike/Bull…
  • One week+ is recent? We are talking about 2 wrong digits break all GF t1 sets. If it was a zen purchase bug it would be fixed in 5 minutes I dont even know why they didn't make all pre-patch bugged sets level 60 (it was giving an unfair advantage in pvp and even in pve, GF level 48 running around with 5k gear score and 2…
  • They are aware of it but i don't know man i feel this should have hotfixed already. This bug is live a week or so, and you can't do anything exept pay a ridiculous amount of diamonds in AH or grind dungeons again with so low chance of getting your piece. And still you are stuck with a useless bound/enchanted piece in your…
  • Mate, it glitches when you have armor pieces pre patch (lvl 42,52,58) and try to make a set with lvl60 pieces after patch Example my stalwarts shows 3/4 for chest,gauntlet,helm and 1/4 for greaves because i had it pre patch and its lvl52
  • So no fix for the bugged Guardian fighter sets in this one? Ok i guess time to take a break, because i wont spend more time and resource for something i own but i can't use -.- Only thing left for me in game is run tier 2 with my guild and farm/get experience in the bigger dungeons and now i cant.. My lvl52 bugged…
  • Ok this is nuts, still no response nothing? I've being running cragmire crypts for a piece i already own for 4 hours, even 2 runs while dungeon delves. I just give up, i could be doing runs on higher tier 2, but im doing same old dungeons for tens of times-again for a piece i freaking own. I don't get why they didn't just…
  • Same problem here with the stalwart set, its so frustrating I must have run t1 and t2 50 times for a single piece and it doesn't work, they are bound and enchanted Can't even sell the low level piece and buy a level 60 and be done with it
  • Ok this needs a fix, i already had the greaves from before the patch hit and i run a lot of t1 and t2 for the rest pieces and now it doesn't work. This is crazy i spend too much time and resources for this set and i even had the greaves enchanted It shows 3/4 for helm,chest and gauntlets and 1/4 for greaves