well i would just like to add one thing When i started playing the game . i loved it . felt unique and player friendly . Now it just feels like you have to grind grind and grind to get stuff . Or have to use real money to buy it . for example : the tyranny campain books . 100 signals ? that is just so unfair . feels like…
the lighting was high but i turned off dynamic and made shadows medium i think that made it a little better . the lightening quailty is still set to high
OK I M REALLY MAD ................. i used zen store keys to open the epic chests ...........imagine what it giving me now its 3rd time in a row!!! 60 silver / greater scroll of identity / and rank 5 enchant .... is this suppose to happen or a bug or somthing
well i posted this from days now . no response from mods or any game devs . would be appreciated if i get some type of an answer for it . am i bugged or the black ice crafting profession for warlock is bugged and the chest piece / off hand / mainhand are not showing in the menu an answer would be appreciated
lesson learnt ............dont relay on the server to be stable . log in all toons do the daily upgrades for TOD and invoke then do the dailys ............. instead of going from toon to toon doing one at a time !!!!!!!!!!!!! no eta .
Neverwinter 2 hours ago We are aware of the current server issues and are working to fix it. Thank you for your patience. Neverwinter about an hour ago We are aware of the current server issues and are working to fix it. Thank you for your patience. Update 12:52PM: Estimated remaining downtime will be 1 hour thank you for…
we need freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stuff................. thats 2x in a week devs ..... like the cata day you gave us a pack............ somthing nicer this time . also i have a name for this event " crash days "
another question i have is do the proxy server thing really work ..... ????eu2.proxy.crypticstudios.com with 0 lag and on eu1.proxy.crypticstudios.com laggy like hell ? is not same server game? why 1 work bad and 2 work fine?why is ours fault?
i am waiting for a community mod to come on and say 1. its not a problem on cryptic part 2. blame and contact your internet provider 3. we are not having any of these problems just a little game delay while logging out 4. its cogento not our server please its time to take the blame on your self . and fix your server , mem…
well my opinion is SW's will get rolled over in pvp because they are under geared compared to the other classes which have been played for awhile now . there gs and tencity geared is far superior then that of a Sw . well give it some time been only a few days since they have launched this mod and soon when people start…