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  • We are not going to get 10 classes on release day for the game. The only two other classes that people started data-mining were Warlock and Ranger anyway, so chances of a "battle-Mage" are low until well after release. So it will be a bit after release and most likely with a content update. The five classes we are getting…
  • I would rather not have a sub option to be honest, I feel like a game developed from the ground up wouldn't need one. Usually the free to play games that have subs are failed pay 2 play games that went freemium in the hopes to regain cash and attract new players. So I really don't see this game needing one if they offer…
  • I do not now if anyone has mentioned it yet, but if you listen to the NOC podcast posted in the main msg board around here then you will hear them talk about adding in things like evil gods for people to worship for RP purposes, they just have not added them in yet but it is planned.
  • The Wizard companion was pretty fun to play with since he did a lot of control and cc on targets that I couldn't hit right away. I also really enjoyed the ghost companion that you can buy for like 96k diamonds but I think I will pass on that in live so I can start pooling currency for my main.
  • I saw some different looking off-hands while leveling to 30 we might possibly get more variety in our main hand weapons down the line or before launch.
  • @kerlaa I have been running with a man at arms companion and I purchased a ghost companion for 96k diamonds to test them out for fun. I really enjoyed the tank companion, when they get a little bit higher their effectiveness goes up. What they need to do it make the AI a bit better on the companions and I would really love…
  • So apparently you all like to take 6 months to level one character from 1-60? I saw some of the flips sides to my previous post and would just say that there are always people to play with even if you go boosting really hardcore at the start. There is going to be so much to do in this game that I am not even going to be…
  • I already noticed leveling start to slow down once I got into the 20s so I assume 30-60 will be a bit slower than 1-30 was. I don't mind leveling fast, I don't like games where I cannot level alts because it takes so long to level one character I just cannot be bothered to ever level again. If they want me to buy more…
  • For sure, thanks for the info I will most likely build my healing set and class build around (Wisdom/Charisma)(Power/Recovery/ and if I can get some critical chance from pieces I would be happy)
  • Not a problem, I started this thread to not only get people more interested in cleric before the 2nd and 3rd beta weekends but to also answer any and all questions I can, and I see other people are chipping in as well so that is always nice!
  • All of the people that truly did not grasp the importance of healers down the line is quite astonishing to say the least, I thought it was pretty common knowledge that the game was tiered easier the lower level you are especially during beta where everyone is doing more damage experience is boosted and all of that. If you…
  • Sent you a private msg Aandre but not sure if you got it. Just had some questions for ya.
  • Welcome to the community fluke27! This is a great community and people are really interested, feel like we are doing something special over here. Hope to see you around on the forums more!
  • Ya classes get different bonuses from the stats, I thought it was a pretty interesting move to go with that kind of system. I feel like I do not have to stick to only one stat to be good(Stacking Wisdom would be pretty boring in my opinion). I can branch my character out depending on what I want to do an can choose to…
  • I didn't do a lot research a lot of how ability scores effect ability's since I wanted to find some better itemized gear before that, but I totally agree with your assumption of how recovery works, since recovery lowers the overall cool downs of ability's it will be a valuable stat for clerics, as well as power. But I…
  • From beta weekend one all the gear you could buy with diamonds was either off the AH, which was just drops and random stuff for low amounts of diamonds. The gear you could buy off the vendors will be sort of good for leveling but you will outlevel it fast, and another thing to add is that the gear you buy with diamonds is…
  • Let us count out the ways that you are wrong and how your definition of pay 2 win for Neverwinter is completely wrong. First the drow back round is just that, its a back round and while we don't know the details for the spell my guess is its the recolored version that Drizzt uses so people can "feel like" him. Second,…
  • Think I answered this in another reply but I cant remember so I can explain a bit, most of the good heals you will get in this game will be AoE based for your big stuff, you get some single target heals that are on charges and will put a HoT on your target and you and the way you sticky target someone is hold the alt key…
  • They already said that when they add new content they will not charge for it. So if they do add raids post launch they will be free. There is also some "large group" activities planned that zeke mentioned on several occasions during live streams.
  • I got used to targeting my heals quite quickly to be honest, I think everyone will just need some time healing with the cleric to really get used to the action style combat healing.
  • @Kerogi I figured a lot of people would have questions about this, you are not required to do a ton of dps with cleric to heal good at the higher levels, but before you get higher in the levels you need to make sure you keep your seal skill up that you saw in the cleric reveal video and hit all the mobs you can with it and…
  • @ denkasaeba : The progression of daily powers goes from the first one you get that does dmg and heals allies around the target that gets hit. The second and third ones you get are a straight dmg cool down basically and the large area buff that helps your teammates. If I can find where screen shots go I can post some of…
  • That is the funny thing though, we have seen some founders pack items that they have released which are all basically common f2p mmo fair in this age. And nobody has even seen the rest of the cash-shop, most of the hate going around the forums now is for two reasons. 1. They can't afford a founders pack and feel left out…
  • Reading all of the discussion I totally get where a lot of people are coming from. I know for a fact that everyone on this forum wants this game so succeed so that we can build a solid community over time with all the cool stuff. I know a lot of worry comes from that fact that a lot of people have been burned by free to…
  • Then again why lie about something like that knowing the backlash that it would cause and all the customers they would loose right from the start. They for sure wont make enough money off of founders packs to get back losses if everyone left the game since they lied about the cash shop. And no matter what people say from…
  • Its not just that,they are annoying because everyone making threads and complaining are not grasping onto anything solid for their arguments. Its all "spending 200$ makes the game pay 2 win, I have no evidence to support this claim or to back it up since I have not actually seen the cash shop yet and what it offers but I…
  • Mods should really just start closing these mindless complain threads already.
  • Until 2/8/13 everything everyone is complaining about is pure speculation, Until we can actually get into the game and see the cash shop with our own eyes there is no use in complaining. Although I do think a lot of the negative reactions to the founders packs are from people who just cant afford one right now and thus…
  • My journey in the beta weekend events for Neverwinter Online will be tiered between the beta weekends to best make use of my time and the developers time. During the first beta weekend event I will be throwing myself into the foundry to start the creative process of making missions and such along with testing campaign…
  • This founders pack discussion keeps coming and coming up on the forums. If you think about it logically spending $200 on the founders packs and getting the 750,000 astral diamonds wont do anything. They are giving you the cash shop currency for spending a large sum of money on the game. The people buying these packs…