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  • I agree to a certain degree with the generational comment. Thing you didn't mention is games have become lax as well. I played UO, EQ for multiple years. Problem with most games is they do not have the content to support months of leveling. I remember lvling my first character in WoW, it took months. Now it takes around a…
  • This is exactly why companies think they can get away with this ****. It's open beta(soft launch) whatever you want to call it. It is still beta blah blah blah. When exploits affect the game so much that it totally ruins the economy, they need to rethink about open beta. It's a joke that people are ok with Cryptic soft…
  • Here is the issue with foundry missions, people cannot design bosses aside from the low level elite mobs like ogres and what not. Than you have to take into account the fact that a lot of people will feel disappointed doing a 5 hour campaign foundry mission just to receive some silver or a green item. DnD is as much about…
  • Sadly I don't know its my Pandora playlist.
    in PvP Botter Comment by abloec May 2013
  • It just seems like people want to play semantics. It's rather irritating, heres a rather easy definition of botting "A solution that automates and generates control input without any player action."
    in PvP Botter Comment by abloec May 2013
  • *sigh* hes randomly jumping and healing while standing in a ****ing rez point for the whole match, not to mention hes wearing gear that you receive from doing the ****ing tutorial. You sir are just a troll. Also fine, maybe hes not a bot and hes actually playing the game. This is just as bad. Way I look at it a bot is a…
    in PvP Botter Comment by abloec May 2013
  • I cannot believe ppl are defending a botter.
    in PvP Botter Comment by abloec May 2013
  • Did you not watch the video? >.< it astounds me how dense the world population is.
    in PvP Botter Comment by abloec May 2013
  • The only way to fix GWF's is to redo the boss fights. They would basically have to not allow ppl to knock mobs off to their deaths, lower the hp or number of adds. Or increase the overall dmg of GWF's. Currently damage isn't a huge thing, I can do close to TR dmg if I have **** to AoE which is what GWF is ment for but like…
  • Dude, the game mechanics currently promote add kiting or knocking adds off to their deaths. Sure groups can try to allow you to kill the adds but in the higher tier dungeons specifically Castle Never. GWF is pretty much a downer instead of increases the ability of the group. I would rather have 2 CW's than 1 CW and 1 GWF,…
  • I stream T2 Dungeons almost every night, if people feel up to it come check me out. I watch chat and answer questions I can. http://www.twitch.tv/abloec
    in GWF Streamers Comment by abloec May 2013
  • I figured id throw this out there for you people, if you are looking for a pretty top tier GWF to do some tests lemme know. I don't really have the know how to do theory crafting so figured I could at least participate this way with giving some numbers if someone wants them. Currently I go power/crit for my offensive…
  • That GWF is whats worthless 17 mil in Castle Never... you need to get a new GWF.
  • Well if thats the case I have not had that issue yet and I have bought around 30 lightning shards from the AH. This is the first time it gave me duplicates with the items in the bottom mail. I still expect to be reimbursed for this regardless.
  • Well thats for you to decide, I am in no means stating gear score = skill. I stated it to show that I have done countless instances, Oh and none of it is bought.
  • *sigh* theres no Castle Never in that video or any of his other videos. Nice shameless advertising.
    in Castle Never Comment by abloec May 2013
  • Just dont spill coffee on the new hardware.
  • Good people in the guild, enjoying my time with them.
  • Well **** if thats true thats fine with me, I first built mine to tank but guess what. The GWF CANNOT tank, sure they can build some survivability but their threat generation is ****. I was tank spec in a epic dungeon where a cleric decided to open a mimic chest. I could not pull agro off this cleric the whole time I was…
  • I love how I continue to see people saying the GWF is good, yet they seem to be only talking about solo play. Yes a GWF can tank alil better then TR and CW but go into a dungeon and than claim there isn't an issue. Also I have a 60 GWF and it doesn't change. Hell theres videos out there of GWF's doing epic dungeons and the…