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The sad truth of GWF and GF

abloecabloec Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Militia Barracks
GWF's are not needed, sadly I find myself feeling more and more useless. I am a 10k GS GWF, I have done all but last boss in Castle Never and Dread Vaults. This is mainly due to just pure game mechanics, the ways the fights are set up. We do decent AoE dmg I won't question that, I find myself standing around in groups recently because as long as you have a CW or a good DC they will knock all the mobs off cliffs or into deadly pools of stuff. Take Spellplague Caverns or Castle Never. So far the first legit attempt that I have seen completed was completed fairly easily by 1 TR 2 CW and 2 DC. Every boss fight has plenty of adds, but every time its either knock them off or kite them. Only boss fights I have actually had to kill adds in was when we had no CW, or Pirate King since the ship appears to have invisible walls.

The top tier dungeons though sadly a GWF can simply be nullified by the gameplay. I have put a lot of time into my GWF but as I continue to play and do constant runs of dungeons I feel more and more drained. I mean GWF's have a normalization to their attacks for crying out loud and it frustrates me to no end. If you don't know what I mean by normalization, I mean the more units we attack the less dmg we do to each one of them. For example I usually crit a single mob from around 1200-2800 with weapon masters strike, depending on debuffs. When I hit 5 mobs I tend to hit for around 600 crit. Sure it will equal out to more damage but this limitation is not applied to CW and rogues if played correctly can pretty much melt a boss in a t2 dungeon, not the last bosses because they all have a ton of life but the bosses before. A rogue in my guild was able to get his bleed ability to tick for 44k a tick, and hes only a 9k gs TR. I don't know if things need to be buffed or nerfed, personally I am at the point where I don't care. The main issue is how the game is built. Adds being way to tanky or having way to many of them for a GWF to take care of so just get a CW to black hole them than push them off a cliff, problem solved.
Post edited by abloec on


  • rifiellrifiell Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I really hope this gets fixed. I enjoy playing melee characters but I'm finding that I'm going to have to play my cleric to be useful probably. I really want to play a GWF and be useful.
  • daedracdaedrac Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    I love playing my GWF, and am noticeably useful in PvE. First point: GWF's are hard as **** to put down, so you can rez squishy bads and unstoppable can make the rez uninterruptable. Second point: Lot's of aoe for add control. Namely smaller ones. Let single-target deeps get the big guys until the little ones are dead. Grab encounters that compliment your playstyle. With mine I can spam slam all day, I've noticed recently that I get 75% AP during the duration of slam's effects (depending on adds).
  • anicocia88anicocia88 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The point, daedrac, is that GWF is an unnecessary addition that many dungeon delvers would rather not have. In most cases of add clean-up, it's easier to just let a CW black hole and push it over ledge.

    I feel that once they address the balance issue of being able to gib huge groups of mobs by forcing them over a cliff/into a pit/into lava, and you are forced to DPS things down during dungeons (no cheese) you will see a very large rise in the GWFs need, as well as play-ability.

    Once parties have to actually KILL & CLEAR all adds, and cannot simply insta-gib with environment/kite instead of tank, GWFs will be more intrinsic to clearing dungeons. This will be compartmentalized by parties who actually SUPPORT the GWFs ability to mob control by grouping together and allowing a GWF to cleave the mobs.

    At the moment though, it seems the ledge-death mechanic was not thought through very well, or it was thought through and it is just too hard to remove.
  • abloecabloec Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daedrac wrote: »
    I love playing my GWF, and am noticeably useful in PvE. First point: GWF's are hard as **** to put down, so you can rez squishy bads and unstoppable can make the rez uninterruptable. Second point: Lot's of aoe for add control. Namely smaller ones. Let single-target deeps get the big guys until the little ones are dead. Grab encounters that compliment your playstyle. With mine I can spam slam all day, I've noticed recently that I get 75% AP during the duration of slam's effects (depending on adds).

    Dude, the game mechanics currently promote add kiting or knocking adds off to their deaths. Sure groups can try to allow you to kill the adds but in the higher tier dungeons specifically Castle Never. GWF is pretty much a downer instead of increases the ability of the group. I would rather have 2 CW's than 1 CW and 1 GWF, and I am a ****ing 10k GS GWF. I have played the GWF enough to get the Master of Monsters title. I have played him since first day of head start. I have farmed enough AD through items to equal a net-worth of around 15 mil. I have done Spellplague around 20 times, Frozenheart around the same, Temple of the Spider 10 times, Karrandux 5 times, Dread Vaults 1 time(haven't killed last boss), Castle Never 1 time(didn't kill last boss). Oh and pirate a good 20 times also farming for drake seals, none glitch.

    This is the layout for all the t2 dungeons. Pirate is pretty much the only boss you have to kill the boss's adds so a GWF is worthwhile, Spellplague your on a platform surrounded by liquid that kills so CW makes the fight a lot easier than a GWF, Frozen Heart no need for a GWF because you will have to kite adds, Temple of the Spider you have to keep the adds away from the boss or knock them down from the platform so CW better, Karrundax you only have to kill the drakes to have the dragon come down so CW better for CCing adds, Dread Vaults my time in there tells me you will have to rotate black holes to deal with the adds so CW is better, Castle Never last boss you can rotate black holes and knock people off the platform so CW is better. So overall CW is the better choice. Sure if someone goes down were good a picking em up but if you have competent players with you people should rarely fall.
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