Hello, this guide looks very interesting and I will probably try it out. I would like to ask though; is this build viable in pvp? Because I mainly pve, but pvping sometimes is fun. I know it's a pve build, but I was just wondering.
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
Hello, this guide looks very interesting and I will probably try it out. I would like to ask though; is this build viable in pvp? Because I mainly pve, but pvping sometimes is fun. I know it's a pve build, but I was just wondering.
Hi, thanks for passing by. I don't recommend this build for PvP, you would be too squishy. I've explained this a bit more in the previous pages.
I've recently came back to the game. One of my level 60 toons is a GWF. What's a good ability loadout for grinding the next 10 levels?
The same powers as described in the guide except that you would use Restoring Strike instead of Hidden Daggers. The Self-Healing effect is going to be very useful and don't forget to check for gear with higher HP every time you get a couple of levels because that will help you to lvl up a lot easier.
Profane in both offense and defense slots? I mostly have the cheap for gold companions atm. Only one I do have is the fire archon, but I am slowly saving AD for the others and leveling a DC for the sigil of the devoted.
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
Profane in both offense and defense slots? I mostly have the cheap for gold companions atm. Only one I do have is the fire archon, but I am slowly saving AD for the others and leveling a DC for the sigil of the devoted.
Eldritch runestone in defensive slots. Getting an augment companion requires a good amount of AD and the loyal avenger gear isn't really cheap. Companions arent' a priority so focus in your character first. Step by step.
Eldritch runestone in defensive slots. Getting an augment companion requires a good amount of AD and the loyal avenger gear isn't really cheap. Companions arent' a priority so focus in your character first. Step by step.
Step by step is correct, but I would actually advocate for getting an augment quite soon after your toon hits lv 70. Assuming your character is in R7s and T1 dungeon gear and blue artifact gear (of the cheap or free variety) then an augment pet is the next best bang for your buck as an investment since it allows you to get an additional 3 gear slots each with an enchantment slot (or dual slots), and 3 slots for runestones as well (so 9 slots total) .
Say you get a Ioun Stone of Allure. That costs 600k AD for the stone. This has a icon/neck/ring gear slots, and you can buy a dual slot companion only loyal avenger neck and icon gear for very little AD (use a single enchant slot ring of your choice), like 20k, and R7s of various types cost 30k AD each.
So 8 rank 7s that you need is 240k, plus 20k for the companion gear, plus 600k for the stone = 860k to gain ~4000 stats from the gear and 1520 stats from the rank 7s = 5520 stats = 155 AD per stat point.
If you were to upgrade to rank 8s next then you would be paying 250k per rank 8, or less really if you made your own, but it would still be more expensive. Buying RP for artifact gear is not a very good return if you have blue artifact gear already, even normal arts cost a lot of RP to level past a certain point. yes you can farm free RP to level this stuff, but you can farm that RP and probably sell it and buy the Allure stone + gear and get more stats sooner. And you can get an allure stone for cheaper than 600k AD as well, very easily with the level up discounts you get from 0-60
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
I know it's going to take a very long time even with selling zen for AD. I'm just trying to get a rough outline of a plan in my head to have some idea of what I want to do with the toon. Just to so I can keep an eye out for different items. Maybe I'll get lucky with drops or something.
well the pets that lazalia is using are the best pets for to use for a BIS GWF with really high crit chance. With a lower end GWF you are probably better off using different pets, like the yeti (like 150k last i looked)for example, that add extra damage and are good even at green to use as place holders until you can eventually get the BIS ones. pets besides the augment really are some of the last upgrades you want to make.
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
those are the best 4 companions, but they are also expensive to get and so for a low geared GWF you are better off with the Yeti, and the Blink Dog and other cheaper options
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Quick question: when would you use avalanche of steel? It just seems to be so slow to be of any use imo.
1) When you are going to start a fight 2) When you don't have enough stamina and you need to avoid damage 3) When you think that you are going to die and you need to take a break during the fight, 4) You know the specific moment when many enemies are going to appear, AoS cover a large area and the prone effect is going to be very useful helping your teammates (also if you are fully stacked you can kill a few weak enemies).
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited June 2015
When you desperately need a breather (immune to damage during the animation) or when you need a mass control move with no target cap. It's a great "oh HAMSTER" button.
Nice Guide. Have you ever thought of doing a separate guide with slightly lower gear, just to show people that cant afford bis other alternatives?
Thank you. I've always tried to explain that the whole high crit build is a concept or an idea. You don't need BiS gear in order to achieve it. It is understanding how to prioritize which stats are necessary for your GWF then start upgrading everything step by step. I.e I mention that the core of the build is Crit % and Crit Sev %, you will start looking for Crit in your gear and your weapon enchantment would be vorpal: normal, greater, perfect, etc. R7s, R8s, then R9s, etc... Working with 51% or 100% crit chance means it's the same build.
One stupid question - Just saw you have iLvL 4.9, so how you did that I really think, ilvl is dust in the eyes, but noticed I have 4.787 with only 5xR11 darks at utility slots, others are R12. Even i make all 12s my ilvl will be 4.8xx. So did you made all active companions to look like oranges?
One stupid question - Just saw you have iLvL 4.9, so how you did that I really think, ilvl is dust in the eyes, but noticed I have 4.787 with only 5xR11 darks at utility slots, others are R12. Even i make all 12s my ilvl will be 4.8xx. So did you made all active companions to look like oranges?
Hey, yeah TiL is stupid or meaningless after a certain point. Companions doesn't give you item lvl.
If you have 4.787, upgrading your darks to r12 will take you to 4.852. If you upgrade your lesser soulforged which is lv 32 to transcendent lv 82, you will have the missing points, 4.852+50 = 4.902.
stuaretMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited June 2015
Hi lazaroth,
To complete the campaigns, how much armor penetration i should have? The same for dungeons? 40%-60%? Have mobs outside of dungeons any damage resistance?!
Thanks for this guide!
You mentioned "A Black Dragon Ioun Stone will grant you extra Armor Penetration"
I read the stats only said "Active Bonus: Increases Critical Chance by 10% when you are below 50% Hit Points." What do you mean by increased ArPen? Is it like a upgraded quality stat or something
btw What is BIS? (im not familiar with the new gear/stuff)
This is amazing! I love it when players take the time to really get to know the depth of the classes and builds. Great job, Lazalia!
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
You mentioned "A Black Dragon Ioun Stone will grant you extra Armor Penetration"
I read the stats only said "Active Bonus: Increases Critical Chance by 10% when you are below 50% Hit Points." What do you mean by increased ArPen? Is it like a upgraded quality stat or something
btw What is BIS? (im not familiar with the new gear/stuff)
BIS = Best In Slot, meaning the best option available
Ioun stones have basic stats on them that are only transfered to the player when the stone is summoned. The black dragon stone has power, armpen and crit I believe. As you level the stone up to 30/40 the amount of stats it grants increases. Take a look at the wiki entries for the different ioun stones to see the various stats they come with
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Hey, yeah TiL is stupid or meaningless after a certain point. Companions doesn't give you item lvl.
If you have 4.787, upgrading your darks to r12 will take you to 4.852. If you upgrade your lesser soulforged which is lv 32 to transcendent lv 82, you will have the missing points, 4.852+50 = 4.902.
Yeah, I forgot abt soulforged. I have pure refined for trans, but it ruins my visuals so badly. Till some development, regarding "stop armor enchantment visuals", I will use lesser and the pure will age in the bank.
Btw, happy meeting in game
Hi lazaroth,
To complete the campaigns, how much armor penetration i should have? The same for dungeons? 40%-60%? Have mobs outside of dungeons any damage resistance?!
Thanks for this guide!
Hi stuaret, thank you for passing by.
You did a very good question. You are going to need a higher arpen according to the lvl of your enemies. The mobs outside of the dungeons have a lot of damage resistance and find below 3 charts showing the DR of a few of them just to give you an idea about how much you need.
Icewind Dale
DR %
Polar Bear
Dire Bear
Well of Dragons
DR %
Drake Handler
Small Drakes
Black Dragonclaw
Guard Drake
Dread Ring
DR %
Iron Golem
This means that if you want to deal full damage to a Servitor in Dread Ring, your minimum resistance ignored must be 32%.
You mentioned "A Black Dragon Ioun Stone will grant you extra Armor Penetration"
I read the stats only said "Active Bonus: Increases Critical Chance by 10% when you are below 50% Hit Points." What do you mean by increased ArPen? Is it like a upgraded quality stat or something
btw What is BIS? (im not familiar with the new gear/stuff)
Thank you for your question. I'm sorry for my late reply.
scathias already answered it perfectly. (Thank you, scathias!)
This is amazing! I love it when players take the time to really get to know the depth of the classes and builds. Great job, Lazalia!
Thank you very much for passing by! I really like to help others and share as much knowledge as possible about every class that I play. I've always done it in every game that I've played and that's the way how I contribute to the community.
Yeah, I forgot abt soulforged. I have pure refined for trans, but it ruins my visuals so badly. Till some development, regarding "stop armor enchantment visuals", I will use lesser and the pure will age in the bank.
Btw, happy meeting in game
Indeed, if there's a day when it's going to be possible to disable the armor enchantment effects, that's going to be one of the best days of Neverwinter. Some people work so hard for their appareance and unfortunately is "destroyed" by the enchantment.
It was nice to see you in game, very cool fashion in your GWF.
I run hybrid of this build a IV destro build for PvE. SM can do higher dps but I can prone with a feat enhanced FLS (4 points in renforced surge and 1 in flanking manuvers) that gives me an element of add control and adds to group combat advantage but thats just my play style my changes being taking mighty blade since IV doesnt have wms for staying power and dropping the 4 points of unfettered strikes into reniforced surge and it seems to work really well also
You did a very good question. You are going to need a higher arpen according to the lvl of your enemies. The mobs outside of the dungeons have a lot of damage resistance and find below 3 charts showing the DR of a few of them just to give you an idea about how much you need.
Icewind Dale
DR %
Polar Bear
Dire Bear
Well of Dragons
DR %
Drake Handler
Small Drakes
Black Dragonclaw
Guard Drake
Dread Ring
DR %
Iron Golem
This means that if you want to deal full damage to a Servitor in Dread Ring, your minimum resistance ignored must be 32%.
arp give some extra damage? my damage against sharandar/dv enemies is far superior than in icewind enemies and my arp is 54.7 (at least, heroic encounters. iam not sure about normal enemies).
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
I run hybrid of this build a IV destro build for PvE. SM can do higher dps but I can prone with a feat enhanced FLS (4 points in renforced surge and 1 in flanking manuvers) that gives me an element of add control and adds to group combat advantage but thats just my play style my changes being taking mighty blade since IV doesnt have wms for staying power and dropping the 4 points of unfettered strikes into reniforced surge and it seems to work really well also
That sounds nice and very fun too. Great Control Fighter?
arp give some extra damage? my damage against sharandar/dv enemies is far superior than in icewind enemies and my arp is 54.7 (at least, heroic encounters. iam not sure about normal enemies).
Theoretically, it shouldn't give you extra damage but this requires a proper testing with ACT. Maybe the mobs have another kind of resistance besides DR, something like Critical Damage Resistance. We might compare 2 enemies with different lvl but same DR like Servitor (Dread Ring) and Small Drakes (WoD) and do a research, we could find something interesting.
Hi, thanks for passing by. I don't recommend this build for PvP, you would be too squishy. I've explained this a bit more in the previous pages.
The same powers as described in the guide except that you would use Restoring Strike instead of Hidden Daggers. The Self-Healing effect is going to be very useful and don't forget to check for gear with higher HP every time you get a couple of levels because that will help you to lvl up a lot easier.
Profane runestones and Loyal Avenger gear (comes with Power, Crit and ArPen). Azure in offensive slots, Radiants in Defensive slots.
Eldritch runestone in defensive slots. Getting an augment companion requires a good amount of AD and the loyal avenger gear isn't really cheap. Companions arent' a priority so focus in your character first. Step by step.
Step by step is correct, but I would actually advocate for getting an augment quite soon after your toon hits lv 70. Assuming your character is in R7s and T1 dungeon gear and blue artifact gear (of the cheap or free variety) then an augment pet is the next best bang for your buck as an investment since it allows you to get an additional 3 gear slots each with an enchantment slot (or dual slots), and 3 slots for runestones as well (so 9 slots total) .
Say you get a Ioun Stone of Allure. That costs 600k AD for the stone. This has a icon/neck/ring gear slots, and you can buy a dual slot companion only loyal avenger neck and icon gear for very little AD (use a single enchant slot ring of your choice), like 20k, and R7s of various types cost 30k AD each.
So 8 rank 7s that you need is 240k, plus 20k for the companion gear, plus 600k for the stone = 860k to gain ~4000 stats from the gear and 1520 stats from the rank 7s = 5520 stats = 155 AD per stat point.
If you were to upgrade to rank 8s next then you would be paying 250k per rank 8, or less really if you made your own, but it would still be more expensive. Buying RP for artifact gear is not a very good return if you have blue artifact gear already, even normal arts cost a lot of RP to level past a certain point. yes you can farm free RP to level this stuff, but you can farm that RP and probably sell it and buy the Allure stone + gear and get more stats sooner. And you can get an allure stone for cheaper than 600k AD as well, very easily with the level up discounts you get from 0-60
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
1) When you are going to start a fight 2) When you don't have enough stamina and you need to avoid damage 3) When you think that you are going to die and you need to take a break during the fight, 4) You know the specific moment when many enemies are going to appear, AoS cover a large area and the prone effect is going to be very useful helping your teammates (also if you are fully stacked you can kill a few weak enemies).
Edit: Post looks foolishly late due to ZSO
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Thank you. I've always tried to explain that the whole high crit build is a concept or an idea. You don't need BiS gear in order to achieve it. It is understanding how to prioritize which stats are necessary for your GWF then start upgrading everything step by step. I.e I mention that the core of the build is Crit % and Crit Sev %, you will start looking for Crit in your gear and your weapon enchantment would be vorpal: normal, greater, perfect, etc. R7s, R8s, then R9s, etc... Working with 51% or 100% crit chance means it's the same build.
One stupid question - Just saw you have iLvL 4.9, so how you did that
Hey, yeah TiL is stupid or meaningless after a certain point. Companions doesn't give you item lvl.
If you have 4.787, upgrading your darks to r12 will take you to 4.852. If you upgrade your lesser soulforged which is lv 32 to transcendent lv 82, you will have the missing points, 4.852+50 = 4.902.
To complete the campaigns, how much armor penetration i should have? The same for dungeons? 40%-60%? Have mobs outside of dungeons any damage resistance?!
Thanks for this guide!
I read the stats only said "Active Bonus: Increases Critical Chance by 10% when you are below 50% Hit Points." What do you mean by increased ArPen? Is it like a upgraded quality stat or something
btw What is BIS? (im not familiar with the new gear/stuff)
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
BIS = Best In Slot, meaning the best option available
Ioun stones have basic stats on them that are only transfered to the player when the stone is summoned. The black dragon stone has power, armpen and crit I believe. As you level the stone up to 30/40 the amount of stats it grants increases. Take a look at the wiki entries for the different ioun stones to see the various stats they come with
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Yeah, I forgot abt soulforged. I have pure refined for trans, but it ruins my visuals so badly. Till some development, regarding "stop armor enchantment visuals", I will use lesser and the pure will age in the bank.
Btw, happy meeting in game
Hi stuaret, thank you for passing by.
You did a very good question. You are going to need a higher arpen according to the lvl of your enemies. The mobs outside of the dungeons have a lot of damage resistance and find below 3 charts showing the DR of a few of them just to give you an idea about how much you need.
Icewind Dale
DR %
Polar Bear
Dire Bear
Well of Dragons
DR %
Drake Handler
Small Drakes
Black Dragonclaw
Guard Drake
Dread Ring
DR %
Iron Golem
This means that if you want to deal full damage to a Servitor in Dread Ring, your minimum resistance ignored must be 32%.
Thank you for your question. I'm sorry for my late reply.
scathias already answered it perfectly. (Thank you, scathias!)
Thank you very much for passing by! I really like to help others and share as much knowledge as possible about every class that I play. I've always done it in every game that I've played and that's the way how I contribute to the community.
Indeed, if there's a day when it's going to be possible to disable the armor enchantment effects, that's going to be one of the best days of Neverwinter. Some people work so hard for their appareance and unfortunately is "destroyed" by the enchantment.
It was nice to see you in game, very cool fashion in your GWF.
arp give some extra damage? my damage against sharandar/dv enemies is far superior than in icewind enemies and my arp is 54.7 (at least, heroic encounters. iam not sure about normal enemies).
That sounds nice and very fun too. Great Control Fighter?
Theoretically, it shouldn't give you extra damage but this requires a proper testing with ACT. Maybe the mobs have another kind of resistance besides DR, something like Critical Damage Resistance. We might compare 2 enemies with different lvl but same DR like Servitor (Dread Ring) and Small Drakes (WoD) and do a research, we could find something interesting.