Bis, in every game I've played represents a token of commitment, not a requirement.
Yes, BiS is for a World First on killing Mar'Gok, not for killing Mar'Gok six months afterwards when it has been nerfed.
By the way, any news of a 25-people queue for Tiamat? Mod6 World First would be cool for a guild.
ToD = ..........
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
boltzmann42Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 46Arc User
The points in Staying Power were the remaining points. I've never been a fan of this feat because imo is against the mechanic of the GWF but since we have 4 left I decided that it would be a good option to invest them there. However, Staying Power gives you extra damage above your enemy dmg resistance, or in other words, it is not affected by our ArPen. If you have 60% ArPen, this feat allows you to deal more dmg.
Regarding to the HP, the higher our HP more THP we receive. I could go for more deflect yes but I will lose HP and also a good pool of THP. Right now I don't feel as squishy as other classes, once my unstoppable is up I can take hits up to 250k-270k and I'm only dying due to my own fault i.e being slow avoiding damage. With a huge pool of HP I can keep using unstoppable and that's a lot of extra hp every few seconds, that allows me to tank some damage. As you said, it's about going full dps like a mad man and 8% more damage for my IBS sounds a lot better than 4% deflect. :P
Right now I'm running ToS without bugs/exploits no dying or up to 2 times, survavibility is not really an issue atm.
Thanks for your reply, after seeing some of your vids I saw that indeed survivability is not an issue
I have now another quick question, which armor reinforcement do you use ? Crit ?
Monsieur Seekan, Guild leader - Légende Obscure
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
Yes, crit so far but I would invest these kits only in lv 137 gear because they aren't cheap and it's only 0.5% crit each one.
Do you know what's good lvl 7x blue gear besides eternal set in WOD and the ones in dungeons? Is there any worthy gear you can buy from auction house or get from special quests?
If so, is there a cheap build? I'm pretty sure you won't survive as well, but is there a cheaper build that could work?
Check around. He posted video showing he used green/blue, no enchantment, no artifact, no pant, no short, no companion, .... and did well enough.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Nowhere, the build itself is spot on, I think I already acknowledge that in my original post. The whole point I wanted to make was simple, to get this build and the GWF class as a whole, working in Mod 6 you need bis gear. My problem with that is also simple - players should not be required to have bis gear in order to play the latest content. Bis, in every game I've played represents a token of commitment, not a requirement.
I have to admit it's a nice build, altho we have a phrase in Hungary, that sounds like this: "Money is victorious."
I don't want to shed bad light on it, but with so much money it's really easy to make a good build, it's much harder to do the same with less. That's why i personally like the old builds, we had in the early parts of game.
And as @openforbreakfast said correctly, it is said, that you need so much money to be able to stand your ground.
In my eyes this is the biggest problem- now throw your rocks at me- that the Mod was and is still designed after the 1% of this game, all 99% suffers currently in one way or the another.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
Do you know what's good lvl 7x blue gear besides eternal set in WOD and the ones in dungeons? Is there any worthy gear you can buy from auction house or get from special quests?
Thanks in advance!
Hi! You should wear blue gear lv 70 that you can buy in the AH, try getting items with Life Steal and as much HP as possible. Next step: Eternal set!
If so, is there a cheap build? I'm pretty sure you won't survive as well, but is there a cheaper build that could work?
Hello, I kindly ask you to read the previous page. We already discussed that this guide isn't about the gear but understanding the concept about the high crit build and using the right mechanics.
this build does not differ in survivability compared to other builds a lot imo, since i played IV destroyer with crappy gear and now play SM destroyer with GS 2k the difference between these builds is: IV dies more often, flanking maneuvers works quit good on trash mob if you stay mobile and change positions
the damage i deal is near the double i dealt as IV, the better crit rate does push your damage from the start and does not only start at 50%+,
5% more crit is ---> 5% more Crits in game , and deals more damage, right?
I lack in HP and DR/deflect so I can´t stand much hits atm, if i would sacrifice some offence stats and spend in DR/Deflect/HP i would deal better probably
but all in all its an improvement to IV destroyer by sure
in case someone shows me a good alternatives (won´t happen for sure) I will work on equip and stats , and don´t lose one second about the costs of this build or how much dollars or not were spend, thats irrelevant and does not change anything for me
I won´t meet endcontent for sure, but I won´t spend lots of money for this game having better options in real live
and again: thy for sharing the build and sacrificing your time, can´t find a point to critizise in doing so, but some ppl will always pick in the dirt
I was just asking for your opinion. I am using it just for the build, not the gear. I just wanted to know if you had any personal opinions about cheap gear I could get once I hit 70.
onegaki101Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 327Arc User
edited May 2015
Nice guide!!! Started to play my GWF leadership alt and it is so easy. Wish my TR's hidden knives gave me that buff :P
Quick question: Do the marks on GWF work like GF's marks where it increases your threat generation?
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
Nice guide!!! Started to play my GWF leadership alt and it is so easy. Wish my TR's hidden knives gave me that buff :P
Quick question: Do the marks on GWF work like GF's marks where it increases your threat generation?
Hi! Thanks!
The mark generates threat and if you attack a marked foe, it will generate twice the amount. A GWF Destroyer can generate a lot of threat but a good OP/GF can take the foe back easily.
What about cheap companions? Know of any I can use until I can afford the rest?
Blink Dog.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
What about cheap companions? Know of any I can use until I can afford the rest?
Cheap companions only those that you can get for free lol. It doesn't really make sense to invest in other companions if you are going to replace them later. An exception might be the Air Archon because is very cheap in green lvl and you can upgrade it later.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited May 2015
Yo laz so i try it out ,and mybe i have somthing for y mybe its a improvement mybe not .
So we can build more then 100 % crit chance but what if we remove WM and replace it with W.Determination?
If you play you GWF well you can get much more DPS from it higher crit dmg etc etc.
And you can still have 85*90% crit chance. IF you grade your self to max.
What do y think ?
I want to hear your option .
I really miss my Warrior but if mobs kill me with 1 hit then i think running speed is a good option .
So i change my offhand to wrathful determination so i get 20% more running speed +4 x700 movement 7.6 + 16% from Unfettered total 43.6 % movement speed durin unstoppable its a good way to avoid red .
Only 1 thing is anoying you cant lose TEMP hp and if you cant lose temp hp y cant press unstoppable.
Cuz i really cant accept this mod where my GWF (suppose to be some kinde of warrior and not 'A' TR ) hou die from 1 hit no matter what stat you stack.
K we can deal some dmg at max gear but i still see some CW-s hou can deal similar dmg with shild on tab "LOL".
Using Lostmauth set to.
Hey bro, I have been thinking about using WD replacing WM since long time ago but first I wanted to have the whole lv 137 PvE set and the highest amount of crit possible to achieve before I could make that change. The main problem is that right now, lostmauth's set bonus is doing too much damage and even 1% crit means a lot or in other words switching WM for WD represents a loss in DPS. It is necessary to wait until they fix the losthmauth's set bonus before I can start thinking about removing WM of my power tray.
WD seems to be good, in theory, but since the damage bonus is being drained as our unstoppable goes down means that the actual damage bonus during the whole run is going to be very low. Most of the time I'm spamming TAB as soon as possible, that means only a 6.25% increase in damage so I would be considering Blitz too (hitting the target by behind maybe it procs FM too, haven't tested it yet).
That's regarding to the class feature. Now, talking about the speed run, it makes a lot of sense and it's great thinking coming from you as always. More run speed should help to avoid the red areas and maybe "fix" that issue where we are being hit even though we are not longer inside the red area. However, honestly, I don't feel my character squishy. I can't go in front unless I'm starting the fight using AoS but usually I'm right behind the tank and that's my place because I'm not a tanking class nor even Sentinel (in the case it were working properly). With a huge HP pool and specially playing along with a GF, my THP can go as high as 260K (Into the fray increase the Temp HP in the GWF) and it would be even a lot more if you use a Feytouched, maybe anything between 300k and 400k temp hp but I don't use Feytouched because it means less dps for me. I've tested Feytouched and it does increase the thp. So, being that my own experience, I would have to go for full DPS and avoid the speed movement bonus but I think it would be a great option for character with less HP/Gear.
playing this build I have two questions
1. since I took 5/5 in flanking maneuver , theres a cooldown about 15 sec, so I recognize the mobs are stunned much more frequently not 15seconds, probably bugged?
2. reading some ACT graphs i can see that some GWF with p vorp can deal double the damage i deal with my IBS or RS, and its not the stats that differ
I use a cheap plaguefire-enchant 8% + damage, 3x5% stacks
is it really such a big difference since I use daring shout , dagger and try timimg it as good as possible?
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
playing this build I have two questions
1. since I took 5/5 in flanking maneuver , theres a cooldown about 15 sec, so I recognize the mobs are stunned much more frequently not 15seconds, probably bugged?
2. reading some ACT graphs i can see that some GWF with p vorp can deal double the damage i deal with my IBS or RS, and its not the stats that differ
I use a cheap plaguefire-enchant 8% + damage, 3x5% stacks
is it really such a big difference since I use daring shout , dagger and try timimg it as good as possible?
1) I haven't tried 5/5 on FM because it is not an offensive feat, I just took 1 point on it for the minor cc effect. Even if it lasts longer or procs more often than expected, it is not very interesting for the build. Perhaps you can take a closer look and check with only 1 enemy if the 15s cd is working or not. This is how I tested with 1/5.
2) The debuff done by the plague fire is a bit misleading, 15% reduced defense doesn't mean 15% more damage but a lot less. Instead of using RS, try to get around 10% life steal and keep the IBS, that should be more enough if you are having issues with your survivability.
Hey bro, I have been thinking about using WD replacing WM since long time ago but first I wanted to have the whole lv 137 PvE set and the highest amount of crit possible to achieve before I could make that change. The main problem is that right now, lostmauth's set bonus is doing too much damage and even 1% crit means a lot or in other words switching WM for WD represents a loss in DPS. It is necessary to wait until they fix the losthmauth's set bonus before I can start thinking about removing WM of my power tray.
WD seems to be good, in theory, but since the damage bonus is being drained as our unstoppable goes down means that the actual damage bonus during the whole run is going to be very low. Most of the time I'm spamming TAB as soon as possible, that means only a 6.25% increase in damage so I would be considering Blitz too (hitting the target by behind maybe it procs FM too, haven't tested it yet).
That's regarding to the class feature. Now, talking about the speed run, it makes a lot of sense and it's great thinking coming from you as always. More run speed should help to avoid the red areas and maybe "fix" that issue where we are being hit even though we are not longer inside the red area. However, honestly, I don't feel my character squishy. I can't go in front unless I'm starting the fight using AoS but usually I'm right behind the tank and that's my place because I'm not a tanking class nor even Sentinel (in the case it were working properly). With a huge HP pool and specially playing along with a GF, my THP can go as high as 260K (Into the fray increase the Temp HP in the GWF) and it would be even a lot more if you use a Feytouched, maybe anything between 300k and 400k temp hp but I don't use Feytouched because it means less dps for me. I've tested Feytouched and it does increase the thp. So, being that my own experience, I would have to go for full DPS and avoid the speed movement bonus but I think it would be a great option for character with less HP/Gear.
The thing is we dont need to spend our unstoppable all time cuz if you have "TANK" hou protect y from one shoting.
Then you have time to spare your unstoppable cuz WD say at rank 4 thet you gain 25% more dmg+20% running speed if your bar is full but he dont say you need to use your bar.
So you have 20 sec min +25% more dps cuz Destroyer cap feat have 25sec ITC .
But it req a really good gameplay and some counting .
I still refuse to use Feytouched its bugged and i still think the nerf hammer will hit it.
I still refuse to use Feytouched its bugged and i still think the nerf hammer will hit it.
like Bloodtheft enchant, what is not working correct about Feytouched?
about the flanking maneuver , maybe its due to the mobs in sharandar, groups with a healer probably get cleaning buff, cleanse makes them fall more frequently...have no other explanation atm
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
The thing is we dont need to spend our unstoppable all time cuz if you have "TANK" hou protect y from one shoting.
Then you have time to spare your unstoppable cuz WD say at rank 4 thet you gain 25% more dmg+20% running speed if your bar is full but he dont say you need to use your bar.
So you have 20 sec min +25% more dps cuz Destroyer cap feat have 25sec ITC .
But it req a really good gameplay and some counting .
I still refuse to use Feytouched its bugged and i still think the nerf hammer will hit it.
I don't spam Unstoppable in a defensive way, I do it for my At-wills or in other words, I use it offensively.
The more time I wait until my unstoppable bar is full in order to use the WD with max bonus, less dps I'm doing overall.
Feytouched is bugged yes but once it gets fixed it will be a good option anyway (not for this build but for a player worried about his defense).
like Bloodtheft enchant, what is not working correct about Feytouched?
about the flanking maneuver , maybe its due to the mobs in sharandar, groups with a healer probably get cleaning buff, cleanse makes them fall more frequently...have no other explanation atm
Feytouched have some weird interaction with some feats, specially with the CW. It's killing bosses in seconds, doing millions of damage.
Regarding to FM, what you have mentioned makes a lot of sense, it could be that.
Take a look at the pics Lazalia posted of their gear and you will see what they are using... the r12 profane runestones and the companion only gear with crit on them really helps though, as does all the r12 azures.
The Girdle of the Striker is 10k in the AH, that is a excellent upgrade for your stone Rings of the loyal master (150k each) might be something you want to look into as a partway upgrade, 652 power/armpen each means you can focus crit more easily on other upgrades until you can afford/farm the loyal avenger rings, rank 8 profanes were 30k in the AH last time i looked, those are another cheap and effective upgrade.
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
Now, what I've been thinking is once I'm above 100% I can switch Weapon Mastery for another offensive class feature like Blitz or Wrathful Determination and still be very close to 90% which is more than enough. (I really can't wait until Lostmauth's set bonus is nerfed)
*Note regarding Weapon Master Class Feature + OH:
WM R3 should add 7.5% (1.5%*5) + 5% (1%*5) per stack, total. 12.5% but instead I'm getting 14% according to the character sheet. In a beatiful world where bugs doesn't exist, with r4 it should be a total of 15% (6 stacks in each case Class feature and OH bonus)
After a few tests in live server:
WM stacks:
1: 2%
2: 2%
3: 2%
4: 2%
5: 2%
OH: 4% (It's taking only 4 stacks instead of 5, bug ofc)
So, we are getting more crit than we should but still less than if it were working properly.
I had a bit of thought earlier today. What about switching out strength (base damage boost) for charisma (CA damage boost) as a main attribute? Based on Kaelac's guide the damage bonus you get from charisma is multiplicative with your base damage when you have Combat Advantage and thus (in theory) give better returns then having those same points in strength where they only contribute to boosting your base damage and thus miss the multiplicative effect.
Of course this whole idea hinges on the idea that you have Combat Advantage all the time otherwise it is very probable that strength ends up being the better choice just due to the fact that if you don't have CA the points in CHA are wasted. But, since we end up using Daring Shout all the time and therefore do have nearly 100% uptime on having CA it could work out to be a damage boost. It wouldn't be a major one though.
ok, having said that you wouldn't get a major damage boost from doing this i decided to try and do some math for it and the math says it is a bad idea, so either it actually is a bad idea or i simply did something wrong somewhere, and either is probable since i don't have much to do with math usually.
Base damage (all formulas pulled from Kaelac's guide linked above)
[COLOR="#000000"]assuming 27 STR, WD 2166, rank 4, 18k power
Damage =(1+(STAT-10)/100)* ((1+WD*0.00846)* (0.9+rank/10)* (1+power*0.00006))
Assume 27 STR = 61.13609124 base damage
Assume 20 STR 57.47837638 base damage[/COLOR]
Damage assuming non crit Combat Advantage
Total damage when CA is granted = base damage * (1+ 0.15) * (1+ CHA bonus%) * (1+ CAbonus %)
Assumes 27 STR, 12 CHA (2%), 8% bonus from CAbonus from artifacts/OH
so 61.13609124*((1.15)*(1.02)*(1.08))=77.44964583
Assumes 20 STR, 19 CHA (9%) and 8% CAbonus
So according to this there is a very very tiny DPS boost on non crits by dropping STR to 20 and increasing your CHA to 19
[COLOR="#000000"]Total damage with CA and CRIT= base damage * (1+ 0.75 + sum of all crit severity bonuses + 0.15 + CHA bonus + CAbonus)
Assumes 27 STR, 12 CHA (2%), 8% bonus from CAbonus from artifacts/OH
So 61.13609124*(1+0.75+0.15+.02+.08)=122.2721825
Assumes 20 STR, 19 CHA (9%) and 8% CAbonus
From these results it is apparently a DPS loss when you increase your CHA (by reducing your STR) when you crit.
Again, my math here and the assumptions I made might be completely faulty. I think though a second opinion might be helpful (assuming I made any sense at all with the math)
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Hey the Sigil of Devoted did you make a Healer in order to get that artifact or is it buy able if people are able to sell them ? And if it sellable what kind of price range would I expect in Astral Diamonds?
I'm thinking of starting an alternate GWF using this build of yours. That way I can have a SwordMaster and an Iron Vanguard. I'm currently specced for PVP. The GWF inspired by you will be PVE and play PVP as well.
So my question is: Since NW is SO alt-unfriendly, I'm going to make the SwordMaster GWF on a budget. What do you recommend that I equip him with? I'm mostly going to be equipping it with Rank 7's and absolutely no companion whatsoever.
How can I reach high crit on a budget with this alt? I'm going to have great fun with it, I can feel that.
Yes, BiS is for a World First on killing Mar'Gok, not for killing Mar'Gok six months afterwards when it has been nerfed.
By the way, any news of a 25-people queue for Tiamat? Mod6 World First would be cool for a guild.
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
Thanks for your reply, after seeing some of your vids I saw that indeed survivability is not an issue
I have now another quick question, which armor reinforcement do you use ? Crit ?
Yes, crit so far but I would invest these kits only in lv 137 gear because they aren't cheap and it's only 0.5% crit each one.
Do you know what's good lvl 7x blue gear besides eternal set in WOD and the ones in dungeons? Is there any worthy gear you can buy from auction house or get from special quests?
Thanks in advance!
If so, is there a cheap build? I'm pretty sure you won't survive as well, but is there a cheaper build that could work?
Check around. He posted video showing he used green/blue, no enchantment, no artifact, no pant, no short, no companion, .... and did well enough.
I have to admit it's a nice build, altho we have a phrase in Hungary, that sounds like this: "Money is victorious."
I don't want to shed bad light on it, but with so much money it's really easy to make a good build, it's much harder to do the same with less. That's why i personally like the old builds, we had in the early parts of game.
And as @openforbreakfast said correctly, it is said, that you need so much money to be able to stand your ground.
In my eyes this is the biggest problem- now throw your rocks at me- that the Mod was and is still designed after the 1% of this game, all 99% suffers currently in one way or the another.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Hi! You should wear blue gear lv 70 that you can buy in the AH, try getting items with Life Steal and as much HP as possible. Next step: Eternal set!
Hello, I kindly ask you to read the previous page. We already discussed that this guide isn't about the gear but understanding the concept about the high crit build and using the right mechanics.
the damage i deal is near the double i dealt as IV, the better crit rate does push your damage from the start and does not only start at 50%+,
5% more crit is ---> 5% more Crits in game , and deals more damage, right?
I lack in HP and DR/deflect so I can´t stand much hits atm, if i would sacrifice some offence stats and spend in DR/Deflect/HP i would deal better probably
but all in all its an improvement to IV destroyer by sure
in case someone shows me a good alternatives (won´t happen for sure) I will work on equip and stats , and don´t lose one second about the costs of this build or how much dollars or not were spend, thats irrelevant and does not change anything for me
I won´t meet endcontent for sure, but I won´t spend lots of money for this game having better options in real live
and again: thy for sharing the build and sacrificing your time, can´t find a point to critizise in doing so, but some ppl will always pick in the dirt
Quick question: Do the marks on GWF work like GF's marks where it increases your threat generation?
Hi! Thanks!
The mark generates threat and if you attack a marked foe, it will generate twice the amount. A GWF Destroyer can generate a lot of threat but a good OP/GF can take the foe back easily.
Blink Dog.
Cheap companions only those that you can get for free lol. It doesn't really make sense to invest in other companions if you are going to replace them later. An exception might be the Air Archon because is very cheap in green lvl and you can upgrade it later.
So we can build more then 100 % crit chance but what if we remove WM and replace it with W.Determination?
If you play you GWF well you can get much more DPS from it higher crit dmg etc etc.
And you can still have 85*90% crit chance. IF you grade your self to max.
Let me share my vision : This is my build similar to yours .
What do y think ?
I want to hear your option .
I really miss my Warrior but if mobs kill me with 1 hit then i think running speed is a good option .
So i change my offhand to wrathful determination so i get 20% more running speed +4 x700 movement 7.6 + 16% from Unfettered total 43.6 % movement speed durin unstoppable its a good way to avoid red .
Only 1 thing is anoying you cant lose TEMP hp and if you cant lose temp hp y cant press unstoppable.
Cuz i really cant accept this mod where my GWF (suppose to be some kinde of warrior and not 'A' TR ) hou die from 1 hit no matter what stat you stack.
K we can deal some dmg at max gear but i still see some CW-s hou can deal similar dmg with shild on tab "LOL".
Using Lostmauth set to.
Hey bro, I have been thinking about using WD replacing WM since long time ago but first I wanted to have the whole lv 137 PvE set and the highest amount of crit possible to achieve before I could make that change. The main problem is that right now, lostmauth's set bonus is doing too much damage and even 1% crit means a lot or in other words switching WM for WD represents a loss in DPS. It is necessary to wait until they fix the losthmauth's set bonus before I can start thinking about removing WM of my power tray.
WD seems to be good, in theory, but since the damage bonus is being drained as our unstoppable goes down means that the actual damage bonus during the whole run is going to be very low. Most of the time I'm spamming TAB as soon as possible, that means only a 6.25% increase in damage so I would be considering Blitz too (hitting the target by behind maybe it procs FM too, haven't tested it yet).
That's regarding to the class feature. Now, talking about the speed run, it makes a lot of sense and it's great thinking coming from you as always. More run speed should help to avoid the red areas and maybe "fix" that issue where we are being hit even though we are not longer inside the red area. However, honestly, I don't feel my character squishy. I can't go in front unless I'm starting the fight using AoS but usually I'm right behind the tank and that's my place because I'm not a tanking class nor even Sentinel (in the case it were working properly). With a huge HP pool and specially playing along with a GF, my THP can go as high as 260K (Into the fray increase the Temp HP in the GWF) and it would be even a lot more if you use a Feytouched, maybe anything between 300k and 400k temp hp but I don't use Feytouched because it means less dps for me. I've tested Feytouched and it does increase the thp. So, being that my own experience, I would have to go for full DPS and avoid the speed movement bonus but I think it would be a great option for character with less HP/Gear.
1. since I took 5/5 in flanking maneuver , theres a cooldown about 15 sec, so I recognize the mobs are stunned much more frequently not 15seconds, probably bugged?
2. reading some ACT graphs i can see that some GWF with p vorp can deal double the damage i deal with my IBS or RS, and its not the stats that differ
I use a cheap plaguefire-enchant 8% + damage, 3x5% stacks
is it really such a big difference since I use daring shout , dagger and try timimg it as good as possible?
1) I haven't tried 5/5 on FM because it is not an offensive feat, I just took 1 point on it for the minor cc effect. Even if it lasts longer or procs more often than expected, it is not very interesting for the build. Perhaps you can take a closer look and check with only 1 enemy if the 15s cd is working or not. This is how I tested with 1/5.
2) The debuff done by the plague fire is a bit misleading, 15% reduced defense doesn't mean 15% more damage but a lot less. Instead of using RS, try to get around 10% life steal and keep the IBS, that should be more enough if you are having issues with your survivability.
The thing is we dont need to spend our unstoppable all time cuz if you have "TANK" hou protect y from one shoting.
Then you have time to spare your unstoppable cuz WD say at rank 4 thet you gain 25% more dmg+20% running speed if your bar is full but he dont say you need to use your bar.
So you have 20 sec min +25% more dps cuz Destroyer cap feat have 25sec ITC .
But it req a really good gameplay and some counting
I still refuse to use Feytouched its bugged and i still think the nerf hammer will hit it.
about the flanking maneuver , maybe its due to the mobs in sharandar, groups with a healer probably get cleaning buff, cleanse makes them fall more frequently...have no other explanation atm
I don't spam Unstoppable in a defensive way, I do it for my At-wills or in other words, I use it offensively.
The more time I wait until my unstoppable bar is full in order to use the WD with max bonus, less dps I'm doing overall.
Feytouched is bugged yes but once it gets fixed it will be a good option anyway (not for this build but for a player worried about his defense).
Feytouched have some weird interaction with some feats, specially with the CW. It's killing bosses in seconds, doing millions of damage.
Regarding to FM, what you have mentioned makes a lot of sense, it could be that.
Can u make a list of what giving u how many crit? Pretty please, i want to see where can i get better in cheapiest way.
The Girdle of the Striker is 10k in the AH, that is a excellent upgrade for your stone Rings of the loyal master (150k each) might be something you want to look into as a partway upgrade, 652 power/armpen each means you can focus crit more easily on other upgrades until you can afford/farm the loyal avenger rings, rank 8 profanes were 30k in the AH last time i looked, those are another cheap and effective upgrade.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Crit and more crit! :cool:
Right now I have 19,867, let's make a break down:
Lostmauth's Neck
Belt of Puissance
CW Sigil
Main Hand
2*Reinforcement Kits
3*Comp. Rings
3*Profane R12
Legendary Bonus
10*Azure R12
Fey Precision
Conjurer's Gambit
Dragon's Gaze
Once I get my last two pieces Lv. 137, that will add 1,014 crit.
Total crit chance: 76.2% + 14% (Class Feature + OH)* + 5% (Vicious Advantage) + 2.5% (Superior Elixir of Accuracy) + 3% (Squash Soup) + 1% Campfire + 2% Greater Black Dragon Glyph. Total: 103.7% Crit chance.
Now, what I've been thinking is once I'm above 100% I can switch Weapon Mastery for another offensive class feature like Blitz or Wrathful Determination and still be very close to 90% which is more than enough. (I really can't wait until Lostmauth's set bonus is nerfed)
*Note regarding Weapon Master Class Feature + OH:
WM R3 should add 7.5% (1.5%*5) + 5% (1%*5) per stack, total. 12.5% but instead I'm getting 14% according to the character sheet. In a beatiful world where bugs doesn't exist, with r4 it should be a total of 15% (6 stacks in each case Class feature and OH bonus)
After a few tests in live server:
WM stacks:
1: 2%
2: 2%
3: 2%
4: 2%
5: 2%
OH: 4% (It's taking only 4 stacks instead of 5, bug ofc)
So, we are getting more crit than we should but still less than if it were working properly.
Of course this whole idea hinges on the idea that you have Combat Advantage all the time otherwise it is very probable that strength ends up being the better choice just due to the fact that if you don't have CA the points in CHA are wasted. But, since we end up using Daring Shout all the time and therefore do have nearly 100% uptime on having CA it could work out to be a damage boost. It wouldn't be a major one though.
ok, having said that you wouldn't get a major damage boost from doing this i decided to try and do some math for it and the math says it is a bad idea, so either it actually is a bad idea or i simply did something wrong somewhere, and either is probable since i don't have much to do with math usually.
Base damage (all formulas pulled from Kaelac's guide linked above)
Damage assuming non crit Combat Advantage
So according to this there is a very very tiny DPS boost on non crits by dropping STR to 20 and increasing your CHA to 19
Damage assuming critical Combat Advantage (assume additional crit severity bonuses are 0)
From these results it is apparently a DPS loss when you increase your CHA (by reducing your STR) when you crit.
Again, my math here and the assumptions I made might be completely faulty. I think though a second opinion might be helpful (assuming I made any sense at all with the math)
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
I'm thinking of starting an alternate GWF using this build of yours. That way I can have a SwordMaster and an Iron Vanguard. I'm currently specced for PVP. The GWF inspired by you will be PVE and play PVP as well.
So my question is: Since NW is SO alt-unfriendly, I'm going to make the SwordMaster GWF on a budget. What do you recommend that I equip him with? I'm mostly going to be equipping it with Rank 7's and absolutely no companion whatsoever.
How can I reach high crit on a budget with this alt? I'm going to have great fun with it, I can feel that.