I know its not a pvp build but i feel the need to ask... is it worh even playing GWF in pvp anymore ? at 2.6k GS i cannot kil anything and i die in 10 seconds... its not about wm not stacking, or anything like that....its just that i feel that GWF doest have any dmg output and no armor in pvp.
i play low level 2k gs blue pvp stuff,
I respecced and the build is not worse than playing IV
I used restoring strike, IBS and flurry WMS( if crits can stunn, i took 5/5 in the feat) and it works somehow, so if you use:
flurry -->stunned 2-3xST/WMS(buff) - daily: cresecendo -->stunned IBS+ RS, most targets are at home node
I don´t used daring shout or dagger what would buff damage a lot- PVP is about cc
so if you are tanky enough and want more cc you even could take something like Flurry - wms/ST -hold down -ST/WMS- (crescendo) - IBS, thats a really deadly combo to most tragets
its more fun than IV imo, since IV can´t deal taht damage
going unstoppable and spamming WMS could be a really deadly experience if you run into some enemys
probabaly there is also a build arround steel defence possible getting 6 seconds immunity by daily using?
dc sigil + AP cloak + Ap gain as much as possible using....daring shout on top + flurry/IBS f.e., can´t say if it works well?
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
thx for the input, i come from destroyer IV not muc equip but enough to go Kessel
using my free respec I was not sure where to go ...destroyer for sure, but also wanted to do PVP
but reading about the better damage compared to IV I was curious about this build.
there are two viable pathes 15 poits in sentinel (the tanky way- other thread) or 15 points in instigator
and...I went Instigator
even my crit is only at at 34% (GS 2000), when using weapon mastery on top its a huge, huge, very huge difference in damage compared to IV
WMS is crazy .... since i took 5 points in flanking manneuvers mobs are cc´d very frequently, so i can deal damage and don´t get hurt that much, the more crit I take the better it goes and the better I can deal with trash mobs
on top the damage is insane, can´t say if WMS tooltip is exact (what about the mentioned attack from the back), since i feel like doing double the damage, not even slotted destroyer feat
PVP I did only one match yesterday flurry stun - restoring strike - IBS + cresendo stun + WMS mass stun
when i go unstoppable and spam WMS player arround me can´t fight back effectivly, every crit getting stunned...first impression--> better than destroyer, more damage and good cc
flurry and crescendo is very effective against PALA/GF, can´t say why
Thx a lot for the build and sharing your ideas and work with the community
Thank you for your kind comment.
Indeed, there's no point using Sentinel feats because you need 15 stacks for full effect, after 2 hits you would be either dead or very close and if you are taking 15 hits, there's something wrong in the party because we are not tanks but extreme dpsers. Powerful challenge is bad, mostly because is capped to 5 targets while using Vicious Advantage, you will gain the extra crit and deal more dmg to an unlimited number of adds. Thanks to this, Instigator is always better for DPS, also, there's no point in changing 5% crit for 5% more dmg, why would you look for a bit more of damage when you can go for double dmg or even more. :P
Regarding to flanking maneuvers, it has an ICD of 15s, the debuff icon appears in your enemy and the prone effect won't be applied until this icon is gone, at least it looks like it doesn't have a target cap. It's very useful!
First of all! Amazing! Just everything, build, playstyle, the whole guide!
Guess when promised GWF buff will come, I'll revive my IV destro and respecc to SM destro to test out your build.
Watched some vids of your PvE performance, your crit chance + lostmauth set is great and burns everything down. Let's hope devs don't make the set bonus useless.
I'm mainly a PvPer and would love to see your amazing GWF performing in a domination match, slicing everything in pieces! Would be great if you could make one.
Thank you very much for your words!
The set will be nerfed, I think it would do like 2%-3% of the total DMG so it can be in line with the other artifacts, right now is doing too much.
I used to do a lot of PvP before when I started working in the PvP campaign. I like to do things when there's a goal to achieve but once the pvp campaign was over I had nothing else to do, it's not rewarding. I switched to PvE, at least I can help my guildies doing runs and things like that.
Hey that link you send was your mod 4 build, I remember you having more gear and not the ring of pain ? Do you still have your mod 5 build post in forum still or can reput for Xbox one players ?
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
Hey that link you send was your mod 4 build, I remember you having more gear and not the ring of pain ? Do you still have your mod 5 build post in forum still or can reput for Xbox one players ?
boltzmann42Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 46Arc User
edited May 2015
Woohoo, what a great work !! It's high quality
But I have a few questions, is the 4 points in Staying Power that significant ?
You already ignore almost 60% by yourself and adding to that the various debuffs from all the potential sources in a party I would said more mitigation (only for encounters) is unnecessary and will only bring a boost too small. I didn't test it myself as of now so I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
That being said, it would seem there is no other great options for those 4 points. Unless...
If you allocate them in Scale Agility that would bring your deflection chance up to 20.7% but I'm not a great fan of half-done job so why not slot silvery enchantments ?
By replacing the 9 radiants r12 in defense slots with silvery ones you lose 21600 HP [9*2400] but (should) gain 13.5% deflection chance [9*600/400 -- is that the right ratio ?] with a grand total of 34.2% deflection chance !!
Many hits taken are really heavy but with such a deflection I think the survivability might increase even with the loss of ~20k HP. (you would then be near 100k HP ?)
I know the purpose of this build is to go full dps like a mad man but Staying Power doesn't seem so good to me and the potential increase in survivability would bring more comfort and maybe more dps ^^
What do you think about that ?
Monsieur Seekan, Guild leader - Légende Obscure
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
But I have a few questions, is the 4 points in Staying Power that significant ?
You already ignore almost 60% by yourself and adding to that the various debuffs from all the potential sources in a party I would said more mitigation (only for encounters) is unnecessary and will only bring a boost too small. I didn't test it myself as of now so I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
That being said, it would seem there is no other great options for those 4 points. Unless...
If you allocate them in Scale Agility that would bring your deflection chance up to 20.7% but I'm not a great fan of half-done job so why not slot silvery enchantments ?
By replacing the 9 radiants r12 in defense slots with silvery ones you lose 21600 HP [9*2400] but (should) gain 13.5% deflection chance [9*600/400 -- is that the right ratio ?] with a grand total of 34.2% deflection chance !!
Many hits taken are really heavy but with such a deflection I think the survivability might increase even with the loss of ~20k HP. (you would then be near 100k HP ?)
I know the purpose of this build is to go full dps like a mad man but Staying Power doesn't seem so good to me and the potential increase in survivability would bring more comfort and maybe more dps ^^
What do you think about that ?
Thanks a lot for your input.
The points in Staying Power were the remaining points. I've never been a fan of this feat because imo is against the mechanic of the GWF but since we have 4 left I decided that it would be a good option to invest them there. However, Staying Power gives you extra damage above your enemy dmg resistance, or in other words, it is not affected by our ArPen. If you have 60% ArPen, this feat allows you to deal more dmg.
Regarding to the HP, the higher our HP more THP we receive. I could go for more deflect yes but I will lose HP and also a good pool of THP. Right now I don't feel as squishy as other classes, once my unstoppable is up I can take hits up to 250k-270k and I'm only dying due to my own fault i.e being slow avoiding damage. With a huge pool of HP I can keep using unstoppable and that's a lot of extra hp every few seconds, that allows me to tank some damage. As you said, it's about going full dps like a mad man and 8% more damage for my IBS sounds a lot better than 4% deflect. :P
Right now I'm running ToS without bugs/exploits no dying or up to 2 times, survavibility is not really an issue atm.
Hey may I ask what name the armor you change it to the avatar of war ? Jw look awesome the armor -boots and -arms o:
It's the eternal armor which we were able to buy from the WoD store and seems to be not longer available. Gloves from the same set and finally the boots are easy to get since we receive them as reward doing the quests in the new maps.
I tried to do your Foundry that goes with this guide, and I couldn't get it to work. Only level 17 atm, but it's performing better than the others so far. Just wish I could get all the companions soon.
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
I tried to do your Foundry that goes with this guide, and I couldn't get it to work. Only level 17 atm, but it's performing better than the others so far. Just wish I could get all the companions soon.
Hi, Could you please tell me exactly what wasn't working with the foundry? So far I haven't seen anything wrong and a lot of testers said that it's working fine. Thank you!
I just couldn't find where to go. I checked the gates, and it didn't show me I needed to go anywhere, and the green diamond that showed where the quest began wasn't showing up in the map of PE. At least it wasn't for me. The quest is not very clear at all about where to go.
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
I just couldn't find where to go. I checked the gates, and it didn't show me I needed to go anywhere, and the green diamond that showed where the quest began wasn't showing up in the map of PE. At least it wasn't for me. The quest is not very clear at all about where to go.
You just need to go to Tower District. I'll take a look at it and try to make it much more easy to find. Thanks a lot for your feedback.
One more question. For the companions. which 3 companions should I save up for first? And in what order? And which companions would be best to start out with until I can afford the above?
It's great too see GWF love from people again, but I sort of agree with the above in some ways, it'd be great too see viable budget build guides pop up as well as The "BiS end game HAX" Builds. Your build is great and you obviously have spent a lot of time and effort in your character. which is great! but I can also imagine a new player coming in here and seeing the gear and thinking "yeah, never going to get that strong" and then rolling a TR/CW because they can be effective on a tight f2p budget. our big problem is Sentinel and Instigator just arent as viable , or ins ome cases, playable, as destroyer is.
That being said. this is probably the most viable PvE GWF build in the game at any gear level. and definitely a good point for new GWF's to come from. So don't be discouraged when you arent hitting 100k crits casually and seeing crits all over your screen all the time. if you are struggling at lower gear though. maybe look at going 15 points into sentinel for countless scars 15% dr bonus, works wonders at lower ILVL
this build is a 100% upgrade to my IV destroyer, so in my case I perform much better
flanking maneuvers I took 5 points, can´t say if it does a big difference
having 2k GS I die a lot but not more than IV, I deal much better damage, and would not exchange this for a defence that needs 15 stacks for 15% DR in sentinel build, the sacrifice is too big
probably i would deal better in getting some DR and HP with my char
I evade red zones dagger+WMS by changing position is the only option i can´t stand in the middle beeing killed through unsoppable, most cases cuased to bug that appears if you push tab and are cc´d or slowed by mobs, not sure
this bug is very anoying and killed me lots of times, imo GWF could be more fun if this unpredictable tab-bug would be fixed
VT, Kessel, eLol are very hard but in most cases when going random its the group compostion + L2P
sure you wipe very fequently, but its all about your group and setup imo
queing these days is not much fun
This build is the build i tested on PTR before Mod 6 started ( i was intimidatian senti in mod 5...booooring). Ok, i dont use any point in flanking manouvers. But the rest is excactly the same. Guys...ofc the OP got an absolut endgeared char. And i dont event think about how he made it. I dont care. Its a crit build. You dont have to use it. But i changed my build to crit ( got a lot to do ^^. only 52% crit atm with 21k power and 7k arp. Must work a it at my char) and when you cross a line ( i guess 50%) you will love this build. This is not a " i dont care wot button i press...it all makes DPS" build. You must play with a good movement, a little rotation und you have to work on your gear. No one MUST use this build, but i love it.
P.S.: Im so happy that i made a Level 60 CW for artefact ^^.
I have no complaints about how expensive it is. Gives me something to do once I hit 70. I'm just looking for cheap ways to start out and upgrade from there.
It was already not a chaep buils in Mod5 (I think someone calculated it was way over 100 millions AD) and Mod6 with its stats nerf makes it even much more expensive, only to get a similar efficiency against the same foes.
That's one of the many many concerns with gwf, there is no cheap build. An efficient gwf is a gwf who spent hundreds of millions of AD on his char. Unlike, say, a perma-stealthed TR build or an insta-freeze CW build, or an Iron-maiden build for GF.
ToD = ..........
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
"It is not a very cheap build and this can take long time to accomplish but I really love the results, the GWF is in a good place."
Hello, thanks for passing by.
Your Join Date shows Mar 2015, is this the date when you actually started to play? I will tell you a bit about the history of the GWF: The GWF have suffered since the beginning of the game a lot of changes. It used to be a very bad class and most players were not interested in playing it. Mod2 arrived and the GWF became a real DPS machine, TOP dps by a lot and many players switched to this class. Unfortunately, a lot of people started to cry and the devs nerfed the class. With the following modules, the GWF suffered numerous ups and downs. Since Mod5, I've mentioned that the class is in a good place and is simply because in consecutive modules the GWF isn't the worst class but the contrary. Well played, the GWF can offer a lot of fun and it is a very valuable resource for any group. I hope you can clearly understand this.
I kindly ask you to stop writing in the forum about me and my investments because obviously you don't know anything about me. In September of this year, I will have 2 years playing Neverwinter and every time that I log in, you will never find me wasting my time. There was a beautiful time where we (players) were able to farm Castle Never, the "shared runs" were amazing by then and even low geared players did a lot of money, just imagine getting 100k-500k worth items from the final boss each run and we used to do this like 10-15 times per day. Even DK (GG T2) dropped stuff worth 1m each (AoW set i.e). My point is that is obvious that old players who were smart and saved a lot of AD will have an easier time in the game than the newcomers. Finally, for your information, even though I would love to invest my money in this game because I enjoy it a lot, I can't do it. I'm from Venezuela and we have a very lame currency control which in summary means that I can't have $$$ freely
I didn't get my stuff in record time. There were several PvP players already BIS after a couple of days. My only sin is being not afraid to share my character in public because I'm 100% legit. (I don't mean that these PvP got their stuff in fishy ways, it's their own business how they did it)
Anyway, let's talk about important stuff now, the guide. As I've already explained several times, this guide is NOT about the gear. It's a concept and I stated in the beginning of the post, once you arrive to 51%+ crit chance, you are already working with a High Crit Build. This guide is about how to choose your stats, understanding how important is the crit, how to use your character properly by using the right mechanics. What you see with my character is that I've spent a lot of time working on my guide and you will know the results without having your character fully geared. This means that it is not going to be a waste of AD/Time for you when you start playing the GWF because I've already done that spending for you.
It's a concept and I stated in the beginning of the post, once you arrive to 51%+ crit chance, you are already working with a High Crit Build.
I think this is the most important point and the "line" you have to cross at this build. Ofc you can get much more crit. But i realized the huge difference beetween 49% and 51%. Like i said: This build needs a bit more thinking about wot ya doin and when you do skills in right rotation. No one have to play like Lazalia... no one. I do, cuzz i saw on PTR before launch from mod 6 this will be maybe a really good dps build.
nobody will disagree with you about the expensivness of the build. and that BiS will be hard to achieve. but really, giving the outline goals, where would you essentially differ from the build if you raise a gwf?
Hey mate, sorry but it took some time.
That's Syndrith, Epic Temple of the Spider.
No AP bug, no HR, no GF using KV. Party members are pug, I don't know them. Except the DC which is a member of my guild.
My unstoppable was bugged for a good time of the fight, I was unable to activate it.
I hope this is good enough.
If you get the chance to run with him, put on your seat belt because your joining a Mad Max level of DPS/HAMSTER kicking!
Laz has the official, and well earned, stamp of approval from...
LEEROY JENKINS(!!!) :cool:
It's an honor to run dungrons with ya bud, keep on rocking!
i play low level 2k gs blue pvp stuff,
I respecced and the build is not worse than playing IV
I used restoring strike, IBS and flurry WMS( if crits can stunn, i took 5/5 in the feat) and it works somehow, so if you use:
flurry -->stunned 2-3xST/WMS(buff) - daily: cresecendo -->stunned IBS+ RS, most targets are at home node
I don´t used daring shout or dagger what would buff damage a lot- PVP is about cc
so if you are tanky enough and want more cc you even could take something like Flurry - wms/ST -hold down -ST/WMS- (crescendo) - IBS, thats a really deadly combo to most tragets
its more fun than IV imo, since IV can´t deal taht damage
going unstoppable and spamming WMS could be a really deadly experience if you run into some enemys
probabaly there is also a build arround steel defence possible getting 6 seconds immunity by daily using?
dc sigil + AP cloak + Ap gain as much as possible using....daring shout on top + flurry/IBS f.e., can´t say if it works well?
Thank you for your kind comment.
Indeed, there's no point using Sentinel feats because you need 15 stacks for full effect, after 2 hits you would be either dead or very close and if you are taking 15 hits, there's something wrong in the party because we are not tanks but extreme dpsers. Powerful challenge is bad, mostly because is capped to 5 targets while using Vicious Advantage, you will gain the extra crit and deal more dmg to an unlimited number of adds. Thanks to this, Instigator is always better for DPS, also, there's no point in changing 5% crit for 5% more dmg, why would you look for a bit more of damage when you can go for double dmg or even more. :P
Regarding to flanking maneuvers, it has an ICD of 15s, the debuff icon appears in your enemy and the prone effect won't be applied until this icon is gone, at least it looks like it doesn't have a target cap. It's very useful!
Thanks a lot mate, that stamp is truly unique. :cool:
Thank you very much for your words!
The set will be nerfed, I think it would do like 2%-3% of the total DMG so it can be in line with the other artifacts, right now is doing too much.
I used to do a lot of PvP before when I started working in the PvP campaign. I like to do things when there's a goal to achieve but once the pvp campaign was over I had nothing else to do, it's not rewarding. I switched to PvE, at least I can help my guildies doing runs and things like that.
Yeah, I'm very sorry about that. However, I posted it again in the Xbox forum: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?917811-XBOX-(MOD5)-Lazalia-s-High-Crit-Build-for-PvE-GWF-Destroyer&p=10812871#post10812871
It's the same that was posted here before, guide for mod5.
It all good
Unfortunately, it is not viable for PvP. The character is too squishy and the Crit dmg is affected by Tenacity, which reduces his efficiency.
But I have a few questions, is the 4 points in Staying Power that significant ?
You already ignore almost 60% by yourself and adding to that the various debuffs from all the potential sources in a party I would said more mitigation (only for encounters) is unnecessary and will only bring a boost too small. I didn't test it myself as of now so I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
That being said, it would seem there is no other great options for those 4 points. Unless...
If you allocate them in Scale Agility that would bring your deflection chance up to 20.7% but I'm not a great fan of half-done job so why not slot silvery enchantments ?
By replacing the 9 radiants r12 in defense slots with silvery ones you lose 21600 HP [9*2400] but (should) gain 13.5% deflection chance [9*600/400 -- is that the right ratio ?] with a grand total of 34.2% deflection chance !!
Many hits taken are really heavy but with such a deflection I think the survivability might increase even with the loss of ~20k HP. (you would then be near 100k HP ?)
I know the purpose of this build is to go full dps like a mad man but Staying Power doesn't seem so good to me and the potential increase in survivability would bring more comfort and maybe more dps ^^
What do you think about that ?
Thanks a lot for your input.
The points in Staying Power were the remaining points. I've never been a fan of this feat because imo is against the mechanic of the GWF but since we have 4 left I decided that it would be a good option to invest them there. However, Staying Power gives you extra damage above your enemy dmg resistance, or in other words, it is not affected by our ArPen. If you have 60% ArPen, this feat allows you to deal more dmg.
Regarding to the HP, the higher our HP more THP we receive. I could go for more deflect yes but I will lose HP and also a good pool of THP. Right now I don't feel as squishy as other classes, once my unstoppable is up I can take hits up to 250k-270k and I'm only dying due to my own fault i.e being slow avoiding damage. With a huge pool of HP I can keep using unstoppable and that's a lot of extra hp every few seconds, that allows me to tank some damage. As you said, it's about going full dps like a mad man and 8% more damage for my IBS sounds a lot better than 4% deflect. :P
Right now I'm running ToS without bugs/exploits no dying or up to 2 times, survavibility is not really an issue atm.
It's the eternal armor which we were able to buy from the WoD store and seems to be not longer available. Gloves from the same set and finally the boots are easy to get since we receive them as reward doing the quests in the new maps.
Hi, Could you please tell me exactly what wasn't working with the foundry? So far I haven't seen anything wrong and a lot of testers said that it's working fine. Thank you!
You just need to go to Tower District. I'll take a look at it and try to make it much more easy to find. Thanks a lot for your feedback.
One more question. For the companions. which 3 companions should I save up for first? And in what order? And which companions would be best to start out with until I can afford the above?
That being said. this is probably the most viable PvE GWF build in the game at any gear level. and definitely a good point for new GWF's to come from. So don't be discouraged when you arent hitting 100k crits casually and seeing crits all over your screen all the time. if you are struggling at lower gear though. maybe look at going 15 points into sentinel for countless scars 15% dr bonus, works wonders at lower ILVL
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
flanking maneuvers I took 5 points, can´t say if it does a big difference
having 2k GS I die a lot but not more than IV, I deal much better damage, and would not exchange this for a defence that needs 15 stacks for 15% DR in sentinel build, the sacrifice is too big
probably i would deal better in getting some DR and HP with my char
I evade red zones dagger+WMS by changing position is the only option i can´t stand in the middle beeing killed through unsoppable, most cases cuased to bug that appears if you push tab and are cc´d or slowed by mobs, not sure
this bug is very anoying and killed me lots of times, imo GWF could be more fun if this unpredictable tab-bug would be fixed
VT, Kessel, eLol are very hard but in most cases when going random its the group compostion + L2P
sure you wipe very fequently, but its all about your group and setup imo
queing these days is not much fun
P.S.: Im so happy that i made a Level 60 CW for artefact ^^.
That's one of the many many concerns with gwf, there is no cheap build. An efficient gwf is a gwf who spent hundreds of millions of AD on his char. Unlike, say, a perma-stealthed TR build or an insta-freeze CW build, or an Iron-maiden build for GF.
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
Hello, thanks for passing by.
Your Join Date shows Mar 2015, is this the date when you actually started to play? I will tell you a bit about the history of the GWF: The GWF have suffered since the beginning of the game a lot of changes. It used to be a very bad class and most players were not interested in playing it. Mod2 arrived and the GWF became a real DPS machine, TOP dps by a lot and many players switched to this class. Unfortunately, a lot of people started to cry and the devs nerfed the class. With the following modules, the GWF suffered numerous ups and downs. Since Mod5, I've mentioned that the class is in a good place and is simply because in consecutive modules the GWF isn't the worst class but the contrary. Well played, the GWF can offer a lot of fun and it is a very valuable resource for any group. I hope you can clearly understand this.
I kindly ask you to stop writing in the forum about me and my investments because obviously you don't know anything about me. In September of this year, I will have 2 years playing Neverwinter and every time that I log in, you will never find me wasting my time. There was a beautiful time where we (players) were able to farm Castle Never, the "shared runs" were amazing by then and even low geared players did a lot of money, just imagine getting 100k-500k worth items from the final boss each run and we used to do this like 10-15 times per day. Even DK (GG T2) dropped stuff worth 1m each (AoW set i.e). My point is that is obvious that old players who were smart and saved a lot of AD will have an easier time in the game than the newcomers. Finally, for your information, even though I would love to invest my money in this game because I enjoy it a lot, I can't do it. I'm from Venezuela and we have a very lame currency control which in summary means that I can't have $$$ freely
I didn't get my stuff in record time. There were several PvP players already BIS after a couple of days. My only sin is being not afraid to share my character in public because I'm 100% legit. (I don't mean that these PvP got their stuff in fishy ways, it's their own business how they did it)
Anyway, let's talk about important stuff now, the guide. As I've already explained several times, this guide is NOT about the gear. It's a concept and I stated in the beginning of the post, once you arrive to 51%+ crit chance, you are already working with a High Crit Build. This guide is about how to choose your stats, understanding how important is the crit, how to use your character properly by using the right mechanics. What you see with my character is that I've spent a lot of time working on my guide and you will know the results without having your character fully geared. This means that it is not going to be a waste of AD/Time for you when you start playing the GWF because I've already done that spending for you.
I think this is the most important point and the "line" you have to cross at this build. Ofc you can get much more crit. But i realized the huge difference beetween 49% and 51%. Like i said: This build needs a bit more thinking about wot ya doin and when you do skills in right rotation. No one have to play like Lazalia... no one. I do, cuzz i saw on PTR before launch from mod 6 this will be maybe a really good dps build.
nobody will disagree with you about the expensivness of the build. and that BiS will be hard to achieve. but really, giving the outline goals, where would you essentially differ from the build if you raise a gwf?