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Vote Kicking Feedback Thread (XBOX)



  • lvlkarmalvllvlkarmalvl Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    zebular wrote: »

    Possible to get a direct link to those notes for ease of reference. I'd be curious to see if some of the questions I have about those changes are being asked/answered.

    Those fixes alone would be a good start, but unfortunately would do nothing to discourage loot kicking.
  • strictlyevilstrictlyevil Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    A lot of kicking comes from over geared players looking to short man the dungeon as well. This fix actually encourages that. Just keep kicking till no one can re queue and boom you have your 3 man team.

    Easy way to fix this is to just allow us to create custom teams and stop forcing people to use 5 man teams and allowing teams to join or leave the queue at will while in the dungeon rather than make it to where you're forced to kick multiple people to do so.
    Ancient 18.8k CW | Ancient Heals 18k DC | Ancient Tank 22.2k GF | GT: XGC Army
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  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited June 2015
    Possible to get a direct link to those notes for ease of reference. I'd be curious to see if some of the questions I have about those changes are being asked/answered.

    Sure thing.

    Live Notes: Patch Notes: NW.45.20150515a.3
    Preview Notes: Elemental Evil Preview Patch Notes NW.45.20150515a.2
    News Article: Patch Notes: NW.45.20150515a.3
  • thrillinstxthrillinstx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015

    Yeah, I am pretty frustrated with the kick system. If I felt like I was a poor player, I'd probably wouldnt be as pissed. However, more time than not I do the most damage. I don't have the highest gs score, but its not bad neither, over 11K. The situation I am seeing a lot is that their will be a group the kicks anyone not in their group when the boss dies and not giving them a chance at loot. This is not necessarily the final boss, but anytime there is a chance for epics. I believe it is from people trying to farm epics to change to ADs. Here I am trying to improve my gear and can't because I keep getting booted. Easy solution for me is to go in with friends, but I work different hours so I cant always do that. I get stuck running solo a lot.

    I know this isn't happening just to me. Got into another random group and some of them had mics. We lost a player right before the start of the end boss and another guy joined. When the boss dropped, the new guy tried to kick people. We all were talking and voted no. It's a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> move for sure.

    Anyhow, I hope devs do something to improve this. The other improvement I would like to see is that que searches to try to match 3 DPS with a tank and healer. WoW has that ability so I know it can be done.


    PS - I play the xbox version.
  • rudakusrudakus Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'm sure this has been said zebular but this doesn't help with the kicking at/during/immediately after boss keeping you from rolling on boss loot and getting your chest. That is the single most annoying and frustrating thing in this game.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited June 2015
    rudakus wrote: »
    I'm sure this has been said zebular but this doesn't help with the kicking at/during/immediately after boss keeping you from rolling on boss loot and getting your chest. That is the single most annoying and frustrating thing in this game.

    I agree with you. Just keep in mind, as stated, this is just the beginning of us seeing them actively combat Vote Kicking. I just wanted to pass this change along here to show you all that they are working on it and are now taking steps, starting with the PC.
  • thrillinstxthrillinstx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    zebular wrote: »
    I agree with you. Just keep in mind, as stated, this is just the beginning of us seeing them actively combat Vote Kicking. I just wanted to pass this change along here to show you all that they are working on it and are now taking steps, starting with the PC.


    So starting with PC? So does that mean xbox will not be looked at for 6 months. What sort of time line are we looking at for xbox? Xbox is several patches behind PC. I liked to see it caught up and updated as PC is updated.

  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Should have posted this here. Sorry

    I just read a bit of information from the PC side that has me concerned towards the fix for the VTK abuse.


    "After a map has had a number of players leave the queue will no longer attempt to fill players from the queue. This is both to prevent maps that are in a stuck state to continually send players there as well as discourage frequent use of vote kicking."

    Keep in mind this is a PC version patch but this very well could be the outcome of our fix as well. What this basically means is, if someone uses the VTK too many times, new players will no longer be added to that Dungeon. In my opinion this is not a fix! As the damage is already done by the ******ed little twits that kicked at and after the boss is dead. At that point they wouldn't want anyone new to join the Dungeon. Lets hope this is not the way the Xbox is "fixed".
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    draven165 wrote: »
    Should have posted this here. Sorry

    I just read a bit of information from the PC side that has me concerned towards the fix for the VTK abuse.


    "After a map has had a number of players leave the queue will no longer attempt to fill players from the queue. This is both to prevent maps that are in a stuck state to continually send players there as well as discourage frequent use of vote kicking."

    Keep in mind this is a PC version patch but this very well could be the outcome of our fix as well. What this basically means is, if someone uses the VTK too many times, new players will no longer be added to that Dungeon. In my opinion this is not a fix! As the damage is already done by the ******ed little twits that kicked at and after the boss is dead. At that point they wouldn't want anyone new to join the Dungeon. Lets hope this is not the way the Xbox is "fixed".
    in pc there is no more lootable loot.
    the loot if drops, drops randomly on the floor. Its always for your class or not class specific and you are the only one to see it.
    Most of the time is bind to pick up.
    if they are going to apply this to you too, there will be no reason to kick.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited June 2015

    So starting with PC? So does that mean xbox will not be looked at for 6 months. What sort of time line are we looking at for xbox? Xbox is several patches behind PC. I liked to see it caught up and updated as PC is updated.


    Not necessarily. I do not believe these changes are tied to any of the modules, so theoretically they could implement them on the XBOX without waiting for Module 6. I'll ask though but I doubt they're ready to give any sort of ETA on when these changes will start hitting the XBOX.
  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    in pc there is no more lootable loot.
    the loot if drops, drops randomly on the floor. Its always for your class or not class specific and you are the only one to see it.
    Most of the time is bind to pick up.
    if they are going to apply this to you too, there will be no reason to kick.

    Sadly that wouldn't stop the twits on Xbox. Some groups have even went so far as to name their guild after the fact that they kick people before they get to loot anything. So even if they set it like this, some people still would abuse to stop YOU from getting anything just for spite. Its a very sad state of affairs on the Xbox.
  • thrillinstxthrillinstx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    in pc there is no more lootable loot.
    the loot if drops, drops randomly on the floor. Its always for your class or not class specific and you are the only one to see it.
    Most of the time is bind to pick up.
    if they are going to apply this to you too, there will be no reason to kick.

    Thanks for you efforts.

  • thrillinstxthrillinstx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    draven165 wrote: »
    Sadly that wouldn't stop the twits on Xbox. Some groups have even went so far as to name their guild after the fact that they kick people before they get to loot anything. So even if they set it like this, some people still would abuse to stop YOU from getting anything just for spite. Its a very sad state of affairs on the Xbox.

    I agree. Some just do it because they think its fun. All I know is I was happy to see a true MMORPG come to console that was similar to WoW. I hate playing on a PC. However, if things don't change, it will not be worth my time. I haven't touched Destiny with the latest DLC since I started Neverwinter. I have the Witcher 3 that I haven't messed with. Next week Elder Scrolls Online comes out to xbox, so I might switch it up if I feel like things are not gonna change. Tired of the BS.

  • kenjo12kenjo12 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Now thats it Cryptic... how can you NOT have got the thumb out of your A*** yet ... played since beta on PC and im now on Xbox and its the same <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> over and over again with the vote kick .. dungeon delves final boss kill and i see the loot on the ground and i get vote kicked so i wont get the chance to roll on greater mark of potency and some other stuff or open the chest... im flipping furious at this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ... SORT THE **** OUT and i dont give a flying rats <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> if you actually ban me on here because it wont be the first flipping time either, was banned on here back on pc due to your ****ty Vote kick <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ... REMOVE IT .. ONLY ALLOW VOTE KICK IF PPL ARE OFFLINE end of story im done playing this untill this vote kick system is sorted out... no more CASH from this person and i ENCOURAGE EVERYONE ELSE THAT HAS A VOTE KICK ISSUE TO STOP PLAYING let them NOT make ANY money off us untill they sort it.. ITS THE CUSTOMERS WORLD <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
  • thrillinstxthrillinstx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    kenjo12 wrote: »
    Now thats it Cryptic... how can you NOT have got the thumb out of your A*** yet ... played since beta on PC and im now on Xbox and its the same <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> over and over again with the vote kick .. dungeon delves final boss kill and i see the loot on the ground and i get vote kicked so i wont get the chance to roll on greater mark of potency and some other stuff or open the chest... im flipping furious at this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ... SORT THE **** OUT and i dont give a flying rats <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> if you actually ban me on here because it wont be the first flipping time either, was banned on here back on pc due to your ****ty Vote kick <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ... REMOVE IT .. ONLY ALLOW VOTE KICK IF PPL ARE OFFLINE end of story im done playing this untill this vote kick system is sorted out... no more CASH from this person and i ENCOURAGE EVERYONE ELSE THAT HAS A VOTE KICK ISSUE TO STOP PLAYING let them NOT make ANY money off us untill they sort it.. ITS THE CUSTOMERS WORLD <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>


    I feel ya. I stopped paying for ZEN. I am not gonna spend another dime until this is fixed. If they eliminate kick system all together, then I think the ques should automatically search for 3 dps, a tank, and a healer. I know this is possible because WoW has had this for a long time. Other option is that everyone gets their own loot. No more rolling for loot. Its annoying anyway to be in combat and some jerk is picking up greens. Have something like in the CTA skirmishes where if loot drops on the ground, you are the only one to see it. On boss drops, everyone gets something. I know there's a way to set it up where you can still have the individual have a chance at rear loot from time to time and still have common epics drop in there. Make it where they dont have to roll for it. I don't like the bind on pick up option. One thing I like about this game is that most things are bind on equip. Gives me the ability to auction it if I dont needed it.


  • philcofordphilcoford Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The new content does not make up for the fact that this issue is not fixed. In fact, none of the severe launch issues have been fixed to date. While some might think it's nice to have a double seals weekend, most of us NEVER go into dungeons because of this vote kicking <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. So until you fix that you can skip the double seals BS as far as I'm concerned. I'm not going into dungeons to let a bunch of COD kids **** all over me.

    Fix it.
  • yllenyllen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I have to say, I'm not totally convinced about this "after so many players leave an instance, we'll not send anymore to the queue" thing.

    I was in the Epic Mad Dragon the other day and it was taking some time. After wipe 2 on the second boss (cos some people couldn't get that you had to kill adds) someone had to leave cos they had to go to work. We decided to try to 4-man it and failed. Then someone else lost interest and left.
    We got a couple more in and killed it.

    Moving on to the Dragon and we had a similar story. Someone had to leave due to RL issues, we tried a few times, making more and more progress as the each attempt went on. But along the way we had the odd person give up. One of them we had to kick due to persistent disconnect. All in all we must have lost somewhere between 5 and 10 people. I was the only original member left from the group that started from the beginning.

    But we killed it eventually. And there was much whooping and cheering on party chat. And that was my first time. And despite the wiping and the rotation of players. I really enjoyed it. I added a new friend because of that experience, cos he was a **** fine GWF.

    I would hate to think that the new rules would have prevented us from getting those last attempts in. Note that of those potential 10 player rotations, we only used VTK once and that was to get rid of a perm-disconnected player.

    I welcome attempts to fix this problem, but I fear you're still fixing the wrong problem. "Stuck games" are not what people complain about here. At least thats not what I'm reading.
  • yllenyllen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I am equally unconvinced by this "we'll respect roles and only replace a cleric with a cleric" change.

    So what happens if our original group gets 2 clerics in it from the start? We'll never be able to replace one with another class? Even if one chooses to leave to get party balance right, you'll continually fill with a Cleric?

    And what happens when you get to a boss that needs a tank and you continually get given a replacement DPS class?

    You're on the right lines here, but you're still missing the mark. Respecting roles in the queuing system is needed, but you need to put the control of the role selection in the hands of the party. If I'm short a player, let me choose what I want; Heal, Tank, DPS. Don't try to 'guess' what I want and assume that the original role distribution was what we actually wanted in the first place. This is a VERY poor assumption since the current queuing system is awful and doesn't anywhere near guarantee an ideal party composition.
  • talenwilltalenwill Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    yllen wrote: »
    I am equally unconvinced by this "we'll respect roles and only replace a cleric with a cleric" change.

    So what happens if our original group gets 2 clerics in it from the start? We'll never be able to replace one with another class? Even if one chooses to leave to get party balance right, you'll continually fill with a Cleric?

    And what happens when you get to a boss that needs a tank and you continually get given a replacement DPS class?

    You're on the right lines here, but you're still missing the mark. Respecting roles in the queuing system is needed, but you need to put the control of the role selection in the hands of the party. If I'm short a player, let me choose what I want; Heal, Tank, DPS. Don't try to 'guess' what I want and assume that the original role distribution was what we actually wanted in the first place. This is a VERY poor assumption since the current queuing system is awful and doesn't anywhere near guarantee an ideal party composition.

    This is a very good point. If a player leaves (without a VTK) the vote system is already in place. Just have a vote window pop up with 3 options.
    Let the players decide what they want as the replacement.

    If a player was VTK'd however it should be auto replace with the exact same class no matter what. Otherwise it'll be abused.
  • beastnhisharlotbeastnhisharlot Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    There is an issue with the booting system and there is an easy fix. Booting is important since it allows for dead-weight players to be booted from the party in order to make room for players who will earn their shot at gear. However, this system is currently being abused at the higher levels of epic dungeons, especially on Epic Castle Never. I played with a group, presumably with a team of three or four friends, and I, the solo player. We got to the final boss, fought him, and beat him in a single try. I didn't go down once and did quite a bit of damage to the boss and mobs. Once the boss was defeated, I saw a the Ancient Trapper's ornate Longbow on the ground. I was excited as I was the only Hunter Ranger in the group, so the bow would have definitely be mine. I went to pick it up, pressed "A" for need, then my screen promptly loaded to Protector's Enclave. I got booted. Not because I was doing poorly and could not keep my own, not because I wasn't contributing, but because I wan't part of their guild or team, and booting the random (or the two randoms if they were in a group of three), would mean that all loot, and profits from the loot, could be split between the rest of them.

    This isn't the first time this has happened either. Actually, only once have I not been attempted to be booted from a group, and that group was impressed enough by my character to invite me from their guild. Every other time, I have either been successfully kicked from a group after the final boss has been defeated, or I have seen in the feed "Vote kick failed" without having received a prompt to boot anyone, meaning that the vote kick was intended for me.

    This system is broken and promotes unethical decisions by players, and robs solo players from rewards that they earned just so the people who know each other can make a few Astral Diamonds.

    Now, I'm not saying that the boot system should be removed, because it is entirely necessary. However, I think it should be reworked. I also believe that the solution is simple: Do not allow vote kicking during or after the final boss fight in a dungeon. This still allows people to boot during the bulk of the dungeon, and allows for people to boot if the entire group dies at the final boss. What it doesn't allow is people booting simply to eliminate competition for gear.

    The reason as to why vote kicking shouldn't be allowed specifically during or after the final boss fight is because of the same reason. If vote kicking isn't allowed after the boss fight, then small groups wouldn't be able to get rid random players simply to eliminate competition for items. For that same reason, vote kicking shouldn't be allowed during the boss fight because players could simply wait until the boss is very close to dead, then vote kick the other players, and finish the boss themselves. I feel like the cut off for vote kicking should be once the "group gathering" timer reaches zero and everyone is transported to the boss's chamber. That way, everyone who contributed to the boss's death has a chance for the boss's rewards.

    As a closing statement, I do not believe that this system is ever going to be balanced or perfect. However, the kicking of random players at the end of Epic dungeons to eliminate competition for loot is a quite common practice, and it has a simple fix. I would appreciate as much support on this thread so that the appropriate changes can be implemented. I would like PW support to see this and empathize with my plight.

    Thank you to everyone who read this all the way though, and thank you for all those who chose to support this. This change needs to happen, and, with your support, it can.

    Xbox GT: BeastNHisHarlot
    Main Character: Jimbo Bob Bill
  • kenjo12kenjo12 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    well though it was a nicely written post it will not prevent ******bags from kicking you when an item drops in the skirmish shores of tuern .. the ring just dropped and i needed on it like 99.99999999% of players and got instantly vote kicked... ive made my mind up ... instead of wasting time on this game im going to take my cash to a game that doesnt promote being a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> or an <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> towards others to excel in the game ... have fun you that decide to stay within the game
  • ostkinfernoostkinferno Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    kenjo12 wrote: »
    well though it was a nicely written post it will not prevent ******bags from kicking you when an item drops in the skirmish shores of tuern .. the ring just dropped and i needed on it like 99.99999999% of players and got instantly vote kicked... ive made my mind up ... instead of wasting time on this game im going to take my cash to a game that doesnt promote being a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> or an <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> towards others to excel in the game ... have fun you that decide to stay within the game

    AMEN bro. Same thing as im doing. Also consider this the PC version has been out longer and they have yet to get a fix in for vote kicking. So keep this in mind when posting on this "feed" Its more of a vent area for players rather then a voice used for mods to try to make game better
  • beastnhisharlotbeastnhisharlot Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I haven't gotten that far in the campaign, but that sounds just as frustrating and just as much of a problem. There should have been a system to avoid this in place. I don't see why it was not considered when creating kick system in the first place. Hopefully, PW does something to manage the sheer power of the boot.
  • googootsgoogoots Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I really hope this is sorted out. It's not just the end bosses. I've just been kicked twice at the ambush on Shores of Tuern after the rings dropped, the best part is that I queued back into a fresh game with the same *********, so I collected video evidence and when they kicked me again I reported them immediately to xbox. I'm sure I read that some players guilty of this have been punished in some way if found out, I just hope that these guys will be.
  • fangcloudeyefangcloudeye Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The pain of getting booted at a mini boss or end boss over loot has gotten to the point that a number of players I know are looking toward other games if the VTK system is not fixed. Greed and the ability to screw someone over without any consequences is the main problem with the players who abuse this system. Having played most of the MMORPG's that have come out in the past 30 years has given me a good perspective on the problem and how to work around it till they finally get a working fix for it. I for one will rarely go into a epic with a PUG, I either go with friends or guild members in a pack of 3 to keep the jerks at bay. There are certain guilds that if they show up in the group we boot right at the beginning so to minimize the issues they try to bring. This may sound harsh but if your going to be a member of a guild that says how you playing the guild tag you get what you deserve. Now we all know Xbox live rarely bans people for much but the folk at PW can within their own game and they should start using that power a bit more to see if that curbs the idiots some. The Now I have seen where a growing number of players are looking to or have already left Neverwinter over the Vtk issue, I can understand why and after some of my own experiences with getting kicked after the boss dies I dont blame them for leaving either. One thing that people have mentioned in this thread is the ability to avoid players and I would add guilds to that as and additional option, if you have a group that has a record of the boot & Loot <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> then we should have the option of avoiding them as a guild. With ESO and a few other game comming out in the next quarter it would be nice to have this issue fixed before we lose good players to other games due to the jerks being allowed to run rampant.
  • dyukillerdyukiller Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I was playing pirate king, when with no reason this guy stoped and try to kick me to get itens, i said that i was farming seal, 2x seal event, and i was passing all itens, i said if kick me i will report you, one of them said :LOL

    and kicked me.

    this system must to be fixed.
    i'm tired to kill a lot of adds and be kicked in the end.

    it's getting out of control, people kick just be cause you have more GS, or same class, or "we are weak, we need a healer / tank"
  • ideathlyomenideathlyomen Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I've been kicked before plenty times for being same class as somebody else.

    I was kicked recently from a **** T1 dungeon..... everybody was gettin hit and kept going down and dying and I was always last one to die, gs's of 7k - all 4 of em meanwhile im 11k gs just trying finish up my T1 gear b4 I move T2 and am almost always top dpser.

    They kicked me when I was doin all damage, turns out a cleric even ditched them for being garbage after I got kicked lol
    GWF - Morthos Lvl 70 (Main)
    OP - Hodor Lvl 70
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Was in Castle Never the other night with the guild when one person (the tank) had to go (we have lots of parents in the guild, and family always comes first).
    It was nightmare trying to get a replacement - people would enter, see we were in the same guild, and then leave for fear of loot n' boot (or because they were looking to snipe a lobby, I guess). Pretty heart breaking, trying to reassure people that, no, we aren't going to just take your drop or rob you of gear.

    AMEN bro. Same thing as im doing. Also consider this the PC version has been out longer and they have yet to get a fix in for vote kicking. So keep this in mind when posting on this "feed" Its more of a vent area for players rather then a voice used for mods to try to make game better

    They've already stated a fix is coming in the next patch.
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  • danny3421danny3421 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Hello, can you please keep an eye on the news page of this game. On the arc xbox news... For the new patch that will be comeing out soon. I think but just wait. They have said that a fix is comeing.
  • csk41csk41 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    If you read a lot of what the PC players are posting about the upcoming fix to the vote to kick, it may not be that great of a fix. I really hope its just not the half hearted fix they gave the PC players, because it will do nothing to prevent people from kicking players when ever they want.
This discussion has been closed.