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Vote Kicking Feedback Thread (XBOX)



  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    How dare you have a chance at someone else's loot?!?! What nerve you have... trying to run dungeons when loot might drop. /S
  • mrdurvamrdurva Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Was running dungeons last night with a friend who just hit 60. We were starting with Cloak Tower and a vote was initiated on my friend but failed. The reason was "gear score is too low" This is Cloak Tower we are talking about not Dread Vault or the other high end ones..... However the vote failed and boom a second vote popped up on another player for same reason. Upon inspecting all players we figured out who it was and removed them. The party was as followed DC 8.2k GF 7.9k HR 8.5k (my buddy) GWF 14.1k (My character) and TR 18.2k (person that kept initiating the votes)
  • strictlyevilstrictlyevil Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    mrdurva wrote: »
    Was running dungeons last night with a friend who just hit 60. We were starting with Cloak Tower and a vote was initiated on my friend but failed. The reason was "gear score is too low" This is Cloak Tower we are talking about not Dread Vault or the other high end ones..... However the vote failed and boom a second vote popped up on another player for same reason. Upon inspecting all players we figured out who it was and removed them. The party was as followed DC 8.2k GF 7.9k HR 8.5k (my buddy) GWF 14.1k (My character) and TR 18.2k (person that kept initiating the votes)

    That's got to be the dumbest thing I've heard right there. That TR could have solo'd the entire dungeon and probably not taken more than 25% of his health bar down and yet he's initiating kicks...
    Ancient 18.8k CW | Ancient Heals 18k DC | Ancient Tank 22.2k GF | GT: XGC Army
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • theroniest87theroniest87 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Ffs stop you incompetents saying that you kick people cause you need a healer or a tank! Im 11.5k gs and i know what i can handle, but most of all i use strategy! I just did dread dam vault normal with some idiots and just the other tr like me knew how to kill the last boss and all the others died but we did it anyway! So please stop being ridiculous and accept that you need a healer or a tank cause you dont really know how to play!
  • mrdurvamrdurva Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    That's got to be the dumbest thing I've heard right there. That TR could have solo'd the entire dungeon and probably not taken more than 25% of his health bar down and yet he's initiating kicks...

    Exactly, we were all in the same boat (except for those who bought all the gear they are wearing) Ended up running a few more dungeons with the other two randoms that he tried voting out and now they are all at 10k+ GS
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    That's got to be the dumbest thing I've heard right there. That TR could have solo'd the entire dungeon and probably not taken more than 25% of his health bar down and yet he's initiating kicks...
    Yeah, I don't like kicking in general, but kicking for low GS in the very first (and easiest) T1 Epic dungeon is just uncalled for. The people who want teammates with higher GS might have a point for the T2.5 stuff (although I still disagree with kicking solely for GS), but Cloak Tower??!?!?! Get out of here with that nonsense. How are people supposed to gear up if they can't even run the T1 dungeons?
  • fangcloudeyefangcloudeye Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I think the most interesting need to boot was this weekends run with a few guild mates. We had a GF, DC, TR that were in the guild, we picked up a HR and another TR. I said in game chat we were good with the 2nd TR as lang had the non guild TR was good with it and that we were not looting greens outside of stones and crafting supplies. The other non guild guys said they were good with this so we started the run and from the work go the HR looted EVERYTHING. We reminded the HR of what we said on looting greens abd he told us to screw ourselves before we even got to the first boss. Boot goes the HR. The new guy was a GWF and we let him know the loot info and he wa good with it. All went well till we got to the campfire before the final boss. Just before we go in the non guild TR starts a vote to boot our guild TR. You can imagine the the outcome on this, funny enough it was the GWF that started the vote to boot the offending TR and he even told him that we were nice enough to let him run with us from the start so why be a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> now ? The non guld TR just grumbled that he needed the TR gear more than our guild member. Needless to say he got the boot. Now we make a point to try and communicate with players who are not in the guild when we have space and none of us are opposed to having a duplicte class in the group, just remember to read the guild tags so you know who your dealing with before trying to kick people.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    We had a run where four of us were in a guild and we had a PUG DC. One of my guildies had to drop, so we waited for another PUG. The first one that pops in is a DC and we all said we were cool with running with two DCs. Well, the new DC initiated a VTK almost immediately. Rather than immediately kick the guy, we invited him to party and asked why he did that. His answer, unfortunately, was understandable considering the current VTK abuse. He said he was just trying to survive and that he saw three of us were in a guild (kick proof) and figured one of the PUG DCs was getting kicked, so he started the VTK on the other guy before he himself got the boot.

    Sad, right? That's where we are now. Otherwise decent people, who wouldn't normally kick for silly reasons, are all but forced to abuse the system like the problem people if they want to be able to run dungeons. I'm glad Cryptic is fixing it, but said fix can't come quickly enough...
  • codher0codher0 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I just ran temple of the spider. We beat the last boss and right as he dies the one rogue votes to kick the other rogue. I vote no but sure enough he was kicked. Then another pops up and I also vote no, but he was kicked anyway. I can not tell you how bad I felt for those 2 guys who got kicked. They didn't even get a chance to see what dropped from the boss. I have not ran a dungeon in over a week and this is what I come back to. I felt more bad than if it were me being kicked. Sad face :(
  • mrdurvamrdurva Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    At least we know there are players out there that hate the fact this VTK is being abused. The second dungeon I ran with my buddy and two randoms we had a random quit just before the final boss because he wasn't winning anything from any of the loot rolls except for some enchantments. As soon as the next guy came in (GWF) he tried kicking me out. Reason put was "Same class trying to take my loot" We decided to let him stay for the boss seeing how the gear I currently have is T2 so the T1 gear was useless to my character.
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    For the sake of my health i now avoid doing dungeons. For those of us whom are not clerics or tanks and dont have guildies, i suggest doing the same until its fixed.
  • snake3y3s00snake3y3s00 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Sad that we are left with no choice but to avoid dungeons which is a massive part of this game. If you are not doing dungeons might as well quit the game period I mean what is the point anymore. I am sure they have lost a lot of players already I mean all it takes is the fifth or so time of getting the booted at the end boss to really just sour this game completely or the 45 min spent trying to join a dungeon in the first place because you are constantly kicked as soon as you join lol. What is there left to do kill venfithar 100 times a day and stack up the draconic enchants haha cause I have killed over 700 dragons and never seen a rod of imperial restraint its drop chance must be less than zero haha. I am currently stuck at my gear score of 13.7k because I can never get in castle never without being voted instantly same with lostmauth epic. UGGGHH is all there is left to say.
  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    We had a run where four of us were in a guild and we had a PUG DC. One of my guildies had to drop, so we waited for another PUG. The first one that pops in is a DC and we all said we were cool with running with two DCs. Well, the new DC initiated a VTK almost immediately. Rather than immediately kick the guy, we invited him to party and asked why he did that. His answer, unfortunately, was understandable considering the current VTK abuse. He said he was just trying to survive and that he saw three of us were in a guild (kick proof) and figured one of the PUG DCs was getting kicked, so he started the VTK on the other guy before he himself got the boot.

    Sad, right? That's where we are now. Otherwise decent people, who wouldn't normally kick for silly reasons, are all but forced to abuse the system like the problem people if they want to be able to run dungeons. I'm glad Cryptic is fixing it, but said fix can't come quickly enough...

    It is very, very sad.. I couldn't agree more, the fix is more than overdue.
    I've joined a dungeon where literally the first thing that popped up in chat was one guy saying "Please don't kick me, I'll pass on all loot, I just need the chest at the end". That in itself just shows what a sad place we're at right now with the game, but of course you might know it, within 30 seconds someone initiated the VTK with the message "Zzzzz". I voted 'no', he gets kicked anyway. I actually felt so sorry for the guy so I just left the group anyway... I can't run with ppl like that (It'd probably be me getting the boot next for all I know).

    I just wish I'd actually noted the guys name, just to help him through some dungeons afterwards, because that kinda played on my mind for a while. Just awful human behaviour.
  • thaddeuswilhelmthaddeuswilhelm Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    It is very, very sad.. I couldn't agree more, the fix is more than overdue.
    I've joined a dungeon where literally the first thing that popped up in chat was one guy saying "Please don't kick me, I'll pass on all loot, I just need the chest at the end". That in itself just shows what a sad place we're at right now with the game, but of course you might know it, within 30 seconds someone initiated the VTK with the message "Zzzzz". I voted 'no', he gets kicked anyway. I actually felt so sorry for the guy so I just left the group anyway... I can't run with ppl like that (It'd probably be me getting the boot next for all I know).

    I just wish I'd actually noted the guys name, just to help him through some dungeons afterwards, because that kinda played on my mind for a while. Just awful human behaviour.

    I totally understand. I was running some dungeons with a few guys I met a few days ago, we run together to avoid the kicking fiasco whenever we can, but when we grouped up, one guy told me he'd been playing earlier and rarely enough, in 2 dungeons 2 greater marks had dropped and he found himself kicked before being able to roll on them. He was pretty angry about it but we continued on our runs. Lo and behold, we are running and another greater mark drops. we had vote majority so we immediately kicked everyone else out. We haven't ever done it before but we were sick of it being done to us. I didn't like doing it, I felt dirty afterwards. I will never do it again. But getting that taste of the dark side, the clear and simple abuse of power, I don't understand how people can do it on a regular basis. That is my confession, and I am sorry for what I have done.
  • fancytuna8fancytuna8 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    is VTK basically a social experiment to see how quickly people's behavior will become Lord of the Flies?
    I'm not even doing my daily dungeon anymore, and I don't see the point in trying the level 60+ dungeons--I'm a GS9000 SW. Sounds like I'll get kicked all the time, even though I think I do okay in dungeon and skirmish runs, usually good on crowd control and always first or second on healing (often beating DC.)
    I hate to say it, but I pre-ordered ESO, I've been neglecting World of Tanks, and while I have enjoyed this game and think the economics are really neat, I don't see how I'll keep playing this after I finish the campaign. Maybe ESO will be a train wreck, but I hope this game gets improved enough that I would play the dungeons.

    I'd suggest create a player stat that shows how often someone initiates VTK per dungeon/skirmish played, as well as how often they vote yes on VTK. Do NOT include how often someone gets kicked, because that will create a stigma that may not hold truth to the player. Letting players filter their queue preference by someone's VTK stats would ensure that the passive players will be put together, and the VTK abusers and heavy users will wind up together. Which is what should happen--sheep with sheep and wolves with wolves.
  • quaffliciousquafflicious Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I think I can top all of your vote kick abuse stories. This one goes back to the 2nd week this game was on Xbox1. I had just finished gearing up my HR from Crypts and Tower and had queued up for Wolf Den to finally go for my main hand. Well when I get in there there were 3 people from one guild and they were sitting at the rocks in the water, pretty much right at the start of the dungeon. I run up to them, thinking they were just waiting for me and the other random to join them and a vote kick came up for the random. The reason given was "downs syndrome". He got booted, then a few seconds later I was booted.

    Pissed off, I queued back up and ended up in the same group and got kicked. This happened about 10 times before I was put into a fresh group, all of us unguilded. I typed in chat that I was just kicked like 10 times from some guild run and told them the name and apparently everyone in the run had been kicked by the same group. (go figure)

    We set out to complete the dungeon, which took us about 2 hours as we had some tough spots since all of us were not that geared yet to blow through it. I looted the chest and didn't get my bow which upset me after that whole 10 kick fiasco. The group disbands and I requeue, and guess what, I was put back into the same group of 3 people that were kicking people out of Wolf Den. They were sitting in the same spots and everything. I mean wtf? They sat there for over 2 hours doing absolutely nothing but vote kicking people from the dungeon.

    I finally ended up in another run that was at the 1st boss and we complete the dungeon in a little over 1 hour. No bow, group disbands, and I requeue.

    Yup, you guessed it, I was put in that 3 person group again. So now it's roughly 4+ hours that they have been sitting there and kicking people. At this point I gave up and just shut the game off and seriously contemplated deleting it from my Xbox. I mean how can you have no life to sit there for hours on end in a dungeon and do nothing but kick people trying to play the game? I was just beyond amazed at how horrible the Xbox community is to where we have people that would do that.
  • mwhoppermwhopper Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I just want it were they cant kick you at the end i was in the epic shores and killed the boss and what drops a artifact belt and then i got kicked first time ive seen a belt drop its bull <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> it almost made me stop playing this game
  • jrourkejrourke Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2015
    Nothing has been done, not so much a rough E.t.a and since the PC has had the problem for years it looks rather unlikely they are going to start now......
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I disagree. They said they are going to implement fixes at least on the Xbox side, which makes it much more likely something will change.
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    I disagree. They said they are going to implement fixes at least on the Xbox side, which makes it much more likely something will change.

    Mumble Mumble mumble.... maybe... anything can be said. If its still a problem with the pc then xbox is mur. They already said they focus on pc first
  • philcofordphilcoford Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Just get rid of the VTK completely.

    Everyone is always free to quit a group. if you don't like it, quit the group and start/join another. That's the way it should be.

    Inactive/non-functioning/DC players should be handled automatically and not by the players themselves.

    If this has been going on on the PC side for years there is no excuse for this to have happened here. You should have learned your lessons there that people always sink to the lowest form of behavior when given an opportunity to do so. Game developers need to understand this and code to prevent it (or in the case of COD code to encourage it).

    This game is a disaster due to this one issue alone (although there are other serious issues). Until this gets fixed, this game is insulting to all of us who have spent time and money attempting to live with it. If the developers have any respect for the people who support them, they'll fix this immediately. And if they don't fix this promptly (as seems to be the case already) it speaks volumes about how they feel about us.
  • shatodshatod Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2015
    philcoford wrote: »
    Just get rid of the VTK completely.

    Everyone is always free to quit a group. if you don't like it, quit the group and start/join another. That's the way it should be.

    Inactive/non-functioning/DC players should be handled automatically and not by the players themselves.

    If this has been going on on the PC side for years there is no excuse for this to have happened here. You should have learned your lessons there that people always sink to the lowest form of behavior when given an opportunity to do so. Game developers need to understand this and code to prevent it (or in the case of COD code to encourage it).

    This game is a disaster due to this one issue alone (although there are other serious issues). Until this gets fixed, this game is insulting to all of us who have spent time and money attempting to live with it. If the developers have any respect for the people who support them, they'll fix this immediately. And if they don't fix this promptly (as seems to be the case already) it speaks volumes about how they feel about us.

    Totally and utterly agree with everything here!
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    The most amazing thing happened last night. Joined the que, first amazing thing was i didnt just jump half way into someone else's dungeon. Myself and one other (tr) appear, we wait for the others. They appear, as there is another hr (i am one) i wait for the vtk on him as his gs is several k lower.
    Never comes, i can tell we are all gun shy waiting for a vtk , we inch towards the start... and... we start!
    We get to the boss and lose first try. Low,gs cleric leaves, we wait around, a sw with horrid lag shows up, we lose twice... everyone but myself and the orginal tr leave. Another three people show up, and guess what? We try again and win!
    This happens not once, not twice but three times in a row! I was able to do three dungeons in a row and not once was there even a vtk.
    When people didnt think we could do it, they just left. I dunno if they changed anything, but now im convinced we really dont need the vtk at all. Even a disconnected person will eventually time out.
    Im just so happy
  • ostkinfernoostkinferno Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The most amazing thing happened last night. Joined the que, first amazing thing was i didnt just jump half way into someone else's dungeon. Myself and one other (tr) appear, we wait for the others. They appear, as there is another hr (i am one) i wait for the vtk on him as his gs is several k lower.
    Never comes, i can tell we are all gun shy waiting for a vtk , we inch towards the start... and... we start!
    We get to the boss and lose first try. Low,gs cleric leaves, we wait around, a sw with horrid lag shows up, we lose twice... everyone but myself and the orginal tr leave. Another three people show up, and guess what? We try again and win!
    This happens not once, not twice but three times in a row! I was able to do three dungeons in a row and not once was there even a vtk.
    When people didnt think we could do it, they just left. I dunno if they changed anything, but now im convinced we really dont need the vtk at all. Even a disconnected person will eventually time out.
    Im just so happy

    congrats.. do you have another success story ?
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    congrats.. do you have another success story ?

    Can't tell if that's sarcasm or not lol. Honestly this was the first time in a long time i tried an epic dungeon as last time i wasted 4 hours. And haven't hqd a chance to play today, so could be a random fluke of great people
  • terrell396terrell396 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    im tired of people who rage quit or dc and never come back why cant u kick them it lowers your team odds of winning kick them let some one else join sigh
  • mrthrillmrthrill Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    yea i just played a 3v5 game because of that it sucks
  • nem3slsnem3sls Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Give people the ability to kick in PvP and the same same ****e will happen as it does in pve, oh btw the guild <Removed> on Xbox one are boot and loot so beware, kicked us out on shores when the burning necklace dropped, I reported them to xbl.
    The Legendary Outlaws

    maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife :p Dungeon runs anyone?

    Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
    Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
    When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy

    I miss you Boo :(
  • bytor30bytor30 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    well let me tell u. i have been playing since a couple days after it came out. i have a sw and cw both are at around a 11k gs. that is sad, cant get anything good being kicked all the time. last night i tried again epic temple of spiders, the guys were great finished it and got a peice for my cw. **** i was like a kid in a candy store. i told my kids i was so excited(sad i know lol). well tried another spellpl. reality set in quick got kicked. i try to get my kids to play but they are burnt out of being kicked and they are good.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited June 2015
    They've begun taking steps to combat Vote-Kick abuse on the PC version. Hopefully this helps things out on the PC side so you guys too can get these changes, and upcoming changes, patched to you as soon as possible.

    Again, this is only on the PC Version at the time of this post, yet is something to look forward to and see as a sign that they are indeed working on resolving Vote-Kicking abuse as well as that you're not alone. We struggle with it too on the PC side.

    • Queue Improvements: We have made a number adjustments to the queue system to help improve the overall experience. It is still recommended that players who want specific group requirements or players group up before entering the queue. These features may be tuned while the server is active should any of the initial settings be too strict or lax.
      • When queues fill a player who has left they now respect roles. Ie. If a Devoted Cleric leaves a map the queue will only replace them with another Devoted Cleric or an Oathbound Paladin of the appropriate specialization.
      • After a map has had a number of players leave the queue will no longer attempt to fill players from the queue. This is both to prevent maps that are in a stuck state to continually send players there as well as discourage frequent use of vote kicking.
      • There is now a minimum amount of time that must pass before a player may be vote kicked from a party. It should be enough time that it will be worth attempting any content before being able to kick the player.
This discussion has been closed.