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Vote Kicking Feedback Thread (XBOX)



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    kenjo12kenjo12 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    well though it was a nicely written post it will not prevent ******bags from kicking you when an item drops in the skirmish shores of tuern .. the ring just dropped and i needed on it like 99.99999999% of players and got instantly vote kicked... ive made my mind up ... instead of wasting time on this game im going to take my cash to a game that doesnt promote being a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> or an <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> towards others to excel in the game ... have fun you that decide to stay within the game
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    ostkinfernoostkinferno Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    kenjo12 wrote: »
    well though it was a nicely written post it will not prevent ******bags from kicking you when an item drops in the skirmish shores of tuern .. the ring just dropped and i needed on it like 99.99999999% of players and got instantly vote kicked... ive made my mind up ... instead of wasting time on this game im going to take my cash to a game that doesnt promote being a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> or an <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> towards others to excel in the game ... have fun you that decide to stay within the game

    AMEN bro. Same thing as im doing. Also consider this the PC version has been out longer and they have yet to get a fix in for vote kicking. So keep this in mind when posting on this "feed" Its more of a vent area for players rather then a voice used for mods to try to make game better
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    beastnhisharlotbeastnhisharlot Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I haven't gotten that far in the campaign, but that sounds just as frustrating and just as much of a problem. There should have been a system to avoid this in place. I don't see why it was not considered when creating kick system in the first place. Hopefully, PW does something to manage the sheer power of the boot.
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    googootsgoogoots Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I really hope this is sorted out. It's not just the end bosses. I've just been kicked twice at the ambush on Shores of Tuern after the rings dropped, the best part is that I queued back into a fresh game with the same *********, so I collected video evidence and when they kicked me again I reported them immediately to xbox. I'm sure I read that some players guilty of this have been punished in some way if found out, I just hope that these guys will be.
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    fangcloudeyefangcloudeye Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The pain of getting booted at a mini boss or end boss over loot has gotten to the point that a number of players I know are looking toward other games if the VTK system is not fixed. Greed and the ability to screw someone over without any consequences is the main problem with the players who abuse this system. Having played most of the MMORPG's that have come out in the past 30 years has given me a good perspective on the problem and how to work around it till they finally get a working fix for it. I for one will rarely go into a epic with a PUG, I either go with friends or guild members in a pack of 3 to keep the jerks at bay. There are certain guilds that if they show up in the group we boot right at the beginning so to minimize the issues they try to bring. This may sound harsh but if your going to be a member of a guild that says how you playing the guild tag you get what you deserve. Now we all know Xbox live rarely bans people for much but the folk at PW can within their own game and they should start using that power a bit more to see if that curbs the idiots some. The Now I have seen where a growing number of players are looking to or have already left Neverwinter over the Vtk issue, I can understand why and after some of my own experiences with getting kicked after the boss dies I dont blame them for leaving either. One thing that people have mentioned in this thread is the ability to avoid players and I would add guilds to that as and additional option, if you have a group that has a record of the boot & Loot <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> then we should have the option of avoiding them as a guild. With ESO and a few other game comming out in the next quarter it would be nice to have this issue fixed before we lose good players to other games due to the jerks being allowed to run rampant.
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    dyukillerdyukiller Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I was playing pirate king, when with no reason this guy stoped and try to kick me to get itens, i said that i was farming seal, 2x seal event, and i was passing all itens, i said if kick me i will report you, one of them said :LOL

    and kicked me.

    this system must to be fixed.
    i'm tired to kill a lot of adds and be kicked in the end.

    it's getting out of control, people kick just be cause you have more GS, or same class, or "we are weak, we need a healer / tank"
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    ideathlyomenideathlyomen Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I've been kicked before plenty times for being same class as somebody else.

    I was kicked recently from a **** T1 dungeon..... everybody was gettin hit and kept going down and dying and I was always last one to die, gs's of 7k - all 4 of em meanwhile im 11k gs just trying finish up my T1 gear b4 I move T2 and am almost always top dpser.

    They kicked me when I was doin all damage, turns out a cleric even ditched them for being garbage after I got kicked lol
    GWF - Morthos Lvl 70 (Main)
    OP - Hodor Lvl 70
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    telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Was in Castle Never the other night with the guild when one person (the tank) had to go (we have lots of parents in the guild, and family always comes first).
    It was nightmare trying to get a replacement - people would enter, see we were in the same guild, and then leave for fear of loot n' boot (or because they were looking to snipe a lobby, I guess). Pretty heart breaking, trying to reassure people that, no, we aren't going to just take your drop or rob you of gear.

    AMEN bro. Same thing as im doing. Also consider this the PC version has been out longer and they have yet to get a fix in for vote kicking. So keep this in mind when posting on this "feed" Its more of a vent area for players rather then a voice used for mods to try to make game better

    They've already stated a fix is coming in the next patch.
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    danny3421danny3421 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Hello, can you please keep an eye on the news page of this game. On the arc xbox news... For the new patch that will be comeing out soon. I think but just wait. They have said that a fix is comeing.
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    csk41csk41 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    If you read a lot of what the PC players are posting about the upcoming fix to the vote to kick, it may not be that great of a fix. I really hope its just not the half hearted fix they gave the PC players, because it will do nothing to prevent people from kicking players when ever they want.
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    cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    If you are kicked, for whatever reason, the game seriously needs to save your progress. It should put you into your own instance at the exact point where you were kicked and allow people to join you. If this happens, it should be impossible for you to be kicked from this new instance.

    Anything less than this is a completely half-arsed and lazy fix.
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    waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    If you are kicked, for whatever reason, the game seriously needs to save your progress. It should put you into your own instance at the exact point where you were kicked and allow people to join you. If this happens, it should be impossible for you to be kicked from this new instance.

    Anything less than this is a completely half-arsed and lazy fix.

    I cant keep playing. My GS is 12.2k, need some T2 armor so i can do eLol to continue. Been avoiding dungeons as you waste hours just to get booted.

    Last night 4 dungeons no completes. First kick was because i wasnt a healer, not bad as no time wasted.... Second kick, get half way through and a HR (my class) shows up with 16k GS, Boom gone, grrrrr. Third dungeon get half way FOR some reason i win 5 rolls in a row BOOM kicked winning too much loot WTF OK!!?? I CAN kinda get that. 4Th dungeon, get to boss loot drops KICKED.

    Done Done Done. Im in 4 guilds checked their members, about 800 players stopped playing. Cant get a group to form on my less than eLoL runs. I cant play this anymore... literally

    The only time i enjoy a dungeon run is when no VTK is ever initiated.

    In fact there is no reason to have VTK. If you dont like the group leave, there is nothing you forcing you to waste time to try with weak players. BUT you can force others to waste time by VTK.

    Just remove it so the game can be played. Im done till they do this. I have no choice but to quit
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    ohiogamersohiogamers Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    All the people here complaining about randomly getting kicked I agree with and it's very accurate. I was running Castle Never and there was some ******bag in the group that kept kicking people if they even died once. He even kicked the freaking Cleric, who was actually doing an awesome job. The problem was nobody was watching the cleric's back except my warlock.

    I've gone ahead an emailed somebody I know at Cryptic about this issue, because honestly the game has lost its fun after 60 simply since its like a 1 in 100 chance of getting in with a party anymore that doesn't have some lameass that wants to kick every time somebody sneezes. I pray to whatever minor diety is out there that the Cryptic Devs do something to eliminate this issue or get rid of vote kicking all together!

    BTW I love cactusjackter's solution!
    If you are kicked, for whatever reason, the game seriously needs to save your progress. It should put you into your own instance at the exact point where you were kicked and allow people to join you. If this happens, it should be impossible for you to be kicked from this new instance.
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    yllenyllen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ohiogamers wrote: »
    there was some ******bag in the group that kept kicking people if they even died once. He even kicked the freaking Cleric, who was actually doing an awesome job. The problem was nobody was watching the cleric's back

    I am now proud to say I have been the victim of the random VTK plague for this reason. Except in this instance it was epic Wolf Den. I joined one group who were already at the final boss and we downed him first time. So I requeued and got in at the start. We wiped a few times on the last boss cos a few people really just didn't know how to play it. A few people guilty of running away back up the ramp to the top ledge when they were on low HP, so it was impossible to heal them. Standing in red and taking loads of damage. I half contemplated VTK-ing them, but just decided to get on comms to explain it to them instead. Before I knew it after one particularly spectacular wipe, I got voted out. Presumably cos they thought I should be able to be in two places at one time and heal through all their stupidity. The lock who was in with us, who actually knew how to play, quit once he realised they kicked me.

    In this instance I hadn't invested an awful lot of time, so wasn't too bothered, but it is annoying that people who don't know how to play can have such an influence on party make up. I mean I inspected them and they were mostly in blues and greens apart from some unicorn stuff. I can't complain too much. I'm not in a guild and I don't use LFG as much as I should.

    Rely on the queuing system and you roll the dice.
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    lymisslymiss Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    So just today me and my boyfriend have been kicked from 5 DUNGEONS! Why 3 of them were because I'm a control wizard, once because my boyfriend is a scourge warlock and once because we refused to rush past all the argo'ed enemies (the stupid trickster argo'ed them for fun and we couldn't get past). This needs to e fixed BEFORE the Tiamat expansion. Not everyone has friends or a guild who can go do the dungeons with them and we have to relay on the stupid queue system. Don't let people kick other out! This is too much of a problem and as someone who has already spent about $40 on Zen coins, I am just about to give up on this game. I could spend my time and money playing other games (like Elder Scrolls online) but I had hope that Perfect world would listen and do something but waiting this long is nonsense. Fix it sooner rather then later. NeverWinter is losing players because of this.
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    srw12345srw12345 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    am seriously getting hacked off with all this kicking at the boss, it is spoiling the game big time,all day yesterday i tried E-SOT and got kicked each time,i am 13.4k SW Healer,somthing needs to be sorted soon or you are going to lose players quickly
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    snake3y3s00snake3y3s00 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I am pretty sure they don't care lol
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    misterrrwarlockmisterrrwarlock Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    lymiss wrote: »
    So just today me and my boyfriend have been kicked from 5 DUNGEONS! Why 3 of them were because I'm a control wizard, once because my boyfriend is a scourge warlock and once because we refused to rush past all the argo'ed enemies (the stupid trickster argo'ed them for fun and we couldn't get past). This needs to e fixed BEFORE the Tiamat expansion. Not everyone has friends or a guild who can go do the dungeons with them and we have to relay on the stupid queue system. Don't let people kick other out! This is too much of a problem and as someone who has already spent about $40 on Zen coins, I am just about to give up on this game. I could spend my time and money playing other games (like Elder Scrolls online) but I had hope that Perfect world would listen and do something but waiting this long is nonsense. Fix it sooner rather then later. NeverWinter is losing players because of this.

    Sorry, but this is a very stupid suggestion. If they did that, they would loose tons of players, TONS. You cannot force random people to play with you if they think that you are bad. What you are suggesting is being forced to carry lame players and fail eventually or waste 5x more time than necessary. Look the way Destiny works: if you can't find people and refuse to communicate, no raids for you! In contrast, Neverwinter offers you an additional tool which is NOT supposed to GUARANTEE you a safe spot. If you join CN with 9.5k gearscore, you will get kicked. If you join and there is no cleric/tank (when its needed), you will get kicked. If you fail to do your job, you will get kicked. I did a lot of runs and I can say that people rarely kick others for no reason at all, its just seems like those kicked ones do not understand why. Oh look, a warlock with 14k GS and 10% arm penetration? You kick him because his decision is terrible and in order to save time you automatically assume that he is going to keep making terrible decisions in boss fight. But yet he goes to cry after getting kicked because "WTF 14GS and u kick me?!!!!". You and your mates try to aggro many mobs so you could get them all in one time, but someone decides that it is wiser to fight 3 mob groups. You kick him, and he is like "OMG WTF my GS is awesome and these stupid idiots take so many mobs and kick me?!!!!". You go in with a CW who gets scared of one mob and runs in circles doing nothing, you kick him. I mean I will kindly ask you to do it the right way, but if you are a mess, no one will want to waste their time on you. And usually people will not explain you your problem in detail (or explain at all) - this is not their responsibility to teach you how to play. IF you want lessons and tips, go read. If you don't want to read, find a guild - they should teach you because they invest and benefit from you later. If you don't want to read and don't want to find a guild, go start playing ESO thinking that everything is going to be different there.

    They just must to fix boot & loot problem which is really painful to many solo players, but other than that - keep it the way it is!
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    cummins12vcummins12v Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Sorry, but this is a very stupid suggestion. If they did that, they would loose tons of players, TONS. You cannot force random people to play with you if they think that you are bad. What you are suggesting is being forced to carry lame players and fail eventually or waste 5x more time than necessary. Look the way Destiny works: if you can't find people and refuse to communicate, no raids for you! In contrast, Neverwinter offers you an additional tool which is NOT supposed to GUARANTEE you a safe spot. If you join CN with 9.5k gearscore, you will get kicked. If you join and there is no cleric/tank (when its needed), you will get kicked. If you fail to do your job, you will get kicked. I did a lot of runs and I can say that people rarely kick others for no reason at all, its just seems like those kicked ones do not understand why. Oh look, a warlock with 14k GS and 10% arm penetration? You kick him because his decision is terrible and in order to save time you automatically assume that he is going to keep making terrible decisions in boss fight. But yet he goes to cry after getting kicked because "WTF 14GS and u kick me?!!!!". You and your mates try to aggro many mobs so you could get them all in one time, but someone decides that it is wiser to fight 3 mob groups. You kick him, and he is like "OMG WTF my GS is awesome and these stupid idiots take so many mobs and kick me?!!!!". You go in with a CW who gets scared of one mob and runs in circles doing nothing, you kick him. I mean I will kindly ask you to do it the right way, but if you are a mess, no one will want to waste their time on you. And usually people will not explain you your problem in detail (or explain at all) - this is not their responsibility to teach you how to play. IF you want lessons and tips, go read. If you don't want to read, find a guild - they should teach you because they invest and benefit from you later. If you don't want to read and don't want to find a guild, go start playing ESO thinking that everything is going to be different there.

    They just must to fix boot & loot problem which is really painful to many solo players, but other than that - keep it the way it is!

    They can't fix the boot n loot if you want them to ( keep it the way it is ) you jack rabbit! Eitherway, a fix is not needed anymore. They game is on the way out. It's dying... Fast.
    edit: they have allowed way to many people to exploit all of the mechanics in nearly every aspect of the game with ONLY TALK of possible fixes. PW knows the game is dying more than anyone. Hence they are not investing back into it.
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    rhbunnyrhbunny Member Posts: 26
    To all of you that have experienced this kicking, The guild Guardians of the Whispering Eye would like to help. We are a guild that as a rule don't kick, we play for fun and don't want to spoil other peoples fun. So if you do end up in a dungeon with us, we won't kick you!! However, this is not a recruitment pitch:
    For this weekend we are at your disposal, if you want to run dungeons T1's or T2's, you're a lower level and want to get through the event skirmish, Shores, LoL, whatever. Just shout! We will make sure there is enough of us in your group to have the majority if not fill it. We will get you through your dungeon, you will get your chest and you will get your seals! We get that warm, fuzzy feeling inside that we have just helped, oh and our chests of course.
    If you would like to take us up on this offer, please message OldMrJones on XBL or head over to GOTWE.Boards.Net and pop a post in the visitors section.
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    masterogamasteroga Member Posts: 474 Arc User
    My friends and I thought up a much better fix weeks ago, after 1 minute of brainstorming lol.

    1) Can't initiate a VTK during combat
    2) Can't initiate a VTK while there is a loot roll going.
    3) Can't initiate a VTK after final boss is dead (This one is likely pointless, but I have been booted once before after loot roll was completed, but before getting chest...I mean...why? lol)

    THAT'S IT!!!! Fixes everything everything except people being jerks (Like booting you right outside the final bosses room or something), but so long as there's a boot system at all...there will still be jerks. I know there are channels on Twitch devoted to just booting people to make people mad....
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    Closing this one up now as a new one is underway in light of the latest news article pertaining to upcoming Vote-Kick changes: The (New) Vote-Kicking Feedback Thread. Please use this one now instead. Thanks!
This discussion has been closed.