i know. I'm assuming, with lots of goodwill and innocence, that will be the final project. a class with a good base damage and, considering the change in the life steal, good encounters mid-range instead than large radius in atwills as I argued before. is better.
* this destroyer lvl 60 , in your maximum potential, seems competitive. Ie deprived of the possibility to "off tank", this is the way.
what the dev needs, in my opinion, is to make the "level 70" of preview seens like the "lvl 60" (sounds strange) and continue testing more encounters. Therefore I recorded the video. This gwf, lvl 60, is fun and dynamic to play. And that strangely to say, looks original and exotic... but reinforced the aspect of fighter that has theoretical domain on what you're doing and not someone swinging a giant sword because that is the biggest thing found along the way.
Cut the mark of damage, leave this base damage (lvl 60 = lvl70), continue studying modifications to other encounters to create dilemmas, and I will have fun in the next module w/o substitute or exclude the necessity of a paladin, dc or gf.
edit because of the post below: iam only a poor lvl 60 destroyer/swordmaster... my prediction dont have nothing about sentinels/iv. hahahaha
so i ask again, did you just use 1 cagi and 1 daring shout on the puppets or you just spammed those 2 encounters and threating rush over and over ?
so it was a single hit or it was a chain of hits?
sometimes criticals accumulate eachother so if you hit 20k next time you hit 20k it accumulates goin for 40k, but you dont deal 40k it's still 20k and it only creates a chain of continuous crits.
and what are those buffs you have? not familiar to some of them.
so i doubt you hit 13 mil damage with just 2 hits.
35% out of 22k lets say it's a base of 7000 damage + multiplied with damage bonus + critical severity + aoe damage 25% + 40% from hidden daggers buff , double mark + companions with different active bonuses, you can probably achieve that 13 mil, but like i said, you probably spammed the encounters,and didn't got it from 1 shot.
LE: i talked with stylin in that moment, and he was hittin 200k without crits, so someth was buffing you guys or debuffing the dummies.
I think thats from warlock. I observed my level 15 paladin character suddenly able to do level 60 range encounter like damage from a single strike of an at will while I was in trade of blades in preview when a warlock was there spamming dreadtheft, and I noticed I had that same buff.
The reason why temporary hit point should not be granted after an unstopable is that the new meta will probably be armor pen in offense slots
400 power = 1 % damage
7x offense with radiants r10 = 7% damage. thats 2800 power, so power will probably be obsolute in matter of enchantments on ofense slots, so people will go for Armor Pen.
on my GWF destroyer i get 1.5k armor pen + 2800 from 7 r10 darks + 5% RI from student of the sword, + 27 con no pots + 1600 greater red glyphs = its probably over 60% RI . fighting against another GWF before his unstopable ends, i will probably kill the GWF before he gets the temporary hitpoints, so i think temporary hitpoint should be granted when the unstopable is popped.
There are some much needed adjustment for some core abilities.
Reaping Strike - Feedback
Reaping Strike has forever, since its conception needed a drastic damage boost. A fully charged Reaping Strike does way less damage than the charge it requires justifies in being a melee attack. For all that charging, releasing the attack produces little damage as expected. This attacks initial damage needs to double at the very least. This should be the strongest at will attack in the arsenal with the greatest risk and reward scale. In context, The HR's Split Shot hits harder than Reaping Strike and there is minimal risk in doing so. The damage of partially charging should increase significantly as well.
Punishing Charge - Feedback
I think this skill is fine by default, but this really needs something else, this is more of a utility attack than a damage, so it needs to be treated like it. Theres two viable improvements I can see this skill can have.
1. Increase the distance traveled when using this encounter.
2. Give this skill a knockback when it hits enemies similar to how sunburst works. (just not knock so high in the air). This will make this charge actually punishing.
Roar - Feedback
this skill has become pretty useless since its change. Allow this skill to daze a target when it actually interrupts an action for 2 seconds. (since this would have to be manually done and not automatic procced off everything unlike *cough* rogue. the 2 seconds is justified there)
Steadfast Determination - Feedback
Ever since the unstoppable change this has been DRASTICALLY diminished. It barely works. The effectiveness of how much determination gained while in combat needs to increase by 50% of what it does now at the very least.
Come and Get it - Feedback/bug?
This ability does way more damage than the feat that makes it do damage applies for some reason and have for some time. Its just a bit too strong. This doesnt happen with Daring Shout that is also an encounter that originally doesnt do any damage that is given damage by the same feat that benefits Come and Get It.
Wicked Strike - Feedback
The responseness of this abiltiy needs tweaking, this ability is difficult to cancel when sprint is required. If this is to remain this way, the damage it deals needs to be increased to compensate for not being able to break from swinging this strike.
Not so fast - Feedback
This encounter's slow effect needs to last twice as long as it does. Its hardly even noticable when it is applied. This has been a problem with this encounter also forever. Its so ineffective, theres little point in bothering, the damage is nothing to cry home about either, so this would be mostly a utility skill, the actual utility is its problem however.
Unstoppable - Feedback
Destroyers need a slight increase in the mitigation Unstoppable grants. Just a little bit. 10% more than it does now. Either this or have destroyer's damage penalty completely reversed and gain damage instead. Destroyers have a hard time staying alive in most major battles because they can barely survive being in the front lines, actually being fighters. I would even say to have all encounters have an additional effect when under unstoppable for instigators (while they still get the damage penalty). If theres going to be distinctions in unstoppable for Sentinel, it there needs to be something for it in the other trees as well. Ex. Giving the prone effect back to Takedown when an Instigator GWF is in Unstoppable.
The entire Instigator tree - Feedback
The instigator tree really needs some worth while feats to drastically boost its hinderance ability. There is a reason there are almost no Instigator GWF's. There is just nothing worth while here. The utility and hinderance of enemies just doesnt seem appealing partly because the encounters and dailies that apply them are subpar on thier own, even with the feats that add to them. They dont get much damage bonus from anything except select skills that gets any damage bonus diffused anyway when hitting multiple targets.The utility and hindering components to abilities this entire tree does needs looking into and has needed it for a long time. Instigator has never really been a viable option. I have never actually seen or even fought against an instigator. I am sure I probably have, but that is kind of the point. You cant even tell. You can tell what a class path is by the distinctive things they do, the benefits of Instigator is so small, you either dont know what they are and they just do meh, or just assume they're a badly playing destroyer.
Spinning Strike - Feedback
Very very weak. There is nothing worthwhile about this daily that another daily already does but better. And making this daily faster did not help it at all, but only made it worse. For once, the same attack from mobs (the white dragonwings) actually does better than the same attack when used from a player.
Battlefury - Feedback
This encounter should not be restricted to only be used within combat. It should be able to be used out of combat as well, if its going to work as a battle rally, it doesnt make sense to only have it used during battle, as most battle rallys occur just prior to battle starting and make it more of a conscious choice as to WHEN use battlefury instead of just spamming it whenever you get into a fight, because thats the only time you can use it.
Steel Blitz - Feedback
This has been a class feature that I always skipped passed simply because the chance for it to apply is just way too low, and when it does the effect is minimal.
I agree with the above(destinyknight). Just posting my thoughts as well: CRUSH PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!! I do NOT want GWFs to be OverPowered but I want them to be FUN and BALANCED.
Right now they are neither.
Reaping Strike - Feedback
This power should mimic Aim Shot on an HR. Aim Shot can be interrupted but can be used at range. Reaping Strike must be in melee to use, but cannot be interrupted. They each have a pro and a con. So Whatever damage formula is used for Aim Shot (HR) COPY that damage formula over to Reaping Strike.
Punishing Charge - Feedback
I agree. I have often though this could be similar to Lunge Strike (on GFs) but instead of allowing this to stack, remove the stack but make it 1) HALF the CD 2) 3-4x the range. The fact that it shoots you forward, the longer the range the harder it is to control, so it has a nice paradox there. I like that its low damage, the added range and shorter CD could be a nice mobility utility skill. Also it would be neat to add some sort of interrupt/stun/daze effect to targets hit. Keep in mind this would be an "uncontrollable dash forward" meaning if your actually ontop of the opponent, you would end up with MORE space between you as you fly past them, the reason for doing that would be the effect/damage it deals.
Roar - Feedback
I even think a 1 second Daze is more than fine. Just something to ACTUALLY interrupt the target. Right now how they code "interrupt" it means literally next to nothing. Even a daze - even if CC resist counts towards it, would be an REAL interrupt. Enough to stop them for .5 seconds and they have to re-cast or re-press a button. That small amount is all that is needed (remember this can be put on a short CD with Destroyer and builds determination well - so it does have those utility features too)
Steadfast Determination - Feedback
I see this going three paths:
1) No longer provides passive regen, but now ANY action you do or damage you take builds extra determination (like 30% or something). This would mean that if NORMALLY you need to lose 25% HP for 4 sec unstoppable, (half a bar) you would only need to lose (25% * (1-30%) = 17.5% HP). I guess the easy way to code this would be: You generate 10% more determination. Each rank is +10%. (40% at MAX rank 4?) Might be TOO good now though.
2) Just give a much much better passive determination gain. Either give passive determination gain at the SAME rate it does now WITHOUT being in combat( meaning you regen determination outside combat) OR, just give it like 2x the current passive regen rate...
3) This ability no longer regens determination but instead, you gain determination for spending stamina. Somthing similar to a TR where they can roll 3-4 times and regen ALOT of their stealth meter. If a GWF uses a full sprint meter this could provide something like 25% of their Determination meter. This would synergyize Sprint and Unstoppable quite well. Also make Sprint more a tactical move, do you sprint WHILE unstoppable to catch a target, or wait to use it until your out of unstoppable? This also makes things like Battle Fury much more deadly for GWFs for refilling stamina too!
Come and Get it - Feedback/bug?
Well I know Daring shout does apply a double mark (Threat Rush mark / Daring Shout Mark) which boosts CAGI damage above the DS intimidation. When I test them both individually I actually get the SAME intimidation procs on both abilities. So the only bug I see here is double mark with DS.
Wicked Strike - Feedback
Completely agree, it is HORRIBLE for PVE and PVP because if you cancel the animation, it will teleport you BACK to the spot you struck with. Its really annoying and I have died a few times because of it. Also the damage is just a joke as well. Remove the "reduced damage when striking multiple targets" and also remove the damage reduction of at wills during unstoppable. That never made sense to me at ALL.
Not so fast - Feedback
Not only should it be atleast a 6 second slow. The slow SEVERITY needs to be increased. You cant even tell if a target is affected by this ability. The slow should be around 30-40% and it should last about 5-6 seconds. When you hit someone with this, it should be very clear they are affected and the target (in PVP) should be worried about it. Right now you cant even tell if you hit them, or if another GWF uses it, if they hit you. Its a joke.
Unstoppable - Feedback
I used to be in this camp. I think I would rather have better determination gain though and keep it where it is. The only thing I would change is I would either A) remove healing depression on temp HP or Double to TRIPLE the HP we get from Unstoppable and grant it AFTER unstoppable ends. This will help to build determination for the next one.
Things like the SteadFast Determination changes above. Combined with Temp HP at the END AND the fact that you gain determination from attacking, I think they would be in a nice spot.
I 1000% agree to remove the at will damage penalty (as mentioned before)
The entire Instigator tree - Feedback
Not gonna address this, other points are MUCH bigger concern IMO. The changes above are alot of balance features that would also potentially benefit instagators so for now, id rather focus on fixing those things. Just my personal preference.
The only ONE thing I would like to see would be Mighty Leap given a 3 second AoE Stun (on par with Front Line and takedown for stun). Right now this ability is HAMSTER damage and no utility really. allowing an AoE stun could be a nice Instagator feat and give some mobility. That and I would like to see better stamina regen or some type of "deflect severity" increase during sprint as well. Instagators should be the sprint MASTERS. Sentinels are the Unstoppable Masters. Destroyers are the "determination gain" masters. Etc. They each excel at one aspect of the GWF.
Spinning Strike - Feedback
This ability needs to last for like 6+ seconds. since its an AoE that provides also CC immunity, if you increase duration it could be very strong. I dislike that Sprint cancels this ability.
Battlefury - Feedback
LOVE this idea of using it outside combat as well. I always hated spamming it for the second I go INTO combat and half the time I would have to use it with a full stamina bar and just waste the ability since I wasnt guaranteed I could use it later.... Using it PRE-combat would be AMAZING! Also it would be amazing for travel as well.
Steel Blitz - Feedback
MEH - I dont even know what this is LOL! So obviously its HAMSTER.
Steel blitz is a the class feature that SM gets in place of Ferocious Reaction. Steel blitz was changed sometime in the last couple of mods to what it currently looks like now.
It used to read (in mod 2 and 3) "Become adept at fighting multiple targets, gaining a chance to deal an extra attack which increases based on the number of enemies you hit". Ranks 2 and 3 were each +12% damage on Steel Blitz. This was really nice in add heavy dungeons like CN where you could use mighty leap and Avalanche of steel to get a 100% proc rate of Steel Blitz
SB now reads (l noticed the change in mod 5) "Every time you damage an enemy you have a 5% chance to instantly strike again, dealing at least 50% of your weapon damage" and ranks 2 & # are +12% damage for SB.
So Steel Blitz got nerfed hard by this change. Putting it back the way it was before would be a good option if the chance to activate would be increased so that you had at least a 50% chance to active it when you hit 5 enemies (our current target cap).
In all honestly, increasing the target cap of GWF would go a long ways to increasing our damage potential. the idea of dealing less damage per additional creature hit beyond the first would have to go still, but being limited to only 5 hits per attack when we have such a large weapon is sort of silly, especially since things like Smoke Bomb and Icy Terrain and Oppressive Force have no target cap
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
tested ... even if the idea is 5% reproduce of the previous damage (for example, the ibs) the chance is very, very low. gwf dont have crazy dots to this trigger. even if flourish become aoe, i will skip this class feature. is a wasting of points
original steel blitz:Steel Blitz (16th level): When you score a critical hit with a light blade or a heavy blade, you regain the use of a fighter encounter power you’ve already used in the encounter.
considering the status curve, reduct in x% the cooldown when critic is a good change. if put a cooldown in this class feature, can be the total recharge time.
Feedback: Status curve, defense.
ok, the dinamic fight in the melee, run the red zone and use a range attack increasing melee damage when the danger pass is fun. but this is the minimum required for the change in life steal; with changes in defense, it is necessary to think about ambivalent alternatives in for melee attack increases defense.
perma freeze/stealth dont suffer status curve .
feedback: critical damage.
That Is simple: the last tier of heroic feets up the critical severity of gwf. that will represent a big, huge nerf for a class that need 200% more damage to be competitive today. or rework that, or start do think about give 100% do critical chance for gwfs too.
the general vibe is ok. the problem is, again, other classes become out of line more and more.
tested ... even if the idea is 5% reproduce of the previous damage (for example, the ibs) the chance is very, very low. gwf dont have crazy dots to this trigger. even if flourish become aoe, i will skip this class feature. is a wasting of points
original steel blitz:Steel Blitz (16th level): When you score a critical hit with a light blade or a heavy blade, you regain the use of a fighter encounter power you’ve already used in the encounter.
considering the status curve, reduct in x% the cooldown when critic is a good change. if put a cooldown, can be the total recharge time.
Feedback: Status curve, defense.
ok, the dinamic fight in the melee, back in the red zone and use a range attack increasing melee damage is fun. but this is the minimum required for the change in life steal; with changes in defense, it is necessary to think about ambivalent alternatives in that melee attack increases defense.
perma freeze dont suffer status curve .
feedback: critical damage.
That Is simple: the last tier of heroic feets up the critical severity of gwf. that will represent a big, huge nerf for a class that need 200% more damage to be competitive today. or rework that, or start do think about give 100% do critical chance for gwfs too.
the general vibe is ok. the problem is, again, other classes out of line again.
The two biggest things that REALLY concern me:
1) In PVP now that ARP is SO rewarding, even if you CAN stack 12000 Defense on a GWF this would only be 30% DR. ALL you need is about 3000 ARP to completely negate ALL of that DR. That seems rather silly to me.
- Proposition: INCREASE DRASTICALLY the reward for AC in this game. Currently AC is VASTLY under valued and would be an AMAZING way to beef back up defenses on tanky classes. AC is already built into the game to give more towards tanky characters.
I think something LIKE 3 AC = 2% DR would be reasonable. I also dont see why AC should benefit more classes than others. A class like a GWF or GF already have alot more AC, so the ratio should be the same. Just like 400 of a stat benefits all classes the same, AC should benefit all classes the same, some classes just have alot more AC than others.
2) With stats getting a nerf (400:1%) things that are NOT stat based are HUGE damage buffs by comparison now.
Stealth = 100% Crit chance?! Thats like the equivalent of 25,000 Critical!!!!!
Or even 1 stat point in Dexterity that gives 1% crit. This is 400 Critical. Or If I put that 1 point into Con, Why do I then only get ~500 HP?
Following the 4:1 rule my 1 Con should give like 1600 HP, not 500....
Basically, if you are making all stats the same (400:1 etc) then all the stat attributes (STR/CON/CHA) should have an EQUAL ratio of benefits.
Currently all this will do is drastically benefit classes that can stack Crit via stats then they will stack HP via defensive slots instead. Since it would take them a RANK 10 to EQUAL just 1 DEX for 1% more crit.
gwf in terms of fun, is on track, but will require much more love than this, not even say to be competitive with other classes, but to be playable.
and I hope, in the next module, gwf surpassing by a large scale the damage of other classes that have 2 or 3 functions or/and personal defensive tools. 5 minutes in the dummies and you can see the oposite happens.
anyway, change the order of some heroic feats and buff to the hell (or heaven) can be a good start w/o need change the overall balance again.
steel blitz: i've tested this before and in like 1 min of spammin my encounters this got a nice proccing and now u have a tier 4 and u can chose from offhand, not to mention that sometimes it crits + the weapon damage gets a nice buff. so i dont see a reason to be reworked.
and for other encounters?
they become obsolute when they added hidden dagger that is a must + IBS both for instigator/destroyer, and sentinels cagi/daring shout.
we need a 4th encounter slot
steel blitz have a good proc against dummies ... in a party scenario, gwf dont have range / dots to use this (is one of the reasons why iam speake about up the radius of atwills). maybe if bleed trigger, but is not the case.
then the paradox arises. only is a good power if :
a - you try off tank solo. off tank now will be impossible if nothing change.
B - you have some large radius of powers and good cap like gf.
C - a bizarre volume of damage per second. will not be the case, again.
then, even if, mathematically, is equal to the cw version ( less damage...) is not 100 %adapted to gwf today (after the lasts reworks for other classes) and will be impossible to be used tomorrow.
the book version (or similar concept) will be great for both fighters in my opinion.
jhozamMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 44
edited February 2015
Hi all,
on preview server, Weapon Master feat seems not working. It doesn't build stacks. Am I wrong? Can anyone confirm that?
Jhozam, DDO player since March 2006 (2006-2009 on Devourer server, 2009-2012 on Cannith server)
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
* this destroyer lvl 60 , in your maximum potential, seems competitive. Ie deprived of the possibility to "off tank", this is the way.
what the dev needs, in my opinion, is to make the "level 70" of preview seens like the "lvl 60" (sounds strange) and continue testing more encounters. Therefore I recorded the video. This gwf, lvl 60, is fun and dynamic to play. And that strangely to say, looks original and exotic... but reinforced the aspect of fighter that has theoretical domain on what you're doing and not someone swinging a giant sword because that is the biggest thing found along the way.
Cut the mark of damage, leave this base damage (lvl 60 = lvl70), continue studying modifications to other encounters to create dilemmas, and I will have fun in the next module w/o substitute or exclude the necessity of a paladin, dc or gf.
edit because of the post below: iam only a poor lvl 60 destroyer/swordmaster... my prediction dont have nothing about sentinels/iv. hahahaha
all stat rate go down with lvling only power is safe
randomly dmg became crazy like screenshoot
after lvl60 can t stack master at arms
is that a one hit?
... oh god, this class will be destroyed...
so it was a single hit or it was a chain of hits?
sometimes criticals accumulate eachother so if you hit 20k next time you hit 20k it accumulates goin for 40k, but you dont deal 40k it's still 20k and it only creates a chain of continuous crits.
and what are those buffs you have? not familiar to some of them.
so i doubt you hit 13 mil damage with just 2 hits.
35% out of 22k lets say it's a base of 7000 damage + multiplied with damage bonus + critical severity + aoe damage 25% + 40% from hidden daggers buff , double mark + companions with different active bonuses, you can probably achieve that 13 mil, but like i said, you probably spammed the encounters,and didn't got it from 1 shot.
LE: i talked with stylin in that moment, and he was hittin 200k without crits, so someth was buffing you guys or debuffing the dummies.
better now
what is that, is it from paladin? DC? TRs ?
for obvious reason, battle fury dont buff this damage.
The reason why temporary hit point should not be granted after an unstopable is that the new meta will probably be armor pen in offense slots
400 power = 1 % damage
7x offense with radiants r10 = 7% damage. thats 2800 power, so power will probably be obsolute in matter of enchantments on ofense slots, so people will go for Armor Pen.
on my GWF destroyer i get 1.5k armor pen + 2800 from 7 r10 darks + 5% RI from student of the sword, + 27 con no pots + 1600 greater red glyphs = its probably over 60% RI . fighting against another GWF before his unstopable ends, i will probably kill the GWF before he gets the temporary hitpoints, so i think temporary hitpoint should be granted when the unstopable is popped.
Reaping Strike - Feedback
Reaping Strike has forever, since its conception needed a drastic damage boost. A fully charged Reaping Strike does way less damage than the charge it requires justifies in being a melee attack. For all that charging, releasing the attack produces little damage as expected. This attacks initial damage needs to double at the very least. This should be the strongest at will attack in the arsenal with the greatest risk and reward scale. In context, The HR's Split Shot hits harder than Reaping Strike and there is minimal risk in doing so. The damage of partially charging should increase significantly as well.
Punishing Charge - Feedback
I think this skill is fine by default, but this really needs something else, this is more of a utility attack than a damage, so it needs to be treated like it. Theres two viable improvements I can see this skill can have.
1. Increase the distance traveled when using this encounter.
2. Give this skill a knockback when it hits enemies similar to how sunburst works. (just not knock so high in the air). This will make this charge actually punishing.
Roar - Feedback
this skill has become pretty useless since its change. Allow this skill to daze a target when it actually interrupts an action for 2 seconds. (since this would have to be manually done and not automatic procced off everything unlike *cough* rogue. the 2 seconds is justified there)
Steadfast Determination - Feedback
Ever since the unstoppable change this has been DRASTICALLY diminished. It barely works. The effectiveness of how much determination gained while in combat needs to increase by 50% of what it does now at the very least.
Come and Get it - Feedback/bug?
This ability does way more damage than the feat that makes it do damage applies for some reason and have for some time. Its just a bit too strong. This doesnt happen with Daring Shout that is also an encounter that originally doesnt do any damage that is given damage by the same feat that benefits Come and Get It.
Wicked Strike - Feedback
The responseness of this abiltiy needs tweaking, this ability is difficult to cancel when sprint is required. If this is to remain this way, the damage it deals needs to be increased to compensate for not being able to break from swinging this strike.
Not so fast - Feedback
This encounter's slow effect needs to last twice as long as it does. Its hardly even noticable when it is applied. This has been a problem with this encounter also forever. Its so ineffective, theres little point in bothering, the damage is nothing to cry home about either, so this would be mostly a utility skill, the actual utility is its problem however.
Unstoppable - Feedback
Destroyers need a slight increase in the mitigation Unstoppable grants. Just a little bit. 10% more than it does now. Either this or have destroyer's damage penalty completely reversed and gain damage instead. Destroyers have a hard time staying alive in most major battles because they can barely survive being in the front lines, actually being fighters. I would even say to have all encounters have an additional effect when under unstoppable for instigators (while they still get the damage penalty). If theres going to be distinctions in unstoppable for Sentinel, it there needs to be something for it in the other trees as well. Ex. Giving the prone effect back to Takedown when an Instigator GWF is in Unstoppable.
The entire Instigator tree - Feedback
The instigator tree really needs some worth while feats to drastically boost its hinderance ability. There is a reason there are almost no Instigator GWF's. There is just nothing worth while here. The utility and hinderance of enemies just doesnt seem appealing partly because the encounters and dailies that apply them are subpar on thier own, even with the feats that add to them. They dont get much damage bonus from anything except select skills that gets any damage bonus diffused anyway when hitting multiple targets.The utility and hindering components to abilities this entire tree does needs looking into and has needed it for a long time. Instigator has never really been a viable option. I have never actually seen or even fought against an instigator. I am sure I probably have, but that is kind of the point. You cant even tell. You can tell what a class path is by the distinctive things they do, the benefits of Instigator is so small, you either dont know what they are and they just do meh, or just assume they're a badly playing destroyer.
Spinning Strike - Feedback
Very very weak. There is nothing worthwhile about this daily that another daily already does but better. And making this daily faster did not help it at all, but only made it worse. For once, the same attack from mobs (the white dragonwings) actually does better than the same attack when used from a player.
Battlefury - Feedback
This encounter should not be restricted to only be used within combat. It should be able to be used out of combat as well, if its going to work as a battle rally, it doesnt make sense to only have it used during battle, as most battle rallys occur just prior to battle starting and make it more of a conscious choice as to WHEN use battlefury instead of just spamming it whenever you get into a fight, because thats the only time you can use it.
Steel Blitz - Feedback
This has been a class feature that I always skipped passed simply because the chance for it to apply is just way too low, and when it does the effect is minimal.
can u pls rework it to give a lot longer silance to mobs then to players 3 sec would be nice on mobs
Right now they are neither.
Reaping Strike - Feedback
This power should mimic Aim Shot on an HR. Aim Shot can be interrupted but can be used at range. Reaping Strike must be in melee to use, but cannot be interrupted. They each have a pro and a con. So Whatever damage formula is used for Aim Shot (HR) COPY that damage formula over to Reaping Strike.
Punishing Charge - Feedback
I agree. I have often though this could be similar to Lunge Strike (on GFs) but instead of allowing this to stack, remove the stack but make it 1) HALF the CD 2) 3-4x the range. The fact that it shoots you forward, the longer the range the harder it is to control, so it has a nice paradox there. I like that its low damage, the added range and shorter CD could be a nice mobility utility skill. Also it would be neat to add some sort of interrupt/stun/daze effect to targets hit. Keep in mind this would be an "uncontrollable dash forward" meaning if your actually ontop of the opponent, you would end up with MORE space between you as you fly past them, the reason for doing that would be the effect/damage it deals.
Roar - Feedback
I even think a 1 second Daze is more than fine. Just something to ACTUALLY interrupt the target. Right now how they code "interrupt" it means literally next to nothing. Even a daze - even if CC resist counts towards it, would be an REAL interrupt. Enough to stop them for .5 seconds and they have to re-cast or re-press a button. That small amount is all that is needed (remember this can be put on a short CD with Destroyer and builds determination well - so it does have those utility features too)
Steadfast Determination - Feedback
I see this going three paths:
1) No longer provides passive regen, but now ANY action you do or damage you take builds extra determination (like 30% or something). This would mean that if NORMALLY you need to lose 25% HP for 4 sec unstoppable, (half a bar) you would only need to lose (25% * (1-30%) = 17.5% HP). I guess the easy way to code this would be: You generate 10% more determination. Each rank is +10%. (40% at MAX rank 4?) Might be TOO good now though.
2) Just give a much much better passive determination gain. Either give passive determination gain at the SAME rate it does now WITHOUT being in combat( meaning you regen determination outside combat) OR, just give it like 2x the current passive regen rate...
3) This ability no longer regens determination but instead, you gain determination for spending stamina. Somthing similar to a TR where they can roll 3-4 times and regen ALOT of their stealth meter. If a GWF uses a full sprint meter this could provide something like 25% of their Determination meter. This would synergyize Sprint and Unstoppable quite well. Also make Sprint more a tactical move, do you sprint WHILE unstoppable to catch a target, or wait to use it until your out of unstoppable? This also makes things like Battle Fury much more deadly for GWFs for refilling stamina too!
Come and Get it - Feedback/bug?
Well I know Daring shout does apply a double mark (Threat Rush mark / Daring Shout Mark) which boosts CAGI damage above the DS intimidation. When I test them both individually I actually get the SAME intimidation procs on both abilities. So the only bug I see here is double mark with DS.
Wicked Strike - Feedback
Completely agree, it is HORRIBLE for PVE and PVP because if you cancel the animation, it will teleport you BACK to the spot you struck with. Its really annoying and I have died a few times because of it. Also the damage is just a joke as well. Remove the "reduced damage when striking multiple targets" and also remove the damage reduction of at wills during unstoppable. That never made sense to me at ALL.
Not so fast - Feedback
Not only should it be atleast a 6 second slow. The slow SEVERITY needs to be increased. You cant even tell if a target is affected by this ability. The slow should be around 30-40% and it should last about 5-6 seconds. When you hit someone with this, it should be very clear they are affected and the target (in PVP) should be worried about it. Right now you cant even tell if you hit them, or if another GWF uses it, if they hit you. Its a joke.
Unstoppable - Feedback
I used to be in this camp. I think I would rather have better determination gain though and keep it where it is. The only thing I would change is I would either A) remove healing depression on temp HP or
Things like the SteadFast Determination changes above. Combined with Temp HP at the END AND the fact that you gain determination from attacking, I think they would be in a nice spot.
I 1000% agree to remove the at will damage penalty (as mentioned before)
The entire Instigator tree - Feedback
Not gonna address this, other points are MUCH bigger concern IMO. The changes above are alot of balance features that would also potentially benefit instagators so for now, id rather focus on fixing those things. Just my personal preference.
The only ONE thing I would like to see would be Mighty Leap given a 3 second AoE Stun (on par with Front Line and takedown for stun). Right now this ability is HAMSTER damage and no utility really. allowing an AoE stun could be a nice Instagator feat and give some mobility. That and I would like to see better stamina regen or some type of "deflect severity" increase during sprint as well. Instagators should be the sprint MASTERS. Sentinels are the Unstoppable Masters. Destroyers are the "determination gain" masters. Etc. They each excel at one aspect of the GWF.
Spinning Strike - Feedback
This ability needs to last for like 6+ seconds. since its an AoE that provides also CC immunity, if you increase duration it could be very strong. I dislike that Sprint cancels this ability.
Battlefury - Feedback
LOVE this idea of using it outside combat as well. I always hated spamming it for the second I go INTO combat and half the time I would have to use it with a full stamina bar and just waste the ability since I wasnt guaranteed I could use it later.... Using it PRE-combat would be AMAZING! Also it would be amazing for travel as well.
Steel Blitz - Feedback
MEH - I dont even know what this is LOL! So obviously its HAMSTER.
It used to read (in mod 2 and 3) "Become adept at fighting multiple targets, gaining a chance to deal an extra attack which increases based on the number of enemies you hit". Ranks 2 and 3 were each +12% damage on Steel Blitz. This was really nice in add heavy dungeons like CN where you could use mighty leap and Avalanche of steel to get a 100% proc rate of Steel Blitz
SB now reads (l noticed the change in mod 5) "Every time you damage an enemy you have a 5% chance to instantly strike again, dealing at least 50% of your weapon damage" and ranks 2 & # are +12% damage for SB.
So Steel Blitz got nerfed hard by this change. Putting it back the way it was before would be a good option if the chance to activate would be increased so that you had at least a 50% chance to active it when you hit 5 enemies (our current target cap).
In all honestly, increasing the target cap of GWF would go a long ways to increasing our damage potential. the idea of dealing less damage per additional creature hit beyond the first would have to go still, but being limited to only 5 hits per attack when we have such a large weapon is sort of silly, especially since things like Smoke Bomb and Icy Terrain and Oppressive Force have no target cap
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
tested ... even if the idea is 5% reproduce of the previous damage (for example, the ibs) the chance is very, very low. gwf dont have crazy dots to this trigger. even if flourish become aoe, i will skip this class feature. is a wasting of points
original steel blitz:Steel Blitz (16th level): When you score a critical hit with a light blade or a heavy blade, you regain the use of a fighter encounter power you’ve already used in the encounter.
considering the status curve, reduct in x% the cooldown when critic is a good change. if put a cooldown in this class feature, can be the total recharge time.
Feedback: Status curve, defense.
ok, the dinamic fight in the melee, run the red zone and use a range attack increasing melee damage when the danger pass is fun. but this is the minimum required for the change in life steal; with changes in defense, it is necessary to think about ambivalent alternatives in for melee attack increases defense.
perma freeze/stealth dont suffer status curve .
feedback: critical damage.
That Is simple: the last tier of heroic feets up the critical severity of gwf. that will represent a big, huge nerf for a class that need 200% more damage to be competitive today. or rework that, or start do think about give 100% do critical chance for gwfs too.
the general vibe is ok. the problem is, again, other classes become out of line more and more.
The two biggest things that REALLY concern me:
1) In PVP now that ARP is SO rewarding, even if you CAN stack 12000 Defense on a GWF this would only be 30% DR. ALL you need is about 3000 ARP to completely negate ALL of that DR. That seems rather silly to me.
- Proposition: INCREASE DRASTICALLY the reward for AC in this game. Currently AC is VASTLY under valued and would be an AMAZING way to beef back up defenses on tanky classes. AC is already built into the game to give more towards tanky characters.
I think something LIKE 3 AC = 2% DR would be reasonable. I also dont see why AC should benefit more classes than others. A class like a GWF or GF already have alot more AC, so the ratio should be the same. Just like 400 of a stat benefits all classes the same, AC should benefit all classes the same, some classes just have alot more AC than others.
2) With stats getting a nerf (400:1%) things that are NOT stat based are HUGE damage buffs by comparison now.
Stealth = 100% Crit chance?! Thats like the equivalent of 25,000 Critical!!!!!
Or even 1 stat point in Dexterity that gives 1% crit. This is 400 Critical. Or If I put that 1 point into Con, Why do I then only get ~500 HP?
Following the 4:1 rule my 1 Con should give like 1600 HP, not 500....
Basically, if you are making all stats the same (400:1 etc) then all the stat attributes (STR/CON/CHA) should have an EQUAL ratio of benefits.
Currently all this will do is drastically benefit classes that can stack Crit via stats then they will stack HP via defensive slots instead. Since it would take them a RANK 10 to EQUAL just 1 DEX for 1% more crit.
and I hope, in the next module, gwf surpassing by a large scale the damage of other classes that have 2 or 3 functions or/and personal defensive tools. 5 minutes in the dummies and you can see the oposite happens.
anyway, change the order of some heroic feats and buff to the hell (or heaven) can be a good start w/o need change the overall balance again.
and for other encounters?
they become obsolute when they added hidden dagger that is a must + IBS both for instigator/destroyer, and sentinels cagi/daring shout.
we need a 4th encounter slot
then the paradox arises. only is a good power if :
a - you try off tank solo. off tank now will be impossible if nothing change.
B - you have some large radius of powers and good cap like gf.
C - a bizarre volume of damage per second. will not be the case, again.
then, even if, mathematically, is equal to the cw version ( less damage...) is not 100 %adapted to gwf today (after the lasts reworks for other classes) and will be impossible to be used tomorrow.
the book version (or similar concept) will be great for both fighters in my opinion.
on preview server, Weapon Master feat seems not working. It doesn't build stacks. Am I wrong? Can anyone confirm that?
Proud Officer of Ordo Draconis, DDO Italian Elite Guild
now up on Neverwinter Online, member of Ordo Obscuri Domini, Italian Guild
Only the fourth rank of Weapon Master class feature is bugged, the third rank build stucks normally.