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Interactive Poll: The Top 20 Fixes You'd Make to Neverwinter!



  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Of the original list, I consider these the most important. The others I consider either fairly minor or completely irrelevant to me (my own opinion based on how I play)

    3. Fix the dungeon queue system.
    Yes, this is borked in so many ways... I think adding a private queue feature would be the most important fix.

    11. Rework Need/Greed/Pass to prevent unjust looting.
    This is a huge gripe for me, as it has been in STO and CO. Need/Greed should be thrown out with only a pass option if you really don't want the item. That makes is perfectly fair and random for all team mates, and you can work out the NEED if you really need it, with them on your own. Pugs won't trust you, but your guildmates should, so run DDs with them instead.

    12. "Vote to kick" system rather than the leader having absolute power - require 3 out of 5 party to kick.
    This is sorta minor, but given the fact that the queue is effectively broken, it's a pisser when you finally get in a party just to be kicked by someone then end up missing out on the event because the queue takes 30 minutes to slot you into another team.

    14. Add guild housing/player housing.
    This!!! Go read up on how Cryptic did it (very successfully as far as I'm concerned) in Star Trek Online. As far as I'm concerned they could straight port that to NW and it would be a massive bit of goodness.

    20. Add collaboration tools to Foundry.
    OMG yes. YES YES. That every quest has to be worked on solo is pathetic IMO. The foundry would be epically awesome if teams of players could work together to create campaigns.
  • rannox1rannox1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    - Raids.
    - Completely Re-do GG to be open world pvp.
    - Allow us to queue as 10-20 or more.
    - Stop focusing so much on the RP aspect of the game and actually focus on gameplay and creating overall staying power for the game.
    - Remove Lag Compensation from PVP.
    - Improve servers and routing.
    - Stop listening to PW as much as possible.
  • karitrkaritr Member Posts: 662 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    • Better search facility in Foundry catalogue
    • Foundry quests should be added to the "New" tab using the original publish date, not when they were last edited
    • Auto-add new players to party when one drops out
    • Roll or Pass on party loot
    • Make religion count - Add dailies with cosmetic rewards such as dyes or social outfits in colour(s) representing our chosen deity
    • New chat channel for trade (PLEASE)
    • Gimme a bow!
    • Change Foundry event reward - at least for post 60, when xp is no incentive
  • aesclealaescleal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    -Slow down XP gains so levels matter more and we can get invested and interested in our characters (right now things move so fast I find I'm not connecting with my characters)

    - Make gear something that is worth keeping around (right now so much gear fills your bags that it's not worth dyeing or customizing gear because you will probably replace and sell it very soon anyways)

    - Flesh out classes more and let players decide how to develop their character from the start (right now we get shackled into a subclass rather than designing it ourselves (like the rule books, and even DDO))

    - Add more classes before players lose momentum

    - Add vast open area zones where players can explore and find mini quests, or even UGC quests, to give it a more epic feel to the size of the game
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Foundry event reward could be changed for all levels and I doubt anyone would miss it, considering how easy it is to overlevel from doing pretty much anything.

    Speaking of which, skirmishes - some kind of mechanic to access ones you've outlevelled and missed would be much appreciated.

    Unimportant tweaks and fixes I just want on record as requested:
    If some characters can have green hair, I want blue/purple hair
    The messy/layered haircut has a weird stupid skew thing going on when mounted, stretches out and sticks straight up in the air
    Likewise, capes and cloaks should not look like aprons while you're standing around
    Fashion cape slot for stat-less vanity items (Caturday, Foundry, etc.)
    Interchangeable head slot items (fashion hat/helm)
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1) Fix the bug that logs us out when we were changing characters.
    2) Fix the bug that prevents seeing crafting recipes until you log out or complete a task (rare but annoying).
    3) Stop changing the active quest to quests outside the current zone. Also fix the bug that sometimes prevents changing your active quest.
    4) add paragon paths for existing classes.
    5) Fix character creation to a rolled or point allocated system as an option

    6) Balance alchemy. The products are consumed: making one potion in an hour is lame, it should be 10/ hour. The materials should be cheaper: you make ONE armor to wear or sell, no one needs a sackful so it make sense to have pricy materials. Everyone needs about 20 potions on hand for anything even modestly difficult, more for raids etc. I am talking the basic potions here, not the exotic ones. Basically make it more efficient at level 60 to make a level 60 healing potion than to go smash something in the foundry until enough drop to refill your supply. Currently I can get 10+ healing potions in 15 min killing mobs in a foundry grinder, while it takes 7 HOURS (IIRC) to get that many via crafting.

    7) Fix the bot issues, they are having a negative effect on pvp and pve alike.
    8) add raid content that does not require pvp nor a guild.
    9) Fix boss fights to have more strategy, less annoying spawns.

    10) across the board too many "spawn from thin air" attacks in the quests and instances etc. It breaks the experience to have monsters appear from no-where constantly. Spawn them at a decorative door? Ok, they came in there, fine. Spawn them on top of the players? Lame, makes the game feel like the DM is drunk.

    11) fix node timer. It is dumb to have a profession farming event then give people broken dice and glass for participating. I understand the anti-bot but it kicks in too soon, actual honest players get locked out of the event after just a few nodes. Make it like 25 nodes in under 10 min OR suspend the punishment during the event.

    12) take a look at the dwarven racial finale quest. My wife and I could not even do it in a duo with T1 gear .... could just be us but I think not, his damage is off the charts for solo content, remember, not all dwarves are tanks.

    13) we are ready for pet level up / increase / whatever scrolls now.
    14) put a mail box at the zone entry of each zone.
    15) fix the gear score and recommended score and similar ratings to make sense. That is, stop recommending items that are 100% inappropriate for one's class just because the item is higher (but useless) stats. Then use the score to form groups of people that have similar gear for pvp, and maybe even for dungeons.

    16) open all skirmishes to all levels and scale them.
    17) modify foundry modules so people can build their own homes, including some storage? It can cost zen to unlock this feature or whatever, would just be fun. Many players already have done this without the storage of course.
    18) allow foundry to put in bank, mail, vendor, etc NPCs.
    19) allow foundry to make 5 man and raid level adventures. Some logic needed (or even hands-on) but some way to ensure a blue, bound, class and level appropriate item reward for these in the last chest would be neat.
    20) Get rid of the delay to hop instances to meet your friend in protector's. The other zones, I see how instance hopping to node farm etc can be abused, but PE --- I can run to a door, change zones, change back, and meet my friends faster than the timer can tick down. Sometimes, its easier to trade in person, or to group up for an instanced quest, etc, .... this would save a lot of aggravation. Alternately just check to see if someone has friends online in PE when the player logs in, and if so (and the logging in player is also in PE), start in THAT instance of PE.
  • urd01urd01 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Make it impossible to leave trash in skillnodes, so the next player trying to loot it just wastes time on a node with only a 2cu worth piece of rope in it. It's very annoying having found a skillnode and trying to loot ir just to discover that greefers have just hit and left it.
  • geargogglesgeargoggles Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1) Fix the frequent disconnects.
    2) Fix the frequent crashing.

    If there was time after that.

    3) Ability to 'fill' a party an any instance (pvp, dungeon) if someone drops or is DC'd.

    Don't take this wrong, I love the game, and that's the reason why I posted what I did. Being able to login and play without bugs/crashes/technical issues is the most important thing to me. As it is now, when i start the client and click the big Enter World button, I cross my fingers and close my eyes. That's not how you want players to start your game.
  • ghostmatterghostmatter Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've listed the fixes I'd like, not new content.
    1. Slow down leveling, can't enjoy the story content properly right now
    2. Make skirmishes have doors/NPCs to enter them
    3. Make skirmishes levels overlap each other
    4. Account wide-bank, like in STO
    5. Make companions on the Zen store account-wide
    6. Allow party member to be replaced
    7. New party system for dungeons (with vote-to-kick?)
    8. More ways to earn Astral Diamonds
    9. Guild AD bank and/or donations for bank slots
    10. Server merge
    11. Queue option to accept non-balanced teams
    12. Completely redo daily events rewards and time. Remove Gauntlygrym from there
    13. Cut down on Daily requirements, especially skirmishes
    14. Lower visual transmutation cost and allow a transmuted item to be used as base
    15. Looking-for-group system
    16. Tweak bosses
    17. Add LFG and Trade channels
    18. Stop spawning at certain locations in Adventure Zones when there is a player nearby
    19. Get rid of bots
    20. Add multiple languages for one quest in the Foundry
    I love this game but I'm getting more and more frustrated by the day because of these things.
  • dalton2342dalton2342 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    4. Improve GF and CW aggro, GF blocking.

    Would be really nice. Also SPEED, because I find my GF has no speed boosts whatsoever and while I should always be leading in the front to protect my friends, I end up falling in the rear because they do have speed boosts and use them. Not nice when it happens! True, I can charge and such, but when there are no enemies in sight I'd still like to keep being able to lead in the front for RP purposes.

    5. Improve boss mechanics. Redesign bosses to have unique dynamics beyond "avoid the red spot," design bosses to be more thematic in attack structures and defenses. Provide for monster vulnerabilities (ie: frost giants = especially susceptible and responsive to fire based attacks).

    That would be awesome!

    7. Reduce xp granted by 25-75% across the board, thereby allowing more play of Foundry, skirmishes, and delves while leveling. Loosen current level cap to allow more questing. Minority strongly like xp way it is.

    THIS! I want to enjoy the journey to end-game as much as possible and not go up a level every time I play a foundry quest.

    15. More emotes, including sit down in chairs and a proper lay down/sleep emote.

    My boyfriend who plays WOW keeps teasing me because I can't sit in the tavern. Please make it happen!
  • farfig1337farfig1337 Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    1. GWF still need more work to be wanted/Needed in party. GWF are in great danger of losing any party spot they currently have when Neverwinter starts adding new classes. Do not buff GWF in PvP just focus on there PvE area moves, threat and Buff moves IE make them party buffs.

    2. Ability to replace Members in Dungeons after they begin.

    3. Reduce Adds defenses and HP, But keep them at high damage, maybe even up damage to compensate low low HP. Keep fights fast and Furious not grind fests on adds. Make sure you have no "Unkillable adds" during boss fights. So your only options are push or kite.

    4. All Classes need at least 3 paragon paths to choose from, Classes do not have enough power choices as it is. No class can be considered complete without haveing at least the choice of paragon paths done.

    5. Let PvP rewards be determined for how long the match goes on for as well as accomplishments. Can spend 20 minutes in a stalemate PvP for the same <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> rewards for losing in a 5 minute match where you jsut roll over and die. Longer matches should have higher rewards. Shorter matches less rewards.

    6. Better Boss Mechanics

    7. Endless Dyes in Zen store. Simply let players purchase a dye of a single color that never runs out. So you can level a character from 1 to 60 and keep the same color theme on all his gear. Dyes should be unlocked for all characrters on account, so you can have mix and matching.
  • sogronnwosogronnwo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 96
    edited July 2013
    1. Server merge.

    2. Account bank with gold and AD deposit, I don't even care if it must be bought with 1-2k Zen.

    3. LFG and Trade channels separate from Zone.

    4. Leader initiated vote kick system.

    5. Role-selective dungeon and Skirmish queues.

    6. Ability to fill dropped members of party from the queue, with leader-selectable preferred role.

    7. Improved boss mechanics, shifting the emphasis from adds. Shorten T2 instances, some are unreasonably long.

    8. Need rolls should make the loot bind on pickup, greed should leave it bind on equip.

    9. Fix the GS system to only reflect bonuses from gear and enchants (no feats), but ALL gear and enchants, including armor and weapon enchants (just calculate a flat value, like 200 for lesser, 400 for normal, 600 for greater, etc.) and 4 piece set bonuses (also flat values of 400 for T1 and 450 for T2 I think).

    10. Tweak deflect and regeneration. Give us the option to enchant regen, and deflect should get its severity halved and its % doubled in my opinion.

    11. Make a switch in the Options menu to convert XP into copper (maybe 10 XP into 1 copper), so characters can do every content on their way to 60 and this would also reward lvl 60s if they go to finish sub-60 quest zones.
    Also NPCs should still show they have quests after players greatly out-level the level of the quests they give.

    12. Tone down PvP damage or greatly buff HP on PvP maps and make diminishing returns on crowd control powers. 1- and 2-shots, perma CCs and perma stealth shouldn't be possible in PvP.

    13. Make more PvP sets for classes, just like in PvE. I represent the DCs when I say we'd like an actually useful set where lifesteal is replaced by defense or regeneration or PvP specific defense or CC duration reduce rating (implement these 2 please?) or just about anything other than lifesteal. PvP setbonus ideas for DCs :-X% Righteousness / CC duration reduce or immunity proc / converts Prophetic Action to do CC immunity to the first CC every 40 secs instead of dmg / etc.

    14. Correct all tooltips to say the truth and all the truth. A lot of powers and feats either work incorrectly or their description is faulty. Just inform us better. Is it considered an AoE spell for feats? Is it considered a healing spell for feats?
    Some descriptions don't even show the dmg the power does, or the damage reduction a Daily gives, etc. For new players, including whether an AoE spell is "fake" aka. max 5 targets or "real" aka. infinite amount of targets would be awesome too.

    15. Balance feats, their value should be similar, currently they are either Godly or Trash with the occasional "I guess that's okay". Just make choosing between feats a real choice, not filtering out the garbage and using what's left.

    16. Balance powers. I guess the same can be said about any class but from a DC point of view, it's almost the same as feats. Some powers are just grossly stronger than others. Add Utility, CC immunity, party and self buffs, debuffs, dmg and heal increases. Make it an arsenal instead of the current "I'll take the ones that are actually felt during combat".

    17. Balance weapon and armor enchantments, they have the same problem as powers and feats. I didn't even bother to learn the names other than Vorpal, Soulforged and Plague Fire.

    18. Add more fashion items and dyes, maybe make designing contests and implement the winners.
    Add Fashion items for professions. It's okay to keep the fancy ones for Zen, but give us some basics from professions.

    19. Improve companion AI or just add basic scripting - healer and leader stays next to player, tanks attack what is hitting the player and strikers attack what the player attacked last and doesn't attack anything the player didn't.

    20. Make DCs fun, we are currently augment pets. I'd recommend sifting thru the Temple forum for ideas, there are a bunch of great ones. Basically what DCs want is to impact fights more, either through the ability to save with burst heals, or thru added dmg, or by bringing situational utility (20% uptime of something awesome, either a party buff or a single target buff or a debuff on enemies or meaningful CC). Any of those will do, but I'd personally make the 3 paragon trees focus on exactly these - viable DPS / burst-ish heal / meaningful utility. Again, the DC forum is filled with great ideas.

    21. Option to duel.

    22. Dual spec.

    23. Allow character base stats reroll on respec or with another service.

    24. Epic skirmishes for lvl 60, doable under 30 mins.

    25. Allow better rewarding and skill nodes in foundry.

    26. Ability to preview items in AH / Vendor / Chat.
  • jim2108jim2108 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Didn't have my personal choices on the list which would be: 1. New developing company and 2. New publishing company
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. Item storage .... improved mailbox....or some other (premium) to access all items from all characters.

    2. Static chat lines .... it's too cumbersome the way it's 'hidden' right now.

    3. PvP ... more maps. Maybe an arena style map for when the Arena event is active.

    4. and this an important one for me: NO PERSONAL RED BAR IN PVP
    excuse the caps but I really want this gone. It's like the red flag in front of a bull, even when no enemy is around I still charge everything with a red bar....and end up chasing my tail.

    At the very least make it green, like my teammates.
  • deadskipdeadskip Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. Get the promised Gateway iPad and Android apps out ASAP. The mobile version of the webpage is PAINFUL.

    2. Fix the gateway... don't break alchemy when collecting from the gateway... don't stiff us on the double diamond rewards through the gateway.

    3. MORE ZONES - You should have a choice where to go in levelling up and should not have to repeat all the same zones again.

    4. more solo content after 60. Only way currently is to leave missions uncompleted and rerun them.

    5. Put nodes in foundry. You're bright people, surely you can find an exploit-free way to do this?

    6. more events - and NOT just in Protector's Enclave. (And no thinly disguised American holiday events, it breaks the feeling of immersion in the Sword Coast completely.)

    7. More casual wear - basic items of off-duty clothing available as rewards in quests of for minimal price. Keep the zen market for the prestige/fancy ones. No one wears casual wear because they don't want to look like a peasant!

    8. Horses that don't "refuse" at a six inch kerb.

    9. PvP queues that sort entrants by gear score or by total earned glory (for example) so that starting PvPers don't just get ganked by professional PvP glory farmers.

    10. More channels - LFG, FORSALE so you can trim down the spam in the enclave.
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I honestly just want my Savage Enchants to work. Wish I never farmed that event for a reward that still doesn't work. What a waste of time.
  • angelwings1337angelwings1337 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The abilty to gain all your crafting tools and workers through the crafting system alone. Without needing lockbox drops to get to end game crafting.

    There is no reason why you cannot turn 4 Rank 3 (White) Crafting personal into the green rank 4 version. That would require you to make 64 Rank 1 Crafters just to do this and that requires 1152 hours allocated to your crafting slots to make that one guy. plus another 162 hours to turn them all into that one rank 4 guy. Total 1314 hours to make 1 rank 4 green crafter instead of usoing the lockbox route. What is wrong with that? The 5274 hours you need to make one rank 5 Blue guy or The 21114 hours you need to make one rank 6 Purple guy? (IE 2.6 YEARS of crafting time spent to make him.... Yeah I know we get up to 9 slots to work with on a character and that will reduce it consiferable. but it also means you are doing nothing else but making tons of dudes)
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Couple things I saw in a thread about Foundry:
    Make subscribing to a Foundry author account-wide
    Add an option to favorite or bookmark specific Foundry quests (because subscriptions can still be an enormous list to scroll through)
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • soffishsoffish Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Personally, I think that being able to transfer gold/astral diamonds to your other characters would only cause smurfing in PVP which would only break the game.

    -Definite fix though is the GWF unstoppable glitch in PVP. Renders them basically useless.

    -I'd say to throw in a Good looking mount. By this, I mean that all of the mounts up to date are evil/ vicious looking. What if you want to role play as a lawful good or chaotic good? You don't want to be riding around on a howler or worg. Add something holy looking for a purple mount.\

    -The game needs a report function.
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well since I quit this game over the continued hate a GWF gets I have to say fix the GWF. And now I will post 20 points on the GWF where they can be improved in PVE WITHOUT making them more powerful in PvP and thus starting a whine fest. GWF need to be valued as a Party member just like every other class.

    Think TR's get to go to CN cuz they can stealth through mobs and get the party to campsites faster. Even though a GWF can run and do this just as well.

    GF's get to go to CN because they are the "Tank" they make the most threat and those the ones used to kite mobs while the rest of the group kills the boss. Even though a GWF can do this just as well. What a GWF can't do is solo tank a boss he cannot make more threat than the TR even in sentinal build.

    CW's go to CN because the dungeon and it's adds are so difficult the only Reliable way to get through it is to push adds off cliffs. This is so Desperately needed that all groups bring 2 CW's. The problem here is simply fixing the dungeon Lower the adds HP in the third boss and Draco Boss fight so a GWF can kill them alone or with aid from a CW. And put up invisible walls around the boss areas so mobs cannot be pushed out of these areas and players must then be forced to deal with the adds. Which hopefully have been altered so players can actually deal with them while fighting the boss.

    DC's go to CN because they heal.

    What the GWF Needs to be part of the group.

    GWF need group buffs just like the GF does. If the GWF makes everyone in the group more powerful do more damage IE like the offensive type they are supposed to be they will be mor edesired in the group. Without increasing there personal damage output they will instead increase the parties Damage.

    Now lets focus on the GWF moves and which ones NEED to be buffed and why.

    First off Reaping Strike. This At-will was never popular, even in Beta 3 when the GWF was at it's peak. And when the GWF fix came in other at-wills were buffed and this one was not.
    Reaping strike does less DPS than wicked strike players have studied this and to top it off it reduces your movement and has a very slow charge time. It is very hard to use in hectic action packed dungeons.

    First Remove the speed penalty for charging this move. Let players manuever while using it. Second it needs to do more damage OR have a lower charge time. I'm for the lower charge time. The numbers it puts are already impressive to look it. IT just needs to be more useable.

    Spinning strike, even eith the buffs this move is still never used by GWFs because it's damage is comparable to slams and it stops you from making any other attacks. Control immunity, Deflection and run speed will not replace slam. BEcause while using it you will nto make enough threat to kite anything. The move looks like a kiting move to me but it fails at that. Since we already have slam. Scrap this move and replace it ith a daily power that buffs the entire parties damage. the GWF just need one solid move that prties are dying to have in threre group to save it.

    Not so Fast. The damage for this is just two low an Encounter that just dose double the damage of Wicked strike. Since it has the same hit cap. Not impressive at all. Either boost the damage or kill the hit cap. give GWFS a reason to want this as an AOE attack in dungeons and slow does not cut it.

    Daring shout. The defense boost is handy in this one. But it only aids the GWF, plus it has an incredibly LONG cooldown time. Make it buff the entire parties defense or reduce the Cooldown by about half. I dont know why this one was not touched when all other GWF cooldowns got reduced.

    Savage Advance. Just does nto stand out as a daily. Lots of GWF dailies are <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> but Crescendo and Slam. Never seen any GWF at 60 use any other daily. Savage advance could be used if the target of there charge takes alot more damage (almost as much as crescendo), while the secondary targets take the current damage listed. Then it may be usable.

    Avalanche of Steel. This move is just to slow. Give the players an option to land earlier by clicking the dialy button again and it will be fine.

    Roar. GWF needs this to be an AOe control move. GWF is the only class that has no aoe Control moves and a push wont cut it when rogues have smoke bomb. Clerics can AOE immobilize, and GF AOE knock done. Dont even need to xplain the CW

    Come and get it. This move lacks one of two things. Either Damage or the control ability to KEEP the mobs the GWF pulls in next to the GWF. Plus this move should not have a hit cap.

    Punishing Charge. This move does less damage than Wicked strike?. Seriously it is an Encounter with 3 charges its area is not that much better than Wicked strike and gives you the advantage of an Instant move. I never see anyone use this. GWFs damage is low enough they can't spare anything for movement. Unless they really really like running away in PvP.

    Next Bravery. Increase ru nspeed and Deflection. This would be a good power if the GWFs could hold threat. If this power also gave a significant threat Boost. Then GWFs could tank with it.

    Steel Grace. I am suggesting this for instigator GWF players. Give this move a threat reduction power in addition to its control mitigation. So GWFs can have that play style advantage as well.

    If Cryptic actually shows signs that it reads these well thought out posts and cares about players that like the GWF they may actually get me back playing. And maybe even other players they lost because of how they treated the GWF.
  • khalibuskhalibus Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2013
    1. Fix the Dungeon Queue system.
    2 Allow for replacing people via dungeon finder when someone leaves a dungeon group.
    3. Fix the myriad of broken CW feats.
    4. Allow for a dual spec - charge zen for it for all I care, but make it available.
  • tjhedgescouttjhedgescout Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. Remove Skirmish Level Lockout.
    2. Allow players to replay quest related dungeons if they missed some lore.
    3. Fix Mimics ignoring GF aggro if someone else woke it up... (assuming that's a bug)
    4. Raise Max Level for Professions.
  • francoaventinefrancoaventine Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    UPDATE--Well I stuck to the game AND I have actually become used to the "camera mode". I still get some visual problems because of all the "looking around" at such a tight angle but I really love the game. I would still like a "regular view mode" and a better zoom option...hopefully it will happen sometime...but if not...it all good.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Loving the feedback ya'll are giving! Make this game better, I DARE YOU!

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  • sogronnwosogronnwo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 96
    edited July 2013
    As I wrote earlier, I have a problem with the balance of powers. I thought I'd be constructive about that point.

    DC point of view, but I think the other classes could use the core thoughts too.

    I'd pretty much balance the game around this:
    - amount a pure heal or damage spell does = sum of dmg+heal of hybrids (or heal+utility or damage+utility)
    - amount a single target spell damages or heals = amount an AoE encounter heals and damages on 3 targets
    - amount a 2-target spell (like Soothing Light and HW) heals or damages on each of its targets = amount an AoE spell heals or damages on 2 targets
    - the above two means that the amount a 2-target spell does on each of its targets = single target*2/3
    - total amount of damage or heal that HoTs and DoTs do = burst *1.25
    - spell HPS and DPS should also calculate in the unmodified base CD, the longer its CD, the harder it hits, the shorter, the weaker.

    The base dmg and scaling of course isn't the same across all classes, I don't want the HPS of a DC AoE pure heal to be equal with the DPS of a GWF pure dmg AoE, that would be imbalanced. What I'd like is these points to be consistent across all powers within a class.

    Here are some examples I quickly napkin-mathed:

    I find D-FF to be the spell that is where it needs to be. I think I'd balance everything around that one.

    - For example the total heal D-AS and D-FF does should be about the same, because both are either hybrid or utility, both are either HoT or DoT, both are AoE and both have similar CDs. I think this is actually very close to how it is on live. Cool. Unless you count that AS can't crit :(

    - BoH however is a pure heal (sum of heal and damage of hybrids), burst (/1.25 compared to HoTs), and on *1.5 CD compared to D-FF. So I figure D-BoH with its current CD should heal each of its targets (/5) for
    = (total heal of D-FF on 5 targets + total damage of D-FF*3)/1.25*1.5/5
    The damage*3 is because the DoT of FF is single target.
    I'd personaly wouldn't do the *1.5 because of the CD but instead lower the CD on BoH by /1.5.
    If you calculate this, you'll see the serious imbalance between D-FF and D-BoH.
    Or let's compare BoH to AS. AS heals for more noncrit than BoH crits for. And it has a shorter CD. And it adds utility. Poor BoH :(

    - HW is about the same CD (will be anyway when you fix it to scale with recharge speed increase), is a HoT too, but it's dual target and pure heal. So I think over its course, D-HW should heal each of its targets for a total of
    = total heal of D-FF on 2 targets + total damage of D-FF*2/3
    I know you have to balance for the 3-charge system too, but since we use HW for single target healing because of the lack of a better option, the HPS it loses is way more impactful than the gain that the 3-charge system means. HW needs to improve in its niche.

    - the same goes for Soothing Light, it might not have a CD, but Divinity building takes enough time, and it isn't a HoT exactly, it is channelled. I feel it should heal the same amount as I counted for a D-HW when used for a full pip of D.

    Additionally, I have a few ideas about the infamous righteousness:
    - maybe modify it to only affect hybrid spells but not pure heals?
    - make a PvP set with a 4 piece bonus that reduces it significantly?
    - leave it as it is, but modify Soothing Light and Healing Word to heal for double when their primary target is the DC itself?

    I hope these help.
  • insomeatinsomeat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. Class Balance is the number one reasin I am currently on a brake from the game. Add another healer class (Druid) so that people who like healing (like me) aren't stuck with only one option (Cleric) which in my opinion is very boring to play and pretty sub-par in PvP (compared to the other classes).

    2. Add more interesting dungeons with lesser trash and boss mechanics.

    3. Have trash drop interesting stuff (small chance ofcourse).

    4. More PvP maps and options, a small sized and very large sized capture the flag maps.

    5. Better PvP ques to match similar geared players and premades.

    5. Option to invite/replace people when someone leaves (how is this not in the game yet??)

    6. Fix bugged feats and spells especially on CW (my 2nd char)

    There is a LOT more but these are the main ones keeping me from having fun in the game right now.
  • lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I want the ability to re-roll my character's initial ability dice scores. I don't care if it is Zen, AD, gold, etc.
  • farcursefarcurse Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 46
    edited July 2013
    insomeat wrote: »
    1. Class Balance is the number one reasin I am currently on a brake from the game. Add another healer class (Druid) so that people who like healing (like me) aren't stuck with only one option (Cleric) which in my opinion is very boring to play and pretty sub-par in PvP (compared to the other classes).

    2. Add more interesting dungeons with lesser trash and boss mechanics.

    3. Have trash drop interesting stuff (small chance ofcourse).

    4. More PvP maps and options, a small sized and very large sized capture the flag maps.

    5. Better PvP ques to match similar geared players and premades.

    5. Option to invite/replace people when someone leaves (how is this not in the game yet??)

    6. Fix bugged feats and spells especially on CW (my 2nd char)

    There is a LOT more but these are the main ones keeping me from having fun in the game right now.

    same issues here

    and also this

    lltsnwn :

    "I want the ability to re-roll my character's initial ability dice scores. I don't care if it is Zen, AD, gold, etc."

    dont need to tipe been said before so Copy paste

    PS: look at the sets in game and fix the 4 piece effects on them
  • asteroidusasteroidus Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. Fix the Launcher so that it's stable and reliable
    2. See #1
  • geargogglesgeargoggles Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    asteroidus wrote: »
    1. Fix the Launcher so that it's stable and reliable
    2. See #1

    Everyone should be responding with this. If they don't stabilize this thing, it's going to get worse and worse as they add more to it.
This discussion has been closed.