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BoP will bring me back to Neverwinter.



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    omgbee5omgbee5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why? you kill monster. you gain your loot.

    What else can you ask for?

    I am in full T2... I have literally every item for every spec that I need. I have multiple sets of gear with at minimum rank 7 enchants. The only reason I continue to log into this game every day and farm T2s/CN is to make AD.... and there are lots of people like me. If they change the gear to BOP it will discourage players like me from continuing to play. I am sorry but this change will be the end of the game for me.
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    onyxghost1onyxghost1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This idea is so stupid. BoP...yeah whatever.
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    zerokunoichi7zerokunoichi7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    BoP will make people who have gear quit and people who don't farm it endlessly or quit because they can't do it.
    Therefore, you just killed your own game.

    Also, there are so many broken class skills and feats it's unreal. Nothing is working properly. Sorry, but that's the sad truth. BoP will make this game even worse.
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    daschladaschla Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 240 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    What I want to know is why no one under employ of this company is addressing the elephant in the room. How are we supposed to complete ENCHANTMENTS without AD?
    Sister Vanity knows if you've been naughty or nice...and heals accordingly.
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    infernal667infernal667 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If this goes live the game will become extremely grindy. PWE wants to maximize the time a player stays with the game but they are doing it the wrong (easy) way. The grind will make the game far more inconvenient which will boost the value of the zen shop items. People will pay a lot to speed up the dungeon runs. After all, you are going to have to do 100s of runs now.

    As for everyone who asks where they are going to get their AD: You wont. PWE wants your cash and not your satisfaction. But look at it this way: What do you want AD for if you cannot buy anything with it anyway?
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    lucangenehmlucangenehm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    omgbee5 wrote: »
    I am in full T2... I have literally every item for every spec that I need. I have multiple sets of gear with at minimum rank 7 enchants. The only reason I continue to log into this game every day and farm T2s/CN is to make AD.... and there are lots of people like me. If they change the gear to BOP it will discourage players like me from continuing to play. I am sorry but this change will be the end of the game for me.

    Not only for you. This will be the reason why most of the players will leave. But tho, admins like it...
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    zeralf1zeralf1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 34
    edited June 2013
    So i have all the T2 sets available + CN weapons + ioun. I dont have to play the game anymore?
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    shajib1234shajib1234 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    zeralf1 wrote: »
    So i have all the T2 sets available + CN weapons + ioun. I dont have to play the game anymore?

    That's right.
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    infernal667infernal667 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    omgbee5 wrote: »
    I am in full T2... I have literally every item for every spec that I need. I have multiple sets of gear with at minimum rank 7 enchants. The only reason I continue to log into this game every day and farm T2s/CN is to make AD.... and there are lots of people like me. If they change the gear to BOP it will discourage players like me from continuing to play. I am sorry but this change will be the end of the game for me.

    Ask yourself this: How are you contributing to PWEs profit?
    If you are filling up the AH with T1 and T2 items for cheap you are actually hurting their profit. New players can buy their high end equip for 15€ and will stop playing soon. An empty AH will force a new player to stay in the game far longer and pay more than 15€ for consumables.
    All PWE is trying to do is to get rid of players that hurt their profit and you are one of them.
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    zeralf1zeralf1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 34
    edited June 2013
    Ask yourself this: How are you contributing to PWEs profit?
    If you are filling up the AH with T1 and T2 items for cheap you are actually hurting their profit. New players can buy their high end equip for 15€ and will stop playing soon. An empty AH will force a new player to stay in the game far longer and pay more than 15€ for consumables.
    All PWE is trying to do is to get rid of players that hurt their profit and you are one of them.

    Yea pretty much this. But this will kill the game eventually. Its a shame that they choose the easy road instead of improving their game.
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    omgbee5omgbee5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ask yourself this: How are you contributing to PWEs profit?
    If you are filling up the AH with T1 and T2 items for cheap you are actually hurting their profit. New players can buy their high end equip for 15€ and will stop playing soon. An empty AH will force a new player to stay in the game far longer and pay more than 15€ for consumables.
    All PWE is trying to do is to get rid of players that hurt their profit and you are one of them.

    If they want to push me away when I am the kind of player that will stick around and buy mounts... keys... companions... dye packs... you name it from them... they are cutting off their nose to spite their face. I would continue to give them money for a long time... if they would rather try and squeeze money out of casual players that are just passing though then I am done with them in this game and any future releases.
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Ask yourself this: How are you contributing to PWEs profit?
    If you are filling up the AH with T1 and T2 items for cheap you are actually hurting their profit. New players can buy their high end equip for 15€ and will stop playing soon. An empty AH will force a new player to stay in the game far longer and pay more than 15€ for consumables.
    All PWE is trying to do is to get rid of players that hurt their profit and you are one of them.

    If contributing to the in-game economy is "hurting profits", then the entire system was a mistake from the beginning. Either the auction house is a good thing or a bad thing, but just up and deciding the certain items are too good to be sold on it, makes the entire thing a joke.

    And for goodness sake, we didn't force them to make the game F2P or to advertise it as a free game. If they didn't want free players taking advantage of the mechanics they implemented, they should have made this a subscription-based game. If players are willing to quit once they got high-end gear then the game is BROKEN. There should be a reason to stick around besides gear. And there was: you could sell that gear you didn't need to buy things that made game more enjoyable. Dyes, companions, etc.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    mcleod71mcleod71 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 119 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The silver lining is.. we get to play this game for many more years to come instead of it turning into a monty haul joke where everyone is clad in end game epic ?

    yes cuz god forbid someone not feel special from playing a video game
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    teflondon75teflondon75 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    All I have to say is I won't be the only one that decided there is something better out there after their 5th, 10th,20th full clear all trash all bosses in CN during delve hour only to receive....a T1 ring. At least I had the chance to over time build up a little AD here and a little AD there to eventually buy something nice for myself that just will not drop in my reasonably expected time frame lol.

    This will cause the fully decked out people to leave, the people like me with not great luck to become frustrated and new people to grind like crazy badgers or some other crazy animal that grinds @shrugs@
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    infernal667infernal667 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »
    If contributing to the in-game economy is "hurting profits", then the entire system was a mistake from the beginning. Either the auction house is a good thing or a bad thing, but just up and deciding the certain items are too good to be sold on it, makes the entire thing a joke.

    And for goodness sake, we didn't force them to make the game F2P or to advertise it as a free game. If they didn't want free players taking advantage of the mechanics they implemented, they should have made this a subscription-based game. If players are willing to quit once they got high-end gear then the game is BROKEN. There should be a reason to stick around besides gear. And there was: you could sell that gear you didn't need to buy things that made game more enjoyable. Dyes, companions, etc.

    I think PWE did not expect T1 stuff to become so cheap so fast. After I got 60 I bought my T1 set for 50k AD. Instantly all seals and NPC item vendors were obsolete. The normal player progression is completely broken. Has anyone ever had the need to buy items from vendors for AD or seals? Definetly not in end game. I guess in PWEs perspective the AH in its current state is a bad thing. They are trying to rectify it but are overshooting as usual.

    As for the F2P thing: Its what the players wanted: The illusion of playing without paying. Nearly all of the pay to play MMOs have died. Most players do not realize though that in F2P games the developers are not your friends any more. They will do whatever it takes to make you pay money. Everything that is happening in these final patches before release is happening for one reason: to make you pay as much as possible before leaving the game. Even if that means they will do things no sane player wants.
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    fauust01fauust01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    essaidis wrote: »
    Hello guys I just wanted to show my love for the upcoming BoP update that I hear will be coming, I left Neverwinter a month ago mainly for the reason that I find it pathetic that you can buy gear from T1 and so on... I just wanted to make a thread that shows that not all of us hate the upcoming change, and that I'm very much looking forwards to it...

    Also I have not been able to find the patch note where it says it, but I can easily hear on people that its happening :)

    Game is like 50 days old so far. ( and still in open beta )

    You left after 20 days of OPEN BETA, yet you cry how bad some systems are.

    Great Logic.
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    yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Everything that is happening in these final patches before release is happening for one reason: to make you pay as much as possible before leaving the game. Even if that means they will do things no sane player wants.

    I appreciate they need a profitable businessmodel, it's what keeps the game going so that's never a bad thing. So I'm not that suspicious of their (alterior) motives.

    But this one... I don't think this is part of a good businessmodel...it's a massive hurdle that seperates the have's from the have-not's. And if only cash can overcome the hurdle....people will vote with their wallet. Cash should be for perks (which is why I put decent money into this game), the moment it becomes crucial to compete...well, I won't let the door hit me on my way out.
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    runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    omgbee5 wrote: »
    BOP will make me leave Neverwinter. Kthanks.
    Why? you kill monster. you gain your loot.

    What else can you ask for?

    That you make monsters in places other than dungeons drop the good loot then? I play skirmishes, pvp, foundry, and use professions. Have plenty of fun doing all that. I do not like someone "forcing" me into their preferred game play style if I want the best gear.

    I am not quitting yet. And if I decided to, I wouldn't bother to make a thread/post about it. But making everything BOP isn't a good thing for everyone. And a few mods pretending its the best thing since sliced bread isn't going to change that.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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    kwequakwequa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Any thought to heirloom so you can give greed to your other toons? As in EQ2 style?
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    abaddon1979abaddon1979 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Wait people are angry because they have to run 5 mans? LOL

    I WANT TO BECOME ALL POWERFUL AND DOMINATE EVERYONE AROUND ME!!!! I just don't want to spend much time doing it.

    This is perhaps the epitome of entitlement. I would normally ask some form of rhetorical questions like "Why do you think you should get everything without spending the time to do it?" then someone would come in and answer it with something that only makes sense to others deluded as themselves so I am just going to cut to the chase.

    If you think that you should be on par with others just because you want to be, then you are silly.
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    omgbee5omgbee5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Wait people are angry because they have to run 5 mans? LOL

    I WANT TO BECOME ALL POWERFUL AND DOMINATE EVERYONE AROUND ME!!!! I just don't want to spend much time doing it.

    This is perhaps the epitome of entitlement. I would normally ask some form of rhetorical questions like "Why do you think you should get everything without spending the time to do it?" then someone would come in and answer it with something that only makes sense to others deluded as themselves so I am just going to cut to the chase.

    If you think that you should be on par with others just because you want to be, then you are silly.

    Not only did you completely miss the point... you managed to do it in an offensive and hypocritical fashion. Good job.
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Wait people are angry because they have to run 5 mans? LOL

    I WANT TO BECOME ALL POWERFUL AND DOMINATE EVERYONE AROUND ME!!!! I just don't want to spend much time doing it.

    This is perhaps the epitome of entitlement. I would normally ask some form of rhetorical questions like "Why do you think you should get everything without spending the time to do it?" then someone would come in and answer it with something that only makes sense to others deluded as themselves so I am just going to cut to the chase.

    If you think that you should be on par with others just because you want to be, then you are silly.

    No, that's not why people are angry. A small number of people are bothered that they have to do the dungeons, but most are upset that they will no longer be able to sell the items they get after doing the 5 man dungeons. I know being dismissive and catty is easier than actually trying to understand why other people are upset, but I'd suggest reading the thread prior to going on one of these needlessly rude rants in the future.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    shajib1234shajib1234 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Wait people are angry because they have to run 5 mans? LOL

    I WANT TO BECOME ALL POWERFUL AND DOMINATE EVERYONE AROUND ME!!!! I just don't want to spend much time doing it.

    This is perhaps the epitome of entitlement. I would normally ask some form of rhetorical questions like "Why do you think you should get everything without spending the time to do it?" then someone would come in and answer it with something that only makes sense to others deluded as themselves so I am just going to cut to the chase.

    If you think that you should be on par with others just because you want to be, then you are silly.

    You are just ranting without any logic.

    Firstly, nobody is talking about an entitlement system.

    Secondly, if you think its easy to farm glory and sell them for ad, think again. It takes weeks just to get your 110 mount. What about the enchantments worth mils? months to farm?

    Thirdly, the main reason why so many people are pissed off about it is because it will take away the most crucial ways of earning ad, which means contrary to what your saying, encourages a more entitled system, or rather a pay to win system, where people will spend cash to buy zen, sell them for ad, then buy enchantments, mounts etc. If you dont want to spend money, then thats just too bad.

    Fourthly, it takes away the purpose of pvping or pveing after you have farmed your gears, since its bound on pickup and have no use.
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    trequeltrequel Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This change might bring me back too. They just need to open up a new server where everyone starts fresh and the AH will be empty.
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    runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Wait people are angry because they have to run 5 mans? LOL

    I WANT TO BECOME ALL POWERFUL AND DOMINATE EVERYONE AROUND ME!!!! I just don't want to spend much time doing it.

    This is perhaps the epitome of entitlement...

    "time" and "entitlement" Are you serious? I didn't buy the founder pack, I didn't get a free 2 million AD. Working leadership every 2 hours for weeks to earn my AD. Up to 20 character slots now. Running skirmishes during bonus. Foundry/PvP dailies. It took a fair amount of effort to earn my AD. And the gear I bought with it. More than anyone who just ran a dungeon during delves (imo).

    Now all that is worthless. Won't even be able to buy gear with the AD anymore. And my effort on Leadership is wasted because now anyone will be able to easily max out their daily AD by selling purple junk. I can have fun soloing foundry stuff. But I can no longer get the good gear to use for PvP or skirmishes. Unless I cave in and do dungeons like they want.

    If I wanted to play that way I already had a myriad of other games to choose from.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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    nonamesavaliablenonamesavaliable Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm sorry but I just can't help but read every angry comment with a smile on my face. Every community has rotten apples, this one is no different. The only awesome thing is the fact those fully-clad T2 keyboard warriors threaten to leave (and I hope they do). It shows their need for attention and the low self-esteem they posses. I couldn't give a single care in the world about you liking or disliking something.
    For me, it's a win-win situation. The gear becomes harder to obtain, thus increasing in value. Now people will look up to people will the best gear in game. The other side of the coin is that the current fully-geared T2 are going to leave, thus actually diminishing the gap between ungeared and geared players.

    Look guys, I'm apathetic towards you. You decided to dig your own grave by playing an f2p MMO and grind tons of epics and then selling them to increase your way of life on said game. If you want to focus solely on the economic aspect, try Farmville. For me, this is the best change they'll implement yet: You finally have to EARN your gear.
    Admittedly, there will be players who buy their way towards a full gear set, but that's just how a f2p game works. The people that actually pay real money should get benefits. Don't like it? No problem, go ahead and leave! I'll even open the door for you ;)
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Nice to hear!

    Hopefully Cryptic continues the trend of making this game better for those of us that plan to stick around and play an honest game. Exploiters and cheaters WILL be denied.

    I'm not an exploiter and your comment is very offensive. All i want is being able to sell my epic drops to other players on the AH. I don't mind what others do, if there are exploits, it's definitely not selling stuff you get via legit dungeon runs. They can also spend time fixing exploits, it will make a better game for everyone.

    BoP to fix exploits is really a lazy solution.
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    omgbee5omgbee5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm sorry but I just can't help but read every angry comment with a smile on my face. Every community has rotten apples, this one is no different. The only awesome thing is the fact those fully-clad T2 keyboard warriors threaten to leave (and I hope they do). It shows their need for attention and the low self-esteem they posses. I couldn't give a single care in the world about you liking or disliking something.
    For me, it's a win-win situation. The gear becomes harder to obtain, thus increasing in value. Now people will look up to people will the best gear in game. The other side of the coin is that the current fully-geared T2 are going to leave, thus actually diminishing the gap between ungeared and geared players.

    Look guys, I'm apathetic towards you. You decided to dig your own grave by playing an f2p MMO and grind tons of epics and then selling them to increase your way of life on said game. If you want to focus solely on the economic aspect, try Farmville. For me, this is the best change they'll implement yet: You finally have to EARN your gear.
    Admittedly, there will be players who buy their way towards a full gear set, but that's just how a f2p game works. The people that actually pay real money should get benefits. Don't like it? No problem, go ahead and leave! I'll even open the door for you ;)

    Funny... we don't care what you think either. We should have the ability to play the game how we want to play the game. At least I have a good reason to disregard anything that you say... just assuming that anyone in good gear that farms the content(to you know... sell it and make some AD for better enchants and stuff) "needs attention" and has "low self-esteem" is just ridiculous. If I were you I would stop and think about who really has the low self-esteem bud.

    I hope you enjoy the game 3 months from now... when no top tier players bother logging in and the economy is dead.
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    nonamesavaliablenonamesavaliable Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    omgbee5 wrote: »
    Funny... we don't care what you think either. We should have the ability to play the game how we want to play the game. At least I have a good reason to disregard anything that you say... just assuming that anyone in good gear that farms the content(to you know... sell it and make some AD for better enchants and stuff) "needs attention" and has "low self-esteem" is just ridiculous. If I were you I would stop and think about who really has the low self-esteem bud.

    I hope you enjoy the game 3 months from now... when no top tier players bother logging in and the economy is dead.

    Honestly, I'll still enjoy it. I love the foundry, and I don't mind that much about economy etc. I'm in it for the fun, so I'm more than okay with people leaving. Sorry if you took it as offensive, but that's my opinion ;)
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    chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited June 2013
    They want to make the end game worth something and people cry about it ?
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