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BoP will bring me back to Neverwinter.



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    twilikztwilikz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If this bop thing will happen why would ppl go to dungeons anymore after they have full gear? to waste 45 minutes and get a 5k ad reward?
    Maybe just the Gauntlgrym items should be bop..i just don't..
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    omgbee5omgbee5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Honestly, I'll still enjoy it. I love the foundry, and I don't mind that much about economy etc. I'm in it for the fun, so I'm more than okay with people leaving. Sorry if you took it as offensive, but that's my opinion ;)

    Well if you don't care about the overall health of the economy/game... or what other players in the game do/what they would like to do... wait... why are you posting in this thread again?

    Lots of different people like to play this game in lots of different ways... all you have done by coming into this thread and insulting a large portion of the playerbase is show how immature and selfish you are. Talk about a need for attention.
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    vikoonvikoon Member Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    omgbee5 wrote: »
    Funny... we don't care what you think either. We should have the ability to play the game how we want to play the game. At least I have a good reason to disregard anything that you say... just assuming that anyone in good gear that farms the content(to you know... sell it and make some AD for better enchants and stuff) "needs attention" and has "low self-esteem" is just ridiculous. If I were you I would stop and think about who really has the low self-esteem bud.

    I hope you enjoy the game 3 months from now... when no top tier players bother logging in and the economy is dead.

    Oh look, another Doomsayer. Well at least you gave it 3 Months unlike most who say 1 Month. You had the game the way you wanted it and guess what? It sucked! That is why it is changing for the better of the game and the community.
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    omgbee5omgbee5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vikoon wrote: »
    Oh look, another Doomsayer. Well at least you gave it 3 Months unlike most who say 1 Month. You had the game the way you wanted it and guess what? It sucked! That is why it is changing for the better of the game and the community.

    I never said that the game would die... I just said that it will have a total lack of top tier hardcore players and the economy will tank. Nice try though...

    Have you noticed that nifty little poll on the forum about bop... and how the majority of your precious community does NOT want the bop change implemented in its current form? We aren't talking about "the game" here... we are talking about most 60 epics now being bop...
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    vikoon wrote: »
    Oh look, another Doomsayer. Well at least you gave it 3 Months unlike most who say 1 Month. You had the game the way you wanted it and guess what? It sucked! That is why it is changing for the better of the game and the community.

    It didn't suck. It was fine.

    It's changing because it's more profitable this way. That's the only reason.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I'm sorry but I just can't help but read every angry comment with a smile on my face. Every community has rotten apples, this one is no different. The only awesome thing is the fact those fully-clad T2 keyboard warriors threaten to leave (and I hope they do). It shows their need for attention and the low self-esteem they posses. I couldn't give a single care in the world about you liking or disliking something.
    For me, it's a win-win situation. The gear becomes harder to obtain, thus increasing in value. Now people will look up to people will the best gear in game. The other side of the coin is that the current fully-geared T2 are going to leave, thus actually diminishing the gap between ungeared and geared players.

    Look guys, I'm apathetic towards you. You decided to dig your own grave by playing an f2p MMO and grind tons of epics and then selling them to increase your way of life on said game. If you want to focus solely on the economic aspect, try Farmville. For me, this is the best change they'll implement yet: You finally have to EARN your gear.
    Admittedly, there will be players who buy their way towards a full gear set, but that's just how a f2p game works. The people that actually pay real money should get benefits. Don't like it? No problem, go ahead and leave! I'll even open the door for you ;)

    So the people that actually pay real money should get benefits...but you want people to actually earn their gear.

    Yeah, this post certainly isn't convoluted mess of contradictory statements. Good job.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    They want to make the end game worth something and people cry about it ?

    Literally all they are doing is making the endgame less rewarding. How about they making it "worth something" by taking away selling functionality? How is that adding worth to the process of running dungeons? How is it worth more for me to run dungeons after BoP than before?
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    zeralf1zeralf1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 34
    edited June 2013
    They want to make the end game worth something and people cry about it ?

    what endgame ?? You mean t2 dungeons + CN which are exploited to oblivion? Thx u made me laugh bro
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    stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    omgbee5 wrote: »
    I never said that the game would die... I just said that it will have a total lack of top tier hardcore players and the economy will tank. Nice try though...

    Have you noticed that nifty little poll on the forum about bop... and how the majority of your precious community does NOT want the bop change implemented in its current form? We aren't talking about "the game" here... we are talking about most 60 epics now being bop...

    I play at least two other MMO's where he Hardcores screamed that the economy tanked....really hasn't affected any of the thousands upon thousands of people who still log onto those games.

    See what doom cryers fail to mention is tanked economies are sorta like having a cold...it sucks for awhile and then you get better.

    The upside to the game in general is 90% of the <word> will no longer queue for Dungeons now.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
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    omgbee5omgbee5 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I play at least two other MMO's where he Hardcores screamed that the economy tanked....really hasn't affected any of the thousands upon thousands of people who still log onto those games.

    See what doom cryers fail to mention is tanked economies are sorta like having a cold...it sucks for awhile and then you get better.

    The upside to the game in general is 90% of the <word> will no longer queue for Dungeons now.

    Good for you/the people still playing. I have a feeling that this "cold" is going to feel more like a flu... and the only way to feel better well be zen. Enjoy it.

    You have fun spending an hour trying to find a decent group... and then not being able to clear the instance because no one there has gear.
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    fenixxxxfenixxxx Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    BoP end dungeon gear is a horrible idea. Let's hope Cryptic reconsiders
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    zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I'll miss selling some of my better gear drops...
    But the monty haul had to end haha. This will give players something to aim for and preserve some of the end game integrity. It sucks on so many levels but it has a big silver lining.

    While I agree with this assessment in theory I don't in practice because the economy was already messed up. In order to make this work you need a brand new server with this rule set or you need to wipe all the servers. Sure in the long run this will end up working but that will take years and in the mean time billions of AD are in the economy and 10X that much worth of gear was purchased and sold under the no BOP policy the open beta launched with.

    In conclusion, create a new server fresh with these changes and I will buy into this change, do not open 1 and the game still remains ruined from previous exploits and the thousands of players with max'ed gear score thanks to no BOP policy. All this will do is hurt the long term playerbase even more.

    But again I am sure this post will not get read and no one from management cares.
    Character is what a man is in the dark
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    runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I play at least two other MMO's where he Hardcores screamed that the economy tanked....really hasn't affected any of the thousands upon thousands of people who still log onto those games.

    See what doom cryers fail to mention is tanked economies are sorta like having a cold...it sucks for awhile and then you get better.

    The upside to the game in general is 90% of the Asshats will no longer queue for Dungeons now.

    What do you think happens when 90% of the people no longer queue for dungeons? And yes, just about everyone online is an "<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>" in some way or another to someone else.

    Look, I'm not saying the game is going to fail or anything that drastic. What I'm saying is that if this up date goes live is messes *me* over. All the hours and hours I invested in Leadership will be worthless when anyone can easily reach AD cap by vendoring purples.

    And for a less selfish (on my part) view, just have a look at the long term... What do you think it'll be like in a few more big updates? When uber geared characters will be able to duo or solo-farm our current content? Leadership and dailies will be worthless then, if they aren't already with this update.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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    deistikdeistik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 658 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Has anyone ever had the need to buy items from vendors for AD or seals? Definetly not in end game.

    Um, yes? I was 60 by April 27th, there was no "buy all my gear on the AH," since I was one of the few groups actually doing T1s at the time.

    If they wanted loot to be BoP, it should have been that way since way before now. I'd prefer a lot of it was BoP (assuming they fix the ****ty drop rates), but honestly if this change goes live, I'm done, too.

    Again, not even because I disagree with the principle of it, but I strongly disagree with how PWE/Cryptic is going about it. They mostly seem to make terrible changes, ask our opinions on them, then just ignore them and do what they want anyway. Not the kind of company I feel like supporting.
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    kineredakinereda Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lol thats 8 pages of mods&friends, didn't read... new bop system will make the game bad specially if the content stays like that... gauntlygrym wont hold much and people just farm cn nowaday to make some ad
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    bestcarrynabestcarryna Member Posts: 58
    edited June 2013
    Worst idea ever, everything these devs do push me more and more towards Wildstar
    Kaenerys - Mindflayer - TR
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    s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I wonder how people for this change would feel if they did a wipe to put everyone on equal footing (more or less, founders would still have an advantage but they paid for it so that's as it should be).

    It's never a good idea to completely change the way your game works after people have become used to the way things work, just ask the SWG team for an extreme example of how to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off the majority of your playerbase and essentially kill the game (it limped along for years but never recovered).

    Had they done this from the start it would not be a problem, now it will just cause a huge divide in the playerbase between the "already got my gear and tons of AD from selling in the old system" and new players who will probably never catch up unless they fork over boatloads of cash, or grind for months on end.

    But then, I suppose that's the point, to drive people to the zen store. It might backfire and just drive people away instead, guess time will tell. /shrug
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    s3pt wrote: »
    But then, I suppose that's the point, to drive people to the zen store. It might backfire and just drive people away instead, guess time will tell. /shrug

    Drive them to the Zen store to buy what?
    There's nothing left to buy. There's going to be no top end game gear on the AH so there will be less reason to spend astral diamonds to begin with.

    The system as it was only got fed off of from the Founder's Packs really. It was a dropping enconomy more or less. A ticking time-bomb until all of the gear being put into the game would flood the market with no demand for the products.
    I'm not sure I 100% agree with the system but the old system had to go and it had to go because it was a dieing ship.

    This will actually lower any incentive for buying Astral Diamonds. Another month or so without a change like this would have landed everybody in the same boat anyway without end game gear being worth anything.
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    assassin83assassin83 Member, Banned Users Posts: 276 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Drive them to the Zen store to buy what?
    There's nothing left to buy. There's going to be no top end game gear on the AH so there will be less reason to spend astral diamonds to begin with.

    The system as it was only got fed off of from the Founder's Packs really. It was a dropping enconomy more or less. A ticking time-bomb until all of the gear being put into the game would flood the market with no demand for the products.
    I'm not sure I 100% agree with the system but the old system had to go and it had to go because it was a dieing ship.

    This will actually lower any incentive for buying Astral Diamonds. Another month or so without a change like this would have landed everybody in the same boat anyway without end game gear being worth anything.

    To buy Wards, so they can put lvl 20 enchants on their T1 BOE gear. (and buy the enchants with Zen -> Ad conversion)

    You fail.
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    nonamesavaliablenonamesavaliable Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    omgbee5 wrote: »
    Well if you don't care about the overall health of the economy/game... or what other players in the game do/what they would like to do... wait... why are you posting in this thread again?

    Lots of different people like to play this game in lots of different ways... all you have done by coming into this thread and insulting a large portion of the playerbase is show how immature and selfish you are. Talk about a need for attention.

    I can't help it if you feel addressed by my statement. If you think this is all for the attention, there are better ways to achieve that, but I can respect your opinion. I don't like the T2 people that scream: "10k+ GS or GFTO" in zone chat. I'm insulting these people due to their inherit hypocrisy when they make these angry posts. I smile when I read them, and that's the gist of it. If you want to hate on me, go ahead, I've got a thick skin. At least you're not hating on the game at that particular moment.
    pinkfont wrote: »
    So the people that actually pay real money should get benefits...but you want people to actually earn their gear.

    Yeah, this post certainly isn't convoluted mess of contradictory statements. Good job.

    You have one biased contradiction. Hardly a mess. Also, the so-called contradiction is explained in my post where I point out that this MMO is a f2p game, thus there will always be two sides to the coin. Good job on trying to look smart though. Load the gunwhales, I can't wait to see what your reply is going to be!
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    satorusenpaisatorusenpai Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 167 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The change made it so the end game rewards can't be purchased with real life currency so I'm really not sure why this change would make you leave?

    because it's no one's business what people do with their money and it supports the game... Not like you can buy skill, just the stats, and spenders don't get much of a stat advantage generally. Getting it yourself is luck based, not much of an accomplishment either. It's pretty obviously the people complaining about $ have not even played multiple f2p mmos. This whole thing is nothing new, and it's tolerable here since there aren't cash shop exclusive gamble boxes that have 10x the stats of gear dropped in dungeons.
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    osiabunnyosiabunny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    fallacy1 wrote: »
    Well, let us be frank. Perfect World Entertainment is a scurrilous company that will do whatever it takes to ensure profit. They have proven that time and time again. And, isn't that what this is all about? Protecting profits. Now, players who reach level 60 will have to stick around a bit longer before they get bored and--if PWE is lucky--spend a bit more cash on the game. Then, once all of the players who already have full sets of T2 gear are dominating PvP and Gauntlgrym, (Excuse the possible misspelling.) players who are barely hitting will be left with the short end of the stick.

    Sooner or later, they will either have to grind for weeks or buy Zen. Which means what? You guessed it! More cash! :D Coincidentally, *Wink wink*, prices in the Zen Market have been cut and there is a promo that offers extra Zen. Isn't that just lovely?

    You basically described what it takes to be a successful business. Now I don't like cash shop games anymore but to those who like it, good. They are basically holding up the servers and support and dev teams that work on fixing bugs, adding content. you get the idea. Very happy PWI has business sense.
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    chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pinkfont wrote: »
    So the people that actually pay real money should get benefits...but you want people to actually earn their gear.

    Yeah, this post certainly isn't convoluted mess of contradictory statements. Good job.

    And you have everyone who blindly defends p2w to thank for that. The real contradiction is in the fact that some of the same names who have done so in the past who are now complaining about this change. Ironic.
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    faeriestormfaeriestorm Member Posts: 460 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    trequel wrote: »
    This change might bring me back too. They just need to open up a new server where everyone starts fresh and the AH will be empty.

    Sure make 1 server BoP for those who like that then keep the others BoE for those who don't like it.

    I'd stick to BoE for myself as I think BoP is a terrible idea.
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    huckasexhuckasex Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 145 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    s3pt wrote: »
    Had they done this from the start ...

    the start is in 4 days, just saying
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    athanshadowathanshadow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The change made it so the end game rewards can't be purchased with real life currency so I'm really not sure why this change would make you leave?

    i run foundry missions everyday and level alts.i build up AD daily from foundry dailies and leadership.i like that eventually i could get nice stuff for my characters i have built.i personally don't want grind dungeons everyday.why even have things like foundry?crafting?i can't gain anything i want in game with it.the game will not have a place for me,anymore.like i said,i'll just go elsewhere.i play games for fun,and grinding dungeons is not fun for me.
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    athanshadowathanshadow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    assassin83 wrote: »
    To buy Wards, so they can put lvl 20 enchants on their T1 BOE gear. (and buy the enchants with Zen -> Ad conversion)

    You fail.


    i don't see why more people can't see this.the changes does not stop cash shoppers from buying power.
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    s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    huckasex wrote: »
    the start is in 4 days, just saying

    I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you ;)
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    aerisdarkstalkeraerisdarkstalker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    omgbee5 wrote: »
    If they want to push me away when I am the kind of player that will stick around and buy mounts... keys... companions... dye packs... you name it from them... they are cutting off their nose to spite their face. I would continue to give them money for a long time... if they would rather try and squeeze money out of casual players that are just passing though then I am done with them in this game and any future releases.

    Same here. If I have to look forward to 100s of dungeons runs... then there's no need to buy fashion stuff since the game is not worth much. I want to do dungeons because I want to do them, or to help friends, not because of the loot they give.
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    osadamaskosadamask Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I'll miss selling some of my better gear drops...
    But the monty haul had to end haha. This will give players something to aim for and preserve some of the end game integrity. It sucks on so many levels but it has a big silver lining.

    Right now gear obtaining is really all we have for end game. If we could fix that BoE wouldnt be an issue.
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