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BoP will bring me back to Neverwinter.



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    toughguyloltoughguylol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    To the CM's that are reading this thread, is there going to be an item to unbind equipment available in the upcoming patches?

    If so, how will it be available?
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    remedialhappymanremedialhappyman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Currently the selling of tier pieces is the only farm-able way to get AD for F2P players. If this change goes through it will literally be entirely Pay to Win with the exception of people (like me) that already have millions of AD built up. You will have no way to get end tier enchantments. You will have no way to get end game Pets and the runestones for them. There will be no way to make money besides Dailys and T3 weapons and off pieces (the rings and necks generally sell for **** compared to tier pieces).

    I will probably be done with the game after this patch goes through because there wont be any point in playing anymore. Professions are a joke compared to other games (where you can actually farm money with some hard work). Honestly all this is going to do is turn the game into a steaming pile of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    I've played from early Alpha as well as plenty of MMO's before this and all I can say is...

    Enjoy farming your gear from chests you can't control for hundreds of runs because their is three tiers of gear standing in your way. It's not like WoW where you can get your gear from seals, or get one piece of a boss that drops 5 or so pieces, your competing against 30 or so drops from a single ****ing boss trying to get THEE specific piece to finish THEE specific set you need to finish. What do you get for all those pieces you don't give a **** about? Well enjoy vendoring them for 3g when you could have at least sold them for 40-70k AD.
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    skittlebit1skittlebit1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You come back and a ton more leave. Dead game if this patch does happen. Sigh and i was enjoying this game so much too.
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    chai23chai23 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Currently the selling of tier pieces is the only farm-able way to get AD for F2P players. If this change goes through it will literally be entirely Pay to Win with the exception of people (like me) that already have millions of AD built up. You will have no way to get end tier enchantments. You will have no way to get end game Pets and the runestones for them. There will be no way to make money besides Dailys and T3 weapons and off pieces (the rings and necks generally sell for **** compared to tier pieces).

    I will probably be done with the game after this patch goes through because there wont be any point in playing anymore. Professions are a joke compared to other games (where you can actually farm money with some hard work). Honestly all this is going to do is turn the game into a steaming pile of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    I've played from early Alpha as well as plenty of MMO's before this and all I can say is...

    Enjoy farming your gear from chests you can't control for hundreds of runs because their is three tiers of gear standing in your way. It's not like WoW where you can get your gear from seals, or get one piece of a boss that drops 5 or so pieces, your competing against 30 or so drops from a single ****ing boss trying to get THEE specific piece to finish THEE specific set you need to finish. What do you get for all those pieces you don't give a **** about? Well enjoy vendoring them for 3g when you could have at least sold them for 40-70k AD.

    Id rather have what you described than having the EXACT SAME SITUATION save for the fact that everyone is NEEDING on the loot, even when Im the only class that can use it, because the ability for someone who cant use it to put it on the AH is somehow a higher priority than people who can use it being able to upgrade their gear.

    Its Dungeons and Dragons, not Auctions and Exploits. Want loot? Play the game. I cant believe people are still carrying on about being FORCED to play the game.
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    n0fxer#8270 n0fxer Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    TL;DR: Can't sell gear for AD to trade for Zen and stay free. Ah well, the next latest and. "greatest" game will hold them for 2 weeks, boredom will set in and the cycle continues.

    Herein lies part of the current issue, all the while the publisher greed gets worse. Eventually, the whole MMO system will crash. But regarding this game, it keeps me entertained, so I have no issue dropping a few bucks here and there. Besides, I don't have the time like I used to to devote to gaming, so I kinda get where some are coming from.

    In short: don't like it, walk away. Don't think the debs will listen, don't raise your blood pressure over it. And for the record, post-hernia meds are fun.
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    givearandomnamegivearandomname Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    welcome back good luck getting a dungen run in a ghost town game rest of us will be moveing on
    Namin Soulburner
    NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
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    dartakxdartakx Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    welcome back good luck getting a dungen run in a ghost town game rest of us will be moveing on

    I have enough friends for a 5 man group, i should be fine. Make sure to get all the bandwagon complainers with you.
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    remedialhappymanremedialhappyman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    chai23 wrote: »
    Id rather have what you described than having the EXACT SAME SITUATION save for the fact that everyone is NEEDING on the loot, even when Im the only class that can use it, because the ability for someone who cant use it to put it on the AH is somehow a higher priority than people who can use it being able to upgrade their gear.

    Its Dungeons and Dragons, not Auctions and Exploits. Want loot? Play the game. I cant believe people are still carrying on about being FORCED to play the game.

    I play the game, I have loot, I got mine fairly because I decided Stalwart Bulwark was too expensive and I would rather farm it.

    I play with people I invite and talk to before hand because I'd rather do that than get loot stolen and guess what? It works pretty **** well and I've honestly never had a single issue with loot getting stolen in the game. It's also not the EXACT SAME SITUATION because you can gradually earn enough money to buy your gear if you want to. Your also left with productive things you can do when you have your end game gear.

    Yes there are problems with the loot distribution that need to be resolved and you shouldn't have to play with people you trust to solve the problem.

    However ****ing over the entire reason to continue playing the game at end game seems like an extremely <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> alternative to just fixing the god **** loot distribution.
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    ashensnowashensnow Member Posts: 2,215 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It shows their need for attention and the low self-esteem they posses...
    For me, it's a win-win situation. The gear becomes harder to obtain, thus increasing in value. Now people will look up to people will the best gear in game.

    So they are the ones with a need for attention and who have low self esteem,


    You are the one who wants people to looked up to for having better gear in a computer game ?

    Now that right there is hilarious. Some top notch projecting going on.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
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    remedialhappymanremedialhappyman Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Anyways it looks like they already made their decision. It was fun but I'm out they didn't really lose any sales or anything because I never planned on spending money anyways. They still lost someone that played plenty and was nice to the community.
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    krumple01krumple01 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    essaidis wrote: »
    Hello guys I just wanted to show my love for the upcoming BoP update that I hear will be coming, I left Neverwinter a month ago mainly for the reason that I find it pathetic that you can buy gear from T1 and so on... I just wanted to make a thread that shows that not all of us hate the upcoming change, and that I'm very much looking forwards to it...

    Also I have not been able to find the patch note where it says it, but I can easily hear on people that its happening :)

    Bound on pickup will ultimately kill the game.

    Why though? Because once you have the gear there is NO incentive to repeat the same dungeon. I know some try to argue that once you have gear you can help out your guild mates to get their gear. No actually the other way was more suited to helping out guildies. Let's say you and another guildie don't need gear, you could have passed your chest rewards onto two other guildies in the group but now you cant. There is even a less chance that the run will even give your guildies anything they can use or need or wanted. But before there were higher chances to get at least 1 piece of usable gear that could be traded. Now there is less.

    It won't take long before you start seeing threads on this forum complaining about needing new content. Helping guildies get gear will only take you so far before you realize the rewards were better before BOP was implemented. At least then you could sell off the junk and make some diamonds for your time. As it currently sits, you can't and eventually players will realize running dungeons when you already have gear is a waste of time.
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    chronomancerchronomancer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,223
    edited June 2013
    I guess World of Warcraft should have been dead a long time ago ..but they are still alive and kicking and all their dungeon gears are BoP. It's not that bad there are still BoE to loot.. just the boss gear will be BoP. If you have progressed to such a degree that you have everything the game has to offer maybe it's time to take a break and wait for more content. This change is to make it so that when you finally got that super-uber-epic-sword +10 you'll be happy instead of saying oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>... there's 10 copies of it on the AH for 5000 AD.
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    chrono0812chrono0812 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 501 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I guess World of Warcraft should have been dead a long time ago ..but they are still alive and kicking and all their dungeon gears are BoP. It's not that bad there are still BoE to loot.. just the boss gear will be BoP. If you have progressed to such a degree that you have everything the game has to offer maybe it's time to take a break and wait for more content. This change is to make it so that when you finally got that super-uber-epic-sword +10 you'll be happy instead of saying oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>... there's 10 copies of it on the AH for 5000 AD.

    Don't try and compare what the system Cryptic is using in there came to the Bop system Blizzard uses in their system. For starters Blizzards approach was to allow each boss to drop more than one item, unlike the approach Cryptic has taken. Secondly, the Boss mechanics in World of Warcraft are far superior to the boss mechanics you find in Nw. Thirdly, there is more than one way to run end game dungeons in World of Warcraft.

    They offer lfr, Flex raiding, Normal, and Heroic raiding tiers for players to experience, if you want to challenge yourself and your group has cleared the content on Normal you Jump in Heroic. There is Always something to do in World of Warcraft. Cryptic has a lot of issues that need to be dealt with and sadly those issues are going to persist right on into the launch of this game on the 20th of June.

    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
    ~Sholom Aleichem
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    ipvesogoodipvesogood Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    No longer a reason for the GF to roll need on the cleric gear? Yes please..
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    skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I guess World of Warcraft should have been dead a long time ago ..but they are still alive and kicking and all their dungeon gears are BoP. It's not that bad there are still BoE to loot.. just the boss gear will be BoP. If you have progressed to such a degree that you have everything the game has to offer maybe it's time to take a break and wait for more content. This change is to make it so that when you finally got that super-uber-epic-sword +10 you'll be happy instead of saying oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>... there's 10 copies of it on the AH for 5000 AD.

    I am fairly sure cryptic does not want people taking a break from the game.
    I never measure my happiness by comparing what I have to what others have, or how easy it was for them to get. The boe system in this game didn't bother me one bit, as I could care less how someone gets what they want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

    What made boe so good IMO was that it allowed you to be a team player quickly. You could run all the t-1's, and t-2's with your main and when you have cn on farm, then you can roll other classes to fill in for when your normal crew may be missing a class. or your guild has redundant classes. You already know all the bosses, you know the strats and shortcuts, yet you can't fill in with an alt unless you grind through t-1, then t-2 first. With boe you could quickly gear an alt and have them cn ready quickly to fill in where your guild needed.
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    murdurus211murdurus211 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I guess World of Warcraft should have been dead a long time ago ..but they are still alive and kicking and all their dungeon gears are BoP. It's not that bad there are still BoE to loot.. just the boss gear will be BoP. If you have progressed to such a degree that you have everything the game has to offer maybe it's time to take a break and wait for more content. This change is to make it so that when you finally got that super-uber-epic-sword +10 you'll be happy instead of saying oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>... there's 10 copies of it on the AH for 5000 AD.

    There are many differences between NWO and WoW and one obvious one is that one is F2P and the other is subscription-based. That, in itself, changes how loot works and how people perceive loot. The people who don't want to or can't afford to spend money in NWO have the option of farming things and selling it for AS and trading it for ZEN. Although true that spending money in NWO is more optional than some other games, it sure as hell make things a ton easier when someone have health stones. Also, being able to obtain ZEN without some of us having to actually spend money is/was some of our goals because we can get color dyes, fashion items, mounts, bags, etc. but once this change goes into effect, we won't really have that option anymore.

    Furthermore, WoW's 5-man dungeons was a means to an end; raiding. NWO doesn't have raiding, in fact, all there is to do in the game is 5-man dungeons (in the PVE perspective) and what else is there to do once I have everything? I can't raid and now I won't even be able to sell the equipment I get from 5-mans. Toss in the fact that there is nothing else to do that is worthwhile (daily rewards are a joke), I find little point in continuing playing. Not to mention that in this game, dying even once or twice means that you'll be losing gold after coming out of it and there's no way of obtaining gold in a practical manner, it makes doing 5-mans even more pointless to do. Me and my friends are already tired of the game and this will probably be the nail in the coffin.
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    ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
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    mordikaymordikay Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    First they kill clerics and now this. Noone will be running dungeons before long because there is no reason to unless you roll an alt.
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    givearandomnamegivearandomname Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I guess World of Warcraft should have been dead a long time ago ..but they are still alive and kicking and all their dungeon gears are BoP. It's not that bad there are still BoE to loot.. just the boss gear will be BoP. If you have progressed to such a degree that you have everything the game has to offer maybe it's time to take a break and wait for more content. This change is to make it so that when you finally got that super-uber-epic-sword +10 you'll be happy instead of saying oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>... there's 10 copies of it on the AH for 5000 AD.

    this is not wow you can't even compare it to wow. World of warcraft is a subcription game and can have bop items because you don't need to earn currency to buy services and such therefore it doesn't matter you can not now nor ever compare a free to play game with a subcription game you just come off completly <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
    Namin Soulburner
    NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
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    yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    What I'd like to know is how many people have actually managed to get their own, complete set through grinding only?

    How long did it take?
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    mordikaymordikay Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I honestly don't get what peple have against boe items. Atm other then rolling alts it's the only thing that is keeping the game alive.

    And personally when ranger/scourge warlock or whatever come I would like to be able to gear said alt mostly from the AH or guildies as those classes will be far behind. So if i wanted to play a Warlock i could do it quickly and get in with the guildies and friends doing GG or whatever raid may be out at that time asap.

    I don't get that the devs and apparently a few other people can't see that boe is keeping the game alive.

    Ps. No you cannot compare NWN to WoW. Completly different dungeons, gearing system, economy and playstyle.
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    bloodraiderx42bloodraiderx42 Member Posts: 74
    edited June 2013
    my 2 cents = bad idea. i really enjoy running DD with my friends on my geared main, and have a chance to get good items to sell. now with the change. i wouldnt wanna run unless its a dung i needed. same with others.

    i really feel this change might help any future exploits. if you can farm a boss. he would keep giving you useless loot rather then get 1billion AD by the end of the day. but yeah i love running dungs to make money, rather then hold my breath to win the lotto( hope the rare chance my loot drops so i never have to return to this dung i ran 20 times to get 1 peice)
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    bloodraiderx42bloodraiderx42 Member Posts: 74
    edited June 2013
    bump for great justice, i want my BOEs please. its gonna kill the fun of running dungs. this is one of the few games ive played where there is BOE end game gear. so everyone can save and get gear rather then just the best skilled can run the epic hard dungs to get the BOP loot.
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    liquidc86liquidc86 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bop is the anti nab system so i love it :)
    you can clearly see noobs crying for boe.
    gj pw :)
    nothing to see here
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    xtriz1337xtriz1337 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I love it. Neverwinter it's going to be more fun! Its fun right now, but going to be extremly fun with Gauntlet! Yeah! BoP for Neverwinter!
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    swoomustdienowswoomustdienow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I'm going to laugh when they bring the unbinder for zen out again. We'll see how loud the 'For the bettahmeeent of the game' we hear then.
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    craftymangcraftymang Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why? you kill monster. you gain your loot.

    What else can you ask for?

    You are making the assumption that any loot that drops is meaningful when most of it is complete and utter trash or offset more than 50% of the time. Fixing itemization/bosses actually dropping a guaranteed set piece of their tier would both go a long way towards making the BoP system good. But it STILL wouldn't be as good as the current system because you can't sell or give away useless drops TO YOU. I can't gear up my awful GWF alt with my GF now because everything is BoP.

    Right now the system is highly efficient with the only drops being vendored being the trashy off set gear. After the off set gear will STILL be vendored but so will that GWF chest piece when there is no GWF in the group that downed Slyndryth. I agree with the salvage system, but not the BoP system.
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    antovarasantovaras Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Seems a good change to me, keep me around for a while. ATM the moment it appears to be not much more than the following:
    1) Buy Zen/AD
    2) Convert to AD
    3) Buy leet gear from AH
    4) Level up toon
    5) Complain there's nothing to do/preen in PE... (Optional)
    A world to defend
    A city to protect
    innocents to save
    "Why?" They ask "they hate you"
    We're heroes it's what we do.
    *patiently waiting on Paragon City*
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    gunbahahagunbahaha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 139
    edited June 2013
    antovaras wrote: »
    Seems a good change to me, keep me around for a while. ATM the moment it appears to be not much more than the following:
    1) Buy Zen/AD
    2) Convert to AD
    3) Buy leet gear from AH
    4) Level up toon
    5) Complain there's nothing to do/preen in PE... (Optional)

    Pretty ridiculous thing to say while using a Hero of the North title.

    The ability to sell top end PvE gear allows people with an above average level of skill to quickly acquire AD.

    The removal of this feature is not really a simple matter - it might unjustifiably increase proportional enchant costs for instance, while simultaneously decreasing the amount of people farming content that rewards shards.

    Allowing people to 'pay to win' for gear is what prevents people who are capable of obtaining that gear in the first place from having to spend money, so I'm honestly curious how it's going to work out.
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    healhamstahealhamsta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 572 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    For me, it's a win-win situation. The gear becomes harder to obtain, thus increasing in value. Now people will look up to people will the best gear in game. The other side of the coin is that the current fully-geared T2 are going to leave, thus actually diminishing the gap between ungeared and geared players.

    I've got a question...
    How can gear increase in value when it cannot be sold to other players?

    Only the current BoE that people have stashed away would be allowed to increase in value.

    In fact, the opposite would happen.
    Win a nonclass item? You're forced to salvage/vendor it. Unless you want to clutter up your inventory with bound items.

    Thus setting a hard limit of ~8k AD even for the best item.
    Delve loot murdered my TR, DC, & GWF. Nerf Plox:
    I know that it sucks to no longer get gear to sell from the Dungeon Delve chest but it was truly overpowered.
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