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BoP will bring me back to Neverwinter.



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    manholiomanholio Member Posts: 493 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Why? you kill monster. you gain your loot.

    What else can you ask for?

    Cause those monsters are always going to drop a piece that's an upgrade for you, right?
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    alecstormalecstorm Member Posts: 142 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    And now a lot of contents will be useless :D
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    berinimaberinima Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The change made it so the end game rewards can't be purchased with real life currency so I'm really not sure why this change would make you leave?

    Um... I tell you why. I copied my post from another thread so you can read it here and maybe understand what's the problem here.

    BoP would be fine if...

    ...people who already bought their gear wouldn't have a huge advantage over new players.
    ...the loot tables/rewards from the chest would be anywhere near appropriate.
    ...you could get at least some viable gear through crafting (except for shirts and pants) to either gear up or earn money.
    ...you could sooner or later buy viable gear with seals. But you can't. Armor, weapons and jewelry are garbage compared to drops.
    ...there would be some decent ways to earn AD except crafting what will take a huge hit anyway because new players can't afford the only money making items from crafting that easily.
    ...there wouldn't be that much AD sinks in the game (respeccing, enchantments, rushing crafts, training, etc.) that require large amounts of AD.
    ...enchantments would not be that dependent on somehow fixed costs (coalescent wards).
    ...running dungeons would be still rewarding for geared players.

    I hit 60 three weeks ago, ran countless T2 dungeons (sometimes three a day during DD event) and I have never even seen a T2 armor piece. It didn't feel that bad because during those countless dungeon runs I still got some gear that I could sell and eventually buy the pieces I wanted. Now, I am fully geared and I STILL run dungeons because I feel rewarded. Also I can use the money I make with it to level my crafts, buy enchantments and convenience items from the Zen store. If I am short on AD I also spent a couple of bucks to buy wards, crafting packs etc.

    To the people saying that gear has to be earned I can only reply that I don't feel that my gear wasn't earned in any way. True, I spent some bucks on Zen but that's kind of the point of a F2P game. I EARNED the gear mostly by running dungeons, selling the gear I didn't like for much less AD than the pieces that I wanted were priced. Just as in other games where I bought pieces with seals, tokens or what have you eventually. I felt rewarded. And I earned my gear.

    With this change, I just won't do this anymore. Running dungeons without at least an APPROPRIATE reward is a huge waste of time. If there's no gear that I need and I don't get a decent amount of AD out of it there is no point in doing so whatsoever (except occationally helping friends). If a new Tier comes out and I don't feel that I can achieve it in a limited amount of time I will quit. Thats not an "I will quit" threat in anyway it's just what will happen. If I can't afford pulling out my enchantments or buying new ones or gear up in anyway I will get frustrated and stop playing eventually.

    The system right now is designed around trading. This so called "fix" doesn't fix anything. People will still "need" items they don't really need for the small amount of AD they can pull out of it. Also the BoE items (whether they are that good or not) will become the new hot items on the AH. So what do you think will happen? People will "need" them even if they don't actually need them. Because you can make money out of it. Believe it or not, before this "fix" economy worked. With this "fix" new players will hit a huge wall and become frustrated. Frustrated players won't spend any coin on Zen. Happy players do.

    Also there won't be that much geared players around that run dungeons anymore. If they get rewarded (in making AD) they will. If the chance that this even happens a lot they just won't. Queue times will sky rocket. And even if you will get in eventually most times you will face undergeared players. Levelling a new class will become an obstacle. Right now I have four toons and I planned to gear them up in the end. But with a grindfest like this I just won't
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    manholiomanholio Member Posts: 493 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    berinima wrote: »
    Also there won't be that much geared players around that run dungeons anymore. If they get rewarded (in making AD) they will. If the chance that this even happens a lot they just won't. Queue times will sky rocket. And even if you will get in eventually most times you will face undergeared players. Levelling a new class will become an obstacle. Right now I have four toons and I planned to gear them up in the end. But with a grindfest like this I just won't


    The negatives so outweigh the positives.
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    berinimaberinima Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The change made it so the end game rewards can't be purchased with real life currency so I'm really not sure why this change would make you leave?

    So... Why did you setup the AH with AD in the first place? Why not use gold for trading with other players and AD just for convenience? Right now you have already mixed both up. You need TONS of AD for the enchantments. If selling the drops isn't a valid option anymore... Then what is? Ah, I know, my credit card is!
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    berinima wrote: »
    So... Why did you setup the AH with AD in the first place? Why not use gold for trading with other players and AD just for convenience? Right now you have already mixed both up. You need TONS of AD for the enchantments. If selling the drops isn't a valid option anymore... Then what is? Ah, I know, my credit card is!

    The prices for everything are going to go down drastically because the elitists that don't allow people without the gear and experience aren't going to be the only ones able to run the dungeons anymore. Please explain how this would cause more people to spend real money? Equipment will no longer be sold on the AH and therefore no one will be spending 500k+ on equipment.

    The only possible outcome is that people will spend less real money on zen because they won't need even close to as much AD to get gear, not to mention they will actually be able to find a group to get that gear b/c jerks that just want to stockpile AD won't be the only ones who can get into T2 groups anymore.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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    s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    berinima wrote: »
    So... Why did you setup the AH with AD in the first place? Why not use gold for trading with other players and AD just for convenience? Right now you have already mixed both up. You need TONS of AD for the enchantments. If selling the drops isn't a valid option anymore... Then what is? Ah, I know, my credit card is!

    Here is where the problem really lies, they set the game up to work as it was (is until the patch hits) and with the changes are essentially trying to jam a square peg into a round hole.

    Had they designed the game to work around bop from the start it wouldn't be a problem. The way it's designed players need boatloads of AD to really accomplish anything, with the change they just won't have ways to earn that AD, unless they open up the wallet.
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    berinimaberinima Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    The prices for everything are going to go down drastically because the elitists that don't allow people without the gear and experience aren't going to be the only ones able to run the dungeons anymore. Please explain how this would cause more people to spend real money?

    Of course, sir. Prices of certain items needed for endgame gear won't go down because they are tightly tied to the Zen store. Though wards can be obtained through invoking, if you want to have high end enchantments you need way more than you can get from your character. Even if you have several char slots only to equip one of them you still might want to buy wards from the AH. The value for them are tied to their price in the Zen store or an estimate on how many keys you need to open lockboxes and get one (regarding free retries from pulling another valuable item out). Surprisingly both values are more or less the same. The same goes for dragon eggs. Theoretically they might be obtained through skill nodes (although I have never got one from there) but most of them come from lockboxes or booster packs. There is no way that an egg will ever drop below the price of three keys because they are too rare and every crafter wants them.

    You should realize that 500k on equipment is literally peanuts compared to what you have to spend when you want a Vorpal/Soulforged enchantment, Radiant/Dark rank 7+ enchantments and occationally plan to swap them out because new gear gets released. The only chance that prizes for these two much needed items drop are when the Zen price falls dramatically. That can in no way be in the interest of Cryptic so whatever happens to the loot system, they will do whatever they can to prevent that. Therefore, prices won't drop. Therefore, you sir, won't be able to afford them to compete.
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    arashiwatanabearashiwatanabe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 43
    edited June 2013
    Wow. This post have escalated since yesterday.
    Hi there everyone.
    So I saw someone mentioning, just a few pages back that they are so happy that the people with some valid points doesn't bother coming to this forum, simply because people here would never listen. I am not one to brag about accomplishments in any department.
    But I consider myself to be one of the few who actually care's about the integrity of a game, quality over quantity if you may. And everything that follows.

    P's English is not my native language, but I reckon you will be able to understand what I'm typing here.

    Let me start by giving you my vision on a few thing's. Wether you share them or not doesn't really bother me.
    I know for a fact that it doesn't matter how much you or anyone here complains, saying this and that is unfair, and this is bad and should get removed, and all of that good jazz. Alright?
    Let's get to it then.

    Neverwinter is a 'Pay to Win' game.
    Valid statement?

    Most people's opinion: Yes, because you can buy zen for real money, trade it into AD and then buy lot's of gear blablabla...

    My opinion: No. Sure you can get AD through the exchange. Yes, you can buy gear using AD. But can you buy soemthing other's can't get a hold of with real money? Something that Boost's YOUR OWN PERFORMANCE OVER THOSE WHO DON'T?
    The answer is no. And by that definition, Neverwinter is never going to be Pay to win.
    Unless they start selling gear on the Market, which you can ONLY get by using real money, then the game is still as free to play as a game without mini transactions. I don't care what flawed opinion you have on pay to win games, but this is as far as you can get from it. Sure, you can argue that I'm being a hypocrit now. But I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone, but I'm stating that it's more valid than the one saying that buying dyes, mounts and clothing that does nothing for you is making a game p2w.

    Now over to the GAMEBREAKING patch.
    Gear you need on, will now become bind on pickup.
    That's not new. It makes sense. If you don't need the fakkin gear, then don't need on it. And greeding on it, simply puts RNG into play. It's Fair, it's good and it should have been implemented by default.

    Are you crying about not being able to steal **** from others? Just so you can sell it on the broker?
    Is that what you're crying about?
    Sound's like it.

    'I can't need on stuff, so I can't sell what I want on the broker to earn more AD, I'll get poor and the Economy will be destroyed' 'I'm a d**k

    Rephrased into:

    'I can't steal stuff from others, I'm already lacking in the intelligence department, but now I will be lacking in the cashflow one aswell'-I'm still a d**k, but now I'm a poor one.

    The amount of ****s given by the community that plays the game because they like it, won't change.
    We don't care how much you cry, and we don't mind your opinions.
    Your opinions if compared to a d**k might be likeminded, clearly you have the same IQ level. And that's fine..
    Just don't shove either down my throat.

    Lastly, and I'll prob get a lot of hate by the ignorant and socially rejected monkeys that play this game and push their false double standards on others. But this game is still new.
    And the fact that you have 'cleared' the 'end-game' content and are farming it, and yet complaining about not earning as much due to a patch, is just proving that I'm right.
    I'm just glad I don't get to sit on teamspeak, and or converse with people like that all day. I feel sorry for anyone who come's in contact with such ignorance and or shameful behaviour and double standards.

    Thanks. Now I'm gonna continue working, and when I get home. I'll go buy another 15k zen on the market which I can use to buy gear due to not being able to play the ame more than 2hours a day at tops.
    God I love Free to play games.
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    cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    berinima wrote: »
    You should realize that 500k on equipment is literally peanuts compared to what you have to spend when you want a Vorpal/Soulforged enchantment, Radiant/Dark rank 7+ enchantments and occationally plan to swap them out because new gear gets released. The only chance that prizes for these two much needed items drop are when the Zen price falls dramatically. That can in no way be in the interest of Cryptic so whatever happens to the loot system, they will do whatever they can to prevent that. Therefore, prices won't drop. Therefore, you sir, won't be able to afford them to compete.

    You do realize that perfect Vorpal and Rank 7+ enchantments are completely uneeded for any current content right? Only players with 40 hours a week of play time or millionaires (because hey you can just buy all your stuff if you've got the money right?) have full rank 7+ and perfect weapon/armor enchants. I only have rank 5's in all my gear and lesser weapon/armor enchants and have had no problem with T2 dungeons. I haven't done CN simply because no one will ever take someone that doesn't already know every fight and has >12k + a stone... I am CW btw, and generally am 1st or very close 2nd in damage dealt. And have NEVER purchased my gear from AH.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
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