I'm actually impressed with what they are offering in this game. I bought Defiance and I would pay 60.00 for Neverwinter before I will ever buy that game again. I know that this really isn't a "beta" in the true sense, but for a free game it really is pretty good.
siberarmi82Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Age of Conan was much much worse. Bugs all over the **** place and Funcom would take the servers down in the middle of the day to patch stupid little bugs which promptly broke a lot of stuff resulting in extended downtimes.
Thank-god that MMO failed.
Age of Conan was a nightmare, they haven't touched it after first quest hub...
Got randomly teleported all around when i tried to charge something with my guardian Seth clerics pawning players that 40(forty!) level higher from them and etc...
Neverwinter only got small amount of bugs and exploits.PWE is just too slow to take some real action against those.
Not even close.
Infact, I'm glad with frequent maintenances, it means they're working towards fixing stuff.
Only issue is, their management is irritable; instead of throwing one large fix they put many minor fixes, slowly increasing the load time in between each field since the patches are "too small" to make a big enough patch for them to force pre-update.
**** right...been watching an OZ marathon while the game has been offline
Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
sczxr666Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
RIFT had a **** smooth launch..buncha lingering bugs but still, they were revolutionary about patching when they got fixes, not waiting for a 'patch/maintenance day', and could disable whatever was exploitable/broken, and made in-game announcements about it, too bad it went down hill with the faction melding...I mean seriously, who wanted to team up with a friggin Guardian, or fight for them for that matter? Not I!
lexthegreatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Apparently the people that think Neverwinter has had a comparatively good launch have only one criteria: server performance.
Plenty of games have had worse, far worse, server performance, disconnects, lags, downtimes, crashes, etc. Neverwinter also isn't any more buggy than I think is normal as far as your average gameplay bugs, glitches, and broken stuff.
However, the class imbalance, trivial endgame, lack of content, and a multitude of colossal, game-breaking exploits, have overall led this to be the worst launch I have experienced by a long shot.
Maybe it's not just that the game had a bad launch, but that it's just a flop in general. It hardly takes 2 weeks of playing to realize that this game is a huge joke and not to be taken seriously.
konnerMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Man. I hate posts like this. Perfect world's site says "live" but it's not. Cryptic is the developer, not perfect world. The cash shop may be taking money, but I'd rather take cryptic's word over perfect world. Bugs like the AH/AD thing going on, that's what makes it beta still. They have the shards off to FIX the problem. Cryptic hasn't always had a good name in the game community, but it's going to take some balancing. This is the first fantasy MMORPG they've made, (Also cryptic hasn't really had a good history of balancing classes) maybe they will when the game launches, and when they get module 1 out, i'm sure it'll improve. I'm happy with what I've seen.
and at Yult. The game isn't really a huge joke. Cryptic has NEVER done a Fantasy MMORPG. only Sci-fi mmos. (Champions, city of heroes, star trek online) give them a chance. This is already one of their best games they've made. And it is still in beta. screw what perfect world says. Cryptic is the developer. Perfect world is the publisher. If Cryptic says it's in open beta. It's in open beta. It is not in the final build state. Cryptic is known for their micro patches that fix absolutely nothing. It's the major updates you need to look forward to. Just wait for module 1. and wait for the game to actually go live, before completely judging what we are seeing.
My in-game handle is @Ishamii and my STO/CO handle is @konner920 if you wanna add me on anything.
Shard: Beholder
Characters: Ishami (GWF level 60, geared for pvp) waiting for the Ranger class to be added
Neverwinter FTW
edrick1976Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited May 2013
Sim City 5 was the worst "MMO" launch I have ever experienced in my gamming life.
I don't think I've seen an MMO launch with this much maintenance (every day? seriously?), this much class imbalance (useless GF/GWF, too much heal aggro, etc.), and this many exploits.
And before you say to me, oh it's not a launch its still beta, PUH-LEASE wake up and smell the roses this game is full soft launch in every way imaginable, Cryptic only calls it a beta cos they dont want to be held liable for any bugs that are found.
Doesn't matter how bad the launch....
Doesn't matter how buggy the content is...
Doesn't matter how bad the balance is...
You know why?
Because this team are constantly updating us. Giving us info. and the downtime is examples of them fixing bugs.
It's understandable you are upset that for a few hours you are forced to not be able to play.
But it's ok we are all eager to play just as much as you are.
(p.s if you really didn't like this game you wouldn't bother to post anything in the forums)
The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
kerlaaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
WoW and WarZ still get my vote.
rragleMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Lol it's a launch (sticking beta in the title is acceptable by the naive and the nerds)
As for worse launch?
Lol maybe you should have played wow at launch (oh yes, the mighty of mighty games)
Or in the case for most, couldn't play wow for quite a long time as servers were off line.
Oh and to those who think for downtime with updates etc on this game is terrible and nothing like it, you really haven't been playing games at launch for long have you.
Back to my first statement, the word beta was used for the most part the naive
Just to name a select few that I've been there for launch that had MUCH worse ones then this.
There are many more I could easily list, but honestly, if you think this is "the worst", all I can say is, welcome to gaming online!!
WoW I agree its up at the top
DaoC I agree
Lotro I disagree the launch war fairly stable in my opinion didnt have any issues
Aion? Why would anyone play that!
Warhammer didnt have a great launch but I wouldnt put it on the top 5 list!
****But this isnt a launch the game is still in Beta****
You missed Anarchy Online
and another Cryptic game STO
Foundry Name: "The Search for the Epic Blade" (@Sulfurblade)
Foundry Map: From Scratch "Sulfur's Resting Place"
Type: Quest, Story, Open World 1 player
Current State: Version 1.0 Try it with code below.
Apparently the people that think Neverwinter has had a comparatively good launch have only one criteria: server performance.
Plenty of games have had worse, far worse, server performance, disconnects, lags, downtimes, crashes, etc. Neverwinter also isn't any more buggy than I think is normal as far as your average gameplay bugs, glitches, and broken stuff.
However, the class imbalance, trivial endgame, lack of content, and a multitude of colossal, game-breaking exploits, have overall led this to be the worst launch I have experienced by a long shot.
Maybe it's not just that the game had a bad launch, but that it's just a flop in general. It hardly takes 2 weeks of playing to realize that this game is a huge joke and not to be taken seriously.
When talking about trivial end game content at launch, you should really mention games like SWTOR, WAR, TERA, and several others. Trivial end game content isn't exactly exclusive to this launch. WoWs end game content at launch wasn't exactly alot to rejoice about (atleast for todays standards), not mentioning the fact that the very same end game content wasn't available for the majority of the players.
I agree that this launch has it's issues, but I do not agree that it's the worst launch in the history of MMOs. All in all, I'm enjoying the game, which to me is the most important thing. I'm not looking to be playing this game with the goal of being in a top tier guild as I'm done with hard core raiding. I'm playing it casually for enjoyment, which I am getting atm.
fuzzywyzzyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
This is the worst for the simple reason of it being a cash shop game, brb investing real life currency into game items that have been devalued due to exploits since day 1 of open beta and no wipes means that for people who didn't know about the exploits and invested in the game they get the too bad you lose response when asking for refunds.
Lotro I disagree the launch war fairly stable in my opinion didnt have any issues
I agree. LoTRo had one of the better/stable launchs if u ask me. Closed beta was even pretty stable/playable minus a few minor quest bugs but what MMO doesn't have those.
lollieMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
All that's left now is a massive crater and the ashes of what this game could've been had it not been subjected to the delightful combination of Cryptic's coding horrors and PWE's greed.
It is under BETA testing ( yes, even though open Beta), and is being compared to other games that have been RELEASED, that speaks volumes about the game's qualities, as so many people are enraged at ONE single exploit and server outage.
Other than this exploit it runs and plays just as smooth as many other fully launched games. So please, do not let this exploit and rollback make you stop playing. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE.
I agree. LoTRo had one of the better/stable launchs if u ask me. Closed beta was even pretty stable/playable minus a few minor quest bugs but what MMO doesn't have those.
Problem with LoTRo, much like this game is it was a WoW clone... while the launch was smooth I quickly said to myself after a month why should I play this game when its just WoW with a new name....
This game is not D&D its very much like WoW the zones are too small, you dont even walk from zone to zone you instance in.... hooray...
And the lack of PvP....
The biggest thing NW has going for it is the foundry without it I would even bother playing this game!
Foundry Name: "The Search for the Epic Blade" (@Sulfurblade)
Foundry Map: From Scratch "Sulfur's Resting Place"
Type: Quest, Story, Open World 1 player
Current State: Version 1.0 Try it with code below.
I've seen worse. Let me think... UO... no, actually, it was better. Umm... AO, yeah that one was terribad. Still not as bad as this one. Aion? Nope. Terra? Nope. Eve? Naaah... not even close. So many games, so many launches and you know what? Devs actually learned from their mistakes and most launches were better than the previous ones, but then came Cryptards and thought they could actually do a wipless-live-open-beta-without-lube and survive it. I just hope someone learns from their mistakes. For now wave your hand, Crypties, cuz my money is going bye bye.
I've seen worse. Let me think... UO... no, actually, it was better. Umm... AO, yeah that one was terribad. Still not as bad as this one. Aion? Nope. Terra? Nope. Eve? Naaah... not even close. So many games, so many launches and you know what? Devs actually learned from their mistakes and most launches were better than the previous ones, but then came Cryptards and thought they could actually do a wipless-live-open-beta-without-lube and survive it. I just hope someone learns from their mistakes. For now wave your hand, Crypties, cuz my money is going bye bye.
Make sure you don't come back kalantard.
The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
And we all see where that ended up...
I'm actually impressed with what they are offering in this game. I bought Defiance and I would pay 60.00 for Neverwinter before I will ever buy that game again. I know that this really isn't a "beta" in the true sense, but for a free game it really is pretty good.
Age of Conan was a nightmare, they haven't touched it after first quest hub...
Got randomly teleported all around when i tried to charge something with my guardian
Neverwinter only got small amount of bugs and exploits.PWE is just too slow to take some real action against those.
Infact, I'm glad with frequent maintenances, it means they're working towards fixing stuff.
Only issue is, their management is irritable; instead of throwing one large fix they put many minor fixes, slowly increasing the load time in between each field since the patches are "too small" to make a big enough patch for them to force pre-update.
I was, and this is MUCH worse. In fact this is worse than UO's beta where we managed to kill British.
Plenty of games have had worse, far worse, server performance, disconnects, lags, downtimes, crashes, etc. Neverwinter also isn't any more buggy than I think is normal as far as your average gameplay bugs, glitches, and broken stuff.
However, the class imbalance, trivial endgame, lack of content, and a multitude of colossal, game-breaking exploits, have overall led this to be the worst launch I have experienced by a long shot.
Maybe it's not just that the game had a bad launch, but that it's just a flop in general. It hardly takes 2 weeks of playing to realize that this game is a huge joke and not to be taken seriously.
and at Yult. The game isn't really a huge joke. Cryptic has NEVER done a Fantasy MMORPG. only Sci-fi mmos. (Champions, city of heroes, star trek online) give them a chance. This is already one of their best games they've made. And it is still in beta. screw what perfect world says. Cryptic is the developer. Perfect world is the publisher. If Cryptic says it's in open beta. It's in open beta. It is not in the final build state. Cryptic is known for their micro patches that fix absolutely nothing. It's the major updates you need to look forward to. Just wait for module 1. and wait for the game to actually go live, before completely judging what we are seeing.
Shard: Beholder
Characters: Ishami (GWF level 60, geared for pvp) waiting for the Ranger class to be added
Neverwinter FTW
Doesn't matter how bad the launch....
Doesn't matter how buggy the content is...
Doesn't matter how bad the balance is...
You know why?
Because this team are constantly updating us. Giving us info. and the downtime is examples of them fixing bugs.
It's understandable you are upset that for a few hours you are forced to not be able to play.
But it's ok
(p.s if you really didn't like this game you wouldn't bother to post anything in the forums)
As for worse launch?
Lol maybe you should have played wow at launch (oh yes, the mighty of mighty games)
Or in the case for most, couldn't play wow for quite a long time as servers were off line.
Oh and to those who think for downtime with updates etc on this game is terrible and nothing like it, you really haven't been playing games at launch for long have you.
Back to my first statement, the word beta was used for the most part the naive
Such a **** good series...
Going to have to disagree with you there. It's a wonder that my friends and I kept playing WoW during that time. It was a constant headache.
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
WoW I agree its up at the top
DaoC I agree
Lotro I disagree the launch war fairly stable in my opinion didnt have any issues
Aion? Why would anyone play that!
Warhammer didnt have a great launch but I wouldnt put it on the top 5 list!
****But this isnt a launch the game is still in Beta****
You missed Anarchy Online
and another Cryptic game STO
Foundry Map: From Scratch "Sulfur's Resting Place"
Type: Quest, Story, Open World 1 player
Current State: Version 1.0 Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DHN3BHYOT
When talking about trivial end game content at launch, you should really mention games like SWTOR, WAR, TERA, and several others. Trivial end game content isn't exactly exclusive to this launch. WoWs end game content at launch wasn't exactly alot to rejoice about (atleast for todays standards), not mentioning the fact that the very same end game content wasn't available for the majority of the players.
I agree that this launch has it's issues, but I do not agree that it's the worst launch in the history of MMOs. All in all, I'm enjoying the game, which to me is the most important thing. I'm not looking to be playing this game with the goal of being in a top tier guild as I'm done with hard core raiding. I'm playing it casually for enjoyment, which I am getting atm.
AO was far and away one of the worst launches in history, thanks for the disturbing feeling of disappointing nostalgia lol.
I agree. LoTRo had one of the better/stable launchs if u ask me. Closed beta was even pretty stable/playable minus a few minor quest bugs but what MMO doesn't have those.
All that's left now is a massive crater and the ashes of what this game could've been had it not been subjected to the delightful combination of Cryptic's coding horrors and PWE's greed.
It is a BETA.
It is under BETA testing ( yes, even though open Beta), and is being compared to other games that have been RELEASED, that speaks volumes about the game's qualities, as so many people are enraged at ONE single exploit and server outage.
Other than this exploit it runs and plays just as smooth as many other fully launched games. So please, do not let this exploit and rollback make you stop playing. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE.
Problem with LoTRo, much like this game is it was a WoW clone... while the launch was smooth I quickly said to myself after a month why should I play this game when its just WoW with a new name....
This game is not D&D its very much like WoW the zones are too small, you dont even walk from zone to zone you instance in.... hooray...
And the lack of PvP....
The biggest thing NW has going for it is the foundry without it I would even bother playing this game!
Foundry Map: From Scratch "Sulfur's Resting Place"
Type: Quest, Story, Open World 1 player
Current State: Version 1.0 Try it with code below.
Short Code: NW-DHN3BHYOT
Shut the flying **** up you hormonal teenagers. Honestly you guys need to stop trying to be so negative all the time.
if the game WAS THAT BAD, you wouldn't be posting anymore AND you wouldn't of bothered to NO LIFE IT to 60 with all the end game content.
Make sure you don't come back kalantard.