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The Beta Anxiety Thread!



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    surf13surf13 Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    21,214! I lulz!
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    xxxrahyuhtxxxxxxrahyuhtxxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Cant wait!
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    alfrunaalfruna Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have to say that I am rather impressed with the low number of people dropping onto the forums just to beg for a beta key. I think Rift was averaging about one an hour before Beta was even announced. It was quite surreal having to wade through beggar posts looking for actual info about the game or conversations relevant to it.
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    dungeonflydungeonfly Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I cant wait!
    Where is my mail :)
    My crew is ready to start the grind.

    RoLLiN TWeNTieS
    Dungeonfly of ☣RoLLiN TWeNTieS☣

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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    dungeonfly wrote: »
    My crew is ready to start the grind.

    As any key that is required for is closed beta, and considering characters will be wiped before open beta - the grind in closed beta will be completely pointless.

    And for open beta, a key won't be required anywayz.
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    dungeonflydungeonfly Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Thank you
    Good to know.

    RoLLiN TWeNTieS
    Dungeonfly of ☣RoLLiN TWeNTieS☣

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    jadescimitarjadescimitar Member Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    As any key that is required for is closed beta, and considering characters will be wiped before open beta - the grind in closed beta will be completely pointless.

    And for open beta, a key won't be required anywayz.

    My goal for CBT is to make a green haired char, explore Neverwinter and continue to make bad jokes until I get someone to admit to me I am responsible for a bonafide spit-take...

    Then get wiped and play the game for real... Killing things, getting phat loot and telling more bad jokes and making wise-cracks until my spouse takes my computer priviledges away...


    This city promises death for the meek, glory for the bold, danger for all, and riches for Jade!
    Elven Trickster Rogue: Two-bladed elf, tons of stabby stabby and that sort of thing...
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    tinyishtinyish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    As any key that is required for is closed beta, and considering characters will be wiped before open beta - the grind in closed beta will be completely pointless.

    Wait... you're going to be able to actually PLAY this game?! And here I was just thinking about creating adventures this whole time.

    They'd have to be insane to wipe anything made with the foundry during the beta. They should take anything they can get that would add to the amount of content in the game at launch and might show off how searching and rating works for User Genreated Content.

    I don't have a beta key yet though. I suppose I'll have to win a contest or something.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tinyish wrote: »
    Wait... you're going to be able to actually PLAY this game?! And here I was just thinking about creating adventures this whole time.

    They'd have to be insane to wipe anything made with the foundry during the beta.

    I am not sure I understand but foundry beta will be completely separate from other beta, if that is what you are referencing.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tinyish wrote: »
    Wait... you're going to be able to actually PLAY this game?! And here I was just thinking about creating adventures this whole time.

    They'd have to be insane to wipe anything made with the foundry during the beta. They should take anything they can get that would add to the amount of content in the game at launch and might show off how searching and rating works for User Genreated Content.

    I don't have a beta key yet though. I suppose I'll have to win a contest or something.
    gillrmn wrote: »
    I am not sure I understand but foundry beta will be completely separate from other beta, if that is what you are referencing.

    Yes it is, and unlike character info, Foundry info should not be wiped.
    Will it be possible to get hold of the Foundry and start working on projects before the game's official release? If so, will my missions be "wiped" on official Release?

    The chances for working on the Foundry will be the same for any chances of getting into a beta stage, but other people focusing on the Foundry or "authoring" will be considered for this component of the game and separate beta stages will be done for Foundry testing as well. Like the Beta question in section I, some people may be asked to participate outside of Public Beta, but no more information can be mentioned here.

    Updated 9/05/2012: At the time of this FAQ's last update, content created will stay post launch (but remember, testing could wipe content before final launch.)

    To quote Mapolis:

    Originally Posted by rujind
    5.) Will it be possible to get ahold of the Foundry and start working on our projects before release?
    Originally Posted by rujind
    6.) Will the Foundry be available in beta and will published content carry over to release?

    We intend to have a long, multi-stage beta process that will test many aspects of the game. Cryptic has always valued player input, and PWE has given us the time and resources to execute the beta cycle we've always wanted to do. I should also note that the Foundry will have a similar, but somewhat separate beta cycle.

    It's certainly not going to be a last-minute marketing-only beta.

    Why I have a stickied FAQ folks. Riiiight below this thread here :p
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    valas625valas625 Member Posts: 195 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2012
    But, Truth! If we didn't ask repetitive questions, how would we survive? X-D Cheers to Truth, for never being mean about answering the same question over and over. And over. And over. And over........
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    valas625 wrote: »
    But, Truth! If we didn't ask repetitive questions, how would we survive? X-D Cheers to Truth, for never being mean about answering the same question over and over. And over. And over. And over........

    Well, one would say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

    But that's OK since I'm already nuts, right Mr. DoDohead (my purple invisible Dodo of course?)
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    elfringselfrings Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I had heard some time ago that CO & STO lifetime subscribers would have closed beta access. I've had a lifetime subscription to CO since the first offering during beta. Why have I still not received a key? Was I overlooked??

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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    elfrings wrote: »
    I had heard some time ago that CO & STO lifetime subscribers would have closed beta access. I've had a lifetime subscription to CO since the first offering during beta. Why have I still not received a key? Was I overlooked??

    As a Lifetime Subscriber to either STO or CO, you will be phased into the Closed Beta Test for Neverwinter. When your account is selected to participate, you will receive your key in your email inbox at the address associated with that game account. Make sure to add *@perfectworld.com to your email's white-list to ensure it doesn't get flagged as spam.

    However, since CBT has not yet started, no keys have yet been sent out for the Lifetime Members. The only keys that have been handed out so far are keys from the Conventions that people physically got there as well as the keys from the Torchlight 2 promotion that ended not too long ago. The reason T2 Pre-Order folks got theirs already is because they shipped with the T2 Game Keys themselves.

    Even for those of us with CBT keys, we can do nothing more with them but add them to our account for, as I said, CBT has not started yet.
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    elfringselfrings Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Oh. I thought I'd heard a month or two ago that they'd started. I guess I must've misread. It probably said they're getting closer. *shrugs*

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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    elfrings wrote: »
    I had heard some time ago that CO & STO lifetime subscribers would have closed beta access. I've had a lifetime subscription to CO since the first offering during beta. Why have I still not received a key? Was I overlooked??
    elfrings wrote: »
    Oh. I thought I'd heard a month or two ago that they'd started. I guess I must've misread. It probably said they're getting closer. *shrugs*

    What's that Mr. DoDohead? My FAQ? Okay!
    Is Neverwinter Online Out yet?

    Update: 8/21/2012: No, the game is scheduled to be released sometime in early 2013. Open Beta may start as early as the beginning of Fall 2012 or December 2012, but no date has been comfirmed at the time. Please be advised this early date was from a PR Newswire press release article and the later date mentioned once as a possibility by Cryptic's COO. The delay to early 2013 was done for further polishing and including PVP at launch rather than delay features until 2013 after launch in 2012. More information can be read via a docx form on the following Neverwinter Fact Sheet released August 15, 2012. If any registered Beta Key users are able to download anything, this is no indication the game servers are loading users or the beta is even starting yet. Keep checking the Official FAQ for more official information on the game's release, and see the Beta questions below!

    How do I (and how did others) get/will get Beta Key Access?

    Those who already received Closed Beta keys for their completing the demo at PAX East/E3 or other conventions as well as those who have gotten or will get future keys from signing up and pre-ordering Torchlight 2, RaiderZ, or lifetime subscription holders for Star Trek Online, Champions Online and other potential lifetime membership options offered by Cryptic and/or PWE (check with your community moderator for details) have received or will receive invitations to a Closed Beta stage, but an actual specific Beta start date is not guaranteed and may vary for different users.

    Even when beta starts, an entered key does not guarantee immediate access and your stages may vary (even if two people got the exact same key from the exact same location.) Finally, just because one promotion sends out keys does not mean the other promotions will also be sending out keys. Again, see above for "your stages may vary."

    Sometimes, a select few could be invited to stages outside the normal public testing, but such information is highly restricted.

    (Note: This answer will be updated as we receive new information.)

    Can you explain that last part?

    No. The only people who know details have signed Non Disclosure Agreements and cannot share their information here with me or you.

    Are these the only ways i can get into Open/Closed Beta?

    No. As per Stormshade's Archived Reply, there will be other ways to get into Beta, and the pre-order/lifetime memberships is/was just a thank you for those who continued supporting Perfect World Entertainment's Torchlight/RaiderZ Series or Cryptic/PWE's lifetime membership purchases. Just registering for this Neveriwnter site will give you a chance to receive a beta key if you participate!

    (Note: This answer will be updated as we receive new information.)

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    thunderspankerthunderspanker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 713 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2012
    i need a beta key to support my dying grandfather's operation he needs and stuff...
    Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
    Click Here

    On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
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    edivonedivon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Guest wrote:
    Posting Cheats, Hacks, Trojan Horses, or Malicious Programs
    You may not create posts and/or private messages that allude to, contain language, comments, references, links, symbols, terms and/or imagery about and/or promote and/or otherwise support, in any manner whether directly or indirectly, cheats, hacks, cracks and/or malicious viruses/programs (e.g., keyloggers, Trojan horses, websites or files that take control of another person's computer, etc.).

    are cheats=bugs?
    and if so, how are we supposed to report bugs if we can't even post indirect references to them?
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    adaram648adaram648 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 366 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2012
    i need a beta key to support my dying grandfather's operation he needs and stuff...

    LOL ... well ... sorry about your grandfather ;)
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i need a beta key to support my dying grandfather's operation he needs and stuff...

    Hands thunderspanker link access to RaiderZ

    This should help pay for that operation!

    Oh you meant here? Sorry not out yet :p
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    thunderspankerthunderspanker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 713 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2012
    lol. well grandpa is postponing any medical difficulties, then. :)
    Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
    Click Here

    On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    edivon wrote: »
    are cheats=bugs?
    and if so, how are we supposed to report bugs if we can't even post indirect references to them?

    Not all bugs are Cheats. If said bug causes unfair advantage and is able to be used maliciously, then it is a Hack or Cheat. If it is a harmless bug, like "When I talk to 'Bob the NPC' the game crashes" or "This NPC's text has many misspellings" or "This monster spawns inside a tree!" - then those can be handled in a Bug Reporting Forum for such or by the methods below.

    Now, if it is something like "If a player equips weapon X and then equips weapon B, they get 10 free levels" that is a "bug" that shouldn't be posted how to reproduce.

    You can report such by using either a "Bug Report" feature or by clicking "Support" up top, in the top menu bar, and filing a Support Ticket, which can also be done by Email at customerservice@perfectworld.com

    If ever one is in doubt on whether something is acceptable for the forums, feel free to PM a Moderator or ask Support prior.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I don't really think finding cheat is a problem as long as you are not exploiting it.

    If you exploit it, you are then leaving the fate of your account in hands of GM - he may take a decision based on his judgement and guidelines and you will have to accept it even if unfair.

    If you are not exploiting the cheat, you are just reporting it - you are not violating any EULA but in fact helping the game by reporting an issue.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    edivon wrote: »
    are cheats=bugs?
    and if so, how are we supposed to report bugs if we can't even post indirect references to them?

    Just to share my little rule about bug abuse/cheating...
    If it's too good to be true, it is.

    And for future reference there isn't a single game out there which wants bugs posted on their forums.
    (a slight exageration because there may be a few but there's next to none)

    Games always have an official spot where bugs can be reported and not read by anybody except developers. When I developed games I'd rather not get told about a bug than have somebody post about it on the forums because the main result is making more people aware of and abuse the bug.
    So when you play any game please, please, please, please, pleeeeeaaaaase do not post bugs on the game forums.

    Not just here, anywhere. ;-)

    EDIT - If you find a bug and don't use it for your own gain then you're fine. Bugs will always exist no matter how much developer's try to sift them out and it does them a great favor to report the bugs to them.
    It is only cheating/bug abusing when you continue to use the bug for your own gain, even if you report it.
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    iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    zebular wrote: »
    Not all bugs are Cheats. If said bug causes unfair advantage and is able to be used maliciously, then it is a Hack or Cheat. If it is a harmless bug, like "When I talk to 'Bob the NPC' the game crashes" or "This NPC's text has many misspellings" or "This monster spawns inside a tree!" - then those can be handled in a Bug Reporting Forum for such or by the methods below.

    Now, if it is something like "If a player equips weapon X and then equips weapon B, they get 10 free levels" that is a "bug" that shouldn't be posted how to reproduce.

    You can report such by using either a "Bug Report" feature or by clicking "Support" up top, in the top menu bar, and filing a Support Ticket, which can also be done by Email at customerservice@perfectworld.com

    If ever one is in doubt on whether something is acceptable for the forums, feel free to PM a Moderator or ask Support prior.

    Also Beta forums will have their own threads for reporting bugs/cheats. I know they will make separate ones for both the regular game and the Foundry creation problems.
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    slypdiskslypdisk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    gillrmn wrote: »
    I don't really think finding cheat is a problem as long as you are not exploiting it.

    If you exploit it, you are then leaving the fate of your account in hands of GM - he may take a decision based on his judgement and guidelines and you will have to accept it even if unfair.

    If you are not exploiting the cheat, you are just reporting it - you are not violating any EULA but in fact helping the game by reporting an issue.

    I agree with this, I always used to revel in finding new bugs on Persistent Server Vault Modules in NwN, not to exploit them, but just because it's an interesting thought experiment. That being said I knew things about their modules the developers didn't and no matter how good their filters were you could always subvert them. Needless to say if you find a bug/glitch/exploit you should always report it, makes the game more fun for everyone.

    Like it's already been said if it sounds too good to be true it probs is, item duping, gold and xp hacks are pretty much a thing of the past in MMO's, they have detection systems for third party plugins, servers are monitored carefully, best not to mess about really.
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    gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Aren't we going off-topic? we are supposed to vent about beta b:chuckle

    However, what do you prefer? A less buggy closed beta or a quick bugged closed beta?
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    The topic in this thread does not really matter, consider this a safe haven for off-topic and off-the wall things for now. Some people's venting may just consist of idle-chatter. We aim to aid in whatever civil venting needs done here. ;-)
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    billketcbillketc Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i just purchased torchlight 2 and no beta key to neverwinter online mmorpg beta :( please hurry up and send me a beta invite please
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    billketcbillketc Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i just bought the bloody torchlight 2 game still no neverwinter online mmorpg beta key this is making me very sad and want to close my forum account :(
This discussion has been closed.