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Tired of Guild Shopping? Join [Grievance] !

steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User

Ever buy a game (or download a free 2 play mmo) and sit there waiting to choose a server, hoping you choose a good one with good people that are helpful and not just jerks that flame you when u ask a question. Ever hate joining a guild that you know no one? Ever hop from guild to guild trying to find one that suits you and your play style? Have you ever quit a game that you liked but could never get help from guildies or even find a guild that you liked? Well I am here to tell you there is an answer. Grievance is an online gaming community that spans many games.


Grievance can be found playing in the following games:

Official Grievance Guilds
ArcheAge - Salphira (West)
Elder Scrolls Online (Aldmeri)
EverQuest II - Permafrost Server
EverQuest Next (available at Launch)
Final Fantasy XIV - Midgardsormr Server
H1Z1 (PvE - Server announced at launch)
Neverwinter - Dragon Server
Rift - Wolfsbane Server
Skyforge (Full Guild at launch)
Star Citizen (Squadron available at launch)
SWTOR (Empire: The Shadowlands) (Republic: Jedi Covenant) - PvE Servers
The Repopulation (Full Guild at launch)
World of Warcraft (Alliance: Proudmoore) (Horde: Thrall)

Embassies (Smaller Grievance Guilds)
Aion - Siel Server
EVE Online
Guild Wars 2 - Devona's Rest Server
Tera - Tempest Reach Server
Wildstar (Exiles)

Team Grievance (Grievance FPS/Shooter/PvP Clans)
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline (Clan available at launch)
Overwatch (Clan available at launch)
The Division (Clan available at launch)
World of Tanks

Heroes of the Storm (Coming Soon)6
League of Legends

Mobile Games
Clash of Clans
Galaxies at War
Star Wars Commander

(many other smaller and Independent MMOs)

Grievance is a family-oriented online gaming community. We have a very rich and honorable heritage that spans many games over many years, during which Grievance has proven that one can have a very rewarding gaming experience, yet have a life as well. The concepts of family, honor, and loyalty are hallmarks of Grievance and are expected to be upheld and respected by all members.

Grievance is an adult gaming community, 18+ only. We have many long term members. This is no start up guild. We were formed in October 15th, of the year 2000. We were not always known as Grievance, but the membership has been strong and growing! We are one of the few trademarked Guilds in all gaming communities. We are comprised of singles, married couples, retired people, military members, college students and people located through out the US.

When you join Grievance you join a family. This family spans many games and even on opposite sides of the same game. Grievance is always a strong presence in games they are in. Grievance even has a real life get together, like a family reunion. We have this every year. We have a strong management support for each game, not same leaders in every game at one time.

We at Grievance are always looking to expand as anyone would expect. The larger the Grievance community the better it is. Wouldn't it be nice to start a game at launch and have a lot of Grievance members log in with you on the same server and same side? Imagine the friendships you will make with such a strong gaming community.

If Grievance seems like a place for you, please feel free to visit our forums, they are free to register and browse. Come see what games we are in and the servers we reside on. There is always an officer of a certain game or a council member willing to answer any questions. We hope you will come take a look and introduce yourself in the Forum Registration / Applications Forum. Let us know a bit about yourself and what games you are interested or currently playing in. Hope to see you there.

Thank you for your time,
Nionya [Director of Community Outreach Group] Grievance Global Gaming
visit us at http://www.grievancegaming.org
Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
Post edited by steelheartx on


  • amazingprotonamazingproton Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    First off.. love your Forum name.... Steelheart was and still is a very great metal band.

    Secondly, I found it humorous that this website will not let you use WoW's full name... as you can see its letters are blanked out!

    Talk about Brand Rivalry!

    Anyway... I am glad you guys are a very dedicated guild spanning multiple games... though the name Grievance makes me grit my teeth as I have had very bad experiences in all MMOs based around that word's Meaning.

    Everyday, there are trolls, flamers, sarcastic people all over the MMO worlds... they cause grief, forcing me to file Grievances to try to alleviate some of it... to my surprise this does not work, as a Hydra forms 2 more heads after you cut off one.

    I'm pretty sure your guild has the best "Guild Service Rating" and are extremely helpful/friendly... It's just trying to live day to day with that name stamped under mine which bothers me.

    I do hope you are extremely successful in your future endeavors, and gain many new guild members, some old ones, and some who may even be close friends.

    I just wanted to let you know that a name such as Grievance may also have a similar effect to many other potential members.

    I'm not trolling, just handing out some friendly advice...

    These are my 2 copper, you may take them or leave them, they're just copper pieces.
    My Characters: Rainbow , Hollie Daye, Heatwave
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I appreciate your input, and appreciate your honesty :)

    Grievance has been around almost 12yrs now and our name is steeped in rich history throughout the gaming world. The average age of the gamers in our community ranges right around 35 years of age, and many members have been with us for a very very long time with absolutely no reservations about the name that was chosen so long ago.

    To be a member of Grievance is to become part of a helpful community where members can stay for the rest of their lives if they should desire.

    As many of you can attest (since many of you are indeed searching for a guild in this forum), finding a great community that you can stay involved with for multiple years is way harder than it sounds :( In Grievance it's not about the games, it's about the people who play them :)
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • surf13surf13 Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    So how's it family-oriented if it carries an 18+ rule? The kind of guild I'm looking for will be happy to have my casual associates (inc wife and 14yo child) and friends (several of who are MMO addicts) join with me.

    Are you a "no drama" guild? Got any rules about "alignment" or any such nonsense?
  • katalystikkatalystik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I've been with Grievance for almost 2 years now. Started with Rift and have enjoyed every minute and game with them.

    The 18+ rule applies to solo people. Such as a single 15 year old cannot apply. But if their parents are part of Grievance, they are more than welcome to join and be apart of the community. We have rules in place for certain areas of Ventrilo that children are not allowed and places they are. So if you join, they are kind of grandfathered in and its up to you how they participate within the organization. :)

    Definitely a no drama guild. Drama starts and it'll be stifled pretty quick from what I've witnessed.

    Not sure what you're referring to with alignment, but if its the DnD sense of the word, then no. Nothing like that. :D
  • surf13surf13 Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    ...is the correct answer regarding minors.

    ...is the correct answer regarding drama.

    And yes I mean alignment in the D&D sense :D On one of the threads we are discussing the nature of evil. I have a character concept related to that I want to explore in the game. At least one established guild isn't interested in that.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Nice to see a veteran and mature guild branch into this game area also. A big welcome to you steelheartx/Bellyphat and to Grievance members here!
  • memo6000memo6000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 75
    edited September 2012
    Started with Grievance in Rift. Then came Star Wars next. Playing The Secret World with Grievance currently. I am hoping to be in Beta soon for Neverwinter with them! Great guild full of great people! - Memo
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Great to see you fine folks in Neverwinter.

    When you have time Steelheartx, please feel free to sign up Grievance in the Directory of the Founders Guilds of Neverwinter:


    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
  • memo6000memo6000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 75
    edited September 2012
    surf13 wrote: »
    ...is the correct answer regarding minors.

    ...is the correct answer regarding drama.

    And yes I mean alignment in the D&D sense :D On one of the threads we are discussing the nature of evil. I have a character concept related to that I want to explore in the game. At least one established guild isn't interested in that.

    Nice to see a thread with constructive debate! Very enjoyable read and thanks for the link.

    Nice input from iamtruthseeker as well!
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Great to see you fine folks in Neverwinter.

    When you have time Steelheartx, please feel free to sign up Grievance in the Directory of the Founders Guilds of Neverwinter:


    Done! Thank you :)
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • jadescimitarjadescimitar Member Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Sounds like a cool guild.

    will have to check you guys out...
    This city promises death for the meek, glory for the bold, danger for all, and riches for Jade!
    Elven Trickster Rogue: Two-bladed elf, tons of stabby stabby and that sort of thing...
    | R. A. Salvatore | My Minions | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Elven Translator |
  • aeroth001aeroth001 Member Posts: 420 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    I'm gonna make a bad joke so the light-hearted stop reading.

    This guild should have an interdiction on greek players !!!
  • memo6000memo6000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 75
    edited September 2012
    aeroth001 wrote: »
    I'm gonna make a bad joke so the light-hearted stop reading.

    This guild should have an interdiction on greek players !!!

    I'll give you credit for word play, but that was a stinker... lol

    We actually have a few Greeks in the guild as a matter of fact.
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com
  • aeroth001aeroth001 Member Posts: 420 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2012
    I said it was a bad joke.

    Don't worry greeks all EU is in **** not only you :)))
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Please welcome Jadescimitar to our family!
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • frotoolfrotool Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I will be playing this game under the Grievance Guild tag. I have played SWTOR, Diablo 3, and Secret World with them. They are a great guild to play with always someone on to play with or help if you are stuck. My Grievence name is Doceck.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    memo6000 wrote: »
    Nice to see a thread with constructive debate! Very enjoyable read and thanks for the link.

    Nice input from iamtruthseeker as well!
    *blush* thank you!

    aeroth001 wrote: »
    I'm gonna make a bad joke so the light-hearted stop reading.

    This guild should have an interdiction on greek players !!!

    Must...resist...*groans from the punitication of the wordplay*
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Must...resist...*groans from the punitication of the wordplay*

    ROFL! ..... Too funny :)
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • grimwulfgrimwulf Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Met these guys in Rift while waiting for SWTOR to release and have been MMO hopping ever since. Love them,great atmosphere to hang with no matter what your game of choice is or isntb:pleased
  • smallville77smallville77 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012

  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Grievance! b:victory


    Nice Signature!
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • tuukkasalonentuukkasalonen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Very nice signature.
    Also, that description sounds pretty much like what happens to me in every MMO but...
    Underaged is the way to go!
    I am inactive and I know it
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Please welcome Slambit to our family!
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    We're really putting together an awesome team of players together in preparation of Neverwinter. Come check us out and be part of an exciting community !
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited October 2012
    This is a section of the forum I rarely check. I'm not really into guilds myself.

    However I must admit I was caught by your name, I find it hysterical and I am sure it's meant to be ironic more than anything!
    Like others have said it's great to see such a veteran and diverse guild to join the forums and I can't wait to see you guys in the game. It looks like you guys will bring a lot to the Neverwinter Community and I can't wait to what you guys do after the game is released.

    And despite some comments on the name...I find it eye catching. No guild with a lot of grievances would name themselves grievance so I think it's the most unique and attractive part of this guild.
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hey thx :) We've been around for quite sometime and are really looking forward to getting our feet wet in Neverwinter :) Lol...think we've got a whole platoon chomping at the bit to get into the Foundry and start cranking out some content as well ;)

    Cya all there soon!
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Please welcome Phatrock and Hexacles to our family!
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Please welcome Philipmat, Heddle, & Tighearnan to our family!
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
  • wittler10wittler10 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Are you planning, or is anyone in your guild interested in, static groups at release?
  • steelheartxsteelheartx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    wittler10 wrote: »
    Are you planning, or is anyone in your guild interested in, static groups at release?

    Grievance has always had a rich tradition of helping and teaching other players throughout their MMO experience. This tends to lead to many members grouping with each other at various times. As far as a single group that exclusively plays together (and with no others), we're not that type of Guild.
    Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
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